

[ s ] im jinah 9 years ago
@[ s ] lim kim "Really? You want to be my friend?" Jinah looked at her with astonished and with squinting eyes, confused about the whole situation. There has to be something wrong with this girl that she'd want Jinah to be her friend. "That's a first.", she said under he breath with her most infamous smirk. "Kimmy, then. Call me Jinah.", she nodded at her for reassurance. Since she already told the server her order, her ice cream was delivered already, her fingers gripped the cone. "Did you ask him what you were getting?", she tilted her head curiously while casually her strawberry flavored treat. "Since you're the rich one here, I won't be paying.", she said jokingly but then there was another side of her telling the truth.
[post deleted by owner]
[ s ] lim kim 9 years ago
@[ s ] im jinah kimmy shook her head about the bodyguards and being rich thing.
certainly, it was the best topic she wanted to talk about. but
then when the girl actually said something about bruises, she
let out a little chuckle and replied, "yeah. i agree with that.
you're face is both a blessing and a curse." she then took out
her hand and showed her two fingers. "blessing for the guys and
a curse to all the jealous ladies." she laughed as she called a
waiter and waited for him to come over. her jaw dropped at
the girl's response and let out a loud laugh. "oh my! i'd love
to be your friend." she then offered her hand with a wide grin.
"the name's lim kim. but please call me kimmy or kim."
[ s ] im jinah 9 years ago
@[ s ] lim kim Jinah continued to endlessly followed her until she looked up and saw the ice cream store's sign. With a relief summarized in a sigh, she got a little bit excited. She needed to go out and this was the perfect situation to let loose. The other's voice got really pitchy as she worried for Jinah. She wouldn't lie but that really touched her. With her on edge, it really made her day. She smirked as bodyguards somehow landed in their conversation. "Bodyguards? You must be rich then...", she scratched the side of her head with her free hand. "So the rumors were true...", she whispered to herself, unknowingly loud enough to be heard by the other person. "Maybe I wanted a bruise here and there. Don't remind me. My face is both a blessing and a curse.", she spoke with another sigh waiting to happen. Yet she held it in as the other faced towards her. Somehow, she felt sympathetic when she told her that new information. "It's something you'll have to get used to, unfortunately." She gently placed her body on top of the stool, looking over at her with a suspicious glance. "Thanks. I would list some for you but the only thing I could think of, in the moment, is punching your mom. Sadly, that's truth.", she smiled momentarily, as she searched for what she wanted on the menu.
[ s ] lim kim 9 years ago
@[ s ] im jinah still running towards the closest store she could, a grin slowly
crept up to her face and she yelled out, "as much as i'd like to
thank you for what you did out there, mom's bodyguards were outside. you're pretty face would be scarred if i let you continue." she yelled, a small chuckle escaping as she opened an ice cream shops door. then she faced the girl and smiled. "but
really, i must say your words towards my mom hurt me too. but
just a bit." she shrugs as she pulled the girl to a near booth.
"but you were awesome. i mean," she opened but nothing
came out. "you're so awesome i couldn't even think of any
adjective more appropriate than awesome." she laughs freely. a
first in many days.
[ s ] im jinah 9 years ago
@[ s ] lim kim "I can't mind my own business when your business is practically echoing in the hallways!", Jinah argued back, with a smirk as she quickly gets frustrated over this. Her fingers formed a fist, imagining her giving her a nosebleed in no less than 2 minutes flat from where this was going. "Filthy? I wasn't sure if you looked at the mirror lately. Judging from your ugly hairdo to your clothes, but, please, do that again. Then tell me who's the filthy person.", she rolled her eyes fast enough that she could definitely see that punch coming along. "I wonder if your horrible parenting scarred your daughter's mental process. It's parents like you that make the world horrible.", she scoffed. As her fist lifted up, her classmate grabbed it in an instant. Without realizing, they were already running away from the old grandma and into the fair air of spring. She breathed in the outdoors deeply, trying to calm down. "What are you doing?!", her eyebrows furrowing with confusion and frustration.
[ s ] lim kim 9 years ago
@[ s ] im jinah kimmy knows this girl but never in her life would she think that
this girl would ever try and make a speech to her and her mom.
her mom glared at the girl and yelled, "WILL YOU MIND YOUR OWN
BUSINESS?" then it her mom turned back to her. "THIS. THIS IS
much. her mom didn't know anything about anyone in her school
and she dare badmouth her schoolmates. without another word,
she grabbed the girl's wrist and sprinted a run for the school
gate, her hand gripping her bag tightly.
[ s ] im jinah 9 years ago
@[ s ] lim kim Finally, classes are over. Jinah felt weight lifted off her shoulders as she could practice with her cello in a few moments. Not that classes are not interesting but her priorities are all over the place that, somehow, her cello is always on top of it. When she arrived at the hallway, strolling innocently, there was screaming that woke her up from her fantasies. "What the heck...?", she whispered sharply under her breath. As lucky as she was, she unfortunately had to walk closer since the exit was near the screaming imbeciles of the hallway. She walked with heavy steps, uncaring if it stopped their 'conversation', towards them. "Hey, can you argue about this at home. There are plenty of people trying to study and attend their afternoon classes. I recommend you shut your trap and leave the premises. Thank you." Though her speech was gracefully there was no doubt annoyance behind it.
[ s ] lim kim 9 years ago
@[ s ] im jinah "why do you always have to interrupt my practice, mom?!" kimmy exasperatedly
whispered to her mom who barged in into the school after classes to take her
to the seminar for an exam abroad. her mom crossed her arms and replied, "you
are going to take exams in barton university, young lady. whether you like it
or not!" barton university? los angeles, california? she facepalmed and glared
at her mom. "i'm all set to go into the seoul arts university, mom! can you
just let me do what i want, for once?! JUST THIS ONCE, MOM. CONSIDER WHAT
MAKES ME HAPPY." suddenly her mom, grabbed her by the shoulders and yelled,
[ c ] mark tuan 9 years ago
*marks Mark's territory*
[ s ] bae joohyun [A] 9 years ago
/noms v-card. o v o


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mischievous- 8 years ago
kyungsoo left.
oceani 8 years ago
so..still open?
TakeMeToNeverland 9 years ago
May you add and reserve Colin Ford for me please?
parkbyun 9 years ago
baekhyun left.
anyways 9 years ago
jieun has left, sorry!
prismed 9 years ago
hani left. ; ;
hobiebrown 9 years ago
I see a few people left but I'm still applying. Please add and reserve Tyler Hoechlin.
itward 9 years ago
park chanyeol left, sorry
teeraarii 9 years ago
Choi Yuna is leaving, sorry
IrkenInvaderMilk 9 years ago
hey, Waii is leaving. SOrry.
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