♕⋮ ➣ Matt's Premises


Master Matt Premises




Knock First




♕D|Matt Bomer [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Kai [SM] The response of the tanned nurse caused a smirk of great wonders upon Matt's lips and he leaned in closer to his face with his eyes lowered on Kai's plump lips. "Are you only curious about the bag and the things inside?" Matt asked him with the swindling heat of his breath breathing on Kai's lips. Unconsciously, his thumb had gripped his chin harder and he was enclosing the space between them with his presence. Matt's greed was getting the best of him, but he had a feeling the other wouldn't mind the greed one bit since he was simply 'curious'. Didn't greed and curiosity make a great combination?
✥S|Kai [SM] 9 years ago
@♕D|Matt Bomer Kai's eyes flicked up when he felt, more than saw, Matt moving closer. The nurse glanced at the shrinking space between them, before looking back up when he felt the smooth, slightly rough palm of the other along his skin. He was surprised,yes,but he couldn't say it wasn't a nice feeling. Kai felt himself let out a soft sound of surprise when he felt Mat grip his chin roughly, lips parting slightly in suprise as he looked up into Matt's dark eyes. It took him a few beats process the question before he answered. "The-i was curious about the bag, and the... things inside." Kai responded, feeling drawn in by Matt's eyes.
♕D|Matt Bomer [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Kai Just for a moment, a small moment Matt was almost distracted from the growing excitement and edging desire of curiosity, but that distraction was shattered when Kai had bit his lip. Matt's mouth had parted slightly with a gasp of cooling breath to calm down his heated body, but it was failed attempt. He was magnetized and inclined to step closer to Kai. Before he could even control himself, his hand had lifted and softly d the smooth skin of the nurse. The softness lit Matt on fire from his toes to the top of his head. He wanted him in this very moment and d his chin hardly, making him look straight in his strong azure eyes. "What are you curious about?" He asked off the tip of his tongue, ready to ravish the other in any moment.
✥S|Kai [SM] 9 years ago
@♕D|Matt Bomer The male on the floor zipped up the bag quickly, torn between wanting the situation to speed up while slightly wanting it to slow down, prolonging the inevitable confrontation. He could feel the heavy weight of the doctor's gaze, shifting a little as he felt, more than saw Matt walk forward towards him. Taking a breath, Kai decided to try a diffuse the situation as much as he could. "I-I'm sorry for going through your things, Matt." he said, biting his lip lightly and tugging on the soft skin. "I didn't mean to! I just got.. curious..and..yeah." he finished lamely, steeling himself for a possibly violent reaction.
♕D|Matt Bomer [A] 9 years ago
@S|Kai There was long dark stare that was descending on the man as Matt stood there, watching his every move like a hawk ready to capture its prey through its sturdy beaks. Silently, he watched the other put the toys inside its home and Matt dark dress shoes made a sound of steps, which were two steps forward. He took in slow deep breaths, awaiting for Kai to finish up, for he had a wild storm of plans rushing through his mind that the other would have been overwhelmed. But, the question is, overwhelmed how? Overwhelmed with lust or fear? That was a question to be figured out very soon, very soon indeed.
✥S|Kai [SM] 9 years ago
@♕D|Matt Bomer With every measured step, Kai felt himself shrinking a little further. A glance up had him wiltering at the dark glance, filled with a sort of promise he couldn't decipher. He jumped a little at his voice, nodding quickly as he gathered up the toys. "R-right, sorry." he said, twisting a little on his knees so he could try to put them back in the bag.
♕D|Matt Bomer [A] 9 years ago
@S|Kai With an increased breath count and heart rate, Matt's dark shoes led into the room with the door being shut behind him. His eyes were a tint darker, looking like a dark blue sea, threathning a bewildering storm. The doctor was now glowering down at the nervous male, looking down shamefully at the dropped toys on the floor. "Pick them up," Matt said calmly, which was unexpected, but this would lead somewhere beyond the tranquility of his voice.
✥S|Kai [SM] 9 years ago
@♕D|Matt Bomer He couldn't see much, but a few oddly shaped things inside the bag. The nurse reached inside the bag, feeling feeling around until he pulled out what looked to be a sort of leather collar with a ball connected to the front. He stared at it weirdly before reaching in with his free hand and pulling out a smooth wood paddle. The tanned boy regarded the objects curiously, studying them intently before being caught off guard by a voice behind him. Kai dropped the toys quickly as if he was burned and turning around quickly. "M-Matt!" he exclaimed nervously. "S-sorry, I was just.. " he trailed off, unsure of how to explain himself. Afterall, it was quite obvious what he was doing"
♕D|Matt Bomer [A] 9 years ago
@S|Kai Matt was just pulling up into the parking lot and escaping his white aventador to make it in the house, in which he shared with Kai, since he was one of his fellow workers due to him needing a low pay on the bills, til he would get a better pay to rent his own place. The doctor was now inside the apartment with a glass of water, sipping on it as he walked up stairs, ready to start on paper work. But, the moment he opened his room and looked inside, he almost let the glass slip out his fingers when he saw Kai, the tanned boy with a ball gag in one hand and a paddle in the other. Just for a split second, Matt was finding him aroused for the first time in a long while for a man. "K-Kai," He called his name off the back of his throat, unsure from the reaction of the latter.
✥S|Kai [SM] 9 years ago
Coming into the house, Kai shrugged off his coat, hanging it up before venturing further into the house. He could tell by the silence he was the only one home for now, having got off of work early. The nurse brushed his bangs out of his eyes as he went to his room, setting his bag down. He hadn't had a chance to eat much today, so he decided to go to the kitchen to find a snack at least. Walking out of the room, he paused when he noticed the door to Matt's room was open. He usually locked it when he wasn't home, but he must have forgotten to do so before he left that morning. Kai moved to lock it before pausing, a bit curious to peek inside. He hesitated briefly, before deciding that couldn't hurt; he'd be in and out, and Matt would never know. With that, the tanned boy turned the knob, slipping inside the room. He walked forward, looking around before seeing a black in the corner. Kai crouched down before kneeling in front of the bag, ping it and looking inside.


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charliebrown 8 years ago
can you reserve chen for me??
Nekoma01 8 years ago
can i apply as kai but make him a D
TLMMSRP 8 years ago
cant wait for this to be revamped OuO
ZelosThighs 8 years ago
Zelo left, it's so inactive.
But if there's a revamp I'll definitely be interested in coming back!
Jhopeexoticvip 8 years ago
Rain left. Thanks for having me.
abiectio 8 years ago
Victoria Song will be leaving.
cloudangelheartsuju 8 years ago
I'm sorry but Henry is leaving
krzykiki 9 years ago
Can you add GD?
AlexCross 9 years ago
Ryosuke is leaving. I had fun here. Thanks for having me :)
a5d4909c47583f815278 9 years ago
Dakota left.
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