Luhan's shop.

Lu Han 8 years ago
@Oh Sehun ((I'm lonely here *cries* no one visits))
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Oh Sehun Luhan took a deep breath an turned around with a small smile forming on his lips "It is beautiful what I can see, I can sometimes imagine how a person looks like just by the way they walk or talk, but sometimes all I see is black ... It annoys not knowing what surrounds you" he pursed his lips in a thin line before he nodded looking down "I was born blind with jade green eyes ... When they found a way to fix them, it was too late and too dangerous so I stayed like that" Luhan bite his lips nervously because he thought that he made the other feel bad when he didn't mean to. "I know.. Everyone is wired in a way ... For me I'm just not used to feel people staring at at me... It scares me when I can't see their emotions when they just stare." the brown honey haired boy pouted at himself a little before he reached a hand until he found Sehun's hand and smiled gently "You are very nice, you know that right? I can imagine how you look but I'm not sure about how you see me, maybe because you are an artist you see something different from other people" Luhan shrugged and had an unsure look on his face yet still smiling.
Oh Sehun 9 years ago
@Lu Han "God, the world you imagine has to be so beautiful" Sehun said with small smile formed on his lips as he thought about the real world which wasn't as beautiful so he was jealous, as weird as it sounds, that Luhan could "see" the world the way he wanted to. The fact that he couldn't see didn't make him any less of a person, maybe sometimes it was even better to stay blind for some aspects of life. "Were you born blind or did you lose your sight?" he asked, blinking when the boy turned away from him, looking a bit confused and maybe a bit scared, it seemed that Sehun did something that bothered him a lot. "Forgive me, I'm an artist and we're weird kind of people, it's hard to understand us" he said and reached hand out to place it on the other's shoulder, but he stopped half way and bit his lip. He honestly didn't like that Luhan had put his glasses on again, he looked way more pretty without them.
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Oh Sehun Luhan smiled slightly when the man ruffled his hair, it was his way of telling he was grateful for the man's kindness. He didn't want to look up and face the other but he didn't want to be rude and push the man away. "I can't and nothing can work to fix it" he admitted it and moved slightly away from the man's hold. It made Luhan feel very awkward and he wasn't comfortable being so close to someone that was actually staring right into his eyes. Even when Luhan couldn't see it he was able to feel how close the man's face was close and how it made him uncomfortable. "I'm sorry sir, but I would appreciate it if you don't stare at me" he reached for his glasses again and put them back on and turned away so he was far from the man. It was wired that Luhan wasn't comfortable but still it was wired that he was kind it was yet making his heart beat fast.
Oh Sehun 9 years ago
@Lu Han It was not possible to not smile, hearing those kind of words from anyone, but Luhan's voice was so soft and sweet. "That's good to have something that makes you happy" he said and reached out to ruffle the other's honey blonde hair. Sehun was never kind of person who liked those cheerful annoying people, they seemed so fake for him, but there was something about the boy who loved the flowers was different though he wasn't sure what was it, but there clearly was something special about him. Grabbing the card from him, the man nodded and hid it in his pocket to make sure he won't lose it somewhere. "But still beautiful" Sehun said and gently took the other's chin between two of his fingers, slightly making him raise head so he could once again look into those unusual eyes. "Empty?" he whispered softly, not really knowing what Luhan meant, but then he saw it, the emptiness that honestly didn't make the eyes any less beautiful. "You can't see, can you?" the man asked quietly, knowing that this kind of question probably seemed rude, but that the way Sehun had always been too curious for his own good and what's most more important he was always direct.
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Oh Sehun The honey brown haired boy smiled shyly as he nodded in agreement with the young man's statement "You are right sir, I'm deeply in love with flowers ... They are the only thing that makes me happy" he spoke quietly and finished the bouquets with the last thing before he reached a hand on his desk to grab on of the cards he had " I will give you the card for the shop" he smiled gently placing the card between the flowers careful not to mess their shape. Luhan was taken aback when suddenly the space between him and the youngman was closed so fast and so suddenly making him worry for a moment "Don-.." Luhan wanted to stop what the other was doing but the young man was much faster than him. Luhan bite his lips and immediately looked down feeling his own heart beating fast. It was shocking, the word that left the man's lips making Luhan blink his eyes in the process "They are not... They are not beautiful... They.. Just empty" he spoke more like a whisper as he tried to step back a little but the table was already blocking his way. Luhan clinched his bands in fists not know what to do because he never liked when people stared at him, it always made him feel like crawling away and hiding inside himself.
Oh Sehun 9 years ago
@Lu Han Sehun just shook his head with a small smile forming of his lips as he uttered soft words of "It's okay, I like people with passion. I swear listening about flowers has never been so interesting for me, but you seem so in love with them." Everything seems much more interesting when you're talking about it with person who knows a lot about it and simply loves what they do, just like that pretty florist who seemed to be so lost in his own world when he's talking about flowers what's something so usual for other people. The artist honestly liked how the flowers the other chose looked like, an idea started to form in his mind as he stared at them. Then he nodded and looked at the guy in front of him. "I'll gave her the address of your flower shop." Standing up from the chair, Sehun frowned slightly and stepped forward so there were only a few centimeters between him and the boy. Reaching his hands out slowly, he carefully took Luhan's glasses off to finally be able to look into his eyes, but what he saw made him more than just surprised as he gasped softly. "Beautiful" he said simply, staring with lips slightly parted in disbelief.
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul Luhan smiled in understanding. It was a bit difficult for him to trust people but for him Heechul was trusted especially when he helped a lot so far. "Okay I trust you but if something happens you should tell me" he spoke with a small chuckle before he shook his head in response "no I just want it to be the same.... It might sound boring but I'm more comfortable when things stay the same or I make the change myself so I will remember it clearly" he smiled reassuringly before his tummy growled and Luhan bite his lips embarrassed "I think we should go eat ... And maybe get the others a meal on the way back .... Let's get them something good okay?" he spoke cheerfully with a childish smile.
Kim Heechul 9 years ago
@Lu Han The mafia lieutenant grinned and patted the boy's hand. "We've had issues before, and they haven't hurt me at all. Or touched me, really. You don't have to worry at all, alright? And don't worry about me going into debt. I can afford it."

At his apprehension, Heechul couldn't help but smile and pat his hand. "It's alright. They know what they're doing. Unless you wanna tell me what you want to change around here, I can get people to help with that too. We can stay here so you can tell people where to put things, if that makes you more comfortable, they're just bringing in materials now and cleaning up."
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul Luhan frowned listening to what Heechul was saying. He didn't like this way and he definitely didn't like violence as an option to solve things but he trusted Heechul on his words. "but I don't want you to be involved in problems with them and if they managed to hurt me maybe next time they hurt you" he pouted trying not to think much about what might happen.

At these words Luhan blushed and looked down embarrassed "Is it going to be okay? I mean you won't be in dept later right?" he asked curiously but then nodded in understanding "yeah... IT will take a while but shouldn't we stay here? What if..." Luhan sighed in defeat, he couldn't just refuse the offer since Heechul was so nice to him and he couldn't do anything but accept his offer with a smile. "Okay then.. Let's go it feels uncomfortable when I can't do anything in my own shop" he chuckled softly and reached his hand to hold on Heechul's arm so he could lead him. "where are you taking me then? " he asked curiously.
Kim Heechul 9 years ago
@Lu Han Heechul would only sigh and shake his head at Luhan's questioning. "I know OF them, and I know how to communicate with people LIKE them. They're not going to listen to cops. Only thing they understand is fear, so that's what I'll see about giving them. And yes, it'll be so this won't happen again, not from them, not from their friends."

At the second query, though, he grinned and shrugged. "I said I was going to take care of things, didn't I? You need to replenish your inventory, I happen to be on good terms with people who run good nurseries and plant stores. Pulled a few favors here and there, but that's fine." He followed the curious boy, then laid a hand on his elbow. "Come on, it'll be a little while before everything's set up properly. Let me take you out for a meal, mm?"
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul Luhan suddenly felt tense in the air and something didn't feel right and he didn't know the reason. "What do you mean one on one talk?" Luhan just closed his phone and put it next to him on the table before he moved all his attention back to Heechul and concern was all over his face. "When you say that you sound like you know those people or know a way how to know who they are is this what you are going to do? Is this how you will make sure that nothing happens again?" Luhan bite his lips worriedly while his senses where all over the shop trying to know what was happening around him. "What is that smell? New flowers?" Luhan turned his head in the door direction with a confused expression "I didn't call for any new flowers" He got up and went o check what was going on while things were happening fast and people were walking in and out moving the fresh flowers to the shop.
Kim Heechul 9 years ago
@Lu Han Clearly things were starting to go downhill as soon as the boy made it clear that he had no idea what kind of things went out outside the shop, what kind of quiet wars were being waged over property and the like. Things started to get worse as soon as the other suggested calling the police, and Heechul was glad that the boy couldn't see the look on his face at that suggestion. However, he would stay and help out as much as he could, even though the police would likely want to arrest him and lock him up.

/They don't have any proof that I did anything they're looking for anyways./ Heechul shrugged. "Go ahead. But I was thinking more of a one-on-one talk with them. You can call the police, though." If the cops were smart, they'd overlook the mafia lieutenant's presence and get to work with the issue at hand, that being the destruction of the flower shop.
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul Luhan slowly stopped crying feeling more comforted and relaxed now that he had someone by his side. He still hugged Heechul close for more comfort because he needed it but broke the hug when he heard the man's words "My protection dues?? Why and to whom should I pay for my own shop to be protected?" he asked confusion shown all over his face as he tried to understand. "We are not in a mafia world to pay for our protection besides this is my shop and there are laws that forbid anyone to come and destroy private property right? Maybe I should call the police but I don't know what I should say since I don't know how they looked like..."

There was a few moments of silence before Luhan's face brightened a little. " You saw them right? Maybe you can help and tell the police how they looked like and then the police will arrest them this way nothing like that will never happen again and you will keep your promise right?" the idea of calling the police rushed in Luhan's mind like an unstoppable train and he became excited to it that he fully parted away from Heechul and wiped his tears with the the back of his hand and stood up wrapping his phone and immediately dialed the police number a smile drawn on his face as he waited for a reply.
Kim Heechul 9 years ago
@Lu Han Heechul couldn't help but shrug at the boy's question, and just leaned against him a little. "I don't know why exactly they chose to pick on you. Probably because they were bored. Wanted to send a message to other shops around. You're easy prey, really... Did you pay your protection dues to anyone lately?" Not that the boy needed to... Heechul had already implicitly put him under his own protection. Both the boy and his store were under Heechul's protection, and the fact that these 2-bit players were trying to act all tough and destroy what was his under the criminal code was aggravating. /Oh well,/ he thought, a small smirk coming to his face. /Been a while since I've disposed of people./

When the boy started sobbing though, Heechul just pulled him into his arms, ignoring the fact that his designer suit was being cried all over. The boy obviously needed comfort... such an event was traumatizing enough even for people who COULD see. But it was probably just as well... even with the underlings cleaning up and the bodyguards supervising, the damage was clear. "They just wanted someone to pick on, it's not your fault. This won't happen again, I promise."
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul Luhan pouted slightly and shook his head at the man's offer "No... You don't have to pay for anything ... It is not your fault those guys decided to come and destroy the shop even though I don't know what made them think it would be good to break in a flower shop ... Why do you think they did that?" Luhan asked curiously tilting his head.

The tears already began to fall down Luhan's cheeks when he felt being pulled close to the other. "Why did they come to my shop? If it was for money then they must be stupid because I have non. If it because I have a problem with them then this is stupid because I don't know them and I never fought against anyone before" Luhan's breath was shaky as he sobbed even harder that he thought he would.
Kim Heechul 9 years ago
@Lu Han "Oh trust me, there's a market for damaged flowers," Heechul muttered under his breath, lightly rubbing the boy's shoulder. "Pretty sure they'll be taken care of. I'll pay you for the damage, alright? The poor flowers'll have a new home, mm? Everything's gonna be all fine in no time, trust me."

The breakdown was inevitable, Heechul noted, and imminent too, judging from how the boy was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. His green (definitely sightless) eyes looked up into the lieutenant's face, already starting to water up, and Heechul just held him closer. "Yeah, go ahead and cry. It's good for you, just let it all out."
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul Luhan sighed and shook his head "I won't cry ... I already look miserable and if I cry it will be worse" he sniffed again still trying to hold the tears back. Gentle, the man's hand as he was brushing his clothes as if he was scared that he might break Luhan. "Pressed flowers and dried flowers?? I know they are becoming popular but only when the petals looked in good shape not damaged like that... Those guys stepped on the flowers and I'm the only one who felt it" he spoke with a little whine escaping his lips at the memory of the events that happened few moments ago making the flowers boy shudder and shook his tears away.

Taking few deep breathes thinking about everything that happened and how this nice man here helped him and even offering to protect him, Luhan was saw taken by everything and overwhelmed by the whole situation. The boy's tears threatened him and he couldn't fight them any longer, it was becoming harder than ever. Luhan reached for the man's hand only grabbing onto his clothes while trying to look up towards him "is it really okay if I cry? I know I look silly anyway" he sniffed even though the tears already began to roll down his cheeks.
Kim Heechul 9 years ago
@Lu Han The more he sat with the pretty shop boy, the more Heechul felt a growing attachment to him. Sure, he bought flowers every week or so for his office and his home and as gifts and the like to the wives and girlfriends of his compatriots who liked that sort of thing, but aside from that, he'd never gotten a close connection with the boy before. Well... no time like the present, as they said. Smiling softly, the lieutenant gently brushed debris off the boy's clothes. "I'm not telling you not to worry. I'm telling you that you can cry if you want to. And don't worry about the flowers being damaged. I can use them for pressed flowers or dried flower bunches. They're getting pretty popular nowadays, or so I've heard."

Pretty popular amongst the mafia heads, anyways. The ones who understood the languages of flowers. Dead or destroyed flowers on the doorstep or delivered to a rival mafia member meant less-than-healthy news. In short, it was basically a death note or a declaration of war. Not that Heechul had any problem with it... the mess here provided more than enough destroyed blooms to set the whole city at war. Of course, there were also the ladies of the mafia to be concerned with, who thought that the completely dried and arranged bouquets were the newest in home decor, resulting in mild heart attacks in not a few bosses.
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul Luhan didn't understand why would someone speak so easily about a situation like that. It was difficult enough that no one else who watched the scene even tried to call the police and here this nice guy is telling him that he and his friends can protect him. There was only one possibility that they can do it which was if they were mafia or some kind of another gang but the man's voice did sound like a person who would do such thing and Luhan wouldn't believe such thing as well. "okay I won't worry even though I don't know how I can just calm down after what happened" He took a very deep breath before he sighed heavily "Oh… Were you coming by when you saw that happening? I'm afraid that there are no flowers at all you can have since all of them are damaged" Luhan spoke in an apologizing tone while he tried to smile.
Kim Heechul 9 years ago
@Lu Han The mafia lieutenant couldn't help but smile and lightly squeeze the smaller boy's hands. Clearly he couldn't see... was probably blind, not that he hadn't had his suspicions about that. "If you use the proper channels, then yes, we can get rid of them. It's not that hard, really." Honestly, he really didn't care for that guy and his thugs. WOuldn't be too hard to set them up to get caught by the cops, or get them killed or something like that. "It's no trouble at all, really. None of us will get hurt." A quiet chuckle, and he rested an arm around the shop boy's shoulder. "GO ahead and just let it out, don't worry."
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul Luhan just walked wherever the other led him and sat down sniffing a little as he tried not to cry "but I don't want to trouble you... Those guys are bad and they won't go easily next time" he warned and sighed in defeat since he couldn't do anything himself at this moment "Okay.. You and your friends can help but let me know if you need anything but don't go and fight those guys please" he still warned because he didn't know what the other was doing or who his friends that helped were. All the flower boy was thinking about was everyone's safety.
Kim Heechul 9 years ago
@Lu Han Shaking his head, Heechul gently led the boy over to the least cluttered part of the shop to sit down. "I told you, I can help you take care of it. My... friends and I will help out. You just take a break for a little while, alright? We'll sort everything out in no time." He'd seen that the boy had beautiful green eyes, but right now that was the least of his problems. "I swear, I'll make sure those gangsters won't come by your shop again. Nobody's going to bother you."
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul Luhan almost forgot that some men were still in the place but the sudden orders made him jump a little in his spot but relaxed a little bit. Only to flinch when the broom was snatched from his hand "but I have to clean up ... The flowers need water and new pots" he tried to reach for the broom back but failed. "no no... I will be fine" Luhan bite his lips worriedly and his tears fell as he remembered he didn't have his contacts on and it was already too late to hide his eyes. "um.. Thank you for help I really appreciate it... but I can fix it alone I don't want more trouble" the flower boy reasoned as he bowed his head trying his best not to look towards the other. "There is no need for me to go to the hospital it is only small scratches" he smiled trying his best to look fine.
Kim Heechul 9 years ago
@Lu Han Heechul's eyes narrowed still further as the other man dared to hit the boy some more even after his warning. Silently he held his peace and made a mental note to have his men pay the head boss a visit as soon as he was done, casting glances at his bodyguards to make sure they got the message. Bloodying this shop up would be ill-mannered, and might also bring bad luck as well. Even when the doomed thugs left the building and dropped the poor boy into the pile of glass and broken pottery, he held his tongue.

Only when the men had gotten a way sdown the street than he nodded to his bodyguards. "Bring some of our men down. We need to clean this up. Bring everyone you need, and make sure you can get supplies to make up the damage." Before he could finish, he saw the shop boy carefully grabbing a broom and starting to sweep the floor, and his jaw clenched. Quietly, he stepped forward and grasped the broom, stopping the boy from his sweeping. "Here, don't worry about that right now, we'll take care of all that for you." The tears didn't escape his notice, and he gently removed the boy's glasses. "Here now, let me take you out of here, alright? Do you want to go to the hospital, or a doctor's clinic?"
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul Luhan was still whining in pain another sound became clear around. Blades? It made him gulp down really hard even more scared than before. What are they going to do now? Kill me? Kill each other? Maybe both since two gangs in one place won't end any other way. His mind was filled with ideas while his heart was beating even faster than ever.

While the familiar voice was speaking the two guys gave him few more punches in the stomach and face while their leader laughed bitterly at him "I'm not going to leave this place it is already mine ... Just marking the pretty boy here and I'm done" the thugs leader wanted to stay strong on his land but his boys were cowards and freaked out when the other guards were about to attack them. "you might have won this time but I will get this boy sooner or later ... Learn my words" the thugs leader escaped to the door either his men before he took another glance at the shop and cursed.

In all the mess that happened Luhan was still caught in the situation and didn't understand everything that happened. For a moment he thought it was already his end but suddenly he was left on the floor with a loud thud before it turned all quiet for a moment. What is going to happen now, the brown honey haired boy didn't know and didn't want to know. One thing made him worry, how he was going to fix the shop once again. He sighed heavily trying to breath calmly.

Forgetting about any other presence in the now really damaged place Luhan tried his best to walk to the corner where he always had his broom to clean up the place. His tears began to fall through the crack of his broken glasses. Even though they were broken Luhan didn't want to take them off but he kept them while he keptbegan to sweep the floor carefully.
Kim Heechul 9 years ago
@Lu Han No sooner had the boy spoken up than he was struck hard in the gut, making Heechul narrow his eyes. One second, the thug leader was smirking, the next he was going cross-eyed starting at a razor-sharp blade resting just between his eyes. "Call your mutts off, boy." His voice was even and smooth, but there was an undercurrent of a threat in Heechul's voice, and his eyes were as cold and hard as glacial ice. "Call them off and get out of here before I change my mind about being merciful. I don't like picking on small fry, but if you push me, I might just do something you'll regret."

The blades his bodyguards held never wavered as the lieutenant strode up to the two thugs and narrowed his eyes fractionally. "You heard me. Get out."
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul Luhan didn't like what was happening; his lovely flowers being broken and thrown all over the place and his lovely shop is all damaged. Why did those gangsters kept on coming around him? And why they always destroyed his shop like that? He wondered and never found a logical answer that would make any sense. If it was for money then Luhan wasn't a good target because he had no money, only what kept him happy. If it was because of being impolite with anyone, it never happened because Luhan always spoke cheerfully and brightly; then why? He never knew.

It was few minutes when Luhan could hear almost all the pots being broken but then a new presence that took the attention of everyone made Luhan wonder if the situation will get any worse. Unexpectedly, it was all the way around when Luhan heard the voices of people fighting and some screamed in pain which made all the sound of braking pots stop.

The scents and the voice felt so familiar, Luhan thought as he tried to figure out who the new person was and he finally managed to recognize the guy as one of the few customers who only cam by when new flowers blossomed or arrived but never talked much about themselves so Luhan didn't know the guy very well. Trying hard to understand what the two were talking about 'property? But this is my shop how could they talk about my place like that' Luhan thought while he was still struggling against the two who were still pinning him to the floor.

"what are you two talking about this is my own shop I bought the building and the land and I own this place?" Luhan wanted to speak up for himself but instead of making them stop and let him go one of the two guys holding him smacked him in the stomach hard making the brown honey haired boy squirm in pain.
Kim Heechul 9 years ago
@Lu Han It had been a few weeks since Heechul had started making his daily trips to the little flower shop, but he'd be damned if he would admit to having any interest in anything other than the flowers. Blooms of that quality were rare, and the service was exceptional, as was the boy who ran the store - but the last had absolutely nothing to do with the mafia lieutenant's fascination with the store.

Or so he thought. The moment Heechul caught sight of low-grade hoodlums standing around the flower shop, his mind sprang into action. Flanked by his bodyguards, he stalked up to the door, almost daring the gangsters to say or do ANYTHING. Fortunately for them, they were smart enough to realize just who they'd have to be dealing with if they were disrespectful in any way, and bowed out of the way like pups slinking off with their tails between their legs.

Inside the shop was a mess of destruction and chaos, and Heechul narrowed his eyes before nodding to his bodyguards to put a stop to it. They did so with speed and not much of a commotion, sending the gangsters to the ground with various breaks and sprains and cuts and bruises. Despite all that, two thugs still held the pretty shop boy in place and their supposed leader was puffing up his chest at Heechul. "This is our property, get off!"

The mafia lieutenant rolled his eyes, flicking dust off his impeccably tailored suit. "And this shop and this boy and everything in it is under MY protection. You don't like it, try making a formal complaint. Of course, I would just take this block and the next one as easy as that." He snapped his fingers under the thug leader's nose and tilted his head to one side fractionally. "And I'm sure that your tiny piece of land getting smaller would just piss off your boss, am I right? Real tough guy, you are, beating up on one kid and breaking flower pots. What, the girls at the bakery too tough for you? Kids on the playground throw sand in your face?"

The thug leader growled, but Heechul only smirked. "Ah, there we go. Showing your true colors. Tell you what, you leave this place alone from now on, and I might not take those two blocks. 'Course, this place is still under my protection. Anywhere else I pick to patronize, you'll stay away from, understand?"
Lu Han 9 years ago
@Kim Heechul /I was sitting on the bench by the shop as usual/
Woah... It feels good today
-what did you just say pretty boy-
/I moved my attention of the voice an I could feel more the one person standing blocking the way/
How May I help you?
/I asked calmly as I stood up and bowed my head but one of them which felt like a huge wall in comparison/
-don't dare talk to the boss like that-
I'm sorry I don'tknow how I shouldspeak differently but just tell me if you want something I can do
/I was still trying to remain calm but another on with a tiny hand grabbed me from the collar and pushed me so I fell on the ground on my arm/
-this will teach you how to speak properly-
I could hear them braking some of the flowers pots and running through my desk but two guys held me still from moving/


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bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - - - revamp stage.
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