Couples|Babies List


[ Married ]
Junhyung x Hyunseung



[ Married ]
Daehyun x Kiseop



[ Enaged ]
Kikwang x Yoseob



[ Dating ]
Yunho x Onew


[ Engaged ]
Chanyeol x Zelo   


D.O x Suho



[ Dating ]

Tao x Baekhyun



[ Dating ]

Kai X Luhan




Daehyun 8 years ago
ㅠㅠ my hubby. -sighs softly-
Youngmin 9 years ago
@Chanyeol -tsks-
Do not doubt the bestie
Lets eat~ i want food
Chanyeol 9 years ago
@Youngmin *nudges you softly*
Yeah yeah whatever!
Lets go get something to eat!
Youngmin 9 years ago
@Chanyeol -nods-
Thats good thats good
I know he told me~
Good good i was gunna bite you if yoy werent
Chanyeol 9 years ago
@Youngmin They are good..
*rubs my nape*
Zelo is pregnant again..
*says softly and bite my lip*
But I still treat our princess like the princess she is..
Youngmin 9 years ago
@Chanyeol mmm so hows zelo and the princess?
Chanyeol 9 years ago
@Youngmin *grins and nods*
I would be mad if you didn't
Youngmin 9 years ago
@Chanyeol hell yeah
-takes it with a smile-
wouldnt miss it
Chanyeol 9 years ago
@Youngmin You're going to come to the wedding right??
*hands you your invitation*
Youngmin 9 years ago
@Chanyeol yep its easier that way

and hello there
Chanyeol 9 years ago
@Youngmin damn okay...
Hi Youngmin!
Youngmin 9 years ago
@Chanyeol Tag an admin or msg them directly
Chanyeol 9 years ago
Chanyeol and Zelo are engaged!!
Daehyun 9 years ago
congrats to all those getting married or are in a relationship
Tao 9 years ago
Tao and Baekhyun are engaged
Tao 9 years ago
@Baekhyun Love you to baekkie <3
Chanyeol 9 years ago
Zelo X Chanyeol engaged~
Baekhyun 9 years ago
Baekkie and Taozi is dating~
<3 love you Taozi!
Chanyeol 9 years ago
Chanyeol and Zelo is dating~~~
Zelo 9 years ago
Zelo is dating Chanyeol~
Daehyun 9 years ago
were are all my single men at ._. lols and no im still happily married so worry not -nods-
Jonghyun 9 years ago
Jonghyun and Key are no more ;;
Yunho [A] 9 years ago
@Suho Added ^^ Congrats~
Suho 9 years ago
D.O and Suho is a couple :))
Daehyun 9 years ago
@Hyunseung ^^
Hyunseung [A] 9 years ago
@Key added, thank you ^^
Hyunseung [A] 9 years ago
@Daehyun added, thank you ^^
Key 9 years ago
Since March 11th, 2013~
[post deleted by owner]
Key 9 years ago
Key and Jonghyun are dating~


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LittlePanda 8 years ago
ill be leaving daehyun since kiseop has left. thank you for the years together ^^ ill still be around as youngmin but yeah no promises to how long i will end up being around
PMR501 8 years ago
I'm sorry...Gdragon is leaving
BigBangtheory 8 years ago
i'd like to reserve Chanyeol please
NekoiKpop 8 years ago
Jonghyun is leaving, sorry >.<
JangYijeong 8 years ago
Leaving as Yoo Youngjae. Sorry.
PMR501 8 years ago
put me on hiatus please
JangYijeong 9 years ago
Applied as Yoo Youngjae
aye_lu 9 years ago
i'd like to reserve chanyeol please
PMR501 9 years ago
Applied as Bigbang GD.
helloandgoodbye 9 years ago
youngjae left
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