

Ushnar gro-shadborgob 8 years ago
Ushnar turns to the girl.
"You should try this for the wooziness it might help." Ushnar hands the girl a purple drink.
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
Scillian turned back to the girl.
" I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with fusions. I wouldn't know the first thing in helping you with your wooziness."
Azeale Moonfang [A] 9 years ago
"I still feel woozy, I must've done something wrong."
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
Scillian smirked at the lot of them.
"Never underestimate an inventor." Scillian said as he extended his hand to help the poor boy up. By his reckoning, it was time for introductions. He didn't even know who these people were.
Az [A] 9 years ago
Azeazle smiles.
Hermich [A] 9 years ago
Hermich wakes up and looks around.
Azeale Moonfang [A] 9 years ago
She watched and gulped "Your sure this works?"
Ushnar gro-shadborgob 9 years ago
"What was that and what does it do?" Ushnar asks Scillian.
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
Scillian stepped over the passed out boy and pulled a liquid out of his jacket. It was a vial that was silvery grey. Kind of like a liquid metal. Scillian poured its contents onto the boys face. As it hit it slowly sunk through his skin and into his pours. Scillian glanced at his makeshift watch. A few more seconds and he would be awake.
Ushnar gro-shadborgob 9 years ago
"Sure, lets do that." Ushnar then walks over to Hermich.
Az [A] 9 years ago
"Yeah, we can ask him-" Azeazle kneeled beside Hermich and cough.
Ushnar gro-shadborgob 9 years ago
Ushnar gets up from the ground and walks over to Scilian and asks "Can I be of any help?" After asking this she hick ups.
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
"Okay so if this... Alva... is gone, could it be possible that someone else brought them? I don't believe that dragons have been around very long. I thought they were long extinct. Maybe we will have more luck after we revive your friend. You know, the one you fused with?" Scillian said as he indicated the passed out boy on the ground.
Azeale Moonfang [A] 9 years ago
"I have no idea why the dragons were here- maybe Alva- no wait she's gone....I don't know.."
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
"Okay, I need someone to give me answers before I can leave." Scillian said as he looked around at the drunken figure, the boy passed out on the ground and the unsteady girl.
Ushnar gro-shadborgob 9 years ago
Ushnar comes stumbling out of the inn near by, with a drink in her hand.
Hermich [A] 9 years ago
Hermich is found laying on the ground and not responding
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
" What happened here? Why did the dragons come" Scillian asked, feigning innocence.
Az [A] 9 years ago
"Y-yeah! I'm perfectly fine!" Azeazle stuttered and stood up straight and nodded.
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
"You all right?" Scillian asked as he tried to keep her from falling. " The fusion take that much out of you?"
Azeale Moonfang [A] 9 years ago
Azeazle shakily shook his hand and put the other on her forehead, she blinked a couple of times and regained her focuse.
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
Scillian watched as the girl regained her balance, she must have been the one controlling the fusion while the boy lay dormant. Scillian smiled crookedly and extended his hand to the girl. Perhaps he could learn a thing or two from the pair. After all he was never one to turn down the chance to study something new. And the fusion was definitely new.
Azeale Moonfang [A] 9 years ago
The fusion nodded and jerked a couples times before the two split, Azeazle wobbled on her feet and made a sound before catching herself.
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
Scillian's Spider bots sped across the sand. One quickly sped over to him while the other went into the latest dead dragon to collect the orange liquid. Scillian picked up the spider bot that had come to him and took off the capsule it had carried. It had orange liquid in it but also carried a considerable amount of dirt. He would have to clean it out later, but for now it would suffice. The remaining spider left the dragon and came to him with a capsule only half full or the orange liquid, but it was at least pure. Scillian set the spider bots back in his jacket and put the capsules in there as well.

He would have to work to make it usable, but at least it was. Scillian turned to the fusion.

" You can unfuse now. The dragons are all dead." Scillian said, being careful not to reveal any information pertaining to who he is or what he just harvested.
Az [A] 9 years ago
The fusion wrapped one pair of arms around its neck and grabbed the dragons jaw with the other, the fusion huffed and panted as it wrestled the dragon to the ground, the fusion tightened it's grip and a loud snap echoed as it dropped the dragons head.

The fusion stepped back and wiped some of the Orange fluid off of it.
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
The fusions slowly slid backward as the dragon pushed it with its raw might. Scillian panicked and slid off his trench coat. He began to dig through the numerous pockets for anything that would help, but all of his weapons only worked one time and were really only efficient with smaller animals. Scillian pulled out a little ball that fit easily in the palm of his hand. This might stun it long enough for the fusion to get the upper hand.

Scillian threw the ball at the dragon's head, whenever the ball was a few feet away it exploded and released a small mechanical net. The net fell down right over the dragons eyes and began to spit sparks everywhere. Several of the sparks landed in the dragon's eyes and caused it to rear back in pain. Maybe that would be enough for the fusion to get it done.
Az [A] 9 years ago
The fusion turned around and watched Scillian run towards it, it looked up and saw the dragon snarling softly, the fusion stood in front of him in a defensive position, the dragon charged and the fusion grabbed onto it to slow it down.

The dragon was stronge enough to begin pushing the fusion with it as it walked.
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
Scillian saw the dragon's neck snap and quicken his pace. He was down to one dragon left that he could harvest. he set one spider-bot on the ground and sent it too try to harvest the liquid that was spilling out of the dragon's now decapitated head. Then he sent a second spider to wait and then search the corpse of the next dragon. The one that the fusion would surely kill.

Scillian looked around puzzled, where had that dragon gone. Scillian saw the fusion stumbling around looking for it too. Maybe it flew away whenever its siblings had died. Scillian shrugged, it wasn't his problem to deal with.

A gust of hot air hit Scillian in the back and sent him tumbling out of the shadows where he had been hiding. Scillian quickly scrambled up and spun around to see where the gust had come from. What he saw chilled him to the bone. Standing before him, slowly making its way to kill him, was a huge dragon. Scillian turned and made a direct run for the fusion. It was his only hope.
Az [A] 9 years ago
The fusion snapped one of the Dragon's neck making the same orange fluid spurt out "gross" The fusion dropped the Dragon's head and looked around for the other one.
Scillian McGricken [A] 9 years ago
Scillian cursed as the fusion stepped on his spider-bot. It was crushed underneath it's feet, along with the precious contents it had carried. Scillian took a deep breath and let the anger drain away. He still had two other dragons that he could harvest from. He only needed one vial, and it seemed as though the fusion would will in the long run. By the time that happened he would have made two new spider-bots with the spare parts with in his trench coat. Surely one of the vials would survive, especially after the fusion separated.

With this thought in mind, Scillian set to work.


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