+ STUDENT BODY : counselling





because bad boys need to be punished



lulu 10 years ago
@kai "Thank God." Is the response once the taller refuses to listen to his little stories, for Luhan wasn't really the one to talk to a stranger about his life-- actually, he wasn't the one to start a conversation either. Unless we're talking about flirting. That's a completely another case. "More counselling," The young student repeats, resisting the urge to roll his eyes though he lets an amused smile to decorate his lips, before they part to finish the sentence. "Maybe in your dreams." He doesn't hesitate even for a second to hold the eye contact with the boy, not feeling intidimidated nor shy, though his gaze flickers for the shortest of moments at the name tag the taller has pinned on his shirt, lips parting with the unfamiliar name. "Jongin, hm?" The name rolls off his tongue smoothly, and once the latter leans forward, Luhan purposely leans back, crossing his arms over his chest as he quirks a questioning eyebrow at him, smiling slyly. Pretty little thing? How sweet. "Wow, you at compliments." Luhan responds, lower lip caught between his teeth as he tries to hold in his laughter.

However, Luhan's reflexes betray him and he isn't quick enough to pull his wrist away from Jongin and his eyes widen slightly, lips parting with a low hiss a moment later once his back makes a not so gentle contact with the cold surface of the wooden desk, surprise crossing his feminime features. Gaze hardening as he looks up to the taller male, he clicks his tongue. "Ouch." Luhan adds rather bluntly in response to the man's harsh treatment, but the hint of heavy sarcasm is more than evident in the tone of his voice. "I don't take orders as well," Trying to snatch his wrists away, the grip Jongin has on Luhan's wrists is too firm, not allowing him to move his hands around much. He moistens his lips, the corner of his mouth tugging into a cocky smirk. "You don't even know what you're getting yourself into, flower boy." It might be just a few seconds till Luhan starts to play on the strings of Jongin's nerves the melody he's widely known among for; Annoyance.

He exhales calmly once a thigh is pressed onto his crotch, still feeling quite comfortable-- even when a stranger is practically having his own way with him at the moment. Not that he cares, because the chances of him winning this little game, are high, and he believes that he'll be the one with the higher rank if he stays patient just for a little longer. "And do you know what I do? I don't believe anyone's blabbers because words and actions are quite different, big boy." He emphasizes the last two words in response to the male calling him a little one, "In short, you won't get me going- you might as well forget even trying. The biggest achievement you can do is having me enjoy this... how did you call it- a punishment?" He gives a soft, amused laugh. "Don't with me, Kim Jongin."

And the question hangs in the air again; what does the word 'respect' mean?

Pink lips form a thin line as a moan threatens to snake its way out of his mouth, though they part to let out a breathless chuckle, in attempt to rile the male up, "Really? But you're quite entertaining at the moment. " He dares to shift a little so he could step on Jongin's foot oh so accidentally, even though he doesn't weight much, long eyelashes fluttering shut as he closes his eyes, to claim his innocence for the little accident. "2 hours... Let's see what you got, sweetheart." The nicknames Luhan is giving Jongin at the end of a sentence now and then are meant to mock him; pink tongue darting out to moisten his lips again, Luhan soon pulls at his wrists again, attempting to free himself from the male's grip- even though each and every attempt is fruitless. "You aren't playing fair at all, you know?"
daddy kai 10 years ago
@lulu Summer. The entire world is too hot. Jongin had thought his office is peaceful, with all the little birdies and breezy wind blowing pass his windows. The weather matters little to him; but not right now. Not when he has his veins popping and a somewhat irritated smile plastered on his face. Is Luhan actually doing pranks on him or is he actually telling him the truth? Either way, Jongin is nowhere near interested to know. It is the same pretty face that's appearing before him, the face pink lips and the same pretty eyes sparkling. Pretty. He knew he always has the hots for the little guy. Finally snapping out from his reverie, the taller of the two makes a noncommittal noise, not really responding. "Sometimes kiddo," is the guy younger than him? Once again, Jongin is never interested as he knows Luhan is younger than him. It's natural instinct. "Honest doesn't mean good. Though what you probably stated about the teacher is true..." The lifts up the paper the smaller man had handed to him before, reading thoroughly the messy handwriting and chuckle. The teacher is his blacklists's all time favorite person, and in this case; he knows Luhan is not at fault.

"Not interested." he blurts out to cut off the boy's blabber, frowning in distaste at the long tale that comes out from the boy's lips. He knows Luhan is a talker, but never was a mean one. And yes again, Jongin is never the type to listen, nor read. The heat that Jongin has been complaining about is another issue altogether. With the school uniform that Luhan is wearing, it is beyond Jongin how he is feeling any of it. The taller pulls his eyes away from Luhan's legs, trying to focus on something else. Anything else. "I think you need more than counselling-" It becomes a surprise for him when he's greeted with Luhan's face so close to him, the faint breath of mint and fresh mixed breakfast lingers around in his mind. Cute. Luhan has big, brown eyes and long lashes that could hold up more boys than his fingers, and a cocky attitude that Jongin oddly finds arousing. He smirks at that. "I don't think I'd ever want a pretty little thing like you to leave," the taller straightens his back and leans forward, closer and closer on Luhan's lips as if they were to touch.

"But I don't take orders," Jongin pulls away from the shorter boy and grabs his wrist tightly, shoving him on his desks and ignoring the shattered China on the ground. Papers scatters around and he presses the boy coldly on the table, heavy and rough. For a fraction of a second, Jongin wondered if Luhan had said that provocatively on purpose, somehow anticipating that they might wind up alone together. As soon as the thought came to him, he brushes it aside. No matter how things look, Jongin somehow believes that this is the twin the school had bad talked about. He watches the boy, arms above his head and body pressed on the table. "Look inviting to me," Jongin hums, nudging the boy's legs open and pressing his thigh on Luhan's crotch.
"Do you know what i do here, lil boy?" he pauses, smiling rather softly. "I punish people. Bad people, naughty people; like you." dipping down, he allows himself to devour the boy, running his tongue on his milky skin and all the way down his neck. Beautiful. "I don't ing entertain people, not to people like you,"
[post deleted by owner]
lulu 10 years ago
@kai Face scrunching up rather adorably once his nose is poked, Luhan gazes at the latter wordlessly, listening to his words. He sighs softly, shaking his head as a low chuckle escapes his lips. "Sweetie, I think you've got the wrong person." Luhan answers rather nonchalantly, pink tongue darting out to moisten his lips before a light laugh slips past them. "I'm new here- Luhan's younger twin." New, but he already has such a good popularity among teachers-- and he likes that. The person in front of him is nothing but a mere stranger; though maybe the boy knows his older twin. It's rather funny, the younger twin using his angelic features to his advantage when in fact he's literally the devil, whilst the older one is just like an angel who's too kind for his own good. The current situation amuses him. He leans back into his seat, crossing his arms over his chest as he quirks an eyebrow in response to the male's words, before a sly smile danced across his lips briefly. "If stating your honest opinion means doing something bad, then yes." He stops for a moment, pink tongue darting out to moisten his lips again out of habit before he clicks it gently with his teeth.

He smirks, "Then again, helping teachers to trip up in the halls, telling them that their lessons are boring and crappy, ditching classes, starting riots in the main hall.... Oh, and then there was the little incident with the English teacher-- but you see, that's a secret. " The smile that forms on Luhan's lips is far, far away from being an innocent one. "Do you really want to listen to all of it? Unfortunately, I can't guarantee you an ending. I've got a collection of good stories though- from other schools I was in as well, if you want to listen." With that being said, Luhan breaks the eye contact, his attention almost immediately stolen by the other male's dark red plump lips. Temptation at its best. He leans closer to the stranger with no hesitation, observing him silently before a soft smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth, "You see, I'm no good for this school. Just wait, I'm sure you'll kick me out in the next minutes. And will never ever want to see me again." His words are honest and he truly means them; and if the boy doesn't want his nerves to go through a torture, Luhan will leave the room in the next minutes.

The words 'submission' and 'respect' never were in Luhan dictionary, and he made sure it was clear to others. He had countless little love affairs that were nothing but a game to him, his partner's heart shattering into pieces the moment they caught him with someone else. But no matter what happened-- Luhan just didn't care. He also wondered whether it was just himself and his mind being extremely well-balanced for there has never been time where he would beg his partner for more, or beg him to stop. Perhaps no one was good enough to have him craving for more. His lips may part with a moan or two, but pleads has never left them, and he is sure they never will.

After all, he was too prideful to say such things.

"Entertain me," He repeats his previous words, though this time they are just a mere whisper by the boy's ear, chuckling then lowly. "That's an order. Unless you want me to bug the out of you." Even though the latter seems like a nice person, the moment Luhan is bored is fatal and he wouldn't hesitate to even spit in his face oh so accidentally, if that would irk the male up. He doesn't want to waste his time here, even though the idea of watching the handsome male before him is quite appealing.
daddy kai 10 years ago
@lulu Everything around him is peaceful.
The day is ordinary enough. Sitting him his personal office, light summer breeze blowing in and onto his neck form the open window behind his desk. On the lawns, somewhere far below, he could hear the irritating sound of his history teacher blabbering off to another topic of their chapter-- which he is sure that had nothing to do with the textbook. Infront of him lays nothing but empty papers and lists of the naughty boys in this school-- which, surprisingly has non. Unfinished works from his teachers too, still needing his final words before it is sent away. All of these are very normal in any other way; irritating, and yet he feels particularly peaceful.

Jongin is no one respectful or anything familiar like that. Sitting alone by his office, leaning back on his black chair and watching as students pass by the garden beneath his office, is a normal act for him. He doesn't need to join the classes-- well, not like he wanted to, and no teachers had ever forced him to come down so he doesn't care. Sitting by himself in his useless office that no one ever reach to is peaceful.
Other than being told to counsel the students and punish them for their bad doings, Jongin has never been told of what to do next. Well, other than the fact that he had been passed on huge stocks and boxes of toys... he doesn't question it as much and shoves it at the corner of the room.

He spends his time in his office tucked away in his world, earphone by both his ears, glasses by his nose bridge and pen scribbling on his papers to reluctantly finish his missed assignments months back. It becomes a huge surprise to Jongin when another paper is being slipped across his, familiar ugly handwriting by the lines and a surprisingly familiar name written on the paper. Taking off his glasses, Jongin watches as the smaller male makes his way comfortably without being invited on his favorite seat. His eye twitches in displease.
"I'm sorry?" Jongin pushes himself up from his seat and walks over towards the boy, eyebrows pressed in annoyance. "Luhan, you out of all people? I think the teacher's made some mistake," he reaches out for the paper again and returns his glance towards the Chinese man, eye twitching and he knows he's at lost. Out of all people, the man who had lived in rainbows and sunshine is the first person to actually approach him in his office? Is the stupid teacher ing him?
Pinching his nose gently, Jongin shifts his weight and leans against the table, crossing his arms while he forces out a smile. Well, it's Luhan. He might cry. "Alright, we're gonna have a talk before i give you entertainments alright?" the taller scratches his neck. He was never good at counselling people without using any physical harms. "So uh, Luhan. What brought you here? Did you do something bad?"
lulu 10 years ago
@kai Because 'maybe' it wasn't the best idea to speak up against his teacher, to embarrass him in front of the other students by telling the older his honest opinions about how ty his lessons are and that his schoolmates can't understand a thing because of how poorly he explains everything to them. Not to mention his handwriting-- it looked like a cat scraped made up words on the board. Luhan was literally kicked out of the lesson once he pointed out the grammatic error the teacher did. Muffled laughter from the boys in the back of the class accompanied the all too honest, young male as he made his way out, snorting quietly to himself upon hearing the man's voice crack while he continued to teach, his voice hoarse-- probably thanks to yelling at the youth before. For a moment, the blonde male mentally questions whether to go to his room and ignore the small piece of paper; the 'invitation' to the counselling room the teacher gave him. His older twin is surely in his class at the moment, and spending his time alone in the pink room didn't so sound appealing to himself. But, wouldn't the counselling room be quite fun? The thought brought a faint smirk to dance across Luhan's lips for a brief moment as he flung his bag over his shoulder and turned right at the corner, lips parting with an inaudible sigh. Now, which way to go?

It is just a few short moments before Luhan has found himself standing in front of the door, not bothering to knock as he pushes it open, eyes landing on the only person in the room.


'Handsome' wouldn't be the right word to describe the latter-- but 'the perfect eyecandy' was. He lets his bag drop on the floor, lips curling into a small smile that meant nothing but trouble and soon does he place the paper on the desk before the other male. 2 hours, and then he can leave. It's unfortunate that there isn't anyone else but them, Luhan didn't mind small audiences at all, in fact, his confidence naturally grows whenever there are others cheering quietly behind him. "So this is it?" He lets out a small chuckle, "I wouldn't mind going here more often. The lessons are boring." Being a genius who knows an answer to anything and everything the teachers ask him, Luhan's high IQ is another reason for his bold and blunt behavior in each class; what is there to do, anyway? Making fun of the teachers and pointing out every single mistake they make, making failed origami out of the paper tests-- he hates to admit it, but he's bored all the time. Sinking down into one of the seats, he gazes at the other male with a smug smirk tugging at his lips. "Entertain me." It comes out smoothly as if it were an order and the latter was nothing but a little peasant whilst Luhan was a prince and he silently wondered if he had offended him in any way; even though he treats everyone the same way. A brat, but with a brain. He taps his cheek lightly, resting his chin on the palm of his hand while examining the male's specific facial features, gaze lowering on the pair of irresistible lips.

Well this was going to be fun.
daddy kai 10 years ago
bad kittens come to me


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lachrymose 9 years ago
sorry lay left
TheChuz 9 years ago
Tao left because kris and no one replies back when I post on the wall
alwayslovingSHINee 9 years ago
Hi, I:m oon mibile so I am unable to see the description, can you send me it please? xx
DeadPooled 9 years ago
Chen left, but thanks for having me c:
-silHOEette 9 years ago
baekkie is leaving.
thank you so much for having me
-dorms- 9 years ago
Yongguk needs to go on semi-hiatus until oct 11
-silHOEette 9 years ago
ey. i thought i said something earlier, but i suppose not
baekkie is going on hiatus for a little while because of personal problems
i'll be back soon, hopefully
zidian 9 years ago
I would like to join
But i'm not good at 3rd
I can do 1st detailed but not 3rd OTL

do you think i can make it in this rp? :/
__mochi__ 9 years ago
applying for twin kris and dae... And for some reason I cant read anything on the rule room so im sorry orz
violaistmia 9 years ago
Can you add suho?
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