» Park «





Bring your friends and family out to play together~


[Room Point Value: 100 points]

Suho (B) [A] 6 years ago
@Dylan(B) Suho pouted when he saw the elder frown, thinking he had done something wrong. Turning to @Leo (D) he asked him, "Appa did I do something wrong?" Looking back at the elder, Suho tried to push off the thought he had done something wrong and listened to what the boy liked to do. "Ah eat. I like eat too." He spoke, eating a couple of grapes afterwards.
Dylan(B) 6 years ago
@Suho (B) Looking at Suho in surprise he frowned, not sure what this was supposed to mean as no one had ever told him before that he was cute. People had always only looked down on him, told him he was trash or worthless and now for the first time he seemed to have found someone who wouldn´t treat him like that. "I..I like uuhm..e-eating?" even though he barely ate anything since he was lucky enough if he ever got something for free.
Suho (B) [A] 6 years ago
@Dylan(B) Suho giggled slightly as he watched the elder trying to figure out what he meant. "You're cute." He spoke as he threw some more grapes to the ducks. "Uh... What you like to do?" He asked in broken English, hoping the other boy understood what he meant.
Dylan(B) 6 years ago
@Suho (B) @Leo (D) Frowning, Dylan watched the younger, wanting to know what he meant. Once he had figured it out he smiled brightly and nodded his head in understanding "I sit" he said and sat down beside the smaller boy. It was still weird being called 'hyung' as he wasn´t used to hear such a title being directed at him at all.
Leo (D) 6 years ago
@Suho (B) @Dylan(B) Taekwoon kept close enough to the boys in case he had to rush over or they needed him for whatever reason but he still made sure to keep his distance to allow them their time together without him getting in the way. Besides, this was supposed to be a meeting for the two of them to get acquainted with one another anyway. He just smiled a little to himself and focused on feeding the ducks, watching as they flocked around to eat the grapes that the three of them were handing out to them.
Suho (B) [A] 6 years ago
@Dylan(B) Suho shook his head at the boys question and tried to think of the best way to answer him. "Dylan hyung..." Suho held his hand up high above his head, while speaking in english to show that the boy was tall. "Suho..." And then he held his hand lower to show he was smaller. "Easier to sit."
Dylan(B) 6 years ago
@Suho (B) Letting the younger boy take his hand he sat down carefully, not knowing what it was that Suho had planned for him. Maybe it was too exhausting for him to stand for a long while so sitting was easier, who knew. "Suho..tired?" he asked softly, not sure how else to phrase it.
Suho (B) [A] 6 years ago
@Dylan(B) Dylan hyung was tall. Well probably not that tall, but he was tall to Suho. Looking up at him, Suho flashed him a happy smile and took the boys free hand that didn't have the grapes. "Sit." He spoke, sitting on the ground and gently tugging the boy down with him.
Dylan(B) 6 years ago
@Suho (B) @Leo (D) Watching the younger curiously Dylan wondered if he could ever be that carefree as well. Taekwoon had told him that Suho's past had been bad as well, so to see him this happy gave him hope that one day he could be just like that. But of course Suho got found way earlier than him, he had time to get used to it and to learn before getting ed into this new world where apparently not everyone had to actually fight for their lives. Hearing that soft voice of the little boy he couldn´t help but to smile fondly and offer his grapes to him once more. "Here"
[post deleted by owner]
Suho (B) [A] 6 years ago
@Dylan(B) Although Suho had asked for Dylan to move closer, once he started throwing the grapes he became in a little world of his own. As he threw he grapes, he watched as the ducks would eat them and giggled before taking another one. He was so immersed that he didn't realise that he had finished his handful of grapes. Just as he was about to turn around to Taekwoon to get some more he noticed Dylan standing beside him and smiled at the question. "Yes please." He spoke in English, a little lisp on his speech.
Dylan(B) 6 years ago
@Suho (B) @Leo (D) "Yes Sir" smiling brightly Dylan looked down at the grapes in his hand, taking two for himself while leaving the rest for the ducks. Eating one of them he hummed in delight as he enjoyed the fresh taste of the fruits.Looking up at Taekwoon in surprise he slowly nodded his head before moving closer to the younger. Glancing at Suho nervously he smiled before offering some of his own grapes "You..uuh want?" he asked in korean, knowing that his pronounciation probably .
Leo (D) 6 years ago
@Suho (B) @Dylan(B) Taekwoon nodded. He himself could swim but he still didn't want anything happening to either of the boys. "You both can eat some of the grapes. I don't mind. Just make sure not to eat them all, okay," he smiled softly at the two, making sure they both understood what he was saying. He then had his attention on the youngest before nodding, "Dylan, Suho wants you to go stand by him and feed the ducks. He wants to get to know you better." He now had a small handful of grapes himself, standing not too far off from the boys as he carefully tossed out the grapes he was holding, one by one. He'd brought quite a few grapes along but it would be fine even if they ran out. There were still other things that they could do in the park.
Suho (B) [A] 7 years ago
@Dylan(B) Suho giggled softly as they walked closer and closer to the duck pond. He couldn't remember the last time he fed he ducks but he was really excited for it. When he was placed down, Suho went over to Dylan's side and tugged lightly on the males shirt. "Dylan hyung... Handsome." He worded out in English, smiling his toothy smile at the male. Running back to his daddy's side, Suho took a handful of grapes and went closer to the pond but not too close. "Don't worry appa, I won't fall in. I can't swim." He spoke, biting on half of the grape off and then chucking the rest to the ducks. Looking back at the two males, Suho spoke to Taekwoon. "Appa can you say to Dylan hyung that he can come stand beside me. I'd like to get to know my hyung."
Dylan(B) 7 years ago
@Suho (B) @Leo (D) Stopping once they had reached the pond Dylan watched curiously as the elder took out the grapes. He couldn´t remember if he had ever eaten those before, maybe when he was still very little. It was making him kind of sad to give them away even though it was for the ducks. He was all for sharing but he wanted at least one grape for himself. "We won´t...I can´t swim so that would be bad" he knew that the water was shallow and he wouldn´t actually drown in it but Suho was way smaller than him so he had to watch out for him as well. "Uhu" nodding his head to show that he had understood. "Uuhm..c-can I..could I eat one?" he asked hesitantly while looking at the grapes, still a bit shy whenever he wanted to have something.
Leo (D) 7 years ago
@Suho (B) @Dylan(B) Taekwoon smiled warmly as the two boys spoke to each other. It made him feel more comfortable doing this and seeing both of them trying to meet each other halfway. They were trying and that's what mattered most to him, especially if they were meant to be a family. He stopped upon them reaching the pond and carefully set Suho down, keeping hold of the young boy's hand. He used his free hand to take out the bag of grapes and then let go of Suho's hand for a brief moment. He made sure to keep both boys away from getting too close to the pond. "Be careful not to get too close to the water. I don't want either of you falling in. You can throw the grapes to the ducks, just don't hit them, okay," he warned, making sure both understood him. Not one for too many words, he tried to find something that he could tell them to get them talking but he wasn't sure. "Do either of you have any questions," he asked, tossing a couple of grapes before looking at them again.
Dylan(B) 7 years ago
@Suho (B) It was weird but somehow the younger's touch was helping him calm down. While usually his body immediately reacted in a defensive way whenever anyone came too close to him it didn´t seem to be the case with Suho, maybe because he was just a child, who knew. Blushing shyly at the compliment he recieved he glanced at Suho before looking back at Taekwoon "Suho's english is way better than my korean though" and that even though the other was way younger than him.
Suho (B) [A] 7 years ago
@Dylan(B) Suho slightly squeezed the elder boys hand, rubbing his thumb over the skin. Listening to the boys broken English, Suho pulled his hand away and clapped happily as he looked at Taekwoon. "Appa, hyung has really good Korean for an non Korean person." He spoke in Korean, smiling down at the boy
Dylan(B) 7 years ago
@Leo (D) Nodding his head softly Dylan glanced at Suho, still slightly nervous about being around the other boy even though he didn´t really look uncomfortable around him. The idea of feeding the ducks was weird to him though, as before meeting Taekwoon he had been always hungry and had to beg for food and now he was going to give it to animals instead. Smiling at the other's way of trying to speak in english he took his hand and gave his best to do the same for him in korean "I..uhm..I don´t know how old..but I likes food and..sleep" he said slowly, feeling slightly embarrassed for not knowing his own age.
Suho (B) [A] 7 years ago
@Leo (D) Suho looked up at Taekwoon and nodded his head at the idea of feeding the ducks, something he had never done before either. Smiling, he clung onto his appa but shyly reached a hand down for the other boy to hold. Trying to think of some of the English spoken in the orphanage, Suho stuck his tongue out until he managed to make a sentence. "I... Is... 4. Me likes... Daddy and..." Suho didn't know the word for being silly so just stuck is tongue out and made a funny noise, hoping the boy could understand him.
Leo (D) 7 years ago
@Suho (B) @Dylan(B) Taekwoon smiled warmly as the two boys greeted each other. He looked around and tried to think of what he could to get them interacting while they were there. "How about we go feed the ducks at the pond," he asked, in both Korean and English to accommodate both of the kids. He was aware that he was really going to have to work with helping Dylan learn Korean and Suho to learn English but, honestly, he didn't mind at all. It would be something he would really enjoy doing in his free time. "Why don't you two say how old you are and two things you like," he suggested, leading the way to the pond. He made sure he still had the small bag of seedless grapes in his pocket.
Suho (B) [A] 7 years ago
@Leo (D) @Dylan(B) Suho smiled happily as he was lifted into his Appa's arms, giggling softly. "I get to meet my brother~" He sung softly to himself before on his thumb to calm himself down. Suho was just as eagle eyed as Taekwoon even though he had no clue who he was looking for. When his Appa started walking a bit faster, Suho knew he had found him and removed his thumb from his mouth. Now Suho was still a shy boy so he just gave a small sheepish smile to the boy sat infront of him and a small wave. "Hello." He said softly, looking up to Taekwoon to make sure he wasn't being awkward.
Dylan(B) 7 years ago
@Suho (B) @Leo (D) Dylan felt more than just a bit nervous as he sat on the bench in the park. He hoped that he was at the right destination even though he had made sure to ask 3 strangers whether or not this was the right park that he had looked for on the map. Taekwoon had made sure to explain the way to him but the young american still was afraid of doing mistakes and leaving a bad first impression on the boy who could become his little brother. Waiting impatiently he looked around, gnawing on his lips in an attempt to calm himself down. Seeing the familiar face along with a smaller boy Dylan took a deep breath before getting up from his bench to approach them. "H-hi" he said while shyly waving at the other boy.
Leo (D) 7 years ago
@Suho (B) @Dylan(B) After finding a parking space, Taekwoon got Suho out of the backseat of the car and carried him on his hip to where he would introduce him to Dylan in the park. He had made sure that he gave Dylan a map and explained how to follow it, knowing not to really bother with writing words since Dylan had still yet to learn to read. He didn't want to stress him out if he could help it. He glanced around until he spotted the boy and then bounced Suho on his hip a bit, picking up his pace some, "Suho, this is Dylan. Dylan, this is Suho. If I need to translate anything between you two, I will, so don't worry."
SH - J-Hope(D) 8 years ago
@Seungri(D) [so?! Wanna be a part of hoseok's comfort team if hoseok ends it with xiumin? :P ]
SH - J-Hope(D) 8 years ago
@Seungri(D) [sorry bro~ my muse for minseok's gone because my minseok's not replying anymore...hence the slow reply...orz ]

Ah!~ sorry~ /chuckles as he placed them into his plate instead so he doesn't contaminate the untouched food/
Wow~ talk about good luck...~ /chuckles nodding as he eats the food while you talk/
/laughs lightly and dorkily as he covers his mouth while eating, the type to laugh at almost anything as long as there was humor behind it/
That's real funny!~ /chuckles before nodding as he thinks about how to word it...CEO? Nah...too fancy.../
M: Hopey hyung's the teacher of dance for the whole school!
Well.../chuckles rubbing his nape as that seemed too braggy/ not exactly...~
Actually, my family passed down the dance academy to me so yeah...~ I guess you could say I run that school...~ /rubs his nape before eating the rest/
But /sighs before kicking his feet and jumping up, minseok copying/ I'm tired sitting here all cooped all day!~ /pouts lightly, with hands on his hips before grinning at you/
Yah~ Seungri-sshi!~ let's go out!~ I'll show you many important places of this town!~ whaddaya say?~ /smiles/ you in?~
Seungri(D) 8 years ago
@SH - J-Hope(D) /seeing the little kid feeding you and seeing how thrilled you seem by that simple action I cant help but to laugh quietly, chewing some of the pastry /
hey,hey ,I have a figure to watch dont feed me too much!
/laughs loudly, stroking my hair back and glancing at you /
well..I was just looking for a new place which would be close enough to the center and this apartment was available just on time.
/smiles softly, looking at you with sincerity,/
ahh well, I'm a landscape designer.. but that's just a fancy name for a gardener.
/laughs lightly, curious about you now/
what about you ?
SH - J-Hope(D) 8 years ago
@Seungri(D) [yo~ for the first time I'm poking you! XD wow~ this is new~ :P ]
SH - J-Hope(D) 8 years ago
@Seungri(D) /just pouts slightly but grossly as his arms cross over himself until he smiles largely with brightened eyes once minseok leans over to feed him/
Thanks so muuch, minseok-ah~
/chuckles before he takes another by himself, also filling your plate with food as he talks/
So seungri-sshi...~what brought you here to our neighborhood?~ you're job? Something else?~
/after you answer that question, asks another with a smile as minseok listens intently towards you while the kid nibbles on a pastry in the plate/
What do you do for a living, seungri-sshi? You don't have to tell me if its not really legal...don't wanna get in the way of all that...~ /chuckles as he continues to eat, happily/
Seungri(D) 8 years ago
@SH - J-Hope(D) /waitimg for an answear I then open the door fully to make you see I really do mean it /
/letting you debate it yourself and not trying to convince you to much because I myself cant stand it when people try to make me do things im not sure I want to do /
/when miseok agree for the both of you I start laughing letting the two of you get in the apartment and closing the door behind /
/my eyes widen as minseok takes the pot and place himself on the floor expecting us to follow /
/watching you sitting down beside him I laugh when you want to take the first pastry but miseok refuse to give it to you /
/grinig cockily I sit down beside him ,looking at you /
/when he tris to feed me I feel slightly awkward but I just go with it and open my mouth/
/not really minding what you're saying because I am starting to get hungry now/


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tonylikesbutt 4 years ago
hey my kik is tonylikesbutt if anyone is still active in here im straight and idc about age
Bowrair 8 years ago
Heyo~ jhope left cause there was no one to rp with /not even my baby...orz/ and then the rp's dead really~ XD
SweetTinyUke 8 years ago
Hello I am rather new here and am super interested in joining this group.
Problem Is, I need help learning everything.
-taeliscious 8 years ago
Question! Since the person asking for Sehun doesn't seem to have applied could I ask for him? Idk how your reservations work and the layout is all hard to read on mobile. If not can I have Jongin reserved?
brittini 8 years ago
Yibo left , may be back
JCH21753 8 years ago
Hello hello! Could I please reserve Baek as a master (for myself) and Sehun as a slave (for a friend) please? ;;
colazero 8 years ago
what's the difference between a master and a daddy?
kardashianlol 8 years ago
hellow thur. is non-asian charas allowed? <3
cinnacheol 8 years ago
Xiumin needs to go on hiatus
shingeki-no-taemin 8 years ago
I'd like to reserve SHINee's Onew? <3
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