♕Sooyoung's House

Sooyoung's House
Sooyoung's victorian style house.
(Do not rp here without her permission.)


Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) { City streets ^^}
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
@Leeteuk (Master) She loved being in his grasp; it made her feel much more safer instea of being insecure all the time. "I don't think it was a body either. Its more of an empty shell," Sooyoung gave her opinion to him. "But... I don't think its dead or anything," she shrugged at the thought of it.
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) {me too, it's just clearance, clearance, clearance lmao xD}

"A walk it is." he said cheerfully as he stood up, dusted his palms and swung around Sooyoung's shoulders, holding her close. Leeteuk found himself unable to answer her question right away. "Hmm..." he started to think.
"Ah yes, I'll prove my suspicions." said Leeteuk with an eager face. "I don't think a human body was in that coffin we saw." he shook his head. "How about you?" he turned his head to face her directly while walking.
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
@Leeteuk (Master) "Can we take a walk first? I don't want to go there just yet," Sooyoung explained as she wore her usual scarf. "And when we do get to the doll place, what are we supposed to do?" Sooyoung asked him and walked nearer to him, waiting.

[[Just got back from school ^^]]
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) "Ne, ne." he nodded while eating. "And thank you for the breakfast." Leeteuk smiled at Sooyoung while both of them were eating. Admiring her, it was like he was falling in love all over again. After eating, Leeteuk sat by the doorstep, putting his shoes on. "Where to go today? The doll place?" he asked with his head tilted a bit.
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
@Leeteuk (Master) [[Okay. I will try to talk to her tomorrow. I have to go now~]]

When she felt a soft pair of lips on her cheek, she was surprised and flattered. So this was how love felt like. "Good morning to you too," she greeted back at him. "Let's eat first before we go out, okay?" Sooyoung asked him before she lifted her fork and knife up.
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) {I think we should, but can either of you ask instead? we haven't talked yet OTL}

"Hey, wait up!" he chuckled as he quickly followed her downstairs and stood behind Sooyoung, who was seated at the table. Leeteuk bended a little bit to kiss her cheek from behind. "Good morning." he said brightly before sitting down across her, yawning a bit.
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Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
@Leeteuk (Master) [[Yeah I told her. She agreed and do we have to ask yoona for dis?]]

Hearing the bathroom door open, she reacted slowly when Leeteuk came out of the bathroom. Good thing he was fully dressed if not; she would look like a ripe tomato now. "Breakfast is downstairs," said Sooyoung as she zoomed downstairs at the dining area and sat at the dining table waiting for Leeteuk.
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) {LOL xD did you tell suzy yet?}

Leeteuk could feel the embarrassment consume him as he poked his head out of the shower curtain a little with his wide eyes, making him look somewhat dorky and funny. He could be compared to a criminal peeking to see if anybody was there. Upon seeing the towel that hung from the rack, he quickly grabbed it and began drying himself up. After wrapping the towel around his waist, he put both his hands on the door frame and peeked to see if Sooyoung was standing outside. Not that he was expecting her to be.
He dressed up as quickly as he could and stepped out of the bathroom, inhaling the smell of breakfast from downstairs. But he froze with widely opened eyes when he saw Sooyoung standing behind the wall.
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
[[Nice one =w=]]

Sooyoung felt her face being heated up. Why didn't he asked for it when he just called her? Surely, he felt embarrassed to ask directly at her but she would understand that. "Uh... Sure. I'll just go and get it then," Sooyoung left the door frame of the bathroom and went to her bedroom to find her an extra towel. She found it at a cupboard and brought it back to the bathroom and carefully hung it on to the towel rack before she excused herself from the bathroom; hiding behind the wall with her fully blushed face.
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) {hold on hold on, I'm cooking and speeding from the kitchen to the computer ><}

"I uhh..." Leeteuk wasn't sure how to say it. "I forgot to umm, ask for a t-towel." he said with much embarrassment.
"C-can I have one?" he said behind the shower curtain while covering his face.
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
@Leeteuk (Master) [[nah it's okay.. HOW COME I ONLY SEE THIS AFTER 17 HRS?!?!!??!]]

When she finished brewing the coffee, Sooyoung heard Leeteuk calling her name. Sooyoung placed everything down on the table before she made her way upstairs to see if something was wrong with Leeteuk. Was something wrong with the bathroom or maybe that he saw something really unpleasant? "Yes? O-oppa?" Sooyoung reluctantly answered back.
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) {sorry for replying late, was busy >n<}

Leeteuk nodded and made his way back up the stairs, back to the bathroom. He stepped in and enjoyed a quick, yet soothing warm bath. When he opened the shower curtain a little to reach for his towel, his eyes widened upon realizing that he forgot to ask for a towel. He also forgot to ask if Sooyoung had any clothes she wasn't using or bring his old clothes he wore the night before.
Leeteuk took a big gulp as he reluctantly called out to Sooyoung downstairs. "Umm... S-Sooyoung-ah?" now he had to think of something he would say once she went upstairs.

{LOOOOL we need a little comedy xD}
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
[[Okay then ]]

Once she finished bathing, Sooyoung got dressed and dried her hair before she went downstairs. "You're turn," she said to Leeteuk along the way patting his back as she zoomed in to the kitchen to make breakfast for two.
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) {i owe yoona an apology, so not now. let's just wait for suzy :/}

Leeteuk stepped out, leaving the bathroom to Sooyoung for her to use. "All yours." he said, drying his hair with towel. He sat on the stairs, waiting for her, whistling a tune.
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
@Leeteuk (Master) [[Shouldn't we wait until she's online or what? Or maybe wait until yoona is on???]]

While Leeteuk was at the bathroom, she run the tub with warm water to bathe. She waited for Leeteuk to leave the bathroom before she could start taking her bath.
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) {lol seriously, are we gonna do anything? it's our second visit there xD}

"Uh-huh. I'll take a good look this time." said Leeteuk with much courage. He walked over to where Sooyoung was and washed his face as well, getting ready to make a second visit to the workshop.
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
@Leeteuk (Master) [[YEAHH... That's a good idea XD]]

"I... I dreamt of the coffin but I can't remember what precisely happened," she released the hug and sat on the edge of the bed. She was trying to remembeer the details from the dream but everyhting wasn't very clear and she would get goosebumps just thinking about it. "Do you think we should go back?"
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) {don't worry about it ^^}

The atmosphere had instantly become gloomy at the mention of the workshop. "Haunting you? It wasn't the coffin, was it?" he asked anxiously. Ever since they stepped foot in the workshop, there was something that compelled him to go back and see for himself the truth behind the mysterious presence he felt.

{we should have suzy as a child xDD jk jk }
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
@Leeteuk (Master) "No, its not because of that," said Sooyoung as she giggled a bit. "Remember that workshop we came to yesterday?" Sooyoung reminded him. "I think its haunting me," she shuddered at the thought of it.

[[Sorry for the late reply! I was very busy today >n<]]
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) "Bad dream?" he asked. Leeteuk tightened his hug on her as he tried to mask how affected he was. "Aw come on, was my singing that bad?" he asked humorously as he rested his head on her shoulder.
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
@Leeteuk (Master) [[nah its fine ^^]]

Sooyoung slightly flinched when a voice boomed behind her. When she turned around only to see that it was only Leeteuk, she was relieved that he didn't left and also it was only him. She walked towards him and wrapped him in a hug, feeling much more safer in his grasp. "I had a bad dream," she only did said to him. That dream was like a message to her but she couldn't cipher what did it actually meant.
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) {Sorry for late reply >n<)

Leeteuk, though asleep, could no longer feel Sooyoung beside him, and that was enough to make him wake up. He sat up and combed his hair with his hands to rid it of the mess and bring it back to its natural look. The sound of running water could be heard from the bedroom. He got out f her bed quietly and followed the sound, and saw her washing her face. "You're up early." he said with a chuckle as he sat near where she was. Leeteuk was completely oblivious to what she had dreamed of.
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
In her deepest slumber, she was at somewhere very familliar. The toys, the decorations and the door. She approached the door and saw that coffin again as she opened it and before she could see what's inside! She shot up from bed awake panting and sweating. She looked at her alarm clock to see that it was 4:30 in the morning. She sighed as she got out of bed and washed her face.
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) "How was it?" he asked with a chuckle, blinking to hold back a tear. But he received no response from Sooyoung. She was asleep. Leeteuk thought there was nothing better than to hold the person you loved in your arms as she slept, he kept on stroking her hair until he started falling asleep himself. He woke himself up as he almost forgot to say to her. "Good night, Sooyoung-ah, I love you..." Leeteuk whispered with such affection into her ear as the room they lay in slowly started to fade away.

{I'm getting teary eyed now >.< time skip or do you need to go now? ^^}
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
[[it's so beautiful ;u;]]

Hearing his voice, it was like the angels would sing. It was soothing and as smooth as silk. She wanted him to sing for as long as he can as long as she could hear his dear voice. Her eyes slowly drooped but she tried to keep herself awake but she slowly fell asleep once he finished with his voice. What she hoped was now that when she wakes up, he would still be there by her side.
Leeteuk (Master) 11 years ago
@Sooyoung (Master) Leeteuk smiled at the mention of lullabies, one that he got from his mother every night before bed, also because he had Sooyoung close to him. It gave him a sense of security. He never knew how good it felt to have the person you love next to you, knowing nothing can happen to either one of you.
"My mother sang this to me, every night before sleeping." he started. Leeteuk started singing with a soft and mellow voice, "Tired from all the troubles of a day..." he sang while stroking her head softly.
He switched to a falsetto voice, one he had been practicing for some time now, "Sleep... my darling angel. Let everything go...." his voice cracked a little and his eyes became a bit teary eyed at how he was the one singing it to someone, especially someone dear to him. "Leave everything to me... and wander off to your dreams..." he finished.

{my mom really sang this to me when I was younger ^^}
Sooyoung (Master) 11 years ago
@Leeteuk (Master) "Thank you, I decorated it myself," Sooyoung nodded at him as she tied her hair up. She then walked over to her bed and took Leeteuk's hand and lifted him up on her bed, laying him beside her with her head on his chest. "Sing me a lullaby," she requested.


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RoseThornArchive 10 years ago
l.joe is leaving .-.
9a9095eec05ba68325b4 10 years ago
I'm sorry but I'm deactivating because barely anyones on anymore.
x--arikari 11 years ago
Mianhae, Yejin is leaving.
shogun 11 years ago
Name: Seo Yuna of AOA
Age: 19
Doll or Master: Master
Bio: Yuna used to live a normal and peaceful life. She was the third oldest out of five siblings. She had two older brothers and two younger sisters. Unfortunately, there were some obstacles that cannot be avoided. She witnessed many deaths: oldest brother, youngest sister, mother, grandfather, great aunt, etc. Seven years ago, a huge plague struck at her hometown. The female was only twelve years old at the time. A severe illness spread to the citizens, and several of her relatives caught it.

Her father, older brother, younger sister, and herself miraculously survived the plague. However, she blamed herself for their deaths. Her spirits were dampened. To supposedly cheer her up, her family moved to another city and her father married another woman. She tried to convince herself to be grateful for another mother, but her personality was too much for her to handle. Her stepmother made follow her numerous, idiotic rules. It still didn't change how she felt towards the plague. In fact, it worsened her problems.

In the present, Yuna was a whole lot pleased with her life. At last, she was away from that horrible woman. Yet, Yuna still regretted not helping the family after all these seven years.

Password: Raspberry Cheesecake
oppaschingu [A] 11 years ago
I wanna help make this rp alive ono.
can I be iu and co admin? ..
Sailor_Starlight 11 years ago
Minzy will be leaving sorry!!
derp_squad 11 years ago
Hyoyeon will be leaving~ I'm sorry, really. But this RP isn't as active anymore so I have to leave. Thanks though~!
maknae_twomoons 11 years ago
I'm sorry but suzy will leave this roleplay.... I'm not quite active here anymore D:
RoseThornArchive 11 years ago
my hiatus just might start today
Sailor_Starlight 11 years ago
Name: Gong Minji of 2Ne1
Age: teenager
Doll or Master: elemental
Bio: Minzy has no meaning in life. Well at least she thinks so. She doesn't know why she is here and where she came from. It's why she been roaming around. She wants what humans have. She wants to smile and love someone but she doesn't kno how. All she knows is how to fight and protect. Is that all for her?
Password: raspberry cheesecake
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