☾⋮ ➣Dara's Harem


Dara's Harem




Knock First and Close the Door - You Won't Be Leaving




❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain Her eyes widened as she looked at his chest. Reaching over she traced her name with her finger gently. "Wow~ Oppa," she looked up at him with a smile. "You did this for me? It's the greatest thing ever. The best thing you could've possibly showed me." She placed a kiss on his skin, laying her cheek against his chest. "You really are the best man ever, Jihoon oppa. Thank you."
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Without putting on his seat belt, Rain turned to his sister and looked at her seriously. "I did this on my 20th birthday." He then pulled his shirt up, revealing her name across his heart. He hoped she'd like it..
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain Dara flashed a big grin at him, happy with that fact. She buckled herself in and wiggled excitedly. She loved surprises! Birthdays were amazing and Christmas was her all-time favorite holiday...well...after Thanksgiving. She loved food more than surprises.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Rain couldn't help but Crack a smile as she fussed over him. The smile turned into a laugh. "Yes they were, but I'm okay. It just annoys me." He kissed her hair and smiled. "I'm okay now though. You always calm me down." When they got to the car, he opened her door and waited for her to get in before closing the door. After he put the bags in the back seat, he got in as well.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain "Yep!" She ran her hand over his face. "Aigoo, my poor Oppa. You look much better smiling than frowning. Were people staring at you? I should've took you with me." She kissed his shoulder gently. "Dara is sorry~" She kept close to him as they walked to the car, too focused on him to notice the stares they were receiving from people, mainly jealous looks on both their parts.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara He laughed and shook his head at how easily she forgot things, but how excited she looked. Pulling out his wallet, he handed her his credit card and smiled. "Okay baby. I'll wait for you there. He stood at the entrance, bored and annoyed by all the stares he was receiving. He was used to it, bit it was just irritating right now. Looking up as she came back, he took her bags and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling out to the car. "Did you get everything you wanted?"
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain "Oh! I'll get it really quick!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands. "Wait for me at the entrance, okay~?" She reached up and pressed a deep kiss to his lips before hurrying off to the store. She ended up buying much more than she intended. Three bags worth of stuff actually. She rushed back to the entrance of the mall, panting softly.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara He nodded and walked out of the store with her. He stopped right outside of the door and turned to her. "Do you still want to get your stuff for your collection?" He didn't mind, but if she didn't want to, he was more than willing to take her to her surprise and let her see his tattoo.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain She nodded. "Oh, okay," she said, taking hold of his hand and nuzzling her cheek against his shoulder. Minjoo smiled. "It was nice meeting you as well~ Stop by sometime. Bye-Bye Bunny." Dara waved to him before looking up at Rain. "Yeah, we can go, Oppa. I'm not partial to staying a long time in the mall. Only if it's for movies though."
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara He swelled with pride, hearing her say that. "Thanks. I like pandas." He took her hand and kissed it. She was his life and always had been. At her question, he smiled. "Yes I have something on my chest, but no it's not a burn. I'll show you when we get in the car." He pecked her lips and went to get some T-shirts that would match his jeans. When he was done, he went to the counter and paid for everything. Holding out his hand he for hers, he took their bags. "It was nice meeting you Min Joo ah. Are you ready to go Princess?"
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain "Incredibly y~ Pandas suit you, Oppa," she said, laying her hand on his chest. She looked down at her hand before looking back up at him, remembering a question she had had for him. "Oppa, it was really dark last night but...do you have something on your chest? I couldn't make it out. Did you burn yourself?" She hadn't felt a burn though. Maybe it was just her imagination.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara He nodded once he heard her and took the one in his size and put it on. "How do I look?" He snuggled her and smiled. Jihoon also liked the idea, but he wondered what she thought of his tattoo and why she hadn't said anything about it. On his 20th birthday, he'd gone and gotten her name tattooed over his heart. It was pretty dark when they'd made love lately though.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain The thought of couple anything made her smile. "Oppa should get one too!" she said as she cuddled up to him. "I like the idea of having couple hoodies with my handsome fiance," she cooed, wrapping an arm around his waist.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara He looked down at her as if he had no idea what she was talking about. "What do you mean? I happen to like your friend." He walked around, looking for more stuff for himself. Looking up, he smiled and nodded. "You'd loo so cute. Get it." He found one in his size too. "Should I get one too? It'll be like couples hoodies. What do you think?" He smiled.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain Dara squeaked before smacking his chest lightly. "Don't encourage him, Oppa!" She stuck her tongue out at her friend, who was smiling brightly back at her. She looked around her before gasping in delight. "Oppa!" She tugged him over to a panda hoodie. "This!" She took it off the rack and held it up to her body. "Don't you think it'll look cute on me~?"
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara He grinned. "Me too." He loved teasing Dara and this was even more fun. "Thanks." He smiled at the boy. After giving him the jeans, he nodded and took Dara by the waist and putting her back on her feet. "I think I have what I need for my other needs right here." He took her hand and went to look around the shop. "Tell me if you see anything you like babe."
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain She shivered with desire, blushing lightly. "I'm glad," she murmured. Minjoo watched them with obvious delight. "You two are so cute~" he said, clapping his hands. When Rain came back out he took the jeans from him and put them on the counter. "Have a look around, sweetheart~ I'm sure we have everything to fit your needs. Well...clothing needs, anyway." Dara smacked his arm lightly. "Oh, Minjoo, behave!" Minjoo smiled. "No promises, Bunny bun."
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara When she spoke, he walked up to her and stood between her legs. "They're comfortable and no. I'm just fine." He then leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "I'll still be able to make you scream when we get to your surprise." With a wink, he went back to try on the blue and then the tan ones. They all fit nicely. He brought them back out and smiled. "Now I just need t-shirts and sneakers and I think I'm good."
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain She kissed him back eagerly, smiling. "I always want to see your , Oppa. Though seeing all of you is just as good." She laid her hand on his chest before he went to the dressing room. She sat on the counter as she and Minjoo chatted. Her eyes went back up to her Oppa. "Ooh, I like the black ones, Oppa. Do they fit nicely? Not castrating you, I hope."
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara "I can believe that. She was never like that at home, unless it was just the two of us." He patted her head, thinking that it had to do with her dad. He nodded as the boy left and then leaned down to kiss his baby sister. "Stop blowing kisses and give me one. Besides, if you want to see my , just say so. It's all yours baby." He grinned and looked up as the boy came back. Taking the jeans, he smiled. "Thank you." Then, he went to the dressing room and tried on the black ones.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain "Hm? Oh, Dara used to be so hyper, well still is, and she reminded our class of a bunny since they can be really hyper too. So Bunny just stuck." Minjoo smiled at them happily. Dara blew Rain a kiss, winking at him before looking back at Minjoo, who was busy looking Rain over again. "I believe we have a perfect pair for you~" he said. "Wait right here." Minjoo walked to the storage in the back, going through the jeans before coming out with three pairs. "One in black, blue, and tan~" He handed the jeans to him. "You can try them on in the dressing room."
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara "Thank you...I think." He looked from the boy to Dara and back as they shook hands. "So how did she get the name Bunny?" He hadn't realized the boy had known about him that long. That meant Dara really didn't ever get over him. At the younger male's words, he blushed darkly and playfully glared at Dara. "See. I told you that's why you wanted me to wear skinny jeans." He then turned back to Minjoo. "Do you have something that won't castrate me in the process? And yes. I'm a 26." He was going to get her back for messing with him.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain "Oh my god, you are so adorable~" Minjoo exclaimed, shaking his hand. "I'm Minjoo. Bunny has talked about you for forever! Since we were about 15." Dara shoved his shoulder gently. "Yah, Minjoo-ah," she pouted. "So what can I do for you, sugar plum?" Minjoo asked before looking Rain up and down. "I'm thinking...a size 26 in the waist? Skinny jeans might work, accentuate certain...assets of yours." Dara laughed with delight at his words.
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara "I'm sure you don't." He rolled his eyes as he knew she was trying to be cute. Rain stood their and watched the two of them together. She seemed very happy and that made him smile. He frowned at the guy calling her Bunny. The frown turned to a small smile and a blush though as he was complimented. He extended his hand. "Hi. I'm Jihoon, but everyone calls me Rain."
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain "I have no idea what you're talking about~" she said with mock innocent. "Minjoo baby~!" she called, seeing her friend. "Dara!" he squealed, rushing up to her and gathering her into his arms. "Hi bunny~" He looked up at Rain with big eyes. "Wow! You were right, bunny. He's absolutely gorgeous!" Dara blushed with delight. "I told you so~"
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara He wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck lovingly. "And I'm yours darling." He turned her head and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Studying the jeans, he nodded. "Okay. Where's your friend so we can ask him. But I know you just want to see my crotch in them." He chuckled, knowing that if they fit in the waist, they wouldn't hide his size even when he wasn't .
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain She laghed softly, patting his arm now. "Yes, Oppa. I'm yours~" she agreed before looking back at the jeans. "I don't think so. I think they'll fit you well and accentuate those y muscles of yours. Besides this is a Gentlemen's store~ All the clothing here is designed to suit mature men like yourself." She turned in his grasp and kissed his jaw lightly. "Even the skinny jeans~"
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara He smiled at that. "I can't tell you how many fights I almost got in, because people would see your picture on my phone or computer or desk and want me to introduce them to you." He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to his side. "You're mine and they can't have you." He looked back at the jeans and hesitated. "But they're skinny jeans. Don't you think I'm too old for them?" Just that innocent touch made his blood rush through his veins. "I love you more."
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@❇D|Rain "I talk about you all the time~" she chimed. "You're my Daddy, my Oppa, my everything. Even though I didn't know where you were at, you were still my Oppa." She looked at the jeans he was gazing at. "You'd look good in those, Oppa~ We can find a bigger size if you'd like." She patted his thigh. "I love you~"
❇D|Rain(Hiatus) 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Rain nodded. She really was a kid in a woman's body, but she was one naughty kid when it came to . "Okay. Let's go then, so I can show you your surprise soon." He was really excited about it too. He followed her in the store and laughed. "Well, he loves him. Do you ever talk about me?" He was really curious. He looked around and found some jeans that were nice, but they were skinny and he knew he couldn't wear them.


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charliebrown 8 years ago
can you reserve chen for me??
Nekoma01 8 years ago
can i apply as kai but make him a D
TLMMSRP 8 years ago
cant wait for this to be revamped OuO
ZelosThighs 8 years ago
Zelo left, it's so inactive.
But if there's a revamp I'll definitely be interested in coming back!
Jhopeexoticvip 8 years ago
Rain left. Thanks for having me.
abiectio 8 years ago
Victoria Song will be leaving.
cloudangelheartsuju 8 years ago
I'm sorry but Henry is leaving
krzykiki 9 years ago
Can you add GD?
AlexCross 9 years ago
Ryosuke is leaving. I had fun here. Thanks for having me :)
a5d4909c47583f815278 9 years ago
Dakota left.
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