✣⋮ ➣ Kitchen

Food To Eat...In Multiple Ways
✥SW|Kang Seulgi 9 years ago
@SW|Sehun Seulgi moaned louder when she felt his thumb rubbing her and when he started to finger her ing three fingers inside her at once. She nodded slowly when he commanded her to take his oants of, she quickly unbuckled his belt and pushed his pants down. bringing his boxers with it. She harshly bit her lip when she felt her being squeezed in a rough manner and when he added another finger inside her hole making her moan even louder. She turned around as fast as she can and her lips seeing a few people watching them, but heck she cares. All she ever cares about is the pleasure she was feeling right now because of this stranger whom she doesn't even know the name. Her moans grew louder when he started to her and he didn't even stop her . She could feel her toes curling with pleasure as she gripped on the pane of the glass window infront of her "Ahh " she moaned out letting lust rule over her mind and body.
✥SW|Kang Seulgi 9 years ago
@SW|Sehun She could feel his eyes staring at hers, and she don't know why but she can't help but stare back at him. The thoughts inside her mind was rumbled and she can't think clearly. She tried regaining her reasoning and clearing her mind, and when she succeeded doing this, that's the only time when she realized that she was already giving in to him. She let him her as her hands moved to the back of is head and she let her head fall back leaning it on the wall out the pleasurable sensation she was feeling. She watched him her pants and gently bit her lip remembering that she wore thongs. She instinctively moved her free hand to his wrists and placed it inside her thongs, rubbing his hand in her wet womanhood as he closed her eyes and moaned a bit louder than her previous moans
✥SW|Kang Seulgi 9 years ago
@SW|Sehun She quickly stepped backward when he took a step closer to her. She could feel her heartbeat racing inside her, She wanted to look away and avoid his gaze, The smirk that was across his face, the obvious lust in his eyes. She wanted to be away from all of those, but there was just something in him that made her continues looking at him. She kept walking backwards until he pinned him to the wall, leaning as close as she can to the wall, Seulgi bit her lip and furrowed her brows while trying to free herself from him. She started shouting at him, but everything was stopped by just a rough kiss from him. She could feel his tongue inside as he hers. She moved her hands trying to be free from his strong grip, but it was really no use. She tried thinking of ways on how to stop him but the next thing she knew was that her clothes were being ripped apart, making her want to run away even more. She tried to stop her moans from escaping out of but they were uncontrollable. And when he stopped kissing her, she panted trying to catch her breath from the kiss. She wanted to stop her, but there was also a part of her that was liking what he was doing. She stood still not knowing which to follow, giving him the chance to kiss her neck and jawline.
✥SW|Kang Seulgi 9 years ago
@SW|Sehun Her eyebrows automatically raised up the moment she noticed him looking or rather staring at her, well her body to be exact. Her face lit up as soon as she knew that it was his food "Really? Then uh, C-can I have some?" She asked with a bright smile across her face, Hoping that he would give her some, but her smile was rewarded with a poker face. 'Woah, this guy ain't friendly' She told herself. She silently watched him pouring the soup making her gulp. She looked up at him and realized that he was talking to her, "Yeah, I-if it's alright?" She answered a bit hesitatingly. His next statement made her realize that it wasn't supposed to be eaten at once, just like how she planned to. "o-oh." She at the bowl then back at him before meeting his lustful gaze, Her eyes slightly widened as she gulped and stepped backward trying to move away from him "I uhh, M-maybe I'll just go look f-for food somewh--" Her sentence was cut when he harshly kissed her without permission. Her hands moved to his chest as she pushed him away harshly before wiping her lips "What's your problem?!" She asked getting a bit annoyed at his rude actions.
✥SW|Kang Seulgi 9 years ago
@SW|Sehun It was a very tiring day and Seulgi was feeling hungry. All she wanted was something to eat, and unfortunately She couldn't find any food nearby. The nearest would be the kitchen which was just too far for her growling appetite. Yet her hunger had somehow forced her to just start walking. She walked as fast as she can towards the kitchen and opened the door. Her eyes were automatically caught by the Stew being re-heated in the stove. She quickly walked inside and scanned the place to see if there was someone inside as well, who may also be the person to own the Kimchi Stew. While looking around she saw a guy standing by the closed fridge and drinking a glass of water. "H-Hello, do you uhmm, own that?" She asked him while pointing to the stew. Her stomach really needs something to fill it up right now and maybe befriending this guy will be the solution.
❇D|Nichkhun 9 years ago
@❇SW|Gain Nichkhun walked into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat since he had been busy all day with work and other things that he didn't get the chance to eat. Now that he had the time, Nichkhun was planning on eating as much as he can before he had to do something else and didn't have time to eat again. Nichkhun usually didn't get that much chance to sit down and eat a proper meal since most of the time, he had to grab something and eat it on the go so there wasn't much of an option for him.
Nichkhun arrived in the kitchen as he opened the refrigerator and looked inside to see what he could make with the things that were available to him. When he looked inside of the refrigerator, there were plenty of choices that he really had no idea as Nichkhun kept on staring at the content of the fridge while thinking about what he wanted to eat.
[post deleted by owner]
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@S|Gain Having finished his training session and wanting to spend time with his wife, Jihoon had come home and gotten cleaned up. He was in bed reading when he heard his wife come in. Getting up, he didn't bother putting on a shirt or his robe and he made his way downstairs. He found her in the kitchen guzzling water. Knowing that her head was likely hurting, he grabbed her painkillers and handed them to her. "Here. Take them." He then went and got an ice pack from the freezer before picking her up bridal style and carrying her upstairs. He would take care of her as he usually did when she was hurt and then he'd her crazy.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@S|Gain He wasn't put off by her telling him not to cancel. In fact, he had plans to bring Chorong home with him. He'd let Gain watch and then he'd take her. Hard, fast, and rough, just the way she liked it. He'd have her screaming his name in no time. "Okay babe. Whatever you say. Have fun." He didn't let it phase him. Her arrogance turned him on even more, because all he could think about was proving her wrong. As she wiggled her , he rubbed her clothed womanhood. Unfortunately, he couldn't do much more since her mom was already there. He sighed and let her go. He finished washing his dishes and dried them before putting them away. He had to pick up her gifts from the mansion. Boa was keeping them for him. He hadn't seen the shoes yet. He was sure she would like everything he had for her. Tucking the gift into his pocket, he went upstairs and changed his clothes before heading out to the mansion for his training session with Chorong. His willing and enthusiastic pupil. He drove over and smiled when he walked into the room and Chorong was already in the bed waiting for him. He smirked at her and pulled her up. "Change of plans baby. You're coming home with me and we're going to let my wife watch. She liked it." He winked at the girl and ran a finger down her body.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@S|Gain Rain was nearly done eating when the female walked up to him and he didn't say a word. When she sat the box down, he was surprised she'd remembered. He wouldn't open it yet, but when she walked away, he grabbed her hand and pulled her back into his lap. Draping his arms around her waist, he smiled and kissed her. He really did love her, but she just pissed him off so much at times. Pulling back, he looked in her eyes. "How long before your mother gets here?" He knew she felt him getting hard. Fine, so he wanted her, but then all the stuff he'd said earlier was just to get a rise out of her. Their life was so good, because most of the time they had angry or were trying to let out high amounts of frustration. He massaged her tenderly and on her neck. Knowing they didn't even have time for a quickie, he stopped. He just wanted her to be ready for him when she got home. Leaning close to her ear, he whispered. "I want you tonight darling. If you want me to cancel with Chorong, I will and I hope you don't have plans for our anniversary. If you do, cancel them, because I want to spend the whole day with you and I have a surprise for you." He pecked her lips and set her on her feet before standing up himself. He went back to the kitchen and washed the dishes.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@S|Gain Rain didn't even get upset with her question. He just didn't care. She always thought what she wanted and now would be no different. No matter what he said, she would think whatever she liked. He didn't let it bother him. He'd never cared what she thought and he certainly wouldn't start now. Looking at her, he shrugged non-committally and put the pan in the sink to wash later. Then he grabbed his water and went to the table. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of upsetting him. "They are interesting and they want me. Not to mention they like what I do to them and they give as good as they get." He was thinking about how Chorong had him. It was making him hard all over again. As she slammed the door, one of the photos on the wall fell and the frame shattered. He would clean it up, but only because it was the photo of him and Victoria together. He should check on her, but then again, they had plans for this weekend. He ate his dinner, oblivious to what she was planning upstairs.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@S|Gain Rain didn't reply. He had never been given a reason to be gentle. She'd was right that she hadn't married a gentle man though. He could be, but he wasn't with her and never had been. Then again, he knew she liked it rough, so why should he hold back. He didn't really care what she thought of him, because he knew the truth. After all, he delivered babies everyday and a cold-hearted person wouldn't be able to give them or their mothers the tender loving care they needed. He looked down at her. "I don't think so. No person will ever end my life. Only the heavens can decide when I die, so get that stupid idea out of your head." He growled from deep in his throat out of displeasure and wondered yet again how he'd ended up married to his woman. She was cold, ruthless and a predator. His eyes ran over her body and as she stripped and he felt nothing. She really wasn't his type, so what had he been thinking. He must have been drugged. That was the only thing he could think of. She was so infuriating though and he was going to show her exactly how she would submit to him. It would have to wait until later, but he would be sure to do it. When he heard about her mother, he scoffed. "I believe I live here. I will go when I'm ready and not a moment sooner." He turned the stove off as the food finished cooking and grabbed a plate. "Lucky for you I have some training to do tonight. Speaking of which, don't wait up. I'll stay with Chorong tonight. She's a cute little thing and nothing like you. I actually enjoy her body." With that he turned away, knowing she'd be pissed by the insult.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@S|Gain Rain knew she was lying, but if she didn't want him to cook for him, fine. He wouldn't worry about it. He continued what he was doing. Having great instincts, he felt the moment she moved and when she pressed against him, the man laughed. "Oh did she? Well maybe that's because I am. Just not with you, but then you've never given me a reason. Remind me again why we even got married." This was not a foreign conversation for them. "And be nice to her or you'll deal with me." He wasn't kidding either. The woman was an absolute to her assistant and for no reason. Rain couldn't stand it. He waited for the right moment. Just as she pulled her knife out, he spun around with a speed that belied his age and grabbed her wrist, pinning her to the island in the middle of the kitchen. "And just what do you plan to do with that?" He didn't wait for her answer. Instead, he took the knife and threw it across the room before ripping her shirt off. "You still don't understand that you answer to me, do you?" He was planning to show her, but he couldn't be bothered right now. He had a training to do tonight. If looks could kill, she'd have been dead with the look he gave her, but he pinched one of her s and smirked before turning back to the stove.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@S|Gain When Rain finished his shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into his closet. He put on his boxers and a pair of shorts. He then enter downstairs and into the kitchen. Seeing his wife drinking wine, he scoffed. He went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water and some food to cook. "Have you eaten yet?" He normally wouldn't ask, but since he was cooking for himself, he figured he'd do the right thing and make her something too. Walking past her, he put a skillet on the stove and put a bit of oil in it before turning it on. He then grabbed a knife and began chopping vegetables to make a stir fry. He expertly sliced the beef and put the little strips into the waiting pan to cook.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@S|Gain Rain stripped out of his clothes and let the water wash over him as he stepped into the spray. He needed find a way to get control over that woman. She was so rude to her employees and none of them had ever given her a reason. Her assistant was a cute, little thing. He could just imagine what he would do to her if he ever got the chance. He knew she would be submissive, but ty woman in bed. He could see it in her eyes. First, he had to get Gain not to be such a to her though. After all, the woman did her job and so much more.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@S|Gain Rain had been in the delivery room almost since he'd gotten to work at 7am. It was nearly 10pm and he was only just getting home. He had delivered 9 babies which was a new record for him. Most of the women weren't his patients, but he'd been the doctor on call. As he walked into the house, he saw Gain's assistant leaving and he smiled. "Is she still being difficult?" He knew very well what a headache the woman could be. Shaking his head, he went upstairs and got into the shower. He needed to was the day off. Luckily, tomorrow he had the day off. He just had to decide how to spend it. Hopefully, Gain wouldn't be home.


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charliebrown 8 years ago
can you reserve chen for me??
Nekoma01 8 years ago
can i apply as kai but make him a D
TLMMSRP 8 years ago
cant wait for this to be revamped OuO
ZelosThighs 8 years ago
Zelo left, it's so inactive.
But if there's a revamp I'll definitely be interested in coming back!
Jhopeexoticvip 8 years ago
Rain left. Thanks for having me.
abiectio 8 years ago
Victoria Song will be leaving.
cloudangelheartsuju 8 years ago
I'm sorry but Henry is leaving
krzykiki 9 years ago
Can you add GD?
AlexCross 9 years ago
Ryosuke is leaving. I had fun here. Thanks for having me :)
a5d4909c47583f815278 9 years ago
Dakota left.
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