








The market has everything from food to clothing, and there is no fighting. The market is run by humans that avoid the war, ones that do not choose sides but provide for both without prejudice. If you come here, you leave your fighting back in Lesarya and come here for supplies in peace.

PrinceJonghyun_Demon 11 years ago
"You'll see." Jonghyun chuckled. Leading Taemin somewhere. He led him out of the market and walked to the Neutral lake with Taemin. "Here we are." Jonghyun smiled, setting things down under a tree.

[[Reply back at the lake. xD]]
PrinceTaemin_Elf 11 years ago
Taemin smiled happily and took hyungs hand into his. "Where are we going though?" He asked thinkinking hard before shrugging and looking up at hyung from his cloak. "Either way I am looking forward" he muttered like a child gripping onto the striprd blanket.
PrinceJonghyun_Demon 11 years ago
Jonghyun chuckled. "Why don't I make you a fruit salad?" Jonghyun said, grabbing some bananas and other fruits he could find and like. He then took a few snacks, cookies and cake and some drinks. He also took some utensils and bought a backpack. "We're all set." Jonghyun nodded.
PrinceTaemin_Elf 11 years ago
Taemin looked around the food stalls and his lips "Can...could we get some bananas" he asked looking at the yellow fruit. He gulped visibly as he heard his stomach growl loudly this his face become the same as the nearby strawberries.
PrinceJonghyun_Demon 11 years ago
Jonghyun chuckled. "Calm down. Nothing bad's gonna happen on my watch." Jonghyun smiled. "I'll pay for the food." Jonghyun ondded, taking the youngre to the food palce.
PrinceTaemin_Elf 11 years ago
Taemin blushed hearing the words his lover chose "Yah, hyung..shhhh" he muttered before looking at the blnket he chose. "That looks perfect,hyung." He whispred and took out his money paying the seller for the blanket.
PrinceJonghyun_Demon 11 years ago
Jonghyun entered the market with Taemin. He had his hood on where no one can see his face and Taemin had a cloak. "We meed a mat." Jonghyun whispered. "Maybe a blanket." Jonghyun smiled. He looked around the market, choosing random different blankets. "How about this one?" Jonghyun asked, showing a blue striped blanket to Taemin.
Suzy_NeutralHuman 11 years ago
Suzy entered the clothing store, Louis Vuitton. She had always preferred brands clothes even though it's expensive. "Oh, this looks nice on me!" She squealed.
Baekhyun_Elf 11 years ago
[ i know hush ]
B-Bomb_DarkFairy 11 years ago
@Jia_DarkHuman [yeah. Forest. After this post.]

He smiled at the picturesque view beneath him. He slowly decreased his speed and decreased the altitude of his flight. "I'm not old..." He mumbled and rolled his eyes.

(You posted as Baek lol)
Baekhyun_Elf 11 years ago
@B-Bomb_DarkFairy "That's pretty damn long. You're ing old." Jia chuckled, letting out a soft huff. Opening her eyes, she looked down--- It. . Wasn't that bad. It was quite pretty seeing Lesarya beneath her. "Pretty." She muttered simply.

[ to the forest? ]
B-Bomb_DarkFairy 11 years ago
B-Bomb_DarkFairy 11 years ago
@Jia_DarkHuman He wanted to barf at her reaction. Who would have knew that woman like her would besi scared of heights. "Practice, human, 176 years of practice to be exact." He laughed and the forest flow lay came into view. He smiled. He could see his favourite apple tree.

(Shift rooms?)
Jia 11 years ago
@B-Bomb_DarkFairy Jia rolled her eyes before closing them, feeling the wind pushing down on her face. They were going higher. Clinging to him, she hummed nervously, trying to calm herself down. "I can't wait to be on the floor, how do you do this?!" Jia hissed, eyes still closed.
B-Bomb_DarkFairy 11 years ago
@Jia_DarkHuman "Yeah as if I'll believe you." He scoffed and flew higher, flying at a slower speed than his normal in case he scares Jia or even drop her. He giggled at the thought of her face if she drops. It would be pretty damn funny. Oh but whatever. He just wanted to show her the source of his power. To him, it was a wonder that it could be there.
Jia 11 years ago
@B-Bomb_DarkFairy 64 years ago!? That was a hell of a long time! As they rose, Jia clung to him, her eye twitching. "Y-yeah? Well shut up. I'm not heavy, I'm healthy!" She hissed, trying not to look down. It made her queasy to see the wold beneath her feet. She wasn't afraid of heights, oh, no, she was afraid to fall. "Just don't drop me, you bug."
B-Bomb_DarkFairy 11 years ago
@Jia_DarkHuman "I won't. Not with the threat of my wings being pulled off! I was the best flyer in my old village. Let me count. 64 years ago!" He laughed and held Jia tightly. "Let's go, human!" He giggled and his now yellow wings flapped and they went higher into the sky. "You're kinda heavy." He mumbled and giggled.
Jia 11 years ago
@B-Bomb_DarkFairy Her eyebrows drew together and she stared at his hand for a moment. What was he planning on doing? She had a assumption but. . It scared her. She decided to play off of that assumption. "You drop me, and I'll tear your wings off." She warned, reaching up. Taking B-Bomb's hand in a tight grip, Jia stared up at him, wary.
B-Bomb_DarkFairy 11 years ago
@Jia_DarkHuman Jia was so interesting. She seemed so cold but her smile was beautiful! She made him smile too. "Okay! What're we waiting for? Lets go!" He unfurled his wings and hovered above her. "Oh wait. You can't fly. Well that's okay! Grab my hand!" He exclaimed and stuck out a hand for her to grab.
Jia 11 years ago
@B-Bomb_DarkFairy Jia nodded to him. That really cleared it up. Her eyebrows rose as she watched him do. . Something to a tree. What? She didn't quite know. Now, the orange haired woman was watching him bounce up and down in excitement and she bit the inside of her cheek. "Okay, calm down there you little jumping bean, we'll go to the forest." She couldn't help but agree, smiling.
B-Bomb_DarkFairy 11 years ago
@Jia_DarkHuman He looked at Jia's questioning face. "In case you were wondering, not all fairies can make the invisibility potion. Especially not when they don't have the power to do it." He said and looked at an oak tree nearby. It had a disease so he worked a little of his magic to remove the disease from the tree and smiled. "That's it! Why not we go to the forest? I'll show you where I get the power for my potion!" B-Bomb grinned at Jia and jumped in excitement.
Jia 11 years ago
@B-Bomb_DarkFairy Jia just shrugged, not quite sure of where to go. The mountains did sound quite pretty but did she really want to hike up them, and then down? No, not really. And she would have to stop by her temporary home soon and drop off some food, Kris ate a lot. That buttface. "Really now?" She asked. "That's. . Quite a trick you got there." She chuckled, an eyebrow raising. So, fairies could make things invisible? Interesting.
B-Bomb_DarkFairy 11 years ago
@Jia_DarkHuman "So where ARE you going? Pick a place already...!" He chuckled and combed his hair and took out the leaf in it somewhere. "Eh? I made a prank heehee!" He giggled and pointed at the space where the block was. Then he remembered that Jia wouldn't be able to see it. "I made it invisible!" He covered his mouth and sniggered.
Jia 11 years ago
@B-Bomb_DarkFairy She was looking forward, not paying attention to what he was doing, only to what he was saying. "The lake actually sounds nice, but I was actually planning on going to either the mountain range or the island that's off the coast of the beach." She admitted. "I. .Don't really want to go back to the human territory yet." She added. And then, he was giggling. Looking over at him, she raised an eyebrow. "What's that laugh for. . ?"
B-Bomb_DarkFairy 11 years ago
@Jia_DarkHuman This time he listened attentively while Jia spoke. "Ohhhhhh... I don't know. If you're not going to the human territory.... Maybe you're going into the forest! Or... The lake?" He said and giggled, kicking a stone by accident. He glared at the stone. He wondered for a moment what he should do to it and stopped in his tracks. He decided to play a prank. He took out a potion to turn it into a big stone and an invisibility potion that he just invented. He looked as the stone grew bigger with a single drop and turned invisible with a purple drop of liquid potion. He giggled at his creation and continued walking.
Jia 11 years ago
@B-Bomb_DarkFairy She stared at him and blinked. ". . I asked 'where do you think I'm headed to'?" She really did hate repeating herself, so if he asked again, she would probably shove him a bit harder. And then tell him to open up his ears, give or take a few curse words.
B-Bomb_DarkFairy 11 years ago
@Jia_DarkHuman B-Bomb grinned playfully as he got shoved. The human woman was very interesting. And flexible. She would be a great opponent. Even if he wasn't as flexible, he had his wings. Unless, of course, Jia attacked his wings first. Nah. Then he'll keep them until he needs them. Swimming in his own thoughts, he only heard a little of what Jia said. "What did you say again? I didn't hear you." He asked and looked at Jia, cocking his head to one side.
Jia 11 years ago
@B-Bomb_DarkFairy "Be on your guard more, fairy bo--- Ow!?" She grinned at him and pushed his shoulder, rolling her eyes. "That's pretty weird, it's like you. . You watch." Jia chuckled and shook her head. No one watched her when she was doing any exercise, unless she was sparring with them, other than that, she was totally alone. Just how she liked it. "So, fairy boy, where do you think I'm headed to?"
B-Bomb_DarkFairy 11 years ago
@Jia_DarkHuman B-Bomb saw the fiery haired woman threw the pear core but he couldn't move fast since he wasn't on his guard around her. "Not again," he groaned. "I can't believe I got hit again!" He growled and playfully tugged on a tuft of Jia's hair. "I don't know. You just do." He mumbled, he himself wondering why he thought that she was flexible. But he knew he was right. Definitely. Without doubt.
Baekhyun_Elf 11 years ago
@B-Bomb_DarkFairy [ exacctttlyy ]


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bubbles 10 years ago
Hey admin of Bloodyx here

our rps are affiliates but I am going to close mine down so you can just delete it~
-labyrinthine 10 years ago
B-Bomb is leaving. had a lot of fun before the old admins left.
nekojita 10 years ago
yongguk is leaving
- 11 years ago
Hi! I wanted to tell you that I will be on hiatus until I got back from sending my brother to university in a few days because the hotel that I'm staying don't have any internet connection.
EpicFallen 11 years ago
Jungmin needs a hiatus 3-4 weeks. I have exams starting now the next weeks and can't get on here... I hope that's okay

After that I'll be fully back here
Channie 11 years ago
/thinking of rejoining this rp...../
fxckbwoy 11 years ago
Sorry Krystal's leaving.
I'm inactive~ orz
ButterflyInTheBullet 11 years ago
Zelo leaving..really sorry..*bows*
Jiyeonnie 11 years ago
I'm sorry. I've to leave.
I can't be active </3
JayLee 11 years ago
CAP will be leaving ~ life is kicking a little
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