▲: koi fish pond


Koi Fish Pond

Koi Fish Pond



don't feed the fish           


Shiyoon 10 years ago
@L.Joe Shiyoon took out her earbuds and placed her phone and earbuds into her backpack. She heard him speak and she looked at him, "Store?" she thought back to where she was earlier and nodded, "Ah, I just came from one not too long ago~" she smiled and pointed off into the distance. You couldn't see anything past the trees, but she knew where she was pointing. "There is a convenience store that has clothes, just up a small hill".
L.Joe 10 years ago
@Shiyoon L.Joe nodded and looked back into the pond as well, noting he did in fact, not fall on any of the fish, but they were staying clear of the spot he had just landed in. "You don't say..." he said under his breath, not wanting to be mean to a girl he'd just met even though he did feel like taking his anger out somehow. First he should get changed though. His place was too far away though. "Hey." he said, looking back at her. "Do you know where the closest clothing store is?"
Shiyoon 10 years ago
@L.Joe Shiyoon was a bit surprised to see such colored hair, it was so bright, almost bright enough to blind her. "I hope the fish are fine to, you probably scared them" she let go of his hand finally and looked past him into the pond. She took another glance at him, checking him out from head to toe. "Jesus...you are really soaked" nodding her head and biting her bottom lip, feeling bad for him.
L.Joe 10 years ago
@Shiyoon L.Joe shook his head in a vain attempt to get the water out of his hair, not noticing the weird or surprised looks passerbys were giving him as tiny droplets of water made ripples in the pond. He stopped shaking like a wet dog when he suddenly heard a voice, and held back barking at whoever spoke to him as he looked up. Shaking his head, L.Joe reached up and took her hand, picking himself up before stepping out of the pond. Oh God it was so embarrassing, as he stood their dripping on the sidewalk, people pointing and staring at the man who fell into the pond. "I'm fine." he breathed out, peeling his hood from his head as his bright pink hair stuck up in odd places. Honestly, one of the most embarrassing things he's done in his life.
Shiyoon 10 years ago
@L.Joe Shiyoon happened to be walking nearby, trying to grab some sort of inspiration to get her head clear from the pressure KARA fans were giving her and the rest of her training group. Sighing, she managed to see a young man loose footing. Widening her eyes, her thoughts only lead to one way this would all go down - he was going to fall into the pond- and before the thought could play another scenario, he indeed fell in. Gasping, she jogged over to see if he was fine. "Hey, you okay!?" she looked down at him in the pond and held out her hand, being over a bit.
L.Joe 10 years ago
@Shiyoon L.Joe was just having one of those days, where every single little thing would grate on his nerves. The sun was too bright, the birds were too loud, there were too many people. Could this day get any worse? Why was he even outside? Even he didn't know the answer. Sighing, he walked a bit faster, just about to pass the small pond next to him before he suddenly lost his footing on the edge of the sidewalk...and fell in. Sitting up and gasping for air, he was soaked to the bone, miraculously having dodged hitting any of the koi fish in the pond, but in the process getting completely wet. His sweatshirt hood stuck to his hair, which in turn stuck to his forehead, as the rest of his clothes clung to his body. Of course his day could get worse.
L.Joe 10 years ago
*rolls away with v-card*


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-hanana 9 years ago
the baby jung is
leaving. o/
photobook 9 years ago
after a long time thinking,
i guess, seohyun will take
her leave. i wish i can be
more active in here thou. ;;
nemjohns 9 years ago
lay is leaving o/
cheriblossom 9 years ago
yura left, sorry o A o
mobster 9 years ago
Hi. Sorry but I'm leaving. I'm not active and I don't want to be a burden. Thanks for the opportunity. Bye.
a3dbf7b945285306601c 9 years ago
shiyoon left.
vanille 10 years ago
Myungsoo left, sorry ;;
sebongies 10 years ago
dyo left. ;-;
sorry, leaving all my characters
i'm not active with.
sebongies 10 years ago
applied as d.o :)
antonia- 10 years ago
mianhae, sulli left.
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