⇢ Emperor's Study

Emperor's Study

ℰ Bang SungHoon 7 years ago
@ℰ Yoon Bora "Thank god." He replied to her exit. He crawled back under his covers in attempt to go back to sleep. He didn't care much for her attitude or whatever it is she does. They didn't marry for love so it's still like looking at a complete stranger. He frowned at the thought of the girl in his dreams being his sister. He felt too many emotions for that girl, too many that would start trouble if it were his sister. The thought all together was dismissed. He surely loved - or would love - his sister even if he can never find her.

Sunghoon easily slipped back into his sleep but the dream changed. This time it wasn't anything blissful or anything to smile about. He dreamed of the palace demanding an heir be born soon. They wanted to get to know the heir. The dream started to take a turn for the worst and it seemed that he and bora could only breed little girls so he tried with someone else and he made a son but he wasn't very accepted since the mother wasnt the empress. He quickly woke his self up from the dream and sighed. One day he's going to have to have an heir. But he wanted one with someone he loved and he was damned if he did it out of marriage obligation. The moment he finds his love, the moment the Empress will be changed or he may just leave the palace. He lied there in deep thought about the situation.
ℰ Bang SungHoon 7 years ago
@ℰ Yoon Bora "Last resort huh? I must have been your first choice then. How flattering." He laughed a little while he spoke with sarcasm. He was quick to dodge the flying pillow and placed all his pillows back on the bed. He switched his position to lay on his stomach on his bed with his chin on his crossed arms. "Todays my off day so I'm allowed to be lazy. Believe it or not, i have more security in my room than I do when I go outside the palace." He was fine with being lazy today. To stay sane he needed some lazy days.

He pointed as his empress sitting on the floor then motioned his hand as if he were to shoo off a dog. "Go on and resort to your last resort with someone other than me. I'm going to take today to myself." His voice drifted off with his thoughts. "Hopefully I can meet that girl again..." HE shook his head and snapped his fingers. "I really need to find out if theyve found out anything about my sister..." He called in one of his servants that he had on the case just to find out that he was outside the palace working to find more information. Sunghoon simply nodded and dismissed the other and let the matter go. "He'll report when he returns."
ℰ Bang SungHoon 7 years ago
@ℰ Yoon Bora Sunghoon let out a groan as he pulled himself off the floor. He was the type of man to sleep in his boxers or some shorts, so without shame, he wandered around his room with just boxers on. She was his empress so he didnt care if she saw anything. "Trust me, she was way better than you." He retorted. A huff once more slipped his lips and he sat on the edge of his bed. "What time is it. And don't you have any friends to go bother other than me? I could still sleep for like two more hours." His hand raked through his hair, attempting to tame it.

He picked up a pillow and threw it at his Empress. "If you ever wake me like this again, I will have your head and you will not be getting any children from me. You'll go down as the Empress that couldnt gift the palace and heir to the throne." He grabbed another one of the thousand pillows on his bed and held onto it. He called in a servant and maid to prepare him some breakfast and to come get him when it was ready. It felt like his stomach was trying to eat his back.
ℰ Bang SungHoon 7 years ago
@ℰ Yoon Bora (i totally understand, happens to me too. im gone for like 2 days at a time mostly)

His dream continued peacefully, the girl continued to pull him around some odd glowing garden, park place and what sounds like it could be her laugh sounded in his head. It was pretty. Her laugh was pretty? He wasn't sure how it made him feel but just the word 'pretty' came to mind. A small smile snuck onto his face in his sleep as he thought about it. He needed to find out who she was. Just as he was about to try blocking out the bright sun from shining in the way, he felt the disturbance on his arm again and quickly he was drawn back to reality.

Quickly he sat up with his eyes half open and his hands ruffling up his hair. "What? What could you possinly want? What do you want from me? I'm sleeping, i've finished my work, what could you possibly need from me to do while im awake hm? He was frantic and just wanted to be bliss in his dream with the girl. He fell backwards to lay back down while his legs stayed crossed. He took a quick huff and opened his eyes fully. "You ruined it. I was just about to find her." he mumbled to himself in disappointment as he tried to day dream about her and that laugh.
ℰ Bang SungHoon 7 years ago
@ℰ Yoon Bora It's early in the day, or at least to Sunghoon it is. He had finished much of his work for today, last night but there was an interruption to his sleep. He frowned and turned over, scooting away a little. He's not a very happy person when it comes to waking up. He thought he made it clear to all the maids and servants to leave him alone while he slept a bit longer. Who dared to disturb him now? There were no pressing matters this early in the morning so what was he being poked for? He pulled the covers over his head to get away from the disturbance and muttered a few words. "Go away or I will have you beheaded for disturbing me."

He took a deep breath before going back into his dream. There was this woman. She felt familiar. Her hand caressed his cheeks and there was a bright light blocking the view of her face. He squinted and tried moving to see better. He wanted to know who she was, from what he could see, she was lovely and instantly he wanted her to be his. Desperately he held onto her in his dream as it seemed that she was fading away. Where was she going? Who is she? Why is he dreaming of her? Why can't he see her face?
ⒾⓈ Jeon Jihwan [SH] 8 years ago
@β Victoria Qian Being that everyday was the same, Jihwan succumbed to the quiet of the estate and pushed aside any chaotic thoughts of the days events. He had of course, been up and running all day, back and forth, here and there. It was routine but sometimes it was draining and anyone could tell by the strain in his body. The strain in any and every servants body. No one would ever voice it around here but the weight of the the empire seemed to be crushing them all. Not to mention they had to stay alert because of the feud between the kingdoms.

Staying alert. Wasn't that what he was supposed to be doing? He was lost in his own thoughts at the moment and reminisced on his own life before being a servant. The village was never as calm as the palace and it seemed that someone was always ill or down. Rumors always spread like wildfire and he could remember his mother speaking with some of the ladies from the village about skilled people wanting to take over the empire. Very skilled people. He himself was trained in combat but it was simple stuff to protect himself.Things he wasn't supposed to learn because he had more important things to focus on like how to make a descent living and trade.

He moved along the corridor in silence, dusting lamps and hanging photos, bowing shortly when people would pass by. As silence fell again, he walked back toward the study to finish up. He must of had terrible luck in choosing a time to let his guard down because he took a step and something fell right behind him, barely missing him be a hair. He whipped around and looked to the said object in horror before looking to the opening in which it came from. He moved methodically as he grabbed the knife and got close to the wall. "Ah hell, why now?" he sighed and kept his eye on the roof. "There's no use in you hiding. You've given yourself away already. They'll find you if you try to flee now." with that, he moved toward the opening and waited.

He had never been in such a situation before but he was prepared for anything and the knife would probably come in handy somewhere. He hadn't seen the person but he knew someone was there. How they got in, he didn't quite know but he wasn't sure he wanted to. His job was just to protect the emperor and empress, at the moment.
β Victoria Qian [Hiatus] 8 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Jeon Jihwan "Assassinate the king at night. To be done by sunrise. Reward: 10000 gold pieces" It was late at night, as Victoria stared at the reward on a piece of paper she was holding and smiled to herself. "Hmm... Sounds good, It can last me few weeks at least." She said and wrapped her ninja hood around her face, concealing her facial features leaving only her eyes exposed. She slip her small but deadly knife into a small sheath around her waist belt and her katana onto her back, as she proceeded to make her way towards the imperial quarters.

She took out her trusty map of the Imperial Quarters out from a pocket and examined the map. Knowing that it is night time, she can easily go through the training grounds and dining quarters without much effort. Having knowledge that the king resides in the imperial palace, she knows that there will be a few royal guards standing guard in the deeper parts of the Imperial quarters. But first, she has to go through the Emperor's study to enter the deeper parts of the Imperial Quarters.

She used the darkness to her advantage as she slipped past the normal guards that were guarding the entrance of the Imperial Quarters, she made her way up to the roof of the small buildings/houses which minimises her detectability. Going past the training grounds and dining quarters, she finds herself on top of the emperor's study room. Looking down at the corridor, Victoria notices something cleaning the corridor, and she is curious to why someone, this late, would still be working. She slowly moves towards the edge of the roof as she observes the person from the top, trying to find an opening to sneak through.

"Clank" Something metallic drops onto the floor just behind the person and Victoria realises it is her small knife that was on her waist. ".." She cursed to herself and moved backwards slowly, away from the edge of the roof to avoid being seen.
ⒾⓈ Jeon Jihwan [SH] 8 years ago
@β Victoria Qian Being that it was still quite early in the day, Jihwan's work had only made in into the throne room and dining rooms. He was plenty busy but he found that he had to take more precaution in areas such as the emperor's study. He mainly cleaned around the outside because the personal servants were usually the ones who tended to the inside. He felt calm in the quiet of the corridor and worked as he did everyday, not making much haste of it.


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SeoulVibes 7 years ago
Emperor is back
catgirl 7 years ago
Sorry, keep my upvote though :/
Thanks for having me, I loved it here a lot tbh :/ I am really really sorry :(
rogue_knight 7 years ago
Kim Jongin left the rp. Sorry, school has started to get hectic so I am unable to keep up with everything. I had an awesome time here and Thank you so much for having me here.
Sleepy_Min_Suga 7 years ago
Im sorry but Taehyung is leaving :( i had a lot of fun rping here, so thanks :)
TLMMSRP 7 years ago
i hit the wrong button for sungjong, can you accept me back please?
wannawink 7 years ago
Hello, Jungkook has left :(

To Sooyoung and Jimin: Sorry that we didn't get the chance to put our plots into action, but I just wanted to let you guys know that you're awesome!

To Admins: I'm sorry that I have to leave but this is a great idea for an rp! It's just that I have so many things to juggle right now and I'll be going on vacation soon too so I have to leave some of my rps. In the future though, I might be back so until then, good luck with everything! And also, keep the upvote! (:
Sleepy_Min_Suga 7 years ago
Taehyung is back from hiatus
piglettt 7 years ago
kiko left.
venitempus 7 years ago
Baekhyun is leaving.I have some issues OOC and I am pretty busy. I am sorry. Good luck with the rp ;; <3
Sleepy_Min_Suga 7 years ago
Taehyung is going on hiatus again from July 23rd to 28th
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