⇢ Temple


ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *I grin before before rolling my eyes* " Ah, Taehyung~ Must I be a mother this early?" *I reached up and began picking dried frosting from your hair, ruffing it up a little bit* " My, I'd never thought this baker would be so talented. Fighting!" *I throw my fists up before walking back to the serving station, helping those who need the help by serving the food* " Those who are done with their station can begin serving also!" *I yell out as I disappear into the dining room, where everyone is seated*
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *i look up from my work and grin, giving you a thumbs up* Great! We caught up with just about all of the cupcakes already, theres just a few more batches that are still cooling, but once theyre done, we can get them decorated in no time *i smile brightly as one of the other decorators hands me a new beg filled with a ocean blue frosting while she takes away the amethyst purple frosting i originally had, which just so happens to be all over my apron and hair, but i dont notice these things since im too happy working with everyone else on the cupcakes*
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *i smile to myself as I continue to keep and eye on you as I finish the soup* " Those of you in charge of the rice, the soup is ready to be served. Fill these bowls and we'll serve them along with the kimchi! " *I yell out more orders as people begin to prepare the bowls of rice and bowls of soup.* " Good job everyone!" *I make my way over to the meat station and check every pit and roast that is in the vicinity before grinning to each cook* " I'd knew I chose the right people. " *I pat their back as a sign of gratitude and walk over to you, hands on my hips* " How's everything going? "
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *bows in greeting to everyone and smiles* Hello, its very nice to meet you, please take care of me *i say and bow once again. I nod at your command and smile as you walk away. I look around to see which station seems to need the most help and see the cupcake decorating station is falling behind drastically. I rush over and ask what the others want me to do, then get to work on decorating the cupcakes with textured frosting and candy pearls and fondant flowers*
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *begins throwing orders left and right before introducing you, stepping to the side* " Everyone, this is Kim Taehyung and he will be helping in the kitchen from now on. treat him with respect but also listen to his words. He's a very talented baker!" *smiles and pats your shoukder, reassuring you before letting go and walking to my station to prepare some soup* " If you have any questions...just ask me. " *winks and goes back to chopping some vegetables*
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *i let out a sigh of relief and smile brightly. I nod when we stop walking, and let a look of determination cross my face* Got it, ill do my best *grins as we continue onward to the kitchen happily. When we arrive i let out a small nervous breath before plastering a smile on my face and holding my head high to boost my confidence, then walk inside after you*
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *i chuckle to myself and nod to all the questions, fixing your hair all motherly* " The kitchen fairly big, considering all the servants so yes quite a few work there if they have kitchen duty like me. The bakers are pretty good, some better then others but they are very friendly. " * i quickly turn around, stopping you from walking and grabbing your shoulders* " You can cook whatever you please. You are the noble baker, Taehyung....I'm sure you'll fit in just fine. If you be yourself!" *i smile and ruffle your hair before continuing our walk to the kitchen*
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *grins and quickly gets up, moving out of my cacoon toward the door, nightmare now forgotten as i follow you excitedly to the kitchen. Unknowingly with my hair sticking up all over the place* How big is the kitchen? Are there a lot of people that work in there? How good are the bakers? Will i be able to cook non-pastries too? *i continue to bombard you with questions due to my excitement*
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *i nod and smile* " Alright..I'm here whenever you need me. " *i laugh loudly and grin before waving her out the door* " Well come on lazy! The bread isn't gonna bake itself!"
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *i nod when you speak, then shake my head* maybe, but not right now... Itll take too long to talk about *i perk up when you mention the kitchen and nod enthusiastically* Yes yes yes yes!
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *i nod and chuckle slightly before going back to being serious* " Trust me Taehyung, I have bad dreams too and it doesn't hurt to talk about them.." *i pat your back and get up, yawing and stretching* " But anyway...I believe I need to be in the kitchen at this time to prepare the breakfast, would you like to come? "
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *thinks about it a bit and mentally slaps myself, duh of course youd be up early... I sigh softly and nod* mm, thats true, i forgot heheh... *i look back at you and shake my head quickly* Ah, no... Its nothing, just a bad dream is all it was, nothing serious *i brush it off, not wanting you to be worried*
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *I step forward and sit on the bed, poking the cacoon* " Well I am a servant aren't I? I must make sure everyone is situated before the day starts. " *I grin and look at you, worried* " You seemed a little scared earlier, has something happened?"
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *i look up at the door startled and quickly hide under my blanket, peeking out from underneath and seeing its you* Oh, Suzy its just you... Aish you scared me... *i sigh and sit up again, keeping the blanket over my head and wrapping it around myself in a cacoon* Why are you up so early?
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *im happily sleeping before the morning sun suddenly shows its sunrays through my window. I frown because I don't want to get up but I have to if I want to keep my job.* " Might as well get the day over with.." *i sigh and get up, prepare myself for the day and was soon out the door and down the hall towards your room* " He still must be sleep. It's 5 in the morning anyway so ofcourse! " *I talk to myself as I reach your door and open it slightly to check on you, only to see you sitting up and breathing hard.* " Taehyung? "
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *i wake up a few hours later with a start. I quickly sit up in bed, my breathing shallow and quick, i lightly run my hand over my forehead which is drenched in a cold sweat. I sigh as i try to steady my breathing, mumbling aloud to mysel* It was just a dream, he cant do anything to you now.... Youre safe, dont worry... *i contemeplate whether i should ring the bell for your room, and decide against it. Its probably still quite early in the morning, and i dont wanna wake you just because i had a nightmare*
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *i nod and pat the sheets before turning away and walking to the door* " Sleep well. " *I smile and blow out the candle, casting the room into darkness* *i walk back to my room and open the door, closing it and falling onto of my bed before crawling under the cozy covers, dreaming the night away*
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *happily crawls under the sheets and snuggles into the comforter with a small smile* Thank you again, you sleep well too Suzy okay? *smiles again and turns over in the bed to sleep, thinking back on the days events with a grateful look plastered on my face*
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *accepts the hug with a grin and pats your back* " Oh goodness here we go again with the thank you's " * i roll my eyes all the while giggling and nod my head* " Okay okay Taehyung, now get some rest. I know you're tired! " *I smile and pull back the sheets to reveal the comfy bed* " Sleep tight! "
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *i nod my head quickly and smile, jumping onto the bed happily* A real room, with a real bed... *i smile and get up again, giving you a tight hug then pulling back and bowing again* Thank you Suzy, thank you thank you thank you
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *nodding, I smile and open the door, peering inside also and opening the door wider, quietly shuffling you in and closing the door* " Okay so this is your room...feel free to make yourself at home." *I awkwardly open my arms wide and show you the room, its fairy big but not too big* " Do what you please in here and just ring this beg if you need me. It connects to my room. " * I show you a bell that's gold instead of silver like the rest*
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *i try not to make eye contact with the guards as we pass and nod as you speak when we make it to the doors. As we walk i examine the hall, grazing my eyes over every detail and taking everything in. Im actually inside the walls... Im snapped out of my trance when you announce our arrival and i smile my signature box smile* This room, is mine? *I ask in disbelief as i peek inside*
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *they look at us and eye you for a bit but they nod anyway* " Welcome back Suzy!" *they bow and smile* " Yes, thank you! " *I grin and walk ahead of them, leading you with me until we reach the doors.* " Luckily it's night time so it won't be trouble getting you to your room. But stay on guard, as usual. " *I whisper before opeing the door and walking down a few corridors until we reach a designated room off to the side.* " We made it!" *i grin in triumph*
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *grins and stands upright again, nodding* Nae~ *i smiles and gently take your arm, following you toward the entrance and past the gaurds. I make sure that I make myself seem confident and authoritive as we walk, so that my behavior doesnt clash with my disguise
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *i cough slightly and laugh in embarrassment* " Oh please, Taehyung, no need for this!" *chuckles and pats your hands* " Alright so let's make out way towards the entrance. I'll have to sneak you oast the guards so I don't want sound out of you! " *i grin and hold out my arm* " Shall we, noble? "
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *Grins and takes your hand, shaking it in thanks, bowing over and over* Thank you, thank you *i might not have to worryanymore, with this i can finally free myself from that awful boss of mine*
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *i turn around and inspect you up and down, rubbing my chin and humming* " Well I think we can go a little loose on the pants but other than that..." *i smile in satisfaction of my work* " You look like a noble!"
ρ Kim Taehyung 7 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *i smile and take the clothing, quickly changing into it then slipping on the shoes and rope. I look down at myself, everything feels okay* Alright, im done... How do i look? *i ask anticipating your answer*
ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy [A] 7 years ago
@ρ Kim Taehyung *shrugs and sighs dramatically* " Aaalright...you're missing out though! " *I teasingly grin and finish the clothing after a while, holding it up and inspecting it* " Well I think I'm done! Try it on, I'll turn around. " *stands up and hands it to you before giving you your shoes and rope and turns around* " Tell me when your done and if it fits. "
ρ Kim Taehyung 8 years ago
@ⒾⓈ Bae Suzy *shakes my head and waves my hands at you* oh no... No need for that, thats a bit much *i chuckle lightly then nod* Alright, ill do my best *smiles with a look of determination crossing my face*


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SeoulVibes 7 years ago
Emperor is back
catgirl 7 years ago
Sorry, keep my upvote though :/
Thanks for having me, I loved it here a lot tbh :/ I am really really sorry :(
rogue_knight 7 years ago
Kim Jongin left the rp. Sorry, school has started to get hectic so I am unable to keep up with everything. I had an awesome time here and Thank you so much for having me here.
Sleepy_Min_Suga 7 years ago
Im sorry but Taehyung is leaving :( i had a lot of fun rping here, so thanks :)
TLMMSRP 7 years ago
i hit the wrong button for sungjong, can you accept me back please?
wannawink 7 years ago
Hello, Jungkook has left :(

To Sooyoung and Jimin: Sorry that we didn't get the chance to put our plots into action, but I just wanted to let you guys know that you're awesome!

To Admins: I'm sorry that I have to leave but this is a great idea for an rp! It's just that I have so many things to juggle right now and I'll be going on vacation soon too so I have to leave some of my rps. In the future though, I might be back so until then, good luck with everything! And also, keep the upvote! (:
Sleepy_Min_Suga 7 years ago
Taehyung is back from hiatus
piglettt 7 years ago
kiko left.
venitempus 7 years ago
Baekhyun is leaving.I have some issues OOC and I am pretty busy. I am sorry. Good luck with the rp ;; <3
Sleepy_Min_Suga 7 years ago
Taehyung is going on hiatus again from July 23rd to 28th
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