Kwon Mina 8 years ago
@Kim Jongin The orbs look back at me a bit soulless but yet full of life and mischief- reminding me as if you're always living in darkness I just feel that vibe radiating off of you in wondrous waves and crashing down against my soft, slim frame which has me gasping out unintentionally for a breath of air that clearly, I didn't know I was holding. Stupid me- to allow some stranger who's this talented and much less tainted which I cannot think for one second everything comes without a major price. You're doing things to me that shouldn't be named and it's not just the touching or the intimacy that you carry yourself with because I can put my head on a block and name this as you being you..you're like this with anyone you come into contact with- I'm not a special gem that's rare. Not that I'm expecting to me no sir, I'm now meeting you- of course hearing of you and seeing you in the flesh and may I say what a divine piece of sculptured flesh you have going on in here. Just brings an assorted amount of starts behind my closed eyes while blinking slowly./ "Uhh if we're done discussing unless you have to say something to me..may I leave you for a few mere minutes to get my makeup and hair done- after all seems like I have to put on a show for you my darling brother." /I state with a mischievous wink flashing at you wanting..no scratch that-- needing to see how your smile would look in my presence. Seeing how it'll be bright as day due to me./


()idk why it split :(
Kwon Mina 8 years ago
@Kim Jongin /It's as if I've been missing something all along and I've just found it- just like having a soulfull dinner that one never would have thought of ever having. Much less dreaming of having the pleasure of dining- an array sorted of flavors- you're the human embodiment of giving me the feelings to that- the array sorted of emotions if that even makes an ounce of sense. In my warbled mind it does in fact and the sheer touch of your unblemished, bronzed skin that's a far contrast against my own but that makes it tenfold times beautiful compared to my own fair own. Your breath caressing my flesh sends distorted shivers up and down my spines- sending my nerve endings and hairs on edge against my smooth skin. I feel your bass tone more than hear it as I flash you a soft smile and my lips- my tiers suddenly drawing a drought- as if I haven't moistened them in quite a long while which is in fact right because since I've had the gracious presence of you showing up in front of me it was as if nothing can compare- I couldn't even care less about going to get my make up and hair done- much less read over the lines which has me groaning under my breath after some time. The eerie silence and time ticking via the clock hung up on the far side of the wall we're currently facing is the only sounds being played into my ear minus your soft panting breaths that's oh so close yet oh so far. Even though you're this close to me- your body thrumming against my own, sending me into a tirade of pleasure without even doing much less a single thing- not even having the need to lift your finger and skim it against my skin where it'll definitely send a peak of hidden arousal pooling in the depths of my stomach- to come forth and whiplash us both in the faces. However, ignoring the spark that's igniting fully into a flame ready to cease and destroy my body from inside out- I settle for turning towards you and flashing you a sweet, sensual smile. My eyes casting the lights from around us as I stare at your handsome- structured face that's sharp in all the right places./ "Honestly Kai I haven't had the time to read it just yet- I just got here so.." /Trailing off with a soft eye smile directed to you- my lithe fingers reach over for the papers settled in your larger palms. Sheets of paper against alluring skin that makes my mouth runs dry for the second time tonight. Your rough on the edge, deft finger tips making a spark struck between us when your tip touches my own as I focus intently on the paper and words before./ "Such cliche again." /i murmur under my breath not sure if you're going to hear me or what- I do hear the director however, murmuring some words along the lines of, 'She's always fussy what's so wrong with being cliche and normal? She wants something enticing more than this or...' /drowning out their words I skim past the entire passage that's guiding us into becoming the robots for today's project. Our bodies are gonna become siblings of some sort to create and film- something along the lines of having a demand on Maeng performing this with Kai, even though you're a part time worker here seems that both men and women cannot have enough of you. Most of the guys wanted you to do it with another guy however, from the comments I'm reading along at the bottom but most are in favor of having us both work together- which is a feat. I remember having the disclosed honor of having to say I do not want to work with anyone but myself- but clearly that was all just shenanigan of lies, something I do not want to focus on much less revel in it. Clearing my throat feeling as if something's clogging up my windpipes to prolong much needed air being intaken and exhaled I finally manage to have the letters jumbled up into formation of words spilling from my parted flesh./ "Are you okay with this?" /I finally breathe out in reply to your previous question my eyes training solely onto you once again- taking in the flicker of your cimmerian pupils.

Kim Jongin 8 years ago
@Kwon Mina A capoeira of coltish limbs and fervent fingertips serve as subtle hints of a ceaseless push and pull, heighten the rather amusing sight of an endearing war between once stoic irises and devilish orbs graced by a glimmering luster of utter displeasure and jealousy; I briefly cast a gaze upon the crowns of silky locks belonging to two comely ladies who dare not to relinquish the chance to fix my makeup, though remain wordless, as my attention does not drift away from the director with whom I hurriedly discuss the script, unfazed by neither the brush applying an alluring burnish to the delicate flesh of my plush mouth, or those 'accidental' touches upon the expanse of my revealed flesh lingering here and there. The plain black tank top sticks to me like a second skin, and I'm half-tempted to chug down a bottle of water, but my wallet's had a harmless disagreement with the vending machine half an hour ago, when it swallowed the provided coins, but gave nothing in return, and rather aided my slightly late arrival due to none other than the addictive comfort of bare limbs tangled beneath warm blankets and the act of worshiping amorphous cancer through tar black lungs. Nevertheless, the previous hushed exhales of apologies seemed to soothe the rueful symphonies crooking strings of short nerves. Alright, got it. Thank you. /A winsome curl embellishes the corner of my tiers whereas my feet then drag across the floor in a smooth turn once my makeup is finished, and the sound of a mellifluous voice belonging to my partner further guides me into the right direction. A mawkish sensation dares to surge through the liquefied ruby in my veins and render me defenseless a mere moment later-- engrave a permanently unfilled source of rapt fascination deep within myself, though I suppose such is one of the many fatal embellishments that ennoble your calamitous presence, which I cannot help, but subconsciously adore from the very first fleeting fragment of a short-lived eternity. Kai. The pleasure is all mine, really. Do excuse my feeble introduction- I would've prepared a gallant one if I knew I was given the privilege to work with a princess, /Litanies of praises regarding your stylist dare to drip from the tip of my tongue that is imprisoned by ivory teeth once it promptly runs over my upper lip in an unintentionally titillating manner, and then meets the corner of my mouth. I'm unsure how well I'll fare with the script, to be honest. Were you planning to make me forget all the lines by wearing that outfit? / extending a hand forth for yours, I languidly lace our digits in an almost chaste manner instead of providing a firm handshake in order banish my ripe venereal appetite, and oh, how small your tiny palm feels pressed snugly upon mine, how colder your skin feels against my own; I bring the entanglement of silver and gold to my parted tiers, breathing then out a warm breath or two upon it before casting an amused glimpse of lackadaisical midnight at you from beneath the curtain of thick lashes, a ring of baritone rumbling within my chest low enough to induce a pleasant shiver. Don't be nervous. I'll lead you through it. I read the schedule for this room and no one's gonna come record later today except for us, so we are in no rush. /an assurance that came sheathed in a rather pleased tone, hinting at the fact that the chance of spending the day with you seems like a slice of the very empyrean offered to me upon a gilded plate. Are you okay with all the scenes, by the way? /reluctantly releases your hand to then drape a toned arm around your narrow waist and smoothly pull you closer to me and out of the staff's way,before I dip my chin lower to ghost scorching breath against the delicate shell of your ear, exhaling a lowered murmur audible enough for the mere two of us to hear; from afar, the sight may prompt salacious thoughts in a fool's pair of void emblazoned orbs. If there's anything wrong with it, or something bothers you, promise you'll tell me. /I'm aware of how unfair prurient industry can be, especially when it comes to females-- dainty remnants of ethereal beauty like yourself, and always offer my full aid and protective embrace if something is to my partner's displeasure. Patiently awaiting your response, my fingers settle upon your clothed hipbone and gently sink into the oppressive cloth, daring to map the voluptuous curve of your frame with the palm of my hand, whilst fleeting images of your skin marred by crescent shaped marks of calloused fingertips-- testaments of my future evanescent ownership over you, dance behind my vision and soothe a deprived mind.
Kwon Mina 8 years ago
@Kim Jongin /Another day another time- feeling the soft air blowing against my flushed cheeks- has me heaving a deep sigh. Looking down at the cigar between both fingers- I feel as if I'm instantly getting the cancer from said stick but I cannot help but crave for more- the sensations igniting me from deep in my thoughts. Flowing through my body as the smoke sink into my lungs and settle there when I take a pull, swallow and let it out through my nostrils. Flaring out as I feel the wink slapping against my cheek once again- dark, silky soft strands flow around with the dancing of the telltale wind stepping over its boundaries, more than it's clearly needed because I cannot stop shivering as it seems./ "Maeng!" /Snapping out of my thoughts and throwing the cigar out after outing it- my body turn around instantly to the sound of that voice. The head male for tonight's cam session looks at me with a perplexed expression, 'Ahhhh must be that he doesn't know I usually take a drag out of the cancer stick when I'm tired- stressed or just needing some lightheartedness.'/ "Yes yes I'm coming." /i murmur and my obsidian orbs flicker across the room to said male I'm dealing with tonight, with a heavy heart, lurching stomach and drying up mouth I walk carefully when you do not so much as spare me a glance. If you did from the corner of those deep brown pupils- I must have missed it since I already got everything down and it's my time to change into something to put on this show with you./ " he's so handsome." /i murmur to myself in the mirror and I cannot deny the fact that you- from what I hear being a part time employee it's such a strange feat having you being my partner today. It's unusually nice because I'd get hot or handsome males to film with but--you're the embodiment of perfection for the split second I saw you--what I doesn't know just yet is that you're an intense puzzle to be solved. Skimming my orbs over the desired outfit- my tongue feel ten times heavy then before as I feel a wave of nostalgia- I do not understand why it has to be so freaking cliche- I still haven't read the script just yet but hearing the hushed murmurs outside I'm suspecting that you're discussing the said thing with the male from earlier. Shaking my head a little I slip into the top piece and shimmy into the bottom - feeling a tad bit exposed for a greeting I pull on my robe and walk out- the fluffy top making me feel a bit more at ease as I flash you a soft, charming smile. My tiers- pulled up fully as my eyes crinkle and the man who I'm usually around for my solo sessions or rare sessions with partners from the business- lets out a scoff. Maybe noting that you got your spell holding me in place and making my thoughts run wild. However, I offer a slender hand over to you- and await the feeling that would come from your skin to skin contact against mines./ "Hello there- I'm Kwon Mina but Maeng as my stage name- it's a pleasure to be working with you."

(()the lingerie--> http://media.laredoute.com/products/250by250/32/44/76/324476384_0_CL_2_324474852-e8054036-25c3-4b85-8d62-1f5ecfd022ff.jpg


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saucingonyou 7 years ago
Roronoa 7 years ago
Acacia has left. Thanks for the memories!
unfinishedsentenc_ 7 years ago
sorry chanyeol left, getting too busy with school :(
supersaiyangod 7 years ago
taehyun leaving, this place is getting kinda inactive. sorry and good luck.
Jjongpuppy 8 years ago
jonghyun is taken T^T

add SHINee's Key please?
supersaiyangod 8 years ago
a&r nam taehyun please
kageyamas 8 years ago
a&r kehlani parrish for me please?
i have read & understood.
mxlkywxy_ 8 years ago
Can you add and reserve park jimin (bts) for me?
-tarotea 8 years ago
Hey guys, this is Wylona's rper. I'll be taking a month hiatus; if possible, could you please change her status over, please? <3
A&R Jung Soojung (Krystal Jung) for me.
I have read and understood
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