♕Dance Practice

Gold Dance Practice Room

♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 8 years ago
@♕Nam Jihan (Sleek.J) "Come on Jihan!" she whined throwing her head back in displeasure. She had to finish the practice. "It's nothing compared to the AZ Ent training! I can take it!" Mina tried to negotiate as she stood up trying to put less weight on the hurt leg. It would be a disaster if she wasn't able to pull that show she had coming her way and the sole fact that she had another show to attend to later with a vicious reporter freaked her out even more than she'd like to admit. That being said, she wasn't in the best of mental conditions as well as she made her way to the stereo and turning it on again before she made her way to the center of the room to keep dancing without putting too much effort in the moves as she tried to keep the bad leg out of the way of her practice. "Are you coming or not?" she asked him as she looked at him from the mirror. She was headstrong like this. She would go at things till she was practically unable to do anything more for the day or the week but it did work into getting faster to the point she wanted to. "Please?"
♕Nam Jihan (Sleek.J) 8 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) "Well that's certainly a nonsensical thought to put yourself down with especially when you'd have lots thinking otherwise." Shaking his head out of sheer disbelief, the young choreographer eventually settled himself out of being caught up further within her predicaments involving her and herself alone. He did have his own issue to handle after all and even if he were to be concerned, it wasn't as if she'd listen or at least try to seem like she would for the betterment of her condition and overall performance level. "It's nice to see there aren't any objection to your attempted manslaughter- what good would the world be with one less amazing person like myself?" With the click of his tongue, his eyebrows had raised themselves up in quite the playful manner even as it were supposed that Mina wasn't quite in the mood for fun and games having had collapsed onto the ground out of the blue. Jihan could only stare moments before he'd picked her up himself and helped her to one of the comfortable seats nearby. "Can't work like this or y'know with you if this is how it's gonna be. Better take your rest and come back if you're at least in the mood, feeling better and well.. more keen to go all the way." She was like an open book all easy to read, having other stuff in her mind that would set her off and in all honesty he couldn't blame the soloist either but the situation at hand just wouldn't work if the only solution were to force it onwards, Sleek.J wasn't having at it and had practically had enough as he walked over to the stereo system, turning off the music before gulping down the bottle water that was situated right next to the stand.
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Nam Jihan (Sleek.J) "Don't shoot the vocalist! People have been saying I look like a pig so I decided to get rid of some weight!" Mina said with a shrug of her shoulders. She was really careful with her words right now as she didn't say lose since she wasn't planning on getting the weight back. "And my love alone is not enough to kill you!" She mumbled as she started dancing following his movements making minor mistakes here and there. Dancing wasn't her strong point that's why she usually did ballads. The involved limited to no dancing at all and showed off her vocals which she was rather proud of. She noticed she was getting tired easier lately but she choose to ignore it as she kept dancing till her right leg gave out making her land on the floor clutching on her knee groaning. "Ice and band!" She groaned as she didn't have much time left. It was half an hour before her lunch break that she would spend sleeping and she was in no mood of being held back. She would finish her practice even with a bad knee condition. Aside from her and Sleek.J who would know about it and she could talk him into keeping this secret for her.
♕Nam Jihan (Sleek.J) 9 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) With her reply to their scheduled rounds of three hours, Sleek.J could only honestly shake his head as he pushed his lips into a firm line. "And you're obviously supposed to be taking care of yourself even if your manager or something isn't around, aren't those basic rules to the company?" Slowly rubbing at his temples in a circular motion, he watched cautiously, eyes widening by the slightest bit as she managed to pull him into a headlock with all that "noona" strength in her. Eventually he tapped at her arms and could only rub at his neck once she'd let go, his eyes later squeezed themselves shut out of sheer disapproval as he then realized what she had said. "Nah, I'm good- less time spent with you means I won't get killed with this so called love of yours." With one last stretch, he breathed out another deep sigh of relief. "Just what I wanted to hear." Answering back curtly, not wanting to hear one more bit out of getting to procrastinate from practice, Sleek.J eventually positioned himself just in the middle of the room where they'd be able to see themselves best by the surrounding mirrors and there he was expectant of Mina to follow along to the flow that the song exuded like he'd taught her not too log ago. Hopefully, progress was going well and she might as well have been practicing herself like most would?
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Nam Jihan (Sleek.J) "Really now? You know I might faint! I'm not eating well lately!" She whined as she started warming up. It was true though. After Tsiokis about being a pig she only ate breakfast. "And I'm sorry! Period and being called Ahjumma first thing in the morning are not making my day any better!" She sighed. "Little punk!" Mina said as she grabbed him in a head lock and started messing his hair chuckling softly. "I heard you were disappointed you couldn't choreograph DK and mine duo comeback, is it true?" She teased as she let him go nudging him playfully. "Don't worry! NoonaMi still loves you JayJay!" She told him sticking her tongue out winking. "Now let's get to work and get this done with so I can go sleep on that inviting couch for an hour before my vocal practice! I can hear those pillows call my name asking me to cuddle them and take a nap!" She laughed going back to her normal cheerful self as she usually lived in her own bubble of rainbows and chocolates. But her mood swings were nothing new, she could go from bursting with happiness to crying rivers of sorrow to killing people out of wrath in seconds during her normal days where her mercurial mood swings were a thing to watch and admire.
♕Nam Jihan (Sleek.J) 9 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) "Well excuse me then, I guess the sun has set." He blinked profusely almost in slight disbelief at the sudden personality change but the male wasn't that surprised as to expecting what he'd be brought into collaborations with in the entertainment industry. Nothing could beat the good old kindness of the students that came to learn from him when the right time came. Sighing a little, Sleek.J cocked his head from side to side in order to easen the pain that came crackling through his back and up to his neck at the most unwanted times; he had bboy sessions to thank most significantly just as he'd thought, walking over next to stereo system. "Depends y'know, if I'm the choreographer that fits with the whole type of concept you'd be going for. I can easily adjust and all but yeah.." He dipped his head into a firm nod, sliding from the various song selections on his phone before finding the exact song with the perfect beat to match up today's practice course. "Just doing my job, now quit being so sour." Sleek.J playfully narrowed his eyes down at her, getting a gist of this crimson war that was doing it's perfect job getting to the best of her as a whole. "Looks like we're gonna have to dance this all away between these three hours."
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Nam Jihan (Sleek.J) "Ya! Haven't they taught you better than to mess with a woman fighting the crimson war? Little punk!" Mina hissed as she walked to the couch and fell on it sleepily. "Was it your idea to wake me up so early when I had the VCR shot till four in the morning?" she growled narrowing her eyes towards him. She was tired and sleepy but she was also excited to learn a new damce as she took her jacket off dropping it next to her as she pulled her hair into a pony tail closing her eyes to force a yawn back. "Will I be working with you for my American debut as well? My brother got me some really nice upbeat songs..." She said stretching slightly. For some reason she felt sore on her shoulders lately and it was the first part she warmed up but still got that slightly annoying sting between her shoulder blades no matter what she did. "Tomorrow's practice better be later since I got to shoot a variety show tonight!" She warned cracking the nerves on her neck.
♕Nam Jihan (Sleek.J) 9 years ago
@♔Mi Daina (Mina) Sleek.J had been in the practice room for just a couple of hours now, going over new routines he'd simply had to keep in check within him and his thoughts where as he'd also have to consider the levels he'd have to put on and up against the trainees and idols that were to work with him, according to their ability alone. Here he'd now been waiting for someone in particularly as he wrapped up the bandage by his arm all tight so it wouldn't get in the way and most of all would be out of question when it came to the dance session since there was no absolute time to waste. As she finally burst through the door, making sure not to forget to bring the usual enthusiasm with her, Sleek.J could only smile as he pulled down his sleeves. "Looks like someone had a good sleep. Hm, Ahjummina?" His eyes curved up into slight crescent to accompany the sheepish smile lingering on his lips.
♔Mi Daina (Mina) [A] 9 years ago
@♕Nam Jihan (Sleek.J) Mina skipped her way to the Gold Dance Practice studio to meet up with Sleek.J. he was her choreographer and she was to practice for three hours with him before lunch break and after that she had to go to vocal practice. She was to do a special stage with one of her songs that initially was a ballad though now it would be turned into a dance song. "Good morning!" She beamed like a ray of sunshine as she entered the room happily with a big smile on her face. It was after all a nice day as she woke up to breakfast in bed by Tsiokis and Banghee-unnie had booked her a variety show for later that night.
♕Sakurai Jinichi (Jini) 9 years ago
@♕Kiski Haruki (Haru-chan) Jini was already used to being around the other person. "Confusing as that may sound, I'll call just you whatever I see fit at the moment." Once he had finished stretching, he started to walk around the practice room and move his head from side to side, a habit he had to keep his mind calm, and sing quietly to himself.
❥Kiski Haruki (KIcchi) 9 years ago
@♕Sakurai Jinichi (Jini) Nodding slightly in both response and relief, Aisa set down her bag near the door and she began to stretch. "Alright then. You don't /have/ to call me Aisa, since that's my stage name and all, but some people says it's easier for them to call me Aisa when I'm a girl, and Haruki when not. Either way, I don't mind as long as you use the right pronouns." She nodded, cutting off her nervous rambling as she stretched.
[post deleted by owner]
❥Kiski Haruki (KIcchi) 9 years ago
@♕Sakurai Jinichi (Jini) Aisa nodded and clasped her hands in front of her, rocking back on her heels slightly. "Yeah, it has. Um, you know who you're working with today right?" she asked, glancing up at him. Since it had been a few years, most people were familiar with her switching between genders, but with new people or aquantances it was a bit tedius and stressful to explain. She hoped the other had been informed he would be working with her and not Haruki, and that it wouldn't be much of an issue. It usually wasn't, but occasionally she ran into those problems.
♕Sakurai Jinichi (Jini) 9 years ago
@♕Kiski Haruki (Haru-chan) Being early is something Jini is naturally known for, though he had troubles waking up at times since he did work late at night as well. Once he had heard a noise, he looked in the direction and stared at the person for a few minutes. He didn't recognize the other at first glance but then remembered working with her sometime before. Jini knew that he wasn't the nicest person towards the singer at first. "Hello. Yes it is. It has been a while." He didn't bow and smile, since showing his feelings was hard for him and bowing didn't really feel right for him.
❥Kiski Haruki (KIcchi) 9 years ago
@♕Sakurai Jinichi (Jini) Aisa sighed as she entered the walked through the halls, stretching her arms behind her head with a small yawn. She hated waking up so early, especially when she got so little sleep as it was, with her bouts of insomnia. Either way she was here now, having to prepare before he comeback in a few weeks. She would of course have her dance performances and upbeats ballads as Haruki, but Aisa needed a sultry, sensual type piece as well, the types she was known for. She was scheduled to meet her chosen dance partner at dawn in the practice room, and she quickened her step, opening the door to slip into the already lit room. When she turned to see the other person in the room she froze slightly before relaxing on the outside, though still a bit visibly tense. She remembered this dancer from a few of her previous dance performances as Haruki, and he didn't seem particularly friendly. She had never danced with him as Aisa though, so that was another bridge to cross. Clearing , the singer bowed her head, brushing away a few strands of hair out of her face that escaped her messy ponytail. "Hello, it's nice to see you again." She greeted with a small smile.
♕Kim MinJung (KD) [A] 9 years ago
@♔Seo EunJi (Shayna) ((Ok XD))
♕Kim MinJung (KD) [A] 9 years ago
@♔Seo EunJi (Shayna) ((Lol XD
Sure we can use it~))
♕Kim MinJung (KD) [A] 9 years ago
@♔Seo EunJi (Shayna) ((It's pretty good~))
♕Kim MinJung (KD) [A] 9 years ago
@♔Seo EunJi (Shayna) ((Ok I'll check it out))
♕Kim MinJung (KD) [A] 9 years ago
@♔Seo EunJi (Shayna) ((I have not aigoo~))
♕Kim MinJung (KD) [A] 9 years ago
*comes in and sits down waiting for my partner so we can get ready to work*
♕Kim MinJung (KD) [A] 9 years ago
@♔Seo EunJi (Shayna) ((Yes let's lol XD))


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BubblegumWitch [A] 8 years ago
Hey hun! I will be leaving! Tha ks for having me though
oceani 8 years ago
is this active or not really?
EXOtic-sone 8 years ago
hyerin's leaving-
i'm really really sorry..
babyqueen 8 years ago
I'm so sorry love, but I'll be taking my leave now. It was fun and I wish you all the best.
seduisant 8 years ago
leaving. bae I'm sorry but the inactivity's just really off putting right now but thank you for having me though. it was really fun. Sakki will not be forgotten.
ab2a081678c0e67971fd 8 years ago
Sorry, Zero and Resha will be leaving
thank you for having me
UbiquitousPulseRP 8 years ago
I'm sorry, I have been really inactive lately.
This was a great roleplay, but Tatsuya has to leave.
Thank you for having me. I wish you luck <3
baekgu 8 years ago
sorry, but fangirl minah will be leaving.
things are hectic ooc- all the best tho! o/
KaiSomething 9 years ago
Applied as Fanboy
seduisant 9 years ago
this is the person who had both Sage and Sleek.J as characters, sorry about before- somehow my account basically got "taken over" but I'll be returning soon. Hopefullynikkiwaswaiting?
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