Flower Garden

Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) The agreement made him smile softly and press back into the simple kiss, tightening his hold on the slave's waist when he started to pull away. Taekwoon watched the younger's face carefully, petting his head as he saw the fear register in his eyes, he didn't want the fox to be scared. The alpha looked towards Ravi as he gestured for their attention and chuckled quietly as he shook his head, "I'm full...that was more than enough."
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) His smile spread a bit as he nuzzled against Taekwoon happily before pulling back some to listen. At his words, he was a little afraid but he wasn't sure what to say to this. But he would trust in him, to know what was right for them. "I understand master and I will use only if I really have to." Pecking his lips, he only looked away when Ravi was pulling on his sleeve. "Yes baby?" Seeing his empty bowl, he smiled a bit and took it before ruffling his hair. "Such a good boy, you finished all the food~ I am so proud...are you full master? Or do you want more to eat," he asked as he turned his attention back to him for a few minutes.
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) Taekwoon felt his inner wolf crooning as the kitsune continued talking, his desire for him growing by the second as he clenched his jaw and slowly nodded, "Yes...you will...all mine..both you and little Ravi." The master cupped the back of Jaehwan's head, pulling him closer and wrapping him in a tight hug while nuzzling into his vulnerable neck, "I love you..and I want you..My anger may seem scary but most of it's not directed at you...I might say a few things you won't like..and do a few things you won't like either..just remember I love you...and I'm hurting you to leave my marks on you..to claim every single inch of you as mine. I'll even give you a safe word, just be aware that if you use it..I stop everything, no more pain..but no pleasure either..I'll treat your wounds and put you to bed..that's it..you understand?"
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) He let out a small squeak when he was grabbed before looking into his eyes. Listening to him he bit his lip as he felt a little nervous about it all. "I...I want it. I trust you and I know it hasn't been long but I can't help but feel that I love you and want to be with you," he whispered warmly at him. "I know its going to hurt and I might cry like really cry but at the end of the day I will belong to you wont I? I will have you there to pick me up and piece me back together."
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) That was almost enough to make him snap, but the presence of the toddler had him pausing and just growling under his breath as he glared at the younger man. Taekwoon pressed himself even closer, nuzzling against the kitsune's neck and biting down in an attempt to bring the other back to his senses. The wolf let his hand travel up the tempting body, wrapping around the vulnerable neck of the younger and squeezing slightly as he growled again, "That's where you're wrong....I will hurt you..I'll make you cry...and I won't stop until I have you begging for mercy...only then will I soothe your tears and gift you the pleasure you've earned." The alpha pulled back, meeting the dark eyes with his own as as ran his thumb over the slave's bottom lip, "Then..if you can still look at me with these trusting eyes of yours..then I'll mark you, I'll mate you if you'll let me."
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) His eyes went wide at this point, his cheeks turning a bright red. "I would like it very much if master could eat me." He bit his lip at this, knowing it would be a lot for him but he wanted to be claimed by the other. In every form and way possible and this too him was just one of many that could do it. "After Ravi goes down for bed tonight we can I really dont think you would hurt me Master," he said softly as he set the plate down and took his hand into his own. He played with his fingers a little and looked into his eyes to show he meant it. "I want people to know that I belong to you...that way nothing like earlier will happen again. They will be able to smell the claim and I will be safe as long as I follow your rules," he whispered softly to him.
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) When his request was fulfilled, his wolf growled even louder and his hands tensed with the need to wrap around the smaller man. Taekwoon happily pulled the kitsune into his lap, his strong arms wrapped tightly around the slave's waist. He let his hands wander, desire lighting up his eyes until they were a light red as he nipped back at Jaehwan's tempting lips, "You....are very appetizing...you're getting me hungry." The alpha rolled his hips up, letting the younger feel the hard length forming beneath him, also letting him know just what type of 'hungry' he was causing.
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) Seeing him like this, he couldn't help but blush though he did smile brightly at this. He feed him a bit before pecking his lips a few times. Seeing Ravi was fine, he felt brave and moved to sit on the others lap as his cheeks turned a light red. "Now this is better...come on master, almost done." Kissing him again, though a bit longer, he pulled back as he nipped at his lips before giving him food once more, feeling content with how things were right now.
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) Taekwoon shook his head, pressing his lips together and attempting to smile softly as he fought the inner urge to just jump the kitsune, "No...continue.." The master side-eyed the toddler, making sure he was preoccupied with his food before gesturing the younger male closer. The alpha smirked slightly as he was fed another bite and gently tapped on his lips, wanting another kiss from his slave.
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) Feeling him change a bit, he was a bit confused before he gave a soft laugh at this point. "Sorry about that master...do you...want me to stop," he asked as he looked at him a bit unsure. He gave Ravi the spoon to feed himself, making sure he knew to be careful before turning back to Taekwoon. Not that he minded but what if those small growls were unhappy ones, but he was afraid to say in front of the young one. "If you want me to...stop...I can stop for you alright? But I really do like feeding you."
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) That was a first, Taekwoon wasn't one to make a full meal for himself and he hadn't explored with different types of food either. The master nodded a bit and hummed as he picked up a piece of bacon slowly, chewing on the end of it for a moment before taking a much larger bite. He smiled softly, content with the food and happily let the younger male feed him. His wolf made possessive growls ever time his lips were kissed and he slowly tensed up, watching Jaehwan's lips even as he was fed.
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) "I am glad you think so. I made waffles, eggs scrambled with bacon and some toast....a typical american breakfast. I thought I would see how you liked it," he said with a soft smile to him. He feed Ravi a bit before chuckling as the younger started to eat the toast which seemed to be a favorite of his. "Here master, let me feed you." Getting some food, he slowly began to feed him and couldn't help but sneak in kisses between. This usually wasn't him but the other seemed to bring out sides in him he didn't know he had.
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) He kept rubbing his tired eyes and slowly sat up, his mouth open wide in a yawn as he ruffled his messy hair. Taekwoon frowned slightly, staring at the boy in Jaehwan's lap for a moment before smiling softly at him and chuckling quietly. Pushing himself to the edge of the bed, the master groaned while stretching his arms up above his head, shaking his head a bit and sniffing at the food again, "Smells good....what d'you make?"
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) Seeing him like this, he couldn't help but give a soft laugh at this point. "Silly you...yes breakfast master. Now come on get up, Ravi is already up and he wants to eat to." Sitting up, he moved onto the bed before moving Ravi to sit on his lap and rubbing his side. "I know baby but we have to wait for master to wake up completely first. We are all going to eat together alright." Smiling softly at this point, he kissed his cheek lightly and looked over to Taekwoon, a big smile on his face.
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) Taekwoon shifted a bit when his source of warmth disappeared, frowning and groaning under his breath until Ravi moved towards him. The alpha wrapped around the boy and nuzzled into the top of his head as he breathed deeply and fell back into the relaxing sleep. He didn't move until he smelled the food, his nose twitching as he woke slowly, turning towards the dip in the bed and blinking his eyes open to look up at Jaehwan sleepily, "Hm?...breakfast..."
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) After sleeping through the night, he woke up early to change Ravi and lay him in bed with Taekwoon before he went to the kitchen to make them breakfast. He hoped the other would enjoy it, feeling lucky that a majority of the house was still asleep. Forty Five minutes later, he was back in the room and closing the door before going to wake Taekwoon. "Master...master I made you breakfast...do you want to get up to eat," he asked as he set the tray down before sitting by his side.
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) His heart skipped a beat as the sub spoke, making a soft smile form on his thin lips as he rubbed the sub's back slowly. Taekwoon found the fox's presence more than comforting and sighed softly before pecking the top of his head and holding him a bit closer, "I look forward to it..sleep." The alpha closed his eyes and slowly his side, making himself comfortable on his side and curling up against the warm body.
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) "No he wont...he is an early bird." Laughing a little, he cuddled up to him as he let out a small yawn. His body finally relaxing he seemed to breathe out deeply before a smile appeared on his face. "I promise you I will get better master...I will make you happy to really have me." With his mind to go quick into sleep, he already began to snore a bit, his tail moving a bit under the sheets as he seemed to dream of many things that made him happy, including the master he used as a bed.
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) Taekwoon smiled softly as he was kissed, nodding and nuzzling the sub more as he yawned cutely. The master felt himself leaning into the soft peck and his lips when the younger pulled back. The warmth of the firm body and the gentle kisses were tempting him to just listen to the deepseated instincts, but the soft smile directed towards him had him pausing to rethink. He groaned softly and took a deep breath, nodding as he laid against the bed and pulled the sub down with him, "Sleep Jae...I have a feeling Ravi won't let us sleep very late."
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) At the mention of the collar, he touched it around his neck before smiling a little. "I will never take this off...ever." Watching him, he smiled as he heard the soft laugh before cooing a bit as he was nuzzled. He relaxed even more before pecking his cheek lightly. "I will do my best not to master....I really will." He cuddled against him before letting out a soft yawn. Rubbing his eyes he looked to Taekwoon and pecked his lips gently. "Are we going to sleep now? It feels like it has been a long day...I am not used to playing with Ravi for so much in one day like that...its going to take a bit to get used to."
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) The master sighed softly and cupped the sub's face, making him look up a bit before placing a kiss to his forehead, "I already told you..The rules. Listen, never take the collar off, avoid other masters, never leave the house alone. I guess I should have added that everything given to you should be treated as a precious gift." Taekwoon chuckled under his breath and shook his head as he held the younger closer, pecking his cheek and nuzzling as he crooned under his breath, "I didn't think it would be necessary, it was my mistake..don't worry about it anymore..okay?"
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) Going into his arms, he nuzzled against him a bit before biting his lip a bit. "I made you upset earlier...I thought I was supposed to make it up to you," he told him honestly as he looked into his eyes. "I...I dont like making you upset or mad with me. I want to do the best that I can for you master but I dont know what I am supposed to do or not to do," he whispered looking down. "Can you tell me please? I dont want to mess up anymore...I want to be good for you."
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) Taekwoon tucked his hand behind his head and turned to watch the younger tuck his son into bed and sighed softly when he returned. The alpha sat up and held his arm out towards the other, gesturing him closer before pulling him into a gentle hug, "Do you have a reason for us to stay up a little longer?"
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) Nodding to him, he went to go set Ravi in his crib and tucked him in before nodding his head. "Sweet dreams my little angel." Smiling at him, he leaned down and kissed his forehead before he slowly went back to Taekwoon. He felt anxious, still upset with himself for not being good for the other. "I am done master...are we going to get ready to go to sleep for the night. Or are we going to stay up a little longer?"
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) He simply watched, shaking his head slowly as Jaehwan ran around nervously and seemed to avoid him in every possible way. Taekwoon sighed again, silently cursing his inner wolf and grumbling to himself as he laid back against the bed again. The master closed his eyes, listening to the quiet singing and starting to fall asleep as well when he heard the question and his eyes popped open to look at the sub, "I..um..okay."
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) When both he and Ravi had finished eating, he gathered up the dirty dishes and set them back on the dolly. He went to put it outside the room and closed the door. Going back over to the bed, he picked up Ravi and rubbed his back a bit. "Come on my little angel, its time for you to go night night alright?" Looking to the master, he gave a soft smile of sorts before sitting down and beginning to sing for the little boy. It had taken a bit, nearly half an hour before the younger drifted off to sleep in his arms. "There we go...let me put him in his crib alright master?"
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) He silently kept watch, wondering why he'd scented tears and trying to calm the sick ersion that clawed at his inside, trying to get out. Taekwoon grunted softly as he took the plate, setting it in his lap and turning his attention to the food. The alpha ate slowly, his eyes never leaving the sub's face as he ate the quick meal until his stomach was full. He held the plate out once he'd finished, still staring at Jaehwan as he gestured for him to take it.
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) Nodding at his words, he got up and went to open the door. Taking the food, he thanked the server before closing the door and bringing it over to the bed. Setting it up for them he finally sat down and offered a slight smile though he still felt bad for earlier. “Time to eat baby.” He watched as Ravi came closer and began to pick up his food and slowly eat, ignoring the ketchup that was on his plate. “Here master, this is your plate.” Holding it out to him, he let him take it before getting his own and slowly beginning to eat.
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) He could smell the forming tears and turned to look at the sub as he looked at the door, a small frown on his face as his eyes flashed red. Taekwoon sat up slowly and tilted his head a bit, gesturing with his hand for the fox to answer the door, "Go ahead..." The master pushed his way up the bed, settling against the pillows as he made himself comfortable while watching the younger set up their food.
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) Looking up to him, he could tell that he still wasn't happy which made him frown all the more. He truly hadn't meant to be bad, but he had only had once in his life and it was something quick. Sighing a little, he rubbed his eyes as he felt them tear up before looking up when he heard a knock and call at the door. "Oh the food is here master...do you want me to go get it or do I wait here?" Of course his instinct was to go and get it but know he was in a bit of a sour mood, he wasn't about to chance anything with him right now.


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Zeloinator 7 years ago
AnR Zelo please!!!
FlyingPheniox 7 years ago
A & R Wendy for me please
SweetSinner 7 years ago
could you please add minhyuk of btob please?
Lulusbbg 7 years ago
Stevo Trann
Cuddle_Koala 7 years ago
what do you need most of?
Biribiribibi 7 years ago
Hey can you A&R Gwak MinJin please and thank you
riritheyonce 8 years ago
could you please add and reserve Lee Jihoon from Seventeen? Thanks^^
aishthetic 8 years ago
Add and reserve Choa from AoA ^^
sonathea 8 years ago
Add and reserve Kim Jongin?
kuudere 8 years ago
Can you please add Moon Byul-yi from Mamamoo please?
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