→ Kyungsoo's Condo

Kyungsoo's condo






Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo (( omf that sounds awesome OAO /claps/ I just became a coadmin of a gang rp o3o ))

He yelped as he felt Kyungsoo pinch his thighs, flashing the male a glare though he wavered as he felt the same hand rubbing the spot. "I know, but I at cooking and was in a hurry," he murmured, a smile slowly making its way onto his face at the peck on his forehead. He always loved the little affections the male showered him with, he felt wanted, safe even, when he was showered with displays of love. Of course, he would usually mark sure to return the same amount right back at Kyungsoo, always enveloping him in warm embraces and placing gentle kisses all over his face.

Daehyun reached his hand down, running his fingers through the male's loose and still wet strands as he rested his head on his knee. He gave a sheepish grin, he couldn't help his appetite or stomach for that matter, he was born with an insatiable hunger. "Hey, snacks taste really good," he decided to defend himself first, crossing his arms over his chest. "And they're quick and edible. Some are healthy as well!" he shot back, pursing out his lips as he thought about what should they do. Both sounded nice, and though he was one to get bored during movies, he didn't mind them.

"How about food and cuddling instead?" he suggested, brushing the thought of Kyungsoo calling off his shift. He was against it, as he usually was a hard worker but knowing the latter, he was the opposite. He should be used to the smaller male calling off work every so often, but sometimes he wanted to scold him. What if he got fired for skipping too much? Daehyun thought he should be more aware and committed to his work.
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Daehyun [ I think it's a pretty original idea, if I do say so myself. owo It's a hotline/ service rp. :3 ]

Kyungsoo laughed, gently pinching Daehyun's thigh before rubbing it soothingly. "Snacks are bad for you, Dae. You need a proper meal." He stretched slowly before leaning forward to press a quick kiss against his friend's forehead. He always showed a bit more affection than was necessary to the other man. He couldn't help it, honestly. He quite liked his friend; he could admit that bluntly with no problem. It didn't help much when Daehyun was a bit more than a friend to him.

"I'm debating on whether to get up and cook something for us or to lay here and cuddle." He leaned his head against Daehyun's knee, closing his eyes and yawning widely. "Cuddling sounds really nice, but so does food." He opened one eye, playfully glaring at the other man. "Plus someone is prone to eating snacks that are unhealthy for him." He chuckled and leaned back into the sofa, running his hand gently up and down Daehyun's lower leg.

"Is there something in particular you want to do? I'm up for anything, really. I called out of work just for this," he added, grinning cheekily. He was pretty sure Daehyun wouldn't approve of his method of skipping work, but he didn't mind. He genuinely liked being in the company of the other man. "I don't necessarily have anything planned besides movies and cuddling." He wiggled his eyebrows, still grinning. "Cuddling is nice, don't you think?" He stood up, gently moving Daehyun's legs out of the way and placing them back on the couch. "So, food or movies and cuddling? You have the final decision for the day!"
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo (( lmao it's good and don't worry o/ ♥ oh that sounds fun ouo /flails/ ))

Daehyun felt hands gripping his legs, pausing the game on his phone as he glanced up. He knew who exactly who it was, which is why he flashed the male a small smile. He resumed his game, averting his attention and focus back onto his phone. However, he was immensely aware of the warm flesh pressed against his thigh, making him shift in his spot on the couch. His thighs were one of his most sensitive spots, so it wasn't surprising that he had found it ticklish.

Once he had finished the game, he slipped his phone back into his pockets, giving Kyungsoo his undivided attention. "No problem, I think I'd rather hang out with you than having us both die from boredom," he chuckled, emitting a pleased hum as he felt the latter pat his thigh. He felt himself relax at the touch, leaning back against the comfortable cushions of the sofa.

"I ate a quick snack, but you know how my stomach works. I'm probably still hungry," he smiled sheepishly, stretching his limbs out a little. "Anything is fine, but you don't have to make me anything," he added on, not wanting to burden his friend with the task of cooking. However, if he was going to cook anyways, then he'd like something as well. "Anyways, what should we do? Do you have anything planned?" he locked eyes with the male. Even before he had came over, he was wondering if Kyungsoo had something in mind or if they would end up doing something random that would lead to other activities.
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Daehyun [I'll reply to the 3-some after this. XD I'm, like, two days late. OTL. Sorry, Dae ♥ ]

Kyungsoo sighed in relief underneath the water, closing his eyes and running his fingers through his wet hair. He loved showers, especially warm ones that made his muscles relax and his skin slightly red. He reached down, picking up the shampoo bottle. He washed his hair thoroughly, rinsing the suds out before picking up his body wash. He had told himself that he was going to take a quick shower, but before he knew it, thirty minutes had passed and the water was starting to get cold. He had heard Daehyun arrive in the last few minutes, so he guessed those were signs that it was time to get out. Shivering slightly, he turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. He picked his towel up, toweling himself off.
He looked at the mirror, flicking his wet bangs out of his face. He brushed his teeth quickly and then pulled on his clothes, slinging the towel around his neck. He left the bathroom, making his way into the living room to find Daehyun lying down on his sofa, playing a game on his phone. He shook his head and smiled slightly, walking over and picking the man's legs up. He slid onto the couch, dropping Daehyun's legs on his lap. He rested his hand on his thigh, smiling brightly at his friend. He was glad that the other was comfortable enough with him to make himself right at home. He lifted part of the towel, trying to dry off his hair a bit more.
"Thanks for coming over, Dae. I would have died of boredom if you hadn't saved me," he joked. He settled back into the sofa, patting Daehyun's thigh affectionately. "Have you ate? I can make you something," he offered, leaning his head back against the sofa.

[ Sorry it's lame. xD I've got, like, a billion replies on the two rps I'm on. Plus me, Mark, and Jongjin made another rp. ouo ]
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo (( lmao it's perfect ouo~ /flails/ and thank you ;///; ♥ ))

Daehyun was just about to tap onto his app again, figuring that perhaps Kyungsoo had fallen right asleep after sending that text and would have no recollection of sending him anything the next time he wakes up, so he was surprised when another text notification had popped up. Reading the contents, he couldn't keep the smile off his face as he sent off his reply after receiving the heads up from the latter.

"Okay, I'll come over now. I'll just sit in the living room if you're not out by then. c:"

Finishing changing and grabbing a snack from his kitchen, which he finished quickly, he made his way out the door, leaving his apartment behind once again. Usually on his day off, he would lounge around, munching on anything he could find and if there wasn't anything, he would just order some more food. Then, he would proceed to laying on the sofa or his bed, doing nothing but eating and flipping through channels as he passed time by. It involved as little energy as possible, which had been his plan for every day off he would have in the future. Today would be an exception.

He started his car, waiting a minute for it to warm up as he finished the game on his app. Putting his phone back in his pocket, he made his way over to Kyungsoo's, guessing that the male would probably still be in the shower, enjoying the warm temperature of the water. It had taken around less than ten minutes for him to arrive, finding that their places were nearby after coming over to the male's house for the first time.

He had parked his car under a shady tree, knowing that it would prevent the vehicle from heating up under the sun as he left his car, making sure it was locked before he started to head towards the door. He knocked on it once, twice, three times before he tried the knob, clicking his tongue. "He left it open," he mumbled to himself, glad that he could be in the house without having to wait though a bit worried that someone could have came before him with the door unlocked. He made sure to lock it once he closed it behind him, toeing off his shoes as he made his way towards the living room.

As promised, he had flopped down on the couch, claiming the whole sofa with his body as he laid down. He had his phone in his hand once again, deciding to play a game or two as he waited for the smaller male to finish his shower.
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Daehyun [I'm going to write the starter for the 3-some as if Marky invited us over, mmkays? I'll probably describe myself coming over first or something o_o OTL, I don't know what I'm doing]

Kyungsoo smiled happily, glad that his friend replied so quickly. Daehyun was probably one of the only people of his friends that woke so early. He himself hated the morning with a fiery passion, but Daehyun seemed to be mostly okay with it. He unlocked his phone, poking his tongue out between his teeth as he concentrated on replying.

"I know, I know. Want to come over? I'm horribly bored >_<"

Oddly enough, his relationship with Daehyun was of the odd variety. They were close, to say the least. Close enough that at some point, they'd somehow gone straight to the "friends with benefits" label. Kyungsoo didn't even know how it had happened. When Kyungsoo's ual frustration got too much, he usually asked Daehyun for a little help. He was surprised the other man was so patient with him. They still did normal friend things, though. Today, though, Kyungsoo just wanted to cuddle. Maybe. If things transpired from that point, then so be it. He smiled, knowing Daehyun was probably already getting ready.

He jumped up from his bed, grabbing some sweatpants and a graphic tee before strolling into the bathroom, deciding to take a quick shower before the other arrived. He unlocked his phone again, typing out another quick message.

"If I'm still in the shower by the time you get here, just come on in. :)"

He removed his clothing, throwing them carelessly into the hamper before stepping under the shower head, twisting the taps on to a comfortable temperature.

[It's perfectly okay, sweet x3 Yours is great! ^^]
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo (( it's okay dear ;u; ♥ ))

Daehyun was glad that he didn't have to work today, lounging around on his couch as he was playing an app on his phone, the sound of the television in the background. He had a habit for waking up early, due to the days were he had to wake up at six just to freshen up the cafe he worked at before it opened. He hated being able to wake up at such an early hour, since he wouldn't be able to contact anyone and he had to wait until the afternoon to be certain that a few of his friends were up.

So he was definitely surprised when he saw a text from his friend Kyungsoo, the person who probably despised the sun the most. Tapping on the notification, a smile graced his lips as he read the context. He pressed on a few letters, forming his reply and making sure auto correct didn't get in the way before sending his text.

'I'm awake. You know I'm almost always awake at this time.'

It was probably a reply with nothing to build on, but he knew his friend would reply. He always did, and he didn't need to get the next text to understand what Kyungsoo had most likely wanted from him. He turned the screen of his phone off, making his way into his bedroom as to change, getting himself ready to go to the latter's house.

He believed that Kyungsoo and him had an interesting relationship, satisfying their every need with each other when they couldn't find someone else to release their ual frustration on. However, that didn't mean that was all they did. They hung out at times, catching a few movies or even grabbing a bite to eat though it was rare for them to do that at this time of the day.

(( I'm sorry if it sounds weird ;3; ))
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Daehyun [Sorry for the late reply x3 I got distracted~ forgive me<3]

Kyungsoo rolled over on his bed, throwing his arm over his eyes and groaning loudly. He'd never been an early riser and hated that he had to start now. Who in the hell wanted to open a bar at nine in the morning? He yawned, deciding to stay in a bed for a few more minutes. He rolled back over, grabbing his cell phone from his bedside table. He rolled onto his back again, staring at his phone inquisitively for a few minutes.

He was debating whether or not he should text his friend, Daehyun. He'd been a little lonely by himself lately. He hated being alone because it made him think of things that really shouldn't be thought about. He shuddered, pushing the thoughts aside. He was definitely not in the mood for his memories at the moment. Sighing softly and unlocking his phone, he typed a quick text to his friend.

'Dae, are you awake?'

He looked over at the clock, wondering if he should just skip work for the day. It's not there was going to be any customers until nine o'clock at night anyway. No one in their right minds went to a bar in the early morning. He sent a quick text to his boss, telling him he was sick and would try and make it to work tomorrow. He smiled, feeling giddy that he had bypassed the worst part of his day.

[It , omg. T^T I'M SO SORRY, PRECIOUS<3]
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo (( yes please ;3; the heat is killing my brain ))
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Daehyun [o___o do you want me to start, sweet?]
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo (( YES ♥ okay okay you start or-? ouo ))
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Daehyun [YEEEES. I LIKE THAT IDEA. owo Let's do that! XD]
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo (( we should have them be buddies ;3; i need buddies ))
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Daehyun [omg, yay~ e u e How should they meet? Or have they met? x3 ]
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo (( u 3 u /flails happily/ we should plot dear~ get a ty one ))
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Daehyun [Do you have something planned? You have something planned! /jumps up and down
DAEEEEEE. Teeeeelllll me.]
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo (( ohohoho ewe i dunno just curious owo ))
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Daehyun [e u e I would enjoy that, yes. c: and he is o____o wae~?]
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo (( maybe I'll give you c; hehe is Soo versatile? ))
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
(( /rolls around in your room before rolling out the door ))
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago


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66168611c0572e12c08f 5 years ago
could u add seulgi please
Brokenhopes_deadsoul 8 years ago
I wanna ask some questions regarding this if I'm allowed...
and please reserve chanyeol
DamienAnneSantiago 9 years ago
I applied c:
Amberflame 9 years ago
Hiatus for eunhyuk and kyuhyun, mostly for the rest of december and first 2 weeks of January. Got a ton of stuff to finish for my art course 1st term ^^ if I get it all done before, I'll say something.
ClockworkAngel 9 years ago
Jongjin is leaving.
Thank you for having me here(I'm sorry sissy T^T)
Amberflame 9 years ago
Kyuhyun/Eunhyuk are on Semi Hiatus again ene my laptop is ed
neutrali 9 years ago
Sorry to say that Chanie (Chanyeol) left xc
Thanks for having me here...<33
Amberflame 9 years ago
Can you put Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk on Semi-Hiatus for me? 12th - 19th I'll be working on a bunch of classwork \o/
Joyous9175 9 years ago
Mian Heechul left
BubbleTeaManiac 9 years ago
Ren is leaving due to school. ; ~ ; I had fun here, thank you!
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