Kids Play Room

Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) Taekwoon smiled wider when the boy chose something other than his favorite, nodding as he let him bounce a bit more before standing up with the boy on his hip. The wolf raised a brow as he was asked that, reaching to gently poke the toddler's nose, "Sure...let's go see if Umma's up hmm?" He carried the boy back to his room, humming and bouncing him gently before pecking his chubby cheeks and walking to the bed that had his sleeping slave on it. The alpha sat down quietly and set the boy next to his mother, gesturing for Ravi to wake him.
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) Ravi thought on it a bit, trying to figure out what he wanted. Of course, he loved his spaghetti but his umma was always trying to get him to eat different foods. "Izza? Izza!" He bounced happily and couldn't help but give a soft giggle at this point. He was curious to see what he would be given but as long as it had just cheese then he would be a very happy camper. "Appa, izza? Umma eat izza?" He wanted to share with him as well and he figured that he had already napped long enough.
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) He watched contently as the boy made such a mess from the small ball of clay, praising him when he started cleaning up after himself. Holding his arms out when the cub started crawling towards him, Taekwoon hugged him to his chest and hummed quietly as he leaned his head against the boy's, "Hmm?..Hungry..what should we feed you..some pizza?...Orr...chicken nuggets?" He knew better than to suggest spaghetti, if Ravi thought of it on his own now that was a different problem.
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) He pouted at this point but seemed to nod his head a little. Ravi looked back to the small toy in his hand and giggled at this point as he squished it and pulled it, making quite a little mess with the toy. Of course, he knew to clean up after himself so he gathered up all the pieces before putting it back just as his stomach rumbled. Whining a little, he got up on crawled onto his appas lap before whining a little as he looked at him. "Appa...hwungry...pwease," he asked softly as his little hands held onto the front of his shirt so he wouldn't fall backwards.
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) Taking the offered clay, the alpha smiled softly as he offered his 'ball' back to the boy and ruffling his hair, "There.." Taekwoon rolled the dough in his hands, making another ball and chuckling softly as the toddler looked around for his pet, poking the boy's nose to get his attention, "Umma's resting...Appa put him through a lot today so he gets extra naps. He'll be up to play with you before dinner." Leaning forward, he placed a kiss on Ravi's forehead and nuzzled him gently before pecking his cheek.
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) Hearing his appa so suddenly the younger couldn't help but jump a bit and whine when the nice smelling thing was taken away. He pouted up to him before looking to see what he was doing. Getting a little more playdough from himself, he tried to copy it the other but found it was hard to do so he held it up to him. "Hewp...appa hewp...bawl pwease." He smiled as he looked up at him, loving that he was able to spend time with him. But part of him couldn't help but wonder where his umma was so he looked around a bit before looking to Taekwoon with a soft whine. "Umma?"
Σ Taekwoon (M) 7 years ago
@♅ Jaehwan (S) Taekwoon felt like something was wrong, like he was needed and he rubbed the back of his head as he went to check on the small boy he had claimed as he own. Seeing Ravi sitting alone and play-doh inches from his mouth, the self-appointed appa rushed to his side and stopped the small hand before it could get too close. Shaking his head, the alpha chuckled quietly as he took the clay from the small boy and sat in front of him, rolling it in his hands, "It's not for eating matter how good it smells..It tastes really bad..Yucky. Makes your tummy hurt too."
♅ Jaehwan (S) [A] 7 years ago
@Σ Taekwoon (M) Ravi watched as the other kids around him played and jumped around. Which he didn't mind but he really didn't know them so he left them alone. At the moment he had dumped out some play dough from its little plastic case and began to smash his hands into it. This made him giggle since it felt so cool and soft against his hands. Lifting his hand, he smelled it before picking up the play dough and smelling it. Oh, it smelled nice! He wondered if this he could eat so looking around to make sure no one was watching he lifted it up as he got ready to take a bit out of it.
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *looks surprised before getting bubbles and putting them on you*
*grins happily and sticks my tongue out at you*
*hums happily as I just enjoy playing*
*looks around to see where he is*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *goes over to you, jumping into your arms*
*giggles a bit and cuddles into you*
*relaxes when we are in the water*
*cuddles up to you but splashes a bit in the water*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *wiggles off from your lap and begins to remove my clothes*
*giggles happily once I am *
pway bwbbles!
*jumps happily around in the bathroom*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *looks up to you before nodding a bit*
wif umma~
*giggles a bit as I nuzzle against you*
pwease umma
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *looks to you with a big smile on my face*
*open and closes my hands before looking to you*
washe hwands
*looks to you with a pout, wanting to be clean already*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *cant help at the kiss, smiling happily*
*looks back to the wall*
*goes back to cleaning it, rubbing my hands all over*
*actually really enjoys doing this since I am with you*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *rubs the walls and watches as some of it comes off*
*looks to my hands and sees they have the color now*
*looks up to you and shows you my hand*
dirty...still cwean?
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *sniffles a bit and rubs my eyes at this point*
*leans against you as I watch you*
*looks up to you then the wall*
*reaches my hands into the soapy water and tries to help to clean the wall*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *sniffles softly as I sit down and stare at the wall*
*doesnt say anything for a few minutes and nods*
sowwy umma
*sniffles some and rubs my eyes*
*slowly begins to tear up, crying since I feel bad and I just want to be held*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *cant help but cry out at this point*
*shakes my head a little as I sit up, my face red from all the crying*
*goes over to the plan pen and shakes it, whining when I find I cant climb out*
*looks to you and yells out for you*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *eyes go wide at the spank*
*my eyes tear up before I began to cry*
*throws myself on the floor and begins to cry and kick*
*isn't used to being disciplined like this*
*continues to cry loudly, calling for my appa before I kick the chair over again*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *cries out loudly at this time*
*kicks my feet at this and stands up*
*sits on the floor and kicks the chair over*
*sniffles as I look at you and looks down*
*pouts a bit, tears falling down my face*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *looks at you with a soft pout*
*turns away from you and crosses my arms*
*sniffles softly as I look to you*
*turns away again before I get up and go into a different corner*
*takes out a marker I have in my pocket and begins to color again on my legs*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *whines softly when you take the marker away*
*tries to take it back to you, sniffling softly*
*gets up and tries to take it from you, wanting to go back to coloring*
φ Kyungsoo (魔) [A] 8 years ago
@Σ Soohyuk (S) *didnt go down for a nap so I found myself playing with markers*
*giggles softly to myself as I sit in front of the wall scribbling all over it*
*sticks my tongue out a little as I continue to draw*
*ends up drawing on my legs as well, liking the bright colors*


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Zeloinator 7 years ago
AnR Zelo please!!!
FlyingPheniox 7 years ago
A & R Wendy for me please
SweetSinner 7 years ago
could you please add minhyuk of btob please?
Lulusbbg 7 years ago
Stevo Trann
Cuddle_Koala 7 years ago
what do you need most of?
Biribiribibi 7 years ago
Hey can you A&R Gwak MinJin please and thank you
riritheyonce 8 years ago
could you please add and reserve Lee Jihoon from Seventeen? Thanks^^
aishthetic 8 years ago
Add and reserve Choa from AoA ^^
sonathea 8 years ago
Add and reserve Kim Jongin?
kuudere 8 years ago
Can you please add Moon Byul-yi from Mamamoo please?
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