Come to the cafe.


Park Jinyoung 8 years ago
@Kim Hyuna /nods once and smiles at you, stuffing my hands in my jacket pockets and looks at you/
your welcome.
/looks at the door and back at you, and nods in response/
right i dont think i left anything so lets go
/watches you then turns to the table we were just at, sighs softly and walks over to the entrance where you are, walks out and looks around then at you/
lets go now
Kim Hyuna 9 years ago
@Park Jinyoung [sorry for the late reply! got kinda busy]

/looks down at the plate and smiles a little to herself, reaching over to grab the rest of your cake and popping it into
/nods my head towards the door, grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulder
C'mon, before it gets dark.
/walks over towards the entrance and opens the door, then waits for you to come over so we can leave
Park Jinyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Hyuna /nods in response then smiles/
oh ok then
/watces you leave awhile before getting up and grabbing my plate with a half eaten cake on it. but stands still and looks at you then nods/
uh yeah i am i was
just gonna get rid of this first unless you wanted the rest of it
/hums as i listen then sets the plate down again before stretching out/
ah great then
oh yeah its fine /chuckles/ i knew what you meant plus it would be a good exercise too
/smiles at you/
Kim Hyuna 9 years ago
@Park Jinyoung /glances down at her cup and sees it's mostly empty, the lifts it up and drinks whatever it left
No worries, you aren't rushing me.
I'm done anyway.
/smiles to reassure you and then grabs her now empty cup and starts to get up from her seat to go throw it away
Are you ready to go?
/comes back to the table after her cup has been tossed away and stands next to you
My apartment isn't too far from here, so we can just walk.
Is that alright with you? To walk, I mean.
Park Jinyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Hyuna /nods/
ok great idea then i think im finished anyway
/takes one more bite before sliding the plate to the side and looks at you afterwards smiling/
well no not really the teacher just wants something meaningful
so i dont really know
are you almost done i dont want to rush you or anything just asking
Kim Hyuna 9 years ago
@Park Jinyoung /nods her head back at you and smiles as well
Alright, great. Now we've got that problem fixed.
We could go to my apartment after we finish up here, okay?
/takes a few more sips of her coffee and exhales a breath, yawning shortly after
Is there anything you specifically work on?
Or was it just painting in general?
I was to know where to start when we get to my apartment.
Lee Jieun 9 years ago
*walks around*
Park Jinyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Hyuna /nods at the idea/
mhm we can
/furrows my brows tracing where your finger is pointing and notice im still wherein my uniform and looks back at you/
i know..
/looks around also thinking about what to do with the uniform but looks at you slowly nods at your question/
yeah i always do have one cause when im done school i have to go to work so all i do is change the uniform shirt and put my work shirt on
if the pants are protected then im ok with it i mean im going to be wherein a apron anyway
so seem okay
/nods smiling/
Kim Hyuna 9 years ago
@Park Jinyoung /watches you take a sip of the coffee from the cup, then takes in back in her hands when you slide it back over and takes another sip herself
Well, in that case, we could go over to my place after this.
/glances down at your clothing attire and realizes you're still in school uniform, pointing to it
That might be a problem, though. I don't want the paint ruining your uniform. It's going to be messy.
/bites her lip while she thinks, fiddling with her cup again and tapping her foot on the floor
Do you have an undershirt on? Under the uniform shirt, I mean. We could probably protect the pants with an apron that's lying around my apartment somewhere.
Seem okay?
Park Jinyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Hyuna hm its a good exercise to but that sounds good to me so sure
/looks up at you confused and back at the cup you pushed over/
um are you sure thanks
/grabs the cup bringing it up to my lips and taking a sip and sets it down pushing it towards you and smiles/
/leans back in my chair staring at my half eaten cake while thinking/
/chuckles and nods/
ok if you say so. well i guess your right then
hm i was actually planning on dancing out side or something but i can skip a day for class improvements i guess
so yeah its ok
Kim Hyuna 9 years ago
@Park Jinyoung I might consider picking it up again, if I want something else to do. I'll call you up if I decide to start dancing again, okay?
/lightly laughs and sees you eyeing her cup, pushing it towards you a little bit
Want some? I might not be able to finish it all by myself, anyway.
/uncrosses her legs and leans forward, crossing her arms and setting them on the table, smiling a little herself when you start to smile at her agreeing to your question
/her smile widens a bit when she sees your surprised expression
It's fine. Besides, I don't know where else we would be able to practice.
Are you free after this? I could show you some ways to improve today, if you'd like.
That's okay, right?
Park Jinyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Hyuna /nods/ yeah i do on my free time from school and work, oh really do you still want to try it i can help you with that
/laughs softly and eyeing your cup debating on if i should ask for some/
/nods again now looking up at you/
yes i do im pretty bad at it you know
/looks down at my cake hoping you will agree to it looks at you smiling when you say yes/
um really thanks. honestly i dont know i do a lot if im not in school
/looks at you a bit surprised/
are you sure you dont really invite people to your house often but since your stuff is there sure
Kim Hyuna 9 years ago
@Park Jinyoung Oh, you sing and dance? I tried dancing when I was younger and it didn't work out.
/laughs and shakes her head at the memories flooding her mind, continuing to play with the lid of her cup
Hm? You need help in painting class?
/tilts her head, but then remembers that you did lack a little bit and understands why you're asking and nods her head
Yeah, I can help you. When do you think you'll be free?
You could come to my house, since all of my art stuff is there. It'll be easier that way.
Park Jinyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Hyuna /stares at you for a while before looking away still thinking but nods at your question/
yes there is i like dancing and singing i also work so yeah
/chuckles when i see you nibbling on the cup/
ah really i've actually been needing help in that to
hm thats fine at least you have me though /takes another bite of my cake and slightly nods/
yeah i have a few friends so dont worry /laughs softly/
so you think you can you know help me with my painting class
Kim Hyuna 9 years ago
@Park Jinyoung /nods at your words and starts to play with the lid of her cup, glancing around for a few seconds, trying to think of a way to start a conversation
So, is there anything you like doing outside of school? Like, hobbies or anything?
/takes another sip of her drink and lightly nibbles on the cup before realizing what she's doing and sets it back down
I don't do much except paint, mostly. I don't have a lot of people to talk to, honestly.
/shrugs her shoulders and then softly sighs to herself, crossing her legs under the table
I would hope you have friends, or just someone to talk to at least. Do you?
Park Jinyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Hyuna /nods smiling glad it wasnt a problem/
great then
/smiles before watching you walk to the line and starts think of a way to start the conversation but nods leting you know i heard you/
/taps my finger against the table patiently waiting for you to come back, bringing out my phone to entertain myself/
/notices the cake and coffee and looks up to see you seating down across from me/
/looks at you realizing that you said something trying to remember what it was but nods when i remember/
um just to meet up and get to know each other thats all
yes i did
/slightly smiles before scooting the cake more towards me and taking a bite of my cake/
Kim Hyuna 9 years ago
@Park Jinyoung /looks over at the table you pointed at and shakes her head
No, I don't mind window seats. If it's where you want to sit, that's fine.
/hears you tell her what you want and nods her head to let you know she heard, then starts heading in the direction of the line
Be right back.
/gets in the line and orders when she gets to the front, then waits for a short while before taking what she asked for and pays before heading back to the table
/sets her coffee and your cake down on the table before taking the seat across from you and scooting her coffee towards herself
So, what did you want to talk about?
You said you wanted to get to know me better, ask away.
/lightly smiles over at you and lifts her cup to her lips, taking a small sip before setting it back down in front of her
Park Jinyoung 9 years ago
@Kim Hyuna /follows behind you stuffing my hands in my pockets and takes a breathe smelling the fresh cooked food/
/looks at you when you gesture to the tables, and starts thinking while looking around to find a good spot/
hmm ok then
lets sit there i hope you dont mind being near windows
/points to a table and smiles at you/
um yes a mini cake would be nice thank you
/smiles before walking towards the table and sits down/
Kim Hyuna 9 years ago
@Park Jinyoung /walks into the cafe and brushes some hair out of her face, noticing how the cafe isn't that crowded and that there's a lot of tables available, mentally thanking god that the place is quiet
/turns to you and lightly smiles before gesturing towards the empty tables
So, where do you want to sit?
I'm fine with anything, honestly. You pick.
/glances over towards the menu and decides to get regular coffee, then turns back to you
I'm going to go order. Want anything?
Lee Sungjong 9 years ago
@Park Sojin When Sungjong woke up in the morning he had a feeling that today wouldn't be all that great. The first mishap was that his hair didn't want to sit right, so he didn't have a choice but to leave it alone and flat. Then he spilled his morning tea and broke the cup he was drinking it out of. And to make matters worse he got a call from the boss, so he had to pay the mafia a house visit first thing in the morning on his day off. Just bothered and not his usual happy self, Sungjong's face was cold and off putting with the hope that no one wanted to talk to him. He didn't even put any effort into his outfit. His outfit was just a black with a pants to match and a white button up that had several buttons undone. After he finished "work" he went to a local cafe with the hope of unwinding with a free cup of tea and a blueberry scone.
Lee Jieun 9 years ago
@Cho Kyuhyun Hurried footsteps were heard as Jieun tried to sit up. She saw the staff had ran out and was now trying to help the man she had obviously knocked over. A sudden feeling of fear thundered over her spine and she swallowed looking around to the mess she had caused. She grunted lightly and placed a hand on the back of her hurting neck. "What have I done..." She softly sighed as she saw the shatered glass of a camera lying not to far behind her. She turned around and tried to get the chair she was tangeld with off her when she noticed a warm, wet feeling sticking onto her. Looking down she saw her new shirt was stained with dark brown stains and she sighed, angry with herself. Then a red drop dropped onto her lap and she blinked, lifting up her scratched arm she wiped her forehead and looked at her hand, a red sticky substance coloring her fingers. "Great..."

The annoyed voice of man snapped her out of her dusting off her shorts and she turned her head towards him. The guy was fuming. Jieun could have sword she saw steam rising on top of hid head and she swallowed. "I'm s-sorry... I didn't..." but she was shut up as the guy started spitting venom at her. Jieun blinked as the guy stood up and kept talking to her in a tone that ticked her off. Even after he stopped talking she just sat there looking at him in disbelief. "Yah neo!" she snapped at him, staring him right in the eyes "Listen I said I am sorry oke, I don't know about your precious notes but since you wrote them I bet they are stuck somewhere in that heated head of yours" she hissed in one breath "and i'll take care of the camera, i'm not senceless like you" she felt the blood run down the side of her face and wiped it away again as she got up, ignoring the pain on her knees.

"And for your information mister nice guy" she glared up at the tall guy "it WAS an accident, mind you" her eyes shot fire up at him "It's not like I deliberately chose your table to smack myself onto, hell, i didn't even plan on ing falling in the first place, so there is no need for you to speak to me like that. Sheesh." Jieun spoke in an annoyed tone, her usual sweet self deliberating due to the guy speaking to her like she was some kind of deliquent. "I know your crying over your camera but like I said i'll pay for it." she spat and looked around for her skatebeard, noticing a little boy holding onto it as he looked up at her with scared little eyes.

She walked to the little boy and squated down infront of him, patting his head with her clean hand and smiling sweetly at him, making him feel at ease "Thank you for watching over my friend little guy~"

[don't you mean 400.000 won...? 40.000 is like €35 XD]
Cho Kyuhyun [H] 9 years ago
@Lee Jieun He had reached a major writers block just as soon as he started and the male furrowed his brow in slight frustration, venting the building irritation on the table as he repeatedly tapped his pen against the mahogany. A defeated sigh passed his lips upon failing to overcome the block, he brought the cup of coffee to his lips only to have it knocked right out of his hand. Eyes widening in astonishment, everything else happened in a split second, his chair was sent toppling to the floor with him on it, the fall causing his leg to hit the table as it plummeted to the floor suit. The scene seemed to unfold in a painfully slow motion, before speeding up blindingly past with kyuhyun only being able to register himself making contact with the ground, followed by crashing and shattering sounds.

The staff of the coffee shop hurried out as kyuhyun regained his senses, shaking his head to rid of the star bursts that were swirling around his head. The coffee he was drinking only moments ago now staining his shirt, the cup smashed into pieces along with the remaining ounces of coffee -- that pooled over his notes much to the brunettes horror and agitation. "Sir are you alright?" a waiter held out his hand to which kyuhyun growled, slapping the others hand away as he muttered. "My camera..." gaze wildly falling over the whole place in attempts to look for it. "Tch" he clicked his tongue irritably upon failing to locate it, head whipping to a side as he glared at the one at fault.

Clenching his fists to control the fact that the anger was making his blood boil he growled. "How - do you, expect to make up for the loss of my notes and a camera worth 40,000 won huh?" he bit his lower lip, the dangerous vibe in his tone of questioning bringing almost everyone close to earshot into silence, even those who were laughing moments ago, simply going about their own business. "My pay check is riding on you - so you better compensate and don't you dare give me the 'it was an accident' excuse"
Lee Jieun 9 years ago
@Cho Kyuhyun The sun burned on her skin as Jieun was roling her way trough the crowded streets of the city. She slid off her jacket and tied it around her waist as she skated over the pavement, nibbling on her stawrberry lollypop. The wind gushed trough her ponytailed hair and she smiled contently, it was a beautiful day and she finally had some time for herself. With her classes being a handfull and her work being so busy lateley, Jieun was doing nothing more then tiring herself out. up to the point where she had finally fainted at work and was send home to rest up for the remainer of the week.

She made her way trough the boulevard when she spotted a monster. Or that's what she saw. The huge grey Great dane was takign a stroll with it's owner, it's tail wagging happily. Swalloing, Jieun tried to avoid the dog and decided to pick up her skateboard and pass trough the tables at the cafe she was passing. But what she not expected was the other dog that showed up, causing the Great Dane to start barking uncontrolably. This shocked Jieun so badly that she yelped and jumped, making a misstep.

It all happened too fast. She tumbeled over and crashed into a table a customer was calmly siping his coffee at, making the table smack the coffee out of his hand, sending it flying together with the pen and notebook and falling both on him and Jieun who was now lying tangeled with a chair on the floor next to the fallen table, her skateboard roling somewhere in an other dimention. "ah...ow..." She softly wined as people stared at her, some chuckling. But this was no lauging matter for her. She was in genuine pain.
Cho Kyuhyun [H] 9 years ago
@Lee Jieun When kyuhyun wasn't out creating chaos or delving into the expanse of someone else's private life, in short when he wasn't being kyuhyun the paparazzi or kyuhyun the information broker, the only time when he wasn't doing what he usually does and actually takes some time off to be something close to normal -- close to being what he used to be in the past it would be those rare moments he spent relaxing in a cafe. With that being said, it still doesn't keep him from being on full alert, just in case the opportunity of a scoop passed by. Sitting outside the cafe in front of a cup of steaming hot coffee, a notebook with notes hastily jotted down on it and a ballpoint pen resting on the table, kyuhyun busily cleaned the lens of his camera. Afterwards, he took some time scrolling through the pictures of a celebrity he'd caught red handed 'doing it' in the middle of the night, how in the world did he even get that up close? well, to a brunette who wanted nothing more than to shatter the oh so perfect image of most, swiping a key card or two unnoticed wasn't that much of a task. A cheshire cat like grin broke out immediately at the thought of having the article published not too far away in the future. Keeping his camera away for the moment kyuhyun sipped on some coffee, letting the bittersweet taste dance on his taste buds as he heaved a contented sigh, proceeding to tap his pen on the table, striking out unwanted points and editing his writing to keep himself from being confused later on.
[post deleted by owner]
Kim Joonmyun [H] 9 years ago
@Bae Joohyun His train of thought had been wandering to absurdities and even some thoughts that most men wouldn't dare dream. Joonmyun was different... He had wants that others didn't, and one of them was to hurry up and get the out of this dinky cafe. One stir, a second stir... Joonmyun slowly looked up from his cup of tea to see a pair of legs clad in denim, and from there, he trailed his eyes up to get a good look at the face of who this familiar voice belonged to. His gaze remained undisturbed, but aware. So... After so many years, he was running into her again and her steely eyes never failed to captivate him, ensnare him. Joonmyun ran his eyes back down to her ankles before sliding the manila envelope across the cedar table and quietly disclosed it's contents.

"You're parents have quite the offer up their sleeves," he spoke, keeping his voice at a steady level upon negotiating with her. "You will have a permanent tie to us upon the closing of all incidents regarding your parents legalities."

Joonmyun gestured over for the waiter to take away his tea and tray so he could comfortably speak to this lady. Bae Joohyun... How could he forget? What he did to her was unforgivable, and now it was too late to turn back the hands of time. Joonmyun could detect the edginess and unhappiness in her voice upon arrival in the cafe; he would have been, too. He had paid off millions to erase her name from his social and legal history, any remnant that tied her to him so he could get the big bucks. In the end, the connection they had could not be bought back. Glancing at his watch, Joonmyun slid out a signing form and stamp for official measures. The least he could was get what he needed for the bank just a few blocks down.

"Are you willing to go through with this? Or do you have some last minute doubts you'd like to address before officially putting this in the files... Miss Joohyun?" Joonmyun felt a certain bitterness linger on his tongue when he finally spoke her name. It didn't feel right... It felt rather painful.
[post deleted by owner]
Choi Seunghyun [SH] [A] 9 years ago
@Pinky Tang Frankly, her question forced Seunghyun to stop and think. It wasn't like she asked a difficult question but he figured he couldn't flat out tell her that it was for pubic image sake, along with being nothing more than an indirect personal favor; it was simply the manner in which the business world rolled. "Hm, Ms. Tang... I'd assume it's a similar reason to why you're the interviewer this afternoon as well. It's all part of the job, isn't it? And of course, I guess I make for a curious figure. Who would think I'd be in popular demand?" His mind kept wandering back to the fact that she had said this wasn't her usual field. He was right about it being unlikely that she was actually a journalist by occupation but that didn't change his expectations of what was to come. Most likely, it'd just be the regular routine of questions and he was one hell of an actor, feeding the answers that people wanted to hear and wanted to believe. "Well I'm all ears now. Ask away as you please."
Choi Seunghyun [SH] [A] 9 years ago
His assumptions were quickly confirmed and frankly, he was quite impressed that a woman with what would seem to be such a debilitating disability had apparently gotten quite established in her field. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you." He took a seat now but took careful notice of her remarks. "No, I agree. We'll call up a waiter." As if he was listening for Seunghyun's every command, one showed up and Seunghyun raised a brow in amusement and suspicion. He ordered a drink and something small before letting her take her own turn.
Choi Seunghyun [SH] [A] 9 years ago
@Pinky Tang Meteoric rise to wealth and fame, completely unknown roots, rumored psychopathic liar, unreadable facade, prophetic sense for gambling and predicting stocks. It wasn't surprising that Seunghyun received love calls for interviews on every hour, but what was even more surprising was the fact that he accepted this one. He'd been told it'd just a small favor for a remote connection so he'd reluctantly accepted.

Entering the cafe, he was led by a waitress to a booth, told that his supposed interviewer had already arrived and was waiting for him. He slid inside the booth, somewhat suspiciously eyeing the woman whom he assumed he was supposed to be meeting. Perhaps he was biased, but she didn't seem, at least physically, to be the regular young aspiring journalist type. "Choi Seunghyun. I'm assuming you're Ms. Tang?" he greeted her with that deep, rich tone of his. He extended a hand out for her to shake, at the same time taking note of the sunglasses she wore even indoors. He was beginning to wonder whether they served an additional purpose than for fashion's sake.


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bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - - - revamp stage.
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