» Coex Mall «





The largest underground shopping mall in Asia. It houses 260 stores and leisure facilities including fashion, beauty, entertainment, and cultural spaces. Step inside and be showered with luxury.
**Note: As things are purchased, they will be delivered and then replaced with something different in the store. That means, each thing you buy will be purely unique and no one else will have it!



Dylan(B) 9 years ago
@Kris (D) It was getting warmer everyday now, something that Dylan was glad about since he was spending most of the time outside. Ever since he had run away from the orphanage he was hiding, from the police, from his previous 'boss', from his past. It wasn´t so easy however as he had nowhere to go. There were barely any dark alleys that weren´t crowded with homeless people at night but he had no desire to spend his nights close to those, they were the kinds of people that his boss´s henchmen would try to get into their rows after all. Thanks to that he only had a few options left for places to sleep and hang out. Most of the nights he rested on park benches or playgrounds, washing himself in ponds or public restrooms. His life wasn´t peachy or easy but it was a way to live at least. Strolling down the streets he frowned, of course he didn´t really like his life but he had no way to change it, how could he... Glancing around he sighed, he needed money, or at least food. He knew that sooner or later he would have to start pickpocketing again but he had hoped it would take longer than this. Bumping into a few people from time to time he collected wallets here and there before rushing into the first store on his road to hide from the victims or anyone who could have witnessed what he had done.


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tonylikesbutt 4 years ago
hey my kik is tonylikesbutt if anyone is still active in here im straight and idc about age
Bowrair 8 years ago
Heyo~ jhope left cause there was no one to rp with /not even my baby...orz/ and then the rp's dead really~ XD
SweetTinyUke 8 years ago
Hello I am rather new here and am super interested in joining this group.
Problem Is, I need help learning everything.
-taeliscious 8 years ago
Question! Since the person asking for Sehun doesn't seem to have applied could I ask for him? Idk how your reservations work and the layout is all hard to read on mobile. If not can I have Jongin reserved?
brittini 8 years ago
Yibo left , may be back
JCH21753 8 years ago
Hello hello! Could I please reserve Baek as a master (for myself) and Sehun as a slave (for a friend) please? ;;
colazero 8 years ago
what's the difference between a master and a daddy?
kardashianlol 8 years ago
hellow thur. is non-asian charas allowed? <3
cinnacheol 8 years ago
Xiumin needs to go on hiatus
shingeki-no-taemin 9 years ago
I'd like to reserve SHINee's Onew? <3
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