
Gold Studio

♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) 8 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) "I never had an experience like that before. Mainly because I've never fell in love with anyone before. I became an idol because I always loved to preform in front of people and I get to work with people I never thought I would be able to do if this never happened. And of course so I can make my mother proud of my career choice." He sighed slightly then looked over to Robbie and smiled. "I know he is. I've trained him very well." Feng nodded slowly and rubbed his neck. "Not just you jiejie. A majority of the idols at the company are shorter then me. And I enjoy that a lot. Makes me stand out." He chuckled softly and returned working on the computer.
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 8 years ago
@♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) "I was in love with the idea of being in love with my best male friend and he had no idea so he got with my best female friend and when I was about to confess, he told me they were together. He was the reason I auditioned in the first place. But things took a different course for me as well so I am not one who should be complaining..." She chuckled shaking her head softly as she hugged Robbie's neck before petting him. "He's really handsome... Robbie i mean... And obedient... " the girl commented as she rubbed the dog's sides softly. "Ya! Are you calling me short? I'm your jie!" She huffed and kissed Robbie's snout.
♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) 8 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) "It can't be that weird. And whoever turned you down didn't know what he was thinking." He smiled slightly and leaned back into his chair. "I've had him for two years now. I got him about a month before I moved to China and live with some family there. Wasn't the first time I was there, and I'm glad that I wasn't alone." He grinned then chuckled softly. "You're older then me by only a year. Of course my height doesn't agree about that." He smiled brightly and motioned Robbie to go towards Mina.

(It's okay. Exams are a pain in the side. ^_^)
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 8 years ago
@♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) "Well, my case was a weird one... I wasn't straight out turned down..." she laughed as she kept spinning happily on her chair making funny noises. "How long have you and Robbie been friends?" she asked out of the blue being her random self. "Wait, how old are you? I'm 23 so if you're younger, you better start calling me jiejie mister!" she joked laughing as she called for Robbie to go to her so she can pet him softly.

((Sorry, I know it's short but exams daily are not letting me breathe! Q_Q))
♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) 8 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) "Yeah. I guess it is an excuse." He smiled slightly and stared at the screen before looking down to see his dog, chuckling softly. "I would be the one turning people down. Always told them that I was to busy for a relationship." He sighed silently. "Yep. I can speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean and English. I'm in the process of learning Japanese." He chuckled softly again at the girls expression towards him, though he didn't think that him speaking multiple languages was that impressive. "I haven't spoken in English that much since I first got here when I was 16." He subconsciously started to chew on his lower lip as he remembered the hardships he had when he first got to country and nervous how he really was.
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) "Well, I can honestly say it's a great excuse out of some really uncomfortable situations!" She nodded happily remembering when she confessed and got turned down. "I was turned down and used an assignment I had as a runaway excuse!" She chuckled shaking her head. "Wow! Four languages! That's actually pretty impressive! Which ones can you speak?" She asked a bit overly excited as she beamed at the male. "I speak only Korean, English and a bit of Chinese though I haven't spoken Chinese since I was 12?" She said since it was a day before her twelfth birthday that she had been accepted in AZEnt as a trainee.
♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) 9 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) "Just tell me if you forget my name." He smiled shyly as he stared at the computer. "I don't know where my parents are from. Never bothered to ask and they were always busy with their jobs. They did know about my dreams for idol hood and supported me from a distance. I'm not studying anything at the moment. It would always get in the way of everything else." He chuckled softly as he translated some more words. "It's nothing. Being fluent in four languages becomes useful in these types of situations. To me, translating is child's play. Unless some people had mistyped some odd words here anf there, not that I don't mind the challenges. And nagging that person." He grinned slightly.
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) "Wu Yun Xu..." She repeated after him trying to remember the name. "Well, I'm Mi Dai Na. Chinese born in Korea. My parents are from Guangzhou. I have an idiot of an elder brother that Nikki fangirls over though he's still an idiot name Mi Chen Dao better known by his stage name Tsiokis. And aside from being a new idol, I study Computer Science by mail." She introduced with a smile and nodded. "Thanks Feng!" She beamed as she started spinning her haie like a kid chuckling like the oddball she was.
♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) 9 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) Feng grinned slightly. "Then I'll have to find someone to take care of Robbie for me. I don't know if they can handle him though." He chuckled quietly. He knew that his dog isn't the best dog when dealing with strangers, but he knew that His dog can behave if he really wanted to. "I wasn't always a soloist. My full name is Wu Yun Xu. Feng is the name I used when I lived back home in Canada and kept it as my stage name. At the age of sixteen I became a trainee at a company called Moon Entertainment and became a member of their Chinese subunit Hades-M at eighteen. I became a soloist a year after leaving the group, in China. I think that my friend has a song for two people here, I'll have to check" He stared at the laptop for a minute as he remembered his time back at the old company and the disagreements he had with the CEO, frowning slightly. He looked at Mina's screen and clicked his tongue. "That guy. He always types and sends things before he double checks it. I'll fix it."
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) Mina chuckled softly shaking her head. "Just, don't let Tsiokis get near him... He'll try to talk with Robbie with barks!" She laughed remembering the insident that happened a few days ago at the park as she opened the files and started translating them. "Well, aside from your name and the fact that you're a soloist I know nothing about you... Like literally..." She said with a smile nodding. "Also if you want a collaboration, come to me first! I'd love to sing with you!" She went on as she got stuck on a hanzi she couldn't quite translate. She just stopped typing and stared at it for a few moments before she decided to ask for some help. "And I have no idea this hanzi even existed..." She frowned slightly looking at the screen.
♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) 9 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) Feng didn't mind living alone in the slightest, but he did get lonely every so often. "I'd like to visit your place some time in the future. I'll have to keep that in mind then, but I can eat a whole lot. And I hope none of them would mind me bringing Robbie along." He grinned slightly then looked down at Robbie. "I don't mind checking them once over after you finish. I've been purely speaking Chinese for the past two years, so it'll be alright." He nodded and sent some of the files over. "There isn't much to say about me. And I don't know were to start." He didn't know what to say about himself, since Mina was the first person to show interest in him and he knew about the lack of Chinese artists in the company, but never really talked to them.
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) Mina frowned at his words as he said he had no one to go to. "You can always visit us! But never tell Banghee-eonnie you're hungry... She'll make me cook so much food and she'll eat it all on her own!" The girl poted as she looked at Robbie who made no move to go to her. "Alright, send me the files and I'll help you translate them though you're going to have to check them as well since it's been ages since I spoke Chinese..." She chuckled and stood up to sit on the studio computer. "So, tell me about you..." She said in a questioning tone. If they were to spend some time together, they might as well become friends since there aren't many Chinese people in the companies. She was actually excited to meet him so she just couldn't stay still.
♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) 9 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) "I would like as much help as possible with this. I swear translating is going to be the death of me if I have to do this again." He slowly nodded. "It's my day off as well and this is the one and only thing I can to do until I know how packed my schedule will be. Unlike you, I have no one to go home to. I'm all alone here. No family, no friends, just Robbie and I." He shrugged slightly then chuckled softly. He was already used to being alone since he had returned to Korea from China and didn't being by himself at all. It meant less noise for him. "I may start promoting as well, but in two or three days. It all depends if I can get this début on track. And the date as well." He sighed then started chewing his lower lip as he continued working on his laptop.
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) Mina nodded as the man spoke. "Would you like some help then?" She offered. "I mean it is my day off and I really have nothing to do... Also staying home with Banghee-eonnie is a no-no..." She said shaking her head making an x sign with her arms. She was on good terms with her manager but she was in no condition to cook enough food to feed an army right now. "I will start appearing on shows from tomorrow for promotions and what not so I could really use a distraction as well!" She smiled at him as she sat on the couch trying to bribe Robbie to join her so they could play. She loved playing with animals though her parents never allowed her to have a pet due to their allergies that thankfully she and her brother hadn't gotten from them.
♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) 9 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) "Good boy Robbie." He grinned as he pulled out a treat out of the bag and held it towards Robbie, chuckling softly when he took it. He didn't flinch or hesitate when Mina spoke Mandarin, since he did live in China for a while after leaving Korea. "Just tweaking some songs, and translating them into Korean, that were sent to me by a close friend not too long ago. Don't know why he just couldn't learn the language." He rubbed an eye with the back of one of his hands and resumed working on his laptop, slowly nodding to the girls words. "Yeah it is for my Korean début. Maybe he is going to be with that company as well. If gēge did say that, then we must be prepared for it."
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) "Robbie shì shuài." She complimented with a bright smile. She was Chinese as well though she grew up in Korea she had a basic knowledge of Chinese and she wasn't surprised when Feng spoke Chinese knowing he was from there as well. "What are you working on?" Minah asked curiously once she realized the male had a laptop in front of him. "Oh? Is it for your Korean debut? If so work hard cause there will be a Chinese company that will be promoting us soon! Or so VIP-oppa said!" She grinned happily as she walked to Robbie and started petting his back.
♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) 9 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) Feng slowly looked over to the person from his laptop that had spoke and shook his head. "I haven't seen you brother at all. Sorry." At first he didn't recognize the girl, mainly because he was terrible with names and faces with idols he never met before, but remembered who she was and where he had seen her from. "Don't be sorry." He turned to her bowed slightly in his seat then turned to face his laptop again. He looked down to the dog and grinned. "Robbie, lài. Xiànzài." He chuckled as he went through his bag and took out a small plastic bag filled with dog treats and placed it on the table before looking at Mina. "It looks like my dog likes you a lot. He wouldn't normally get too close to people he doesn't know."
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) Mina skipped in the Gold Entertainment Studio in search of her brother who practically lived in there nowadays. "Hey Chen-" she started to say as she opened the door only to find Feng in there. Truth to be told, she was a fan of his visuals but they didn't happen to officially meet till this point. "I'm sorry Feng-ssi!" She bowed her head. "I was searching for my brother! You didn't happen to see him? Tall, composer, generally good looking..." She asked softly as she bent down to let the dog smell her hand so she could rub the animal's sides.
♕Wu Yun Xu (Feng) 9 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) Quickly Feng walked into the studio, with his dog tailing right behind him and panting, and carefully looked around to see that no one had occupied the room. He sat down at the table and pulled out his laptop from his bag, and started working on his debut in Korea as a soloist. He needed someone to help him with one song in particular but didn't have anyone to turn to. He lend over to pat his dog on his head and smiled slightly then sighed silently.
♕Mi Chendao (Tsiokis) [A] 9 years ago

@♕Dewei Enlai "Well... Probably DK judging they are a duo..." Tsiokis nodded with a smile knowing the deal behind the male idol and his sister. "They're working together for her Korean comeback and they also are some sort of a special unit of Gold Ent. so I guess it wouldn't be a surprise if thjose two got it..." he went on as he walked to the computer and put the cd in the player.

(( www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqDnxKGFK1Q ))
[post deleted by owner]
♕Dewei Enlai [SH] 9 years ago
@♕Mi Chendao (Tsiokis) Enlarge decided to joke along with Taiokis. "I suppose it could be edible." He grinned but it faded. His interest sparked up when the conversation moved back to music. "A demo eh? Whose the duet for? Mina and..." He decided to put his guitar back into the case and lock it up tightly.
♕Mi Chendao (Tsiokis) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Dewei Enlai "Oddballs?" Tsiokis laughed "Is it edible? We should go try it!" he went on winking playfully. "I guess so... I wrote her the one I just played and a duet for her debut... I think I have the demo with me if you're curious..." he said nodding softly as he pulled a CD out of his backpack.
♕Dewei Enlai [SH] 9 years ago
@♕Mi Chendao (Tsiokis) "So I hear. I didn't think he'd make such good friends so easily. But you and your sister seem to be cut from the same cloth he is. Oddballs." He smiles lightly. "Oh? American debut? She's that popular already?" He glanced at his phone to look at the time. "You should show me some of your other pieces. It'd be nice to hear them coming from the man who wrote them."
♕Mi Chendao (Tsiokis) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Dewei Enlai Tsiokis chuckled at his question "Of course I do! I can't sing! Although I wrote this song for her..." he said "She was the one who gave me the idea when she got heartbroken... It will be her American debut song according to what BAE and VIP said." he smiled. "Sin is good! He's my partener in crime when I want to tease Mina!" he laughed.
♕Dewei Enlai [SH] 9 years ago
@♕Mi Chendao (Tsiokis) Enlai listened closely. Tsiokis was very talented and he had rather good vocals too. Or at least by what he could tell. His judgment on singing was a little off now and days. It was hard to judge how one sounded. "You really are great. I have to get Sin to sing the lyrics of my songs to even get an idea of what if sounds like. Do you ever have your sister sing your songs like that?"
♕Mi Chendao (Tsiokis) [A] 9 years ago

@♕Dewei Enlai "Actually you don't!" Tsiokis said "It's just, one can never have to many friends!" he smiled and smiled accepting the guitar playing one of the newly composed songs for his sister's american debut, Teardrops while closing his eyes focusing as he hummed to the rhythm the vocalist would be expected to sing.
(( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XrKqszpYbc ))
♕Dewei Enlai [SH] 9 years ago
@♕Mi Chendao (Tsiokis) The found words and the way Tsiokis spoke about Mina really showed how much he cares about his little sister. He finished playing the song and bit his lip. "I must look like a rather Linley person." He was kidding of course,. "You aren't the only one who invited me over once they found out that I'm an only child." A small grin grew. He offered him the guitar again. "You want to play?"
♕Mi Chendao (Tsiokis) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Dewei Enlai "I taught her all she knows!" he joked a bit feeling proud on the inside as Enlai praised his sister. He was quite confident about her as well. "You're an only child?" Tsiokis asked raising an eyebrow "Well, if you feel lonely, feel free to knock on our door! Mina might not even be there since she's now constantly working on her comeback but hey, a friend is better than being alone!" he laughed.
♕Dewei Enlai [SH] 9 years ago
@♕Mi Chendao (Tsiokis) "Mi Daina?" Yes, Enlai did know her. She had a nice voice compared to a lot of other girls. Perhaps that's the reason why she went solo instead of joining a group. She can handle herself. "ISO know her, she's talented." His lip quirks up as he spoke about his sister. Sadly, Enlai was an only child and knew no one else who had siblings. "No sorry, I can't relate. But everyone tells me that siblings are annoying. But being an only child is lonely, so you loose either way. Oh.. And yes, this is "You"."


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BubblegumWitch [A] 8 years ago
Hey hun! I will be leaving! Tha ks for having me though
oceani 8 years ago
is this active or not really?
EXOtic-sone 8 years ago
hyerin's leaving-
i'm really really sorry..
babyqueen 8 years ago
I'm so sorry love, but I'll be taking my leave now. It was fun and I wish you all the best.
seduisant 8 years ago
leaving. bae I'm sorry but the inactivity's just really off putting right now but thank you for having me though. it was really fun. Sakki will not be forgotten.
ab2a081678c0e67971fd 8 years ago
Sorry, Zero and Resha will be leaving
thank you for having me
UbiquitousPulseRP 8 years ago
I'm sorry, I have been really inactive lately.
This was a great roleplay, but Tatsuya has to leave.
Thank you for having me. I wish you luck <3
baekgu 8 years ago
sorry, but fangirl minah will be leaving.
things are hectic ooc- all the best tho! o/
KaiSomething 9 years ago
Applied as Fanboy
seduisant 9 years ago
this is the person who had both Sage and Sleek.J as characters, sorry about before- somehow my account basically got "taken over" but I'll be returning soon. Hopefullynikkiwaswaiting?
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