▲The Han River

the han river


Myungsoo 9 years ago
@Daehyun Myungsoo was looking at his saviour with an uncertainty. Even though he was really grateful that he stood up for him despite they knew nothing about each other, he really didn't want him to get hurt but this guy seemed stronger than he thought he would be and for him to staying here won't really help so he just needed to run from his brother.

Myungsoo shakily nodded and turned around, broke into a run in full speed so Hyunsoo wouldn't catch up with him. This was actually the first time he even dared to run because all these times he thought running will make things worse so didn't dare to think about it.

"Kim Myungsoo!" Hyunsoo snarled and turned to the guy who had a tight grip on his wrist, swinging his fist to the direction of his face so the male could release him.
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Myungsoo Daehyun smirked triumphantly at the whimper, knowing that the male was in pain. He may be intimidating but Daehyun was not affected. He had grown to seeing people like this, though he knew better than to underestimate the enemy so he made sure he kept a distance between them both. The male may seem weak so far, but if he was brave enough to throw a punch, then he may try other things as well. He was glad that the male was able to escape his brother's grip, hoping that he was strong enough to run away from here since sticking around wouldn't do any good.

However, he was surprised as the male hid behind him, though he quickly regained his composure, even if his shirt was being clutched. He kept his grip tight on the wrist, not wanting to let go in case the latter did something dangerous to hurt both of them, that was not want he wanted to happen. His eyes were still set on the male, waiting for the tiniest of moments though his mind was on the male behind him.

"Hey, you have to run now. I'll catch up to you," he whispered, only loud enough for the male clutching his shirt to hear. It was risky if Daehyun let go before Myungsoo could have a head start, there was a chance that Hyunsoo would catch up to them. Besides, he had to knock some sense into the brother of the poor male. "I swear, I'll catch up somehow so don't worry," he reassured, in case the male was too scared to move at all.
Myungsoo 9 years ago
@Daehyun Myungsoo slowly opened his eyes when he didn't hear anything and gasped upon seeing the male blocking the punch that easily, if it was him, he would too scared to defend himself because he knew what the older male capable of. He didn't want to get into more troubles and receiving worse punishment than he had experienced before in the past. He looked at the stranger with a tiny bit of hope on his eyes. Maybe, just maybe this guy is the answer, the answer of escaping this hell hole but at the same time he didn't want to hope too much.

Hyunsoo let out a small whimper as the male twisted his arms, bringing him pain that he never felt before because no one ever brave enough to even try to have a fight with him. He didn't understand why this guy cared so much about his baby brother but there was no way he will give Myungsoo to this guy, he only belonged to him and only him. Because of the pain he accidentally released his hold on the younger's wrist making him ran and hid behind the stranger, looking at his brother in fear.

"Kim Myungsoo! Get back here or you will regret it!" Hyunsoo gritted his teeth and the smaller male cowered in fear, clutching the back of the stranger's shirt like a scared little child without him even noticing.
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Myungsoo Daehyun expected for the male to hit him, he had seen it coming. Making the first move was never his thing to begin with, always provoking others into doing something stupid so that they would take the blame if anything. However, years of training had thought him everything he needed to know. He easily blocked the punch, not giving the male one tiny bit of satisfaction as his fingers wrapped around his wrist tightly, applying enough strength to keep his fist from moving, the tips of his fingers digging into the male's pressure points.

"Nothing can change that, but your actions are unforgivable, if the way he acts around you is enough for me to conclude that you're doing something family isn't allowed to do to each other," he spoke, voice flat as he slowly twisted the latter's arms. He wanted to cause enough pain for the brother to let go of Myungsoo, but if the worse came, then he'd have to give him a lesson, and he wouldn't hesitate. In his eyes, the younger reflected himself, and he wanted to protect the kid. He wanted to save him, something no one else obviously did.

"Now let him go," he asked once again, eyes cold. He was probably more demanding then he intended to be, but it was obvious the male in between them was in pain.
Myungsoo 9 years ago
@Daehyun Myungsoo never got into this situation before, he didn't have any friend because of his brother. Every time he was close with someone, his brother would scare them away and it was going like a cycle. So he didn't understand why this male trying so hard to save him. Why? He wanted to know the reason.

But he looked intimidating, surprisingly more than his brother. Who is he? Why did he care so much? So many questions appeared inside his mind which left unanswered because of the tense atmosphere.

Myungsoo chewed on his bottom lip nervously, broke down into a sweat because of the fear engulfed his small frame. His brother turned tense after he heard the males words and he knew it will turn ugly soon. He wanted to get out from Hyunsoo's grip and went behind the stranger. He felt secured somehow by his presence. He looked at his two wrists , he was stuck in the middle and he didnt know what to do. " off! He is my brother and nothing can ever change that!" He snarled and raised his fist to punch the other's jaw. Myungsoo hissed and closed his eyes, didn't want to see at all.
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Myungsoo Daehyun mentally winced as he heard the whimper escaping Myungsoo, feeling hatred bubbling inside his stomach. He's always hated siblings, they were nothing but trouble. He favored Myungsoo more, the other's gentleness a stark contrast to his brother's attitude and he wanted to save the male. His eyes earlier, if they were anything to go by, pleaded for his help. He didn't want whatever would happen the male to take place just because he wasn't willing to help or too dense to take the signs.

"You're right, it's none of my business. But guess what, I'm making it. You don't need to know who I am," he replied, answer concise as he kept the fierce eye contact with the male. He had no intentions to reveal his identity, knowing that he was the illegitimate son of one of the biggest companies around, not to mention that he was notorious for murders and drug dealing. That would definitely not something he would reveal in a situation like this, not when Myungsoo already has trust issue and his shady background wouldn't make it any better.

His eyes gaze at the smaller, seeing him shake and he scoffed, an amused smile slowly engraving onto his lips. "Brother? You call yourself a brother when he's afraid of you? Last time I checked, a brother was someone who you could rely on, someone you love and can feel comfortable with. He's not supposed to be shaking in fear if he's your brother," he snarled. "Don't put words into his mouth if they're not believable in the first place." When Daehyun had caught a glimpse of Myungsoo's shaking frame, he couldn't help but remember himself ten years ago, gun in his hand as he shot a man down because his father had told him too. He was shaking, listening to his every command because he was too small, too insignificant to have power and he sensed that this was the exact situation.
Myungsoo 9 years ago
@Daehyun This was the first time someone ever stood up for him, ignoring the fact that he was his brother and it wasn't their businesses but this man actually cared even though the only thing he knew about him is his name. He couldn't lie that he is touched by his action but at the same time he was worried about his safety.

The way the man shooting a glare towards his brother's direction made him seem like a different man he saw a while ago when he cried. His interference would only make things worse when he got home later. Hyunsoo would surely ask about this guy's identity and he didn't know how to answer him because he had no idea himself.

Hyunsoo's grip on his wrist tightened and he couldn't stop the whimper which escaping from his mouth due to the pain he felt. "It's none of your business! Who the are you anyway! He is my brother and he will go home with me, right Myungsoo?" The elder sent him you're dead if you say no look and Myungsoo just nodded shakily, lowered his head to the ground again and didn't have a courage to say anything in this tense situation.
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Myungsoo Daehyun wouldn't give up, even if he was shot a menacing glare because he would always win. He knew he would. If the man had known who he was, he would think twice about crossing him. Daehyun always got what he wanted ; he wasn't spoiled but he always took everything in his own hands. He wanted Myungsoo's freedom, and this time wouldn't be anything different. Even though in the past, he told himself helping anyone wouldn't do anything, the male was just like him. He had the same look of fear to his relative, and he could feel why Myungsoo would want to stay. He was probably the only family alive, that was the same reason Daehyun stayed with his dad after all.

He was also tugged forward as the brother pulled the latter harshly. His grip was unrelenting, he wasn't willing to let go but he made sure he didn't hold onto Myungsoo's wrist too tight ; he seemed somewhat fragile. He stumbled two steps before regaining his balance, anger bubbling inside him because what kind of brother would treat his sibling that way? He shot the older male a glare back, eyes narrowing dangerously. He knew how to intimidate, but he also knew that the brother wouldn't back down so easily.

"Let him go," he repeated once again, voice laced with venom. He wouldn't hurt the male too badly, but he wanted to get a few punches in. If Myungsoo's winces, stutters, and unquestionable obedience stood for anything, it meant he was being abused by someone he cared for or he was in a business he didn't want to be in, and he was certain it was the former. He's been in his shoes once, and he doesn't want anyone to expierence the pain he had to deal with, or at least save them from it.
Myungsoo 9 years ago
@Daehyun Myungsoo really wanted to get to know him better, he even hadn't know his name yet because he never wanted to get attached to someone because it wouldn't really work out. Maybe he was destined to stuck with his brother forever until the day he died. That guy was sick but he was still his own brother. No matter how much he had hurt him, he still didn't have a heart to leave him.

When his brother appeared, he was pretty sure that he won't be able to walk the next morning, even move from the bed because the older would punish him because he saw him with someone else other than him. He always wished that he would wake up from this endless nightmares but that is never going to happen because all of this was nothing than a reality. He just wanted to have a peaceful life for once, going home without fearing that someone is going to hurt him.

Hyunsoo was dragging away to his car and he was whimpering on the tight grip on his wrist. "H-hyung, it hurts." He said with a small voice but the other just glared at him so in the end he just stayed silent. He was praying inside his head for Hyunsoo to take it easy when they reached home until he felt someone tugging on his wrist. And that someone wasn't his brother.

His eyes widened when he saw the guy from the before with his fingers around his small wrist. He could sense a killing aura from his brother and he looked at them back and forth anxiously. He didn't know why the male even care even though he threw him a pleading look back then. Hyunsoo hissed angrily at the other and pulled Myungsoo harshly making the younger winced by the hard pull, stumbled a bit on his steps.
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Myungsoo He waited for the male to speak up, to say anything because the silence that sat around them was killing him inside. He was in a desperate need to let his problems go, but the man didn't seem at all interested and perhaps he could lend him an ear, listen to his problems. They'd never see each other again, it was perfect and if anything, they would have both spoken out their problems and be done with it. They wouldn't have to seek help or attention from anyone else. Sure, the man could have been here for an entirely different reason but he didn't miss the tears pooling his eyes from before, Daehyun wasn't that dense. Call it a sixth sense of his, but he knew Myungsoo had problems, perhaps worse than his if that was even possible.

Just as he was about to speak up, he thought maybe if he had told him his problem first they could be more open to each other, until a third party came in. He saw the way the latter froze just hearing the menacing voice, and he didn't miss the glare thrown his way. He was taken aback, did people really not know who he was. If he had a bad attitude like his earlier years, the man would be dead in minutes, and his body would be dragged off into the dump behind the abandoned hospital if he was feeling lazy. If he wasn't, he'd push it off the ocean where it would never be seen again, or burn it. Ashes were always fun to dump after all.

He would have thought the male would be relieved when he heard the words 'little brother', but the way he stuttered showed anything but happiness. He stayed out of their business, he wasn't even Myungsoo's friend, he shouldn't involve himself in a stranger's business. That always ended up to no good. However, with uneasy eyes, he watched as the brother started to drag his company away, and that's when he noticed it. The moment they locked eyes, he saw the silent pleading behind them. He couldn't look away or avoid the gaze anymore.

He remembered having the same eyes years back as he was forced to live with his father, begging anyone in the neighborhood to take him in but they glanced the other way, ignoring his pleas and cries. He'd be damned if he turned out to be one of them. He stood up, steps rushing after the pair until his fingers were able to wrap around Myungsoo's wrist, tugging him back gently. "Let him go," he spoke, barely a whisper but he knew that in the tense aura, everything could be heard.
Mark 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo With no sign of hesitation, Kyungsoo had bent down to do what Mark had told him to. He loved the feeling of being in charge, especially with Kyungsoo, who had a history of being feisty in bed– not that Mark ever really minded. His breath caught in his throat when he felt Kyungsoo’s tongue on his length, and he laid his head back on the ground when he felt those heart-shaped lips go around his . “Dammit, S-Soo,” he cursed, his fingers slipping into the other male’s soft hair and tangling into the strands as his grip tightened. His hips bucked up to meet Kyungsoo’s lips and tongue, half-lidded eyes focused on Kyungsoo’s. A shiver slid down his back at their actions, and he let his eyes close for a second as quiet moans of Kyungsoo’s name and a string of curses slipped from his lips. Mark usually behaved himself when he was with someone, but somehow this always happened when it came to him and Kyungsoo. They could never behave or do what they were supposed to do. Kyungsoo’s hand could brush against Mark’s accidentally, and the two would end up and grinding on the ground in the next minute.

He was beginning to think that the two of them had a problem, but he figured it would be better to solve it some other time. He leaned up to push Kyungsoo’s lips from his , and he sat up completely. Catching his breath, he pulled the other male onto his lap and moved his hips so that their s were grinding together slowly. “You’re such a ing tease,” he told Kyungsoo. He’d originally planned on just taking the and making Kyungsoo wait until he came a first time, but Mark could never bring himself to hold out on the other. His arms s behind the other man’s back, squeezing and spreading his gently. Mark didn’t have any lube, hoping that would prevent something like this from happening because he wouldn’t have the other hurting in such a way. Yet after his , he was sure that the pain wouldn’t be too much for Soo. He brought a hand up and held two fingers up. “,” he ordered, refusing to let Kyungsoo do anything until he was at least prepared a bit.

That was the soft side of Mark coming out, which usually happened in circumstances such as these. The man had always been a soft-hearted creature, which he figured is why he was even living in exile in the first place. Though Mark had stopped being upset about being trapped in South Korea with nobody and nowhere to really call home. He’d found a variety of people who made up for not having his family anymore, Kyungsoo definitely being one of those people. Despite their relationship seeming to be only , Mark cared about the other. He didn’t know Kyungsoo knew that, but he didn’t feel like it had to be shared– all that mattered was the fact that he’d watch over the other still. Mark guessed it would be a lot easier since Soo was always on top or under him.

[Huuuush! It wasn't even bad, silly ><]
Myungsoo 9 years ago
@Daehyun Myungsoo noticed how the other try to keep a distance between them but he wasn't offended or anything because it was a right thing to do. They couldn't be friends after all, befriend would be like digging his own grave and he didn't want to be stupid even though he was dying to have someone by his side to support and comfort him.

Myungsoo's lips formed into a bitter smile and sighed, wrapping his own arms around his fragile body because of the cold night air. He lifted his knees up and rested his head on top of it with his eyes closed for a few moment, enjoying the moment of silence before fluttering it open after he heard the question.

He his lips nervously because he never told /anyone/ about his problems and he wasn't so sure because it wasn't like the other problems which was easier to talk about. He couldn't just say that hey, my own brother abuses and s me every night. It would be so awkward and wrong. Before he could open his mouth to answer, he heard a voice which send shiver down his spine and made him freeze on his spot.

"There you are little brother." He slowly turned his head around and fear glistened on his brown orbs when he saw Hyunsoo standing there, looking furious especially after he saw this guy beside him. He stood up shakily and his brother linked his arm with him, his body trembled a bit because he knew what was about to happen. "H-hyung. I thought you will come home late." He said shakily and the elder chuckled darkly, throwing a spiteful glare at his brother's company. "I'm home early, let's go." He pulled the younger harshly and dragged him away. Myungsoo threw a single glance at the male, he gave him an apologetic look but fear was still visible on his eyes like he was asking for help.
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Myungsoo Daehyun's eyes never took themselves off of the male, cautious evident as he scooted a bit to the side away from the male. He felt the need to keep some space in between them, as he wasn't comfortable to letting someone near him unless they were close, he was drunk, or he was needy, which neither was the case. However, hearing the latter's words he felt as if there was already an invisible connection between them. He sniffled a few times, making sure that all his tears were gone before he glanced down at the ground. Years of isolation did not fare him well, since he was horrible at making friends with strangers, however it was strangely odd that he grew comfortable once he had befriended them.

"Then I guess we're both the same," he breathed, another shiver running down his spine at the cool wind. His arms were now crossed over his chest, hands hooked under his arms though his feet was still dipped underneath the surface of the water. He could see his own breath, a gentle white fog amongst the dark sky save for the dim street lights along the sidewalk.

"What kind of troubles are you facing?" he decided to ask, trying to avoid the awkward silence that would settle down if none of them said anything anytime soon. Since he had done most of the asking during their short conversation, he had figured it would be the way throughout. Sure, the latter didn't know anything about him, but it wasn't as if they were going to see each other anytime soon ; that would be too uncanny.
Myungsoo 9 years ago
@Daehyun This was the first time he had ever approached someone first. He usually kept himself in the dark, never let someone in because having someone close to him would only bring him pain later on. Hadn't interact with people for so long, he felt strangely awkward to being close like this to someone. He didn't know what he should say, how should he react. It felt like he is still a young child who needed to learn more to understand better.

Myungsoo bit down on his lower lip, hearing his name without fearing that he will got hurt by that person. His own brother who always harming him because his 'love' for him. If people found out, he was sure that they will tell him to report Hyunsoo but he was the only family member he had left. He still loved him even after what he had done. Seeing this guy wiping his tears away like this really reminded him of himself.

He sighed at the question and took a seat next to the stranger but he still kept a distance between them. "Running away from reality." He answered quietly and looked at his reflection on the water. He didn't know why he's telling him this but he thought they won't meet each other again later so why not?
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Myungsoo Daehyun observed the still man, wondering why he seemed so frozen in place. It was as if he had a lot in his mind, contemplating whether or not he should approach him. This confused him, seeing the latter shying away from his question. It was something easy to answer, so he couldn't help but wonder why he seemed so hesitant. Perhaps he had an identity that he couldn't say out loud, maybe they were just like peas in a pod. He kept his eyes trained on the male, years of life on the streets taught him to never trust anyone, no matter how vulnerable they seem.

"Myungsoo," he repeated, barely audible but could be heard over the deafening silence, minus the splashes from the river he had dipped his feet in. He brought his hand up, wiping away the tear stains on his face as he didn't want to seem weak in front of the latter. There was no reason to be ashamed of his tears, he knew that fully well, but he was disappointed in himself. He was always taught to keep his feelings hidden and kept to himself, so he was a bit distraught that someone had found him crying, at his special spot nonetheless.

"Why are you here?" he questioned, curiosity laced in his tone. He knew he was intruding on the male's personal space by asking such questions, but that was his nature. He was always like this, regardless the person. Barely knowing the male, he would not state information that was not asked or needed, always having his guard up against strangers that he didn't know personally.
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Mark He smirked triumpantly as Mark threw his shirt to the side. He knew very well that Mark hated not being in completely dominant. He himself loved being a power bottom, relished it even. He waited patiently for Mark to remove the rest of his clothes, aching to relieve some of the pain from his throbbing . He grinned, moving closer to the other mail. He bent down, his tongue lapping at the head of Mark's as he looked up at the man through his eyelashes. Honestly, he loved giving the man s. It was a turn-on to watch Mark come undone so thoroughly and then pull him off before he would come.

He winked at Mark and wrapped his fingers around the base of his , pumping what he could fit in his mouth. He relaxed his throat and hollowed his cheeks, moving his lips down the man's and flattening his tongue against the prominent vein on the underside. He pulled off, just the head into his mouth. He rested his other hand on Mark's inner thigh before he bobbed his head up and down the man's , his fingers leaving crescent-shaped marks in the pale skin of the man's thighs. He didn't think there was a time when he would ever dislike doing this. He swallowed around him, softly. He looked back up at Mark, watching his reactions.

As much as loved giving Mark head, he really just wanted to climb into his lap and have his way with him. He could never get enough of the man; when he got one taste, he yearned for more. Even if sometimes he regretted his decision the next morning, he would always willingly give Mark more. He wondered sometimes if there was such a thing as overdosing on a person. He pushed the thought aside, gradually sliding his mouth down Mark's until his nose was brushing against the man's pelvic bone. He wasn't the greatest when it came to deep-throating, but he tried it on occasion. He kept his eyes on Mark's face, enjoying each reaction he received.

[ Sorry that this , baby. T^T I'm not the greatest at rping scenes. cx ]
Myungsoo 9 years ago
@Daehyun Myungsoo could notice the dried tears on the stranger's cheeks as he finally stopped his steps. He took his time observe this man in front of him, he looked broken just like him but he couldn't lie that he is really attractive. He wasn't sure what make him to be this daring to approach someone, especially strangers even though he knew he can't interact with anyone. Interaction would lead into something more, a friendship and his brother wouldn't even accept that kind of relationship because he wanted him for himself, friend or not.

Though looking at him brought a familiar kind of feeling, this guy reminded him of himself. He wondered what make him look so sad like this, was something worse than his everyday nightmares? This was the first time that he ever so interested in someone. He didn't know how to walk away, his feet couldn't move from its spot. He kept standing there, looking at the boy with his slightly burry eyes because of the tears.

Who is he? He strangely found it hard to answer that question because he couldn't really recognise himself anymore. He was so lost and he needed help from someone to find the right path for him, getting him out from his suffering. Who might be the one? He had no idea, maybe it might be him. Who knows what will happen? "M-Myungsoo." In the end he answered that with a small voice, lowering his head as soon as he voiced that out.
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Myungsoo All forms of his sadness, his pains, his burdens had left in the form of tears, ones he wasn't even aware of shedding. The cool breeze that brushed against his body sent another shudder down his spine, but never did his voice waver. He kept strong until the end, just like how he always would in difficult situations. Out of all the promises he had made to his mother, the only one he kept was telling her that he would always be strong, no matter what. He had promised her that he would always get back up, that he would never waver in the face of agony and despair the day they had linked their pinkies together.

He remembered he had told her that pinky promises were childish, but she would only laugh and brush the thought away, shaking her head. He knew her response by heart, always the same words. "Even though the form may be childish, a promise is still a promise nonetheless and it should always be kept," and he had lived with those words. Every promise he made from now on, he had always tried his best to accomplice no matter how gruesome the consequences. He had finished the song, running his fingers along the surface of the clear water. He had half of the mind to run away to Busan and sit by his mother's grave, anything to feel that connection that he would only have with his mother.

His thoughts were shattered as he noticed a presence, hearing the soft steps against the grass and his head whipped around, despite the trail of tears dried on his cheek. His eyes captured perhaps one of the most handsome men he's seen, his jawline near perfection and his face was nothing but flawless. He couldn't comprehend why such a beautiful stranger would be doing around here, lurking around. Even Daehyun was aware of the creeps that hung around the river, but he was prepared, skilled with fighting and had nothing to fear. He also couldn't wrap his mind around the reason for the tears in the male's eyes, and his weary figure made it seemed as he had finally found freedom after struggling for years.

"Who are you?" His voice was soft as he asked, he's never seen the male around. Despite him not coming as often, he always made time during nightfall to sit besides the river. It was his personal escape from reality, one that he desperately needed.
Myungsoo 9 years ago
@Daehyun Myungsoo just got back from the cafe near the shared apartment with his older brother but he decided not to go home just yet because he remembered his brother will arrive home a bit late than usual. If the older male already home, he wouldn't even dare to come home late or he would get the consequences. His home didn't seem like home at all to the young writer. He was being constantly abused and by his own brother. His older brother Hyunsoo was attracted to him as a man and overly possessive over him. He couldn't even hang out with other people or he would get punished for being such a '.' It was impressive that he still haven't killed himself. He was the only family member he got left but he treated him such a way like he was some kind of object without a feeling.

Even though Hyunsoo said that he loves him, that kind of love shouldn't have happened between these two brothers. They were related by blood and it was a sin to have that kind of feeling towards your own brother. But no matter how much he begged for him to stop, he wouldn't ever listen and the fact that what he was doing is wrong didn't stop him.

Myungsoo just wished someone can save him from this misery of his but he still hadn't found that person. He also couldn't be selfish to let other people involved with his problem because he knew how crazy his brother can be. It was possible that they will get hurt along with him when trying to save him.

His only getaway was too write his own feeling into a book. He wasn't allowed to speak up so he wrote it down instead and gaining money from it. It was the only way that can make him feel alive. Myungsoo finally arrived at the Han River whicu brought so many memories of his parents when they were still alive. But it was only a memories and that day would never ever come back, he would continue living in hell without a way to escape. Soon tears brimmed on his eyes and he broke down into a small sobs, finally let his feeling that had been building up inside of him out. Suddenly he heard a voice, a beautiful one which made him to get out from his own trance. He looked up and saw a young man sitting on the side of river, his back seemed sad just like him and the way he sang made his heart ache. He felt some kind of connection to that stranger and his feet already brought him closer to him.
Daehyun [H] [A] 9 years ago
@Myungsoo It had been one of those restless nights for Daehyun again, where no matter how much he tossed or turned, he couldn't fall asleep. He wondered if it was the empty space on his bed, loneliness being a feeling that he had started to grow alienated towards, or if it was the heat of his apartment, but no matter how much he willed himself to sleep he couldn't. A sigh heaved from his lips as he found himself at the Han River, he had bought a house close by for a purpose. He had met his first love here, and he mourned his mother here for what seemed like months. On nights like this, he would repeat the same routine that he had set himself when his mind was cluttered with thoughts and mixed emotions.

He stood near the river, removing his feet from his slippers as he sat down near the edge of the flowing water. Dipping his feet into the chill water, a shudder ran down his spine due to the sudden coldness against his skin. However, he refused to pull away, instead, moving his legs in the water. And he began to sing, lyrics flowing from his lips without him having to linger for the correct lyrics. He had sang this song too many times, Don't Say Goodbye by Davichi. It expressed his pain, his regrets, his love and how he was unwilling to let go of those he loved. It was also one of his mother's favorite songs before she passed away, and every time he missed her, he would sing. He hoped that his voice would reach the heavens and she would somehow be able to hear him, hear the message relayed with every note that he sang.

His mind flooded back to the memories of his precious mother, her cooking in the morning that flooded his nose with its captivating scent even before she went up to wake him, her flowing hair that he would always tug on and play with as a child. He remembered her heart warming smiles and her empty promises of saying that everything would be okay, her soft hands and how it would only leave gentle touches on his injuries, whether it was a scrape from falling off his bike or cuts made from paper. But the moment he had remembered most was her death, how he had watched from the crack of the door as one of his father's lackeys had shoved a pillow in her face. He had watched her squirm, face hidden as she tried to survive but her body soon grew limp, the heart monitor slowing down until it flat lined. He had ran away then, fear bubbling in his chest. His mother was his best friend, no matter how corny it sounded, and he would do anything to have her back and listen to his troubles.
Mark 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo He leaned up slightly on his elbows, watching with lust-filled eyes as Kyungsoo stripped in front of him. He sat up at the tugging the other male was doing, a smirk filling on his lips. He wasn't going to say it back because he needed Kyungsoo to remember that despite how much Mark let him boss him around, he was still the dominant one of the two of them. Though Mark did wonder sometimes since Kyungsoo was fond of being a power bottom, making Mark attend to each and every one of his needs. The man really knew how to get Mark to do what he wanted, and Mark never understood how he was able to have such a hold on him like that. He pulled his shirt up and over his head, tossing it by Kyungsoo's clothes.

His eyes were locked on the body of the male in front of him, wanting to taste him and touch. Calm down, he told himself silently as he ed and ped his pants. He hooked his fingers on the waistband on both his jeans and boxers, pulling them off before kicking his shoes off. He nodded down to his , wanting to see the other's pretty lips around his before he did anything, always enjoying the way Kyungsoo gave s. "If you want it, you gotta taste it first, baby," he said, leaning back on his elbows once more to try and keep himself from grabbing Kyungsoo and bending him over already.

He was punishing himself as well, but the wait was part of the fun with Kyungsoo because he knew once the wait was over, it was sinful bliss. The man was like Mark's addiction, making him crave more and more. There were many times when after they ed, Mark asked for more, ignoring the pain that Kyungsoo would feel in his lower backside the next morning. He wouldn't do that this time considering their location, but since he hadn't broken things off when Kyungsoo like he planned, there was nothing stopping him from taking the y man home with him after.
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Mark Kyungsoo broke away from the kiss, gasping sharply and arching his back, silently urging Mark to touch him more. He reached between them, eagerly palming Mark's clothed . He leaned down, pressing their lips together over and over in a series of short, wet kisses. He didn't think he could stop even if he wanted to now. He was too far gone with desire. He shoved his hand down the front of Mark's pants, his fingers wrapping around his through his underwear. He whimpered quietly, wanting to get on with the so that he could be riding Mark so hard that he'd get bruises from the hard ground. With that arousing thought in mind, he ground his hips down against the other man's, moving his lips away from his mouth to nibble playfully at his neck. "God, you're so ing hot," he murmured, his voice slightly hoarse.

Kyungsoo briefly thought of the trouble they'd be in if they were caught. Would they actually go to jail this time or not? He suppressed the thoughts of other reasons he would go to jail. 'Not now,' he thought to himself. He moaned into the kiss, reaching up with one hand to grip at Mark's hair again. He whined quietly as Mark pulled away from the kiss, opening his eyes and grinned impishly at the other man. He ground his hips down again, smirking. "How did you know?" he rasped.

He didn't really care either way if he was riding Mark or being ed on his knees. Of course, it was much preferred to see Mark's reactions as he ed Kyungsoo. He could feel the other man getting harder beneath him, which caused a chain reaction for himself. He grinned as Mark pushed him off, his eyes roving the area around them before he quickly stripped, laying his clothes on the ground beside them. He was getting highly impatient himself, other people be damned. "Your turn. I need you, Mark," he whispered, tugging impatiently on Mark's shirt. His was throbbing; he needed Mark inside of him. He didn't care if people would see them or not.
Mark 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo Mark's eyes followed Kyungsoo, grinning when the man had rolled over to straddle his waist. He felt his twitch in excitement at how Kyungsoo pulled his head up to kiss him. He kissed the other male back passionately, his arms tightening around his waist and he lightly on his tongue when he brushed against his bottom lip. He knew anybody could see them here, but he couldn't stop himself. Once Kyungsoo got him started, it was always hard to stop. That was the reason why he couldn't even stop seeing the man. Kyungsoo always managed to find Mark's weakness before he could even try to stop him. One of his hands slipped into the back of Kyungsoo's pants and boxers, squeezing his lightly and bucking his hips up against the other's.

They were going to be in so much trouble if they were caught, which Mark had a feeling they would be, but it couldn't be stopped now. Besides, it wasn't even the pair's first time having in public. They'd been caught in compromising positions on several occasions, and they still obviously hadn't learned their lesson. He deepened the kiss as his tongue slipped into the other's mouth, letting their tongues dance around each other for a moment before pulling away to look up at Kyungsoo through half-lidded eyes. "I assume you got into this position because you know I'm gonna make you ride?" He asked, a brow quirking up slightly at the other male.

Of course, even if Kyungsoo did choose that position for that specific reason, Mark would find a way to get him either on his back or on his knees. Most of the time, Mark preferred bending the other over on his knees so he could watch his back arch and bounce under him. However, he knew that both he and the other male loved making eye contact with each other when they ed. It always made it a bit more intimate. Thinking about this only made Mark grow harder, the restriction of his pants becoming painful as he moved his hips up to grind into Kyungsoo's crotch. Becoming impatient, he pushed the other off of him and moved his arms behind his head. "Clothes off," he told him, knowing it was too late for children to be out right now and knowing that most people would just walk away after watching them for a moment.
Kyungsoo [A] 9 years ago
@Mark Kyungsoo closed his eyes, his hair mussed and his shirt crinkled. He could feel his lips burning, his face red. He heaved quietly for breath, feeling as if he had just ran a very long, very stressful marathon. The previous making out could have been the equivalent, either way. He raised his hand casually, touching his kiss-swollen lips. Smiling triumphantly, feeling his heartbeat flutter, he opened his eyes. He didn't know about Mark, but he loved it when they did stuff like this. When they fooled around to their heart's content (until they were rudely interrupted, of course). He stared up at the sky, feeling somewhat sad that there were no stars to be seen on such a bright night. He glanced out of the corner of his eyes at Mark, his heart thudding rapidly in his chest. He couldn't get enough of the man. He sometimes wished they'd never met, but he also knew he'd be at loss of what to do if they hadn't. Mark was that sort of person that made him feel as if he was on cloud nine every minute that he was with him. He wouldn't call it love, per se. He was insanely attracted to the man, though. Mark was ridiculously gorgeous, in Kyungsoo's opinion.

He fidgeted a little bit, biting his lip as his twitched in his pants. Damn the officer for interrupting when Kyungsoo was finally starting to get rid of this intense ual frustration that never went away when he wasn't around Mark. He his lips, trying his best to will the away. He couldn't help but be even more aroused by getting caught; he was definitely into public . It sent his blood rushing and his pulse soaring just thinking about getting caught with his hand on Mark's clothed . He bit down on his lip, barely managing to keep back the whimper. He didn't think his was going to calm down any time soon, to his dismay. He wanted to roll back over and slide himself down Mark's , right there for everyone to see. Of course, they'd be arrested. But what was the fun in being good little civilians?

Kyungsoo remembered this place very clearly. He vividly recalled how he and Mark had first met here. They'd had their first date here. He smiled, thinking of how Mark had touched him for the first time here. They were very fond memories. His smile slowly faded. He knew why Mark had called him out here. He himself was wanting the same thing. He had such a hard time staying away, though. He wanted to desperately, but Mark was extremely difficult to stay away from. Kyungsoo was hooked on him; Mark was his own personal drug. Every time he saw him, he couldn't keep his hands off of him. Every time they ed, he felt like he was flying in the clouds. But then he'd fall back down to Earth far too quickly. He wanted to end things, but he really didn't want to at the same time. He wanted Mark way too much to give him up.

Kyungsoo rolled over, placing his knees on either side of Mark's hips. He moaned softly, weaving his fingers through Mark's hair to pull him closer. He pulled Mark's face away form his neck, crushing their lips together in a bruising kiss. He softened it a little, his fingers massaging Mark's scalp as his tongue swiped across the other man's bottom lip. He couldn't get enough of Mark. Ever.
Mark 9 years ago
@Do Kyungsoo Laying back on the grass with a content sigh leaving his mouth through parted lips, slightly swollen and reddened from the kissing, , and that had just taken place, Mark looked up at the pitch black sky. He’d been hoping for some relief near the river, thinking that he’d catch a few stars. However, the lights that shone brightly from the boats floating near him and the male lying next to him canceled out any stars that they would have had a chance to see. His eyes closed as he took a deep breath, wondering how he even managed to get himself into this predicament once again. Do ing Kyungsoo. For some reason, Mark found it hard to stay away from the bastard– his innocent eyes, cute nose, forever pouting lips, and slim frame only Mark in with every glance in direction. And that was only his looks. The man, for some reason, always had the same smell coming off of his hair. Mark had yet to figure out what shampoo scent it was, but it intoxicated the foreigner nonetheless.

Only moments earlier, the two were lip locked on the grass with Kyungsoo’s hand squeezing and tugging at the semi- pressed rather uncomfortably against the imprisonment of his jeans and Mark’s hand squeezing at the smaller man’s under the tight fabric of pants and boxers. They had obviously been heated, but they had to quickly peel themselves off of each other and roll over to make it seem like they were just innocent civilians when an officer came strolling by. The close call made Mark’s pants even tighter than they’d been before, knowing that both he and Kyungsoo loved being in public when their bodies took all control. When they ed. It was such a naughty phrase to Mark, but he didn’t have another term for what to call what they did. He didn’t think there were strings attached.

Yet he quickly rethought that because he finally remembered the reason he’d called Kyungsoo out to the river in the first place. It had been where they first met, had their first date, made out and touched each other for the first time. Thinking like that made them sound like a couple though they weren’t. Mark had called Kyungsoo to cut things off because he was confused. Every time he told himself to stay away from the man, he found himself always going back. And Kyungsoo didn’t seem to be of any help because he always offered himself up to Mark just as easily as Mark took him. After taking one look at the smaller man when he arrived at the Han River, Mark knew that he wouldn’t be able to cut their…whatever they had, off.

Certain that the officer was a safe distance away, Mark’s arms reached for the other male’s waist. He tugged him closer and buried his face in the smaller man’s neck, his tongue moving from his collarbone up his neck slowly. “You taste so damn good,” he whispered, mentally noting the third reason why he couldn’t keep his hands, lips, tongue, , to himself whenever around Kyungsoo.
Yongguk 11 years ago
"Well you know if you ever need someone to be here with you, you'll most likely see my standing here or at that bench over there." He turned his head, finger pointing at the wooden bench from a distance. He came here so often that it had turned to /his/ spot. He bet that anyone who crossed this river everyday would realize the bench belonged to Yongguk.
Yongguk 11 years ago
@Ho Junyeon "Pleasures's all mine Junyeon." He patted the other's head, feeling the soft hair underneath his palm. "Well, the sun is setting soon, you should go back home if you don't like the dark." He suggested, his gaze making its way back to the surface of the water.
Yongguk 11 years ago
@Ho Junyeon "It is, i love coming here. Though i usually walk here at night, that's probably why i haven't seen you here before." Yongguk leaned his elbow on the railing, chin on his palm. "You can call me Bang Yongguk." He reached out his hand toward the other, offering a friendly handshake.
Yongguk 11 years ago
@Ho Junyeon Yongguk turned toward the faint voice he heard through the rushing wind and opened his eyes, squinting a bit, getting used to the brightness again after closing them for so long. "Oh hey, yeah i'm fine..just enjoying the good weather, that's all. How about you?" He gave a small grin to the other latter, eyeing his petite form and blond hair.
Yongguk 11 years ago
@Ho Junyeon Yongguk once again walked to the place he thought always relaxed him; the Han River. He didn't know what kind of affect the river had on him, but he enjoyed the slight breeze and the fresh air that beated against his skin. It was a soothing feeling, almost as if he was in his own bed at home. He leaned against the railings that made the barrier between ground and water, closing his eyes to breath in the oxygen he wouldn't be able to get in a crowded city.


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66168611c0572e12c08f 5 years ago
could u add seulgi please
Brokenhopes_deadsoul 8 years ago
I wanna ask some questions regarding this if I'm allowed...
and please reserve chanyeol
DamienAnneSantiago 9 years ago
I applied c:
Amberflame 9 years ago
Hiatus for eunhyuk and kyuhyun, mostly for the rest of december and first 2 weeks of January. Got a ton of stuff to finish for my art course 1st term ^^ if I get it all done before, I'll say something.
ClockworkAngel 9 years ago
Jongjin is leaving.
Thank you for having me here(I'm sorry sissy T^T)
Amberflame 9 years ago
Kyuhyun/Eunhyuk are on Semi Hiatus again ene my laptop is ed
neutrali 9 years ago
Sorry to say that Chanie (Chanyeol) left xc
Thanks for having me here...<33
Amberflame 9 years ago
Can you put Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk on Semi-Hiatus for me? 12th - 19th I'll be working on a bunch of classwork \o/
Joyous9175 9 years ago
Mian Heechul left
BubbleTeaManiac 9 years ago
Ren is leaving due to school. ; ~ ; I had fun here, thank you!
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