✣⋮ ➣ Private Room 1

✧Private Room 1
Threesomes? Foursomes? Fun behind tightly locked doors
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara ( It's okay. I totally understand. No worries^^ )

Relieved at her words, Taehyung returned the kiss with the same heated passion, in response loving the feeling of it. He felt so happy knowing that his Mommy was pleased, and most importantly, he was able to make her proud of him. "Thank you, Mommy." He said brightly as he looked at her with a happy grin. The boy then gasped softly once his was grabbed, making him rolled his eyes back at the sensation she gave as she d it. Biting his lip hard to restrain any sound, Taehyung focused on the inside him as well, his breath then hitched as the level was increased. Then, hearing his Mommy gave her permission to vocalize this time around, he hummed in gratitude and began to moan in pleasure. "Ohh thank you, Mommy." The sensation from the as well as her stroking really made him crazy, but of course in a good kind of way. He threw his head back, body's all flushed and shuddering.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Taehyung {OMG, I'm SO SORRY! I had completely forgotten about my replies here! I got caught up in school work and real life stuff. I'm on mobile right now so my reply is gonna be short. Sorry.}

"Good boy, Taetae. My baby's such a fast learner." She leaned over to press her lips to his in a passionate kiss. "Mommy is very proud of you." Reaching under him she grasped his , stroking him slowly as she left the alone for now, only moving to turn it up once again. "Mm~ Now, my Tae can voice how much he likes this."
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Taehyung yelped in surprise at the sudden smack, gulping a lump in his throat once he heard his domme's words. . "Umm, n-no, Mistress. I'm s-sorry." He mumbled softly. He really forgot about it, and he felt really disappointed with himself. Taking a deep breath, he regained his composure and focused back on his Mistress. "Yes, Mommy. Taetae will be a good boy for Mommy." He answered calmly with a nod of his head before biting his lip hard as to stifle a sound as she then tugged out the from inside his . He was really struggling to keep silent and keep still, but thankfully he was able to manage it. His face scrunched up once the was pushed back in, making his walls clenching in response, but alk the while, he obeyed his Mommy and didn't vocalize anything.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Taehyung Dara tsked softly and smacked his thigh with the paddle. "Mistress didn't say her baby could make such noises, did she?" she purred, leaning over his back and giving the nape of his neck a gentle kiss. She could already see his skin redden from where she had striked him. "You'll be a good boy, right? A good boy for Mommy Dara." She grabbed the cord that was attached to the and gave it a teasing tug, enough to have the toy slide out slightly before she shoved it back in.
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Taehyung couldn't help but noticing the sudden faint buzzing sound beside him. He turned his head to look at it, and saw that it was a . Knowing where it would end up, he braced himself for it as he felt it pressed against his tight entrance. His breath hitched once it was pushed in, drawing out a low groan from him as he bit his lip. He panted softly once it was settled inside him, as the vibrations began to stimulate his pleasure. He kept still in his position, his fingers gripping the sheets tightly. The sub then felt his domme's behind him, humming approvingly as he got to feel her against him. And as the paddle made its way to his , it twitched even more in anticipation, and it was growing so hard by then that he bucked his hips forward with a low groan.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Taehyung Dara sat down beside him, rubbing the paddle now against his thigh. "Good boy~" she murmured before she reached beside her, grabbing a small . She looked it over before turning it on. It buzzed happily in her hand before she covered it in lube and pressed it slowly against his puckered entrance. Slowly it slid inside of him, the cord dangling out against his legs. For now she kept it on low and set the remote switch off to the side. Getting up, she got on her knees behind him, her hips pressed against his as she trailed the paddle around his thigh to press against his .
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Taehyung then saw his Mistress picked up a black wooden paddle, and just at the sight of it made his twitched in response. He knew well enough what and how it was used for, thus, he was feeling very excited and looking forward to it. "Yes, Mistress." He complied as he turned around and got on all fours. He made himself steady and comfortable, spreading his legs and lifting his up in the air, waiting patiently for his domme. The feeling of the paddle on his flesh made him so aroused, and he bit his lip to stifle some louder moans.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Taehyung There it was~! She grabbed her favorite paddle. A sleek black synthetic wood one with a velvet handle. She figured it was better to start off easy with her poor baby. After all, she didn't want to overwhelm him and push him too far. "Hands and knees, sweetheart," she answered as she tapped the paddle against her thigh while using her free hand to pull out a manner of toys to use in addition to the paddle.
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Letting out a sigh of bliss, he then watched his domme intently as she went to check out her tools and equipments, wondering what would she picked out for him for a start. He then noticed the collection of whips, canes and other hitting/spanking tools, making the sub shivered a little as those whips and canes were his soft limits. But, he trusted his Mistress and today was all about learning and pushing his limits. "Yes Mistress." He said as he then stood up and walked to the bed, climbing onto it and making himself comfortable. He looked at his domme eagerly, feeling excited to start and enjoy. "How do you want me, Mistress?" He asked, just in case if she wanted him specifically in a certain position.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Taehyung She placed a soft kiss on his lips before she let him go, standing up. "Let's see what Mistress has for her baby~" She walked over to the closet and opened it, revealing different types of whips, canes, etc. She looked him over before selecting the smaller ones first. It was all about tolerance. Perhaps he'd make it to the bigger ones but she had reservations about marking his perfect skin so she'd go slow. "On the bed, baby," she said, gesturing to the plush bed.
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Taehyung just grinned as he looked at his domme suddenly all excited and happy. He nodded his head at her approval, glad that she agreed on that. The sub then obediently letting his Mistress did what she wanted, gasping softly and biting his lip once she grabbed his and d it. His eyes fluttered shut and his head tilted back, humming softly as his slowly getting hard. "Mmnnhhh.. Glad you think so, Mistress." He mumbled lowly.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Taehyung "Pain tolerance!" she exclaimed with delight, clapping her hands. "Good boy, Tae." She d his chin lightly before her other hand ran down his chest and to his pants, ing them before sliding her hand inside and wrapping her hands around his , stroking slowly. "That's a wonderful idea~"
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Flustered at his domme's words, the sub then blushed shyly as it wasn't something that he hadn't tried before, and plus, he even liked it. He pursed his lips as he thought about it. "Umm, a bit on how to pleasure you, and a bit on denial, i think." He answered before hesitating a bit to voice out his suggestion. "I hope i can learn a lot more from you, Mistress. Perhaps, on pain tolerance?" He asked nervously, not wanting his domme to think that he was demanding something because that was never his intention.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Taehyung "Hmmmmmm, well," Dara sat back, tapping her finger against her bottom lip in thought. "My baby's learned a lot lately...what else can I teach you~? With a mouth like yours I'm sure on top of eating you can also , so I don't have to go over that with you." She puffed out her cheeks. "Well..." She had a hard time remembering lessons. "What have I taught you already?"
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Taehyung closed his eyes and hummed softly as she brushed his hair, loving it everytime she did that. He then smiled happily and nodded his head eagerly. "Thank you Mistress." He then bit his lip, his eyes showing her loving lust for his domme. "I felt that too, Mistress." He said softly with a blush on his face, before leaning forward to peck her cute pout. It was so adorable and he just couldn't help it. "What about my training today? What will you teach me, Mistress?" The sub asked curiously and tilted his head.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Taehyung She laughed softly, moving her hands back to his hair as she ran her fingers through it slowly. "Alright, Taetae, you can please me," she murmured affectionately. "I've missed feeling my baby's body against mine. I've felt rather...empty with Taetae." She pouted at him, trying to mask her delighted smirk.
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara "Thank you, Mistress." Grinning cutely, Taehyung let his body leaned into her touch, knowing that with just that, his Mistress could easily make him feel aroused. The sub was really grateful to her, for having such care and consideration for him. "But Taetae is the one who is supposed to give you pleasure, Mistress. Taetae wants to please you." He replied calmly, his eyes showing his sincerity and eagerness. Besides, his main focus was solely on his domme and her pleasure was more important than him.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Taehyung "Of course, baby. I have to make sure my TaeTae is well prepared~" She ran her fingers across his thighs gently. "What kind of Mistress would I be if I didn't pleasure my dear little sub to the best of my abilities? I assume my baby wants to be pleasured still?" she cooed teasingly, tracing his lips with her thumb lightly. She was immensely pleased with him, especially with how he looked at her, as if she were the only one in his world. She took pride with being important.
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Hearing her praises, Taehyung smiled happily for he had pleased her. His domme's happiness was very important to him and he'd do anything to make her happy. He drowned himself in her addictive touches, kissing her lips back and savouring the taste. He could her affection and his body responding willingly to her softness and gentleness of her hands. "Yes, of course. Tae baby misses his Mistress so much." He answered sincerely with a bright smile, his eyes gleaming with such admiration for her. "Will Mistress continue to train me?" He asked softly looking at his domme.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Taehyung "Such a good boy~" She got down to his height and ran her hands over his shoulders and up into his hair. "A very good boy." She kissed him gently. She was feeling very affectionate today, and lavished it all onto him just to show him how much she cared. Her left hand moved from his hair to caress his skin, her fingers trailing down his chest and stomach lightly. "Did you miss Mistress?" she murmured with a smile.
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara Taehyung soon heard the faint noise of the door being opened and closed, and the sound of heels making a move towards him signalling him that his beloved Mistress was here. He sighed in bliss once he felt her touch on his hair, having felt so comfortable whenever in her presence. He lifted his head to look upon his domme, and gave her a warm smile. She was so beautiful, as always, and that never fail to make his heart flutter. "Yes Mistress. I've been waiting for you." He replied softly, leaning into her lovely kisses, enjoying her warmth poured for him.
❇SW|Dara [A] 9 years ago
@✥S|Taehyung Dara pouted softly as she let out a soft sigh. She had been anticipating introducing her baby to her oppa but he hadn't been able to come due to business. But she couldn't help but smile because she was going to see her baby. Her TaeTae, her precious boy, and that was even better than anything. Looking down the hallways she headed to the room they had agreed on. Humming happily she opened the door and was greeted with the wonderful sight of her sub on his knees, waiting for her. "Tae baby~" she cooed, running her fingers through his hair. "Did my baby wait all this time, hm?" She pressed loving kisses to his forehead.
✥S|Taehyung 9 years ago
@❇SW|Dara 10 minutes to 5pm, Taehyung arrived back at the mansion. Freshly showered, along with a good rest, the sub was all ready for his next training session with his Mistress. He was really looking forward to it as usual, and feeling excited to learn new things. Remembering back the instruction to wait for his domme in Private Room 1, he then made his way further in the mansion searching for the room. His Mistress had already told him the directions, and following them carefully, Taehyung soon found the said place. Entering the room, he closed back the door behind him and took a moment to look over the room, very neat and comfortable, thankfully. He couldn't wait to start and explore more with his precious domme. Looking at the time, the boy then stood at the centre of the room, and gracefully got down on both his knees, quietly waiting for his Mistress to come in just any moment now.


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charliebrown 8 years ago
can you reserve chen for me??
Nekoma01 8 years ago
can i apply as kai but make him a D
TLMMSRP 8 years ago
cant wait for this to be revamped OuO
ZelosThighs 8 years ago
Zelo left, it's so inactive.
But if there's a revamp I'll definitely be interested in coming back!
Jhopeexoticvip 8 years ago
Rain left. Thanks for having me.
abiectio 8 years ago
Victoria Song will be leaving.
cloudangelheartsuju 8 years ago
I'm sorry but Henry is leaving
krzykiki 9 years ago
Can you add GD?
AlexCross 9 years ago
Ryosuke is leaving. I had fun here. Thanks for having me :)
a5d4909c47583f815278 9 years ago
Dakota left.
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