Sehun's Studio.

Candice Zhao [H] 9 years ago
@Oh Sehun An idea? Candice found herself swimming around the concept of how and why she was here. What had been her incentive? To put it frankly, she had had none, and this was merely a spur or emotions running haywire. Candice found herself eyeing every little design and or spec to the room, and finally, her eyes laid upon the artist himself. Such a young man he was, lanky yet toned, and independent at that. "I have no inspiration nor do I have a set idea as to what I want," she replied, taking her few steps across the room to where he stood, "You see. I like to do things on a spontaneous basis, so I'm going to need you help."

Candice stood merely a foot away from him and tilted her head as she looked up to his towering height. His eyes were opaque and hard to read, an unusual quality for a profession so exact and precise. "What would you need to know to creat a masterpiece? A work of art?" Candice narrowed her eyes a little bit and searched for a sign of emotion, but she didn't receive anything; nothing seemed to pass through her internal radar, leaving her wondering what went on behind the doors of the artist's room.
Oh Sehun 9 years ago
@Candice Zhao For Sehun the girl seemed to be one of those who's plan to get a tattoo is a very spontaneous one and he honestly hated how that kind of people doesn't respect tattoos as art which is full of memories, emotions and meaning, but he said nothing and just watched her looking around the studio. "Well, I am" the man said proudly as a cocky smile formed on his lips. Honestly he liked to show off his best works, people's reacts made Sehun feel flattered and made him sure that all of the time he spends on searching for a muse and drawing is really worth. "Oh Sehun, nice to meet you" reaching his hand to a girl, he eyed her once again, thinking what kind of ink would she like to get since she looked as pretty good and elegant women.

Then he went behind the counter where he took a small notebook and a pen to write the keywords about the girl like he always do, it usually help him to draw something what would suit the person better. Looking up at her again, he bit on his lip before making a line under those few words as he murmured softly "Can you tell me what would you like me to do for you? I mean, do you have any idea for your tattoo?" It's always much more difficult when customers come to him without anything but their story so Sehun had to sit with them for a long time and talk about his ideas and eventually change them a little bit to match their taste. To be honest he was okay with that, he really liked to work with clients and hear their stories; that day was one of the most boring ones so if he could focus on something it'd great.
Candice Zhao [H] 9 years ago
@Oh Sehun Candice didn't expect an answer to be given right away from an anonymous voice, but the heavy and thick scent of cigarette smoke said otherwise. She laughed lightly at the rather obvious response he gave, but nevertheless, there was a twinge of humor that she stomached. Candice turned her attention slowly in the direction of the origin of the mysterious voice that had spoken to her. To her surprise, it was a very young man, possibly a couple years younger than her. Out of reaction, she cocked an eyebrow and looked him up and down just once, but still found herself a little inquisitive. There were so many things she wanted to ask, but she opted to keep shut.

Candice took a step towards the young man and cocked her head as she opened to speak. "I might ask you the exact same thing," she retorted quietly, taking a strand of her hair in her hand, "I'm obviously here for ink. Are you the one that holds the honor of all this artwork?" Candice looked at him straight in the eye before taking steps away to once again, gaze and analyze every little photo that hung from the walls of his studio. "What's your name, dear artist?" She asked, her voice dropping a note as her attention was slowly absorbed into each fiber and each drop of each tattoo.
Oh Sehun 9 years ago
@Candice Zhao That day was oddly calm, Sehun didn't had many clients nor a lot of work since he'd already done all of the project he was asked to do, even the tattoos he was working didn't need a lot of time to be done, so the man was quite bored what usually didn't happen. Now he was looking through the opened window at the back of his studio, letting the smoke of cigarette fill his lungs before he breathed it out, leaning his head back. After two more, he decided to just close the studio and maybe go out, but something stopped him before he could do anything. The bell ring which meant that someone had entered the studio. He wasn't really sure who was that since he didn't expect anyone that day.

When he walked to the main room of the studio, he saw a girl that looked a bit too classy for the place like this and raised a brow at the question. "Of course it's all my work, it would stupid to show people something that's not mine, don't you think?" he asked instead of responding properly. Then he leaned against the wall, crossing arms on his chest as he looked at the girl, murmuring a quiet "What are you here for?" Honestly Sehun was surprised to see someone like her here, in his studio, since most of his customers had already a lot of tattoos and wanted him to do their next because he was known as one of the best among the people who were interested in it.
Candice Zhao [H] 9 years ago
@Oh Sehun Wonderful, just wonderful. Somehow this body had always found the love for diamonds and really didn't like anything else. Did she always have to be stuck in this body? Candice laughed to herself as she shut down the diamond gallery for a day and went in search for something more rebellious to do. She wanted something more exhilarating, more lasting, more marking than every before. Candice prowled the streets and took in every bit of scenery that was laid out for the world to see; restaurants, cafes, boutiques, tattoo studios - tattoo studios. Maybe that would be fun. Would that work?

Candice took a look at the studio that would give her a mark to remember she if she so desired. Shrugging off the doubts, she pushed open the door and sounded her arrival with the sound of a small, jingling bell. The examples that hung on the walls amazed her; this artist really was talented, purely innovating. She marveled at the creations that sparked a rebel in her, and that's when she decided she wanted a tattoo. As for the actual physical form of the tattoo, she had no idea. Candice walked over to a frame and studied it carefully; each detail to the example tattoo was so meticulous... So perfect. "Do you do this all by yourself?" Candice spoke out loud, calling out to the artist who seemed to be concealed from view.


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bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - revamping.
bangnaruto [A] 8 years ago
- - - - - - - - - revamp stage.
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