♐Game 1

Game Room one. 

Even's: Truth

Odd's: Dare. 

Roll the dice.

S-A-Tom 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 4
K-Zico 10 years ago
@S-Luhan Sure.
S-Luhan 10 years ago
@K-Zico Let's play
K-Zico 10 years ago
Can I play?
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
@A-Tom You aee not fun..that is the rule of it gamę..ok Ill Change it..would you like to kiss me?
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
@M-L.Joe J just don't...
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
@A-Tom huh? and why not..
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
@M-L.Joe -eyes go wide and blushes- D-Don't ask that!
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
buu someone play with sweet L.joe *pouts*
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
@A-Tom hmm...Would you like to have with me? *smirk*
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
Yay truth!
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 4
[post deleted by owner]
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
@A-Tom Done to Minsoo~
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
@M-L.Joe Hmmmm....go to another Master or Keeper and call them Daddy~
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
@A-Tom dare! *rises his hand*
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 1
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
@M-L.Joe Done to Myungsoo. -blushes-
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
@A-Tom Dare you to kiss a other slave ! *smirks* The online one
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
Oh a dare... -scrunches nose-
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 3
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
@A-Tom *blinks but nods and goes out*
Done to the Mir! Your turn!
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
@M-L.Joe I dunno...ummmm...go to someone and act like a kitten. -nods-
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
@A-Tom uhm I think it's only you here so go ahead
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
-tilts head- Do I give one?
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
a dare!*excited*
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 3
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
@M-L.Joe -nods and laughs a little- Yeah I guess
M-L.Joe 10 years ago
@A-Tom whoa~ I see!*nods* It is hard to breath like that!
S-A-Tom 10 years ago
@M-L.Joe Oh um... -blushes and looks down-
They normally call it face down a- up I think.


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prfction 10 years ago
zelo left :(
454412ed62d397c53b2a 10 years ago
Since the new rp is up and I'm now a part of it, Kris is leaving
Niamyah 10 years ago
V is leaving, I'm Sorry, i didn't even get to write one post. Right when i joined stuff came up.
sujushineelover27 10 years ago
i forgot this applied as onew
kaidyo8812 10 years ago
applied as D.O
UKELELESareCOOL 10 years ago
Mark is leavening, mianhae;;
HaSemYu 10 years ago
Applied as Henry Lau :3
megaverse 10 years ago
Junho left
TheExoticSky 10 years ago
Sorry but D.O, Key and Jinyoung left
Soul_mus1c 10 years ago
Can I reserve taemin?
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