Sulli's Apartment

✻ Ten 8 years ago
@Sulli "Okay? Nah! I'm great!" What surprised him was how he was still able to exude and slice a knife of 'positivity' in to the air of silence between the both of them, nonetheless wielded by sarcasm. But what surprised him even more was how he'd come to realise the female before him was very much still awake and had the audacity to open the door for him at this hour? Eyeing the potted paint surrounded by dainty hands, a subtle yet lazy smirk etches itself to tug onto the corners of his lips as further sense strikes somewhere in the deeper depths of his mind. "Real question is, are /you/ okay? Don't tell me I have to assume you carry that pot of yours- or friend of nature if you will, around with you er' where you go?" Scratching by the column of his throat, laughter finally resonates past his lips finding the whole ordeal rather ridiculous and as for him, rather embarrassing almost but when has he ever feigned shame? Must be the sleep deprivation doing its dark magic. "Listen- I came over for some milk, it should be obvious." His chocolate brown orbs roll over to the side, only to avert and drown in the latter's sea of illuminating irises. "I for one, know that you're bothered- same here, aight? That should be a perfect excuse to .. let me crash for a while? Okay, a day .. or a night at least. I've suffered from that banshee long enough so I'm pretty much entitled to rest." His arms snake to cross over his chest, thin digits tapping as he calculates how long his so-called attempt at a plea wasn't bought and was most likely staying on the market. "Uhm, please?"
✻ Ten 8 years ago
"You don't understand! No one does!"

These very few words rewound over and over in his head like a broken casette tape, and probably at the least likeliness of such a circumstance held before the devil himself who'd once trapped himself in such a solemn state of sleep. Keyword once, "How is anyone supposed to understand you, if even it is you who barely understands yourself" as he'd wanted to tell her, she who may possibly no longer be that one and only host of his for she'd foregone her needs more often than his own. He barely paid mind to that fact until she'd almost deprived him of his own sanity, the right to live on as anyone else would. No food, no sleep, none of that and he'd had enough of her rambling .. all for one person? Geez, he could've almost sworn he was murmuring off incoherent nonsense to himself once again as his eyes, groggy of sleep just flickered open then close simultaneously. Where was he at? Subconsciously rattling at the door knob of someone next door, the force upon it lessening as time passed by and it'd almost seemed like forever but with his ex-host's bawling still audible from next door it was no mistake knowing the accumulated frustration was still piping hot like the flames he would've by the least just ended her blatant anguish with.


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proly-yea 7 years ago
i'm gonna have to go. i might come back here later, but as of right now i don't have too much inspiration, ya know? i'll probably get more after i finish reading the manga but as of right now i don't want to help keep this place looking inactive. i'm sorry. but i promise to be back later if you let me!
PinkSmoke 8 years ago
Kyungsoo left. Thank you for having me
silvermist1116 8 years ago
Sulli left.
gospel 8 years ago
mark left.
_sonder_ 8 years ago
Add uhhh... Hyosung as a host please.
-peterpan 8 years ago
could you reserve eunhyuk, please?
sunflowers 8 years ago
Zico had to leave, sorry. T^T

P.S. - I loved the pic! ;u; Sorry I didn't get to tell you. There's some things going at home so I can't roleplay much right now. Thanks for having me!
sonathea 8 years ago
Reserve Taemin as a Devil please c:
NotSoGwiyomi 8 years ago
Hmmmmm. I love the idea for this placceeee... but what on Earth Should I be... ㅠㅠ I can't decide if I should be an Extraspecies or a human...
lyndsi 8 years ago
I want Wendy as celty #coughcouhh I mean a dullahan can you reserve that for me please?
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