


(☾) Park Chanyeol [A] 8 years ago
@(✾) Byun Baekhyun Chanyeol was mentally bashing his head against his desk, but he had to remain calm on the outside. As Baekhyun approaches his desk and promptly seats himself on top of it without a care in the world, the businessman plasters on one of his forced smiles. "How did you find out where I worked, Baekhyun?" He manages to say through clenched teeth. However, he has an inkling of how Baekhyun managed to find him. There's only one option that would make sense if the only other option was that Baekhyun /followed/ him here: someone possibly telling the smaller where he worked. And there was only one other person who would have had the chance to do so. Chanyeol made a mental note to hound his intern when he gets a hold of him after this. He dismisses the question with a shake of his head and instead diverts his attention to the coffee and box seated beside it. There's a bit of hesitance before he picks up the cup and cautiously sniffs at it. "There's nothing suspicious in this, is there?" Despite questioning it, he takes a sip anyway because he desperately needed the coffee; besides, he's had worse. It's suprisingly good though, better than what that strange intern of his gets him. "Thanks," he mumbles over the rip of the cup and just as he's about to decline, curiosity gets the better of him. Chanyeol opens the box and he catches sight of the cakepops—he's never been much of a fan of sweets, but he's also wondering what Baekhyun means by selling his soul for them. Instead, he thanks the other with a small sigh and closes the box once more. "Is there anything I can help you with?"
(✾) Byun Baekhyun 8 years ago
@(☾) Park Chanyeol Baekhyun nearly screamed with joy when he finally turned in his apron and left work. He'd gone in the dreadful morning at 5:30 expecting to be there until closing, but pure luck despite initial morning rush the cafe was now pretty much dead. He'd been a walking zombie all morning, only catching two hours of sleep because had to write an essay on the difference between classical and baroque music. Honestly, he thought it didn't matter but his music theory teacher thought differently, so he'd gotten scolded a few times for nearly falling asleep. About three stolen coffees in, Baekhyun had woken up just a tad and with a working mind, suddenly really wanted to visit Chanyeol. Despite his wishes, the hardass alpha still refused to let out where he worked. Luck was on his side and he'd managed to weed it out of the taller's intern. Well, actually the intern had just told him. He and Baekhyun would make great friends in the future.

Regardless, that was how Baekhyun ended up in front of a tall office building, biting his lip nervously and praying he hadn't been messed with. He walks into building with two properly made coffees and a box of cake pops, because who didn't love cake pops? Asking the front desk lady shyly, he was directed to an office in the back, which he promptly made his way to. Entering into other man's space, he smiles widely before somewhat yelling, "Surprise!" He laughs at the taller's expressions before settling one of the coffee's and the box of pops on his desk and also himself on it as well. "Hello, Chanyeol~ Did you miss me? I missed you, but you know, you're so mean to me." He drinks his own coffee and the points to the box. "These are for you. I hope you know I practically sold my soul for them." Or at least it felt like he did, for the next week he was doomed to the early morning shift all for a box of cake pops.
(☾) Park Chanyeol [A] 8 years ago
@(✾) Byun Baekhyun It's another one of those long, dreary days at work and nothing could uplift Chanyeol's mood. Not like anything could do that in general. The day has been dragging on and he's already got most of his work done. Fortunately, there has only been one of his coworkers that had the nerve to bother him that morning. There hasn't been any major screw ups in the past week and Chanyeol is honestly thankful for that. The less frustration, the better off he is. Though, since it is the end of the week, Chanyeol's going over payroll and writing out the necessary checks. His eyes are already losing focus from staring at the computer all day, as well as looking at numbers the whole time, whether it be on paper or on screen.

There are about two hours left before Chanyeol can finally head home. The signed slips of papers are neatly paper-clipped and stacked, sitting on the corner of his desk and waiting to be handed out at the end of the workday. He laces his fingers together and holds up his hands, stretching his arms up and bending back in his chair a little until he hears that satisfying 'crack' before loosening up his limbs and settling them down. It's been a long day of mostly sitting and he needs to work out the cricks in his...well, everything. Just as he stands and is about to call for his poor excuse of an intern, he sees a familiar face rounding the corner on the other side of the glass right from where he's standing. Chanyeol prays the person will walk right past and not enter the building; he's definitely not up for dealing with the clingy halfbreed now. One whackjob of a wolf in the office was enough for him, and Chanyeol was most certainly not talking about himself.
(☾) Park Chanyeol [A] 9 years ago
@(❊)Wang Yibo The first thing Chanyeol sees as soon as he walks into his office that morning is a smelly rodent lying on top of all his work papers, dirtying them with it's filth- and is that slobber? Chanyeol stood there wondering why the hell there was even a dead rat on his desk. With a glance towards the desk just outside his office, he sees that incompetent intern of his looking strangely happy. He remembers something about certain animals bringing their masters their kills. Ah, the roadkill must have been a gift. Damn, this loser was so domestic, he wondered if he'd actually hired a dog. Three years with the kid and Chanyeol still asks himself how the hell he got the job. Why did he hire this fool again? Fixing his gaze back on his unusually disheveled desk, he realizes that the kid forgot his coffee...again. He pinches the bridge of his nose in agitation, already feeling a headache coming on. The kid has one job and he can't even get it right. The tall business man makes his way back out of his office and calls for the younger, trying to mask his annoyance. "Yibo, get in here and clean up your mess," he orders, and before he can ask him to fetch him his coffee as well, he thinks better of it and shakes his head. He'll get his coffee on his own later in the day.
(❊) Wang Yibo 9 years ago
@(♘)Wu Yifan Yibo had woken up early and cleaned things up from last night's tantrum. He snuck into the lost and found put on some clothes that he figured would fit, and fixed his hair. He always got yelled at for having messy hair. He'd tell people it just stood up when he got angry, but they didn't believe him. Oh well, their loss. Yibo was tall for his age though, and pretty, so others never quite knew what to make of him. He was, however, counting his second week under the same roof as some sort of accomplishment.


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delirious_ 8 years ago
minho is leaving, sorry
lyndsi 8 years ago
Sorry myungsoo left
NekoiKpop 8 years ago
Jimin left
BubbleTeaManiac 8 years ago
Minhyun is leaving due to inactivity and school. Thank you. ;; <3
Fallen_Love_ 8 years ago
Soonyoug left...
brittini 8 years ago
Kyungsoo left , think this rp is dead
cuddlykyungie 8 years ago
Seyong left ;-; im sorry thank you for having me here
SHInfinite_93 8 years ago
mark left. Thanks for having me here ~
silvermist1116 8 years ago
Sungjong left. Thank you for having me.
brittini 8 years ago
bambam left
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