swimming pool


[ s ] lim kim 9 years ago
@[ s ] min yoongi chuckling, kimmy walked over behind him and replied, "well, that
would give the boys in my class something to ponder on but," she
gave a small laugh and shook her head. "nah. i don't want my dear
50-year-old history teacher having a heart-attack and you having
another issue to fix about me." before she started walking out
the pool, she splashed him with water and ran out giggling. for
some reason after getting changed, her mind wandered about her
encounter with yoongi at the pool and laughed at herself.
"what a change of course, kimmy." she shook her head and timidly
walks back to class, unconsciously waiting for the class to end.

( so is it okay if we continue this in here since the scene
calls for another scenery? /blinkeu. )
[ s ] min yoongi [A] 9 years ago
@[ s ] lim kim Clasps a very shortest glance as sensing her footsteps are getting nearer to blocked his front view by her existence. His eyebrows knitted and a narrowed eyes due to the bright of a sunlight but able to seeing her appearance and face super clearly. Hearing her discussion, it lead him to a thoughtless wonder. He didn't knew whether he should decide to skipped his after school's appointment with the other student council members but they are not building any interesting or important reflection anyways. He bite the inner skin of his mouth and change his stares at other area before fully answering, "Okay, but...," he paused and took his peeps to observes her head to the toe with expressionless emotion, "You're going out with that robe and all? Amazing," he teased then nodded his head to signalling her changing inside.
[ t ] park chanyeol 9 years ago
why does the picture make me think of a free! episode?
/rolls awei/ /you didn't see this/ /bye/
[ s ] lim kim 9 years ago
@[ s ] min yoongi kimmy tilted her head and stares at him. scrutinizing him.
studying these feeling that she feels. she feels like she
needs to get to know this person. like there's an unsolved
mystery that she can figure out the moment she becomes his
friend. and so at that moment,the game plan abruptly changed.
she decided to move right in front of him and smiled. "okay.
i'll go back to class, but.." she says lingering on the last
word. "hang out with me after classes." and in case he says he
has things to do after class, she pointed a long finger at him.
"no complains. i'll show you how enjoyable life can be for
you, the hermit from his ivory tower." she laughs at her
own joke. "okay, yoongi?" she calls on him with a smile.
[ s ] min yoongi [A] 9 years ago
@[ s ] lim kim Supported by a surface, his mild exhaled and inhaled breathes was casually processing as he releases a subdued sighing. He knew and is being all conscious about how the other students aperture hatreds against him. But there would be surely none of them, except a few of his friends, understands what he has been suffering from the pasts and it brought till he is now standing above a ground. Though he had constantly ignores their complaints but the girl has triumph to scrape his feelings. To admits the truth, he was also used to think of how does it feels like to enjoy and active like the surrounded people does but he is presently attached to not intimate because he hadn't been showed any loves ever since he was a born child. He cleared his throat in a formal manner while slipped his hands inside of a pockets on his blazer, "Do you think all teenagers had the same passions and enjoyable lives like yours?" and quietly thought to himself, 'Because I can't be my own guidance.' Forcing himself to catches her next sentences, "Since you are not doing anything else inappropriate, I'll just send you back to your class." he saunters a bit and pauses to waiting for her done right in front of the main door.
[ s ] lim kim 9 years ago
@[ s ] min yoongi ( same here. heol. )

she was keeping her ears open for his words but all of them
seems so, well, she can retort to them all. but deep inside
her, she knew she screwed up. yes, kimmy never failed any
test her whole life and is doing well on academics. she's
one of the top ten scorers for the senior year but still,
she knew that ditching class is still a bad shot for her.
suddenly, her thoughts dissipated when he suddenly answered
her last question. she was astonished. 'so he really didn't
know!' her thoughts literally screamed out. she cleared her
throat before saying, "uhm, duh. not just me, mr. president.
almost everyone at school thinks you're too controlling. i
mean, we're all young," she says and tentatively points at
him. "you're young and this youth isn't gonna stay forever.
can you just lighten up and try living in the moment?" she
sighs, figuring that this conversation is going nowhere. she
then sat down on the bench and answered his previous argument.
"anyway, as for the homeworks, i could easily ask my friends
and for the formats for the exams?" she pauses and made eye
contact with him. "our school teachers repeats it all the time,
okay? and i don't know if you know me but i'm not a bad student.
i study well and is keeping up with the class," she then
pointedly added, "so please, stop with the nagging and just
bring me to the guidance office if you have to." although her
mind betrays her words. she really didn't wanna be in the
guidance office. once her mom knew, she'll get into a bigger
[ s ] min yoongi [A] 9 years ago
@[ s ] lim kim Upon listening to her first go sentence, he was frozen by how she extremely success in assembling some courageous thoughts to speak with such an understandable question and the righteousness in her intentions to aiming one of her many life's goal. Inside of his running blood heart, he understands what was on her mind-set currently but it is a no wonder of why the others hates his piercingly cold existence and disliking how strict he is. He furrowed his eyebrows and heaves a very low sigh before wanting to open his mouth, "Even if the class is boring, what if the teacher were assigned some homeworks? Or maybe a useful formats for your exams? Okay, I was placed in a basketball team and also in-charge as the school's DJ, as well as a President in the Student Council. But then, I forced myself to go class. Do you think-" but an abrupt interrupts his proceed mind when she blurts such an unexpected question were thrown hardly at him. It's a yes, he did secretly. But it's a no to strangers. It made him tilted his head a bit, "So... those are what was established in your thought of me?"

( starts to do a slow reply. orz )
[ s ] lim kim 9 years ago
@[ s ] min yoongi hearing him talk about school rules that way made her scoff.
she tightened her crossed arms against her chest and stared
at him with a poker face. "you know what," she sighs. "okay,
i know it's wrong. i agree with you that it's illegal but
if you're in my place and you're a running candidate for the
school representative, which would matter more? practice or
some boring class?" she walked a few steps closer to him and
actually got to study his face. she thought mentally, 'well,
not bad.' in her opinion, he was quite cute but it doesn't
change the fact that he's too much of a conceited stone faced
control-freak. "do you ever stop being such a control-freak?"
the question was out of before her mind even finished
processing it. her eyes widened momentarily before she shifted
her gaze to the floor. a blush creeping up her pale cheeks.
[ s ] min yoongi [A] 9 years ago
@[ s ] lim kim Yoongi isn't trying hard to become dull but he naturally being himself. "But don't you know that ditching a class is illegal? In this school, there are truancy laws. Students who ditch class may end up facing punishment or detention," he elucidates the injunction about one of the school's regulation. He knows that swimming coach would always watch over the students while setting the right time of practicing. "It's not a good decision to practice during classes were in a progress," he added as he steps forward to obtains a clear sight of her face.
[ s ] lim kim 9 years ago
@[ s ] min yoongi kimmy pursed her lips and wrapped herself in her robe.
she crossed her arms and shivered because of the sudden
cold. "uhm, history sort of had a two-hour over time,"
suddenly she shivers again and she blushes at the fact
that emo-control-freak president caught her ditching a
class and now she looks like a school troublemaker. she
cleared . "you know what, i-i needed to practice
for the next swimming competition." she tried to defend
her actions.
[ s ] min yoongi [A] 9 years ago
@[ s ] lim kim ( nah, it's okay. i can be late in replying as well. )

Controls his laughter by covering it using his palms at the student's reaction to his unforeseen existence and pretending he was scrubbing his mouth center. Yoongi begin to strengthen his legs and erect her own feet to stood upright as soon as he scrutiny the ditched student has departed from the pool. He keep folding his arms and facing his observation on the other person, "I should be the one who's asking that," he responded with his medium gelid tone while questionably raising his eyebrows. "Aren't you supposed to be in the classroom now?"
[ s ] lim kim 9 years ago
@[ s ] min yoongi ( sorry for the late reply. hahaha. o/ )

as she suddenly resurfaced from the water, splashing water
everywhere in the process. but suddenly her eyes fell onto
someone crouched down onto the metal stairs. she yelped,
"OH MY!" she swam across the next stairs and climbed up.
she blinks and realizes that it was the student council
president. "u-uhm, wh-what are you doing here?" she asked,
her voice small. she was caught. caught in swimming when
she still have a class. she went over the bench and grabbed
her robe. and silently looked at him under her lashes.
[ s ] min yoongi [A] 9 years ago
Getting all worn out listening to the babbling discipline teacher to reminding him about the discussion, his eyes are leisurely sizing it narrower and smaller. As soon as the elderly adult ends her final speech, he quickly bows his head a bit politely and excused himself to left the office then inches his distance from the room in a very quite speed, so he wouldn't been re-called to return his feet back on there. Yoongi was casually clutch the detention book underneath his forearm while wandering to secured the certain areas and before he could chose to attends his class but a sudden splashing sounds are loud enough for him to hear from standing outside of the swimming pool. He furrowed his eyebrows in questioning and lead himself to enters the room. Secretly spot a student was training herself. He crossed his arms together and bend his knees in front of the metal stairs.
[post deleted by owner]
[ s ] lim kim 9 years ago
@[ s ] min yoongi its not that kimmy was a problem child but, like normal students, there
are certain subjects and classes that she can't help but feel sleepy
and bored. she looked down at her watch and saw that it was already four.
her teacher was having a 2-hour overtime already. she shook her head
and picked up her bag quietly. practice is the most important thing for
kim. she's very competitive and in result to that, she needs practice
to execute things flawlessly. she smoothly walked out of the classroom
and tipped-toed to the swimming pool. she immediately ran to the dressing
room and changed into her swim gear. as she was stretching, a smile slips
on her face and she mumbled, "show time." before jumping in into the water.
[ s ] bae joohyun [A] 9 years ago
/noms v-card. o v o


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mischievous- 8 years ago
kyungsoo left.
oceani 8 years ago
so..still open?
TakeMeToNeverland 8 years ago
May you add and reserve Colin Ford for me please?
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baekhyun left.
anyways 9 years ago
jieun has left, sorry!
prismed 9 years ago
hani left. ; ;
hobiebrown 9 years ago
I see a few people left but I'm still applying. Please add and reserve Tyler Hoechlin.
itward 9 years ago
park chanyeol left, sorry
teeraarii 9 years ago
Choi Yuna is leaving, sorry
IrkenInvaderMilk 9 years ago
hey, Waii is leaving. SOrry.
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