↺ Angel

Angel's Lounge

→ A place where Angels could hangout and relax. 

❦ Vampire Key [A] 10 years ago
@Angel Sulli Key sighed softly as she placed her head in his lap, her presence soothing to him. He draped one arm across her back and placed the other on her hand, running his fingers through her silky hair. "I'm not going anywhere," he murmured. "Don't worry, I'll stay right here. Just relax and try to rest. If you need anything, just let me know and I will do whatever I can to help you." He continued stroking her hair, hoping to pacify her.
❦ Vampire Key [A] 10 years ago
@Angel Sulli As she began to cry, Key felt cracks forming in his heart, bringing him fresh pain. He cringed as he held her close, running his fingers through her soft hair. The vampire hated hearing the sound of her pain; he didn't know why, but he hated it. He wanted to do something for her, as much as he could. "Come on." His voice was soft in her ear. "Let's go back inside and I'll take care of you." He scooped her into his arms and carried her bridal-style back into the angel's lounge. He gently placed her onto one of the couches and covered her with a soft blanket before sitting down near her feet. With a soft smile, he brushed the hair from her face. "Do you need anything?" he murmured. "Water or anything?"
❦ Vampire Key [A] 10 years ago
@Angel Sulli Everything she said painted a vivid picture in Key's head, making him imagine a terrible monster -a demon as she'd said- tormenting her. He didn't know why, but for some reason he didn't want this sweet angel to deal with that. He wanted to protect her; to make everything better for her again. Gently, he placed one hand onto her shoulder, slowly drawing her closer to him. "I don't know if there's much I can do," he murmured, his voice low and tender. "But I will do whatever I can to help, I promise. I will do whatever I can to make you feel better. I'm here for you." Still hesitant, he pulled her further into his embrace, resting her head against his chest.
❦ Vampire Key [A] 10 years ago
@Angel Sulli As she spoke, her words just made Key even more concerned. He stared at her with wide eyes and moved his hand back to cup her cheek again. She spoke so softly, her voice so quiet, that Key could hardly hear her. But he did, and his heart clenched with worry. "What happened to you?" he murmured. "How did you get hurt? Did someone hurt you? Was it someone here?" The vampire didn't want to overwhelm her with questions, but he felt as if he had to know. He had to help her.
❦ Vampire Key [A] 10 years ago
@Angel Sulli The vampire could sense the angel starting to calm down; he could feel it just through their contact. She was relaxing. She was soothed by him. "I understand," he murmured, smiling gently again. "I'm not going to hurt you. If anything, I only want to help you. An angel as beautiful as you doesn't deserve to cry." His fingers softly swept through her hair, brushing it away from her face. "If you don't mind me asking..." He hesitated for a moment. "Why were you crying?"
❦ Vampire Key [A] 10 years ago
@Angel Sulli Key noticed her trembling body and he quickly shook his head. "No, no, listen..." He scooted closer to her and held up a hand. "Don't be afraid of me. Yes, I am a vampire, but...I'm not going to hurt you." His hand slowly reached toward her, gently cupping her cheek and brushing her tears away with his thumb. Her skin was soft beneath his skin, like the smoothest velvet. He didn't think he'd ever touched such flawless skin. "It's okay," he whispered. "I know you don't know me and I know I seem scary, but...I promise you I won't hurt you." He offered her a small smile as he wiped another tear from her pretty face. "My name is Key," he said. "I'm sorry for startling you like this, but I just wanted to help you." His heart went out to her. From the emotion in her eyes, Key could tell she was traumatized; scarred by something in her past.
❦ Vampire Key [A] 10 years ago
@Angel Sulli The pretty angel was still crying as she fled the lounge through a backdoor that led to the angel's private garden. Key took only one step before hesitating. What was he doing? Should he really follow her? Or should he even go into a place like an angel's garden? The garden would be a holy place, not fit for a vampire. But she had seemed incredibly upset, and Key just couldn't bear to leave her like that. With a deep breath, he crossed the lounge and slipped into the garden beyond, stunned by its absolute beauty. The scent of roses filled his nose and the sound of fountains filled his ears. The moon lit his way as he followed her to a small meadow, where she was curled up in the grass still crying. Key rubbed his neck as he approached her, dropping to his knees beside her. "Hi..." he murmured. "Is everything okay?"
❦ Vampire Key [A] 10 years ago
@Angel Sulli Key was on his way to the kitchen for a midnight drink when he spotted a figure slipping into the angel's lounge, one that he didn't recognize. The shadow was a female, though, and from a distance she seemed beautiful. Key was intrigued. Forgetting his thirst for a moment, he took a detour and followed her, slipping into the lounge as silently as a mouse. He watched her from the shadows, just observing her for the moment. He saw tears on her pretty face, sparkling like diamonds in the light of the moon from outside. Key frowned with concern. Was she okay? Should he help her? Or would he just frighten her?
Vampire Hyunseung 11 years ago
@Angel Donghoon "just a bit, not too much" Hyunseung said, looking over at the Angel as he patted his head
Angel Donghoon 11 years ago
@Vampire Hyunseung Donghon smiled brigthly and nodded. "Oh she is? That's great, then you probably really are used to hang out with my kind." He said softly and patted the vampire's head.
Vampire Hyunseung 11 years ago
''Hm, I guess I can try. My girlfriend's an Angel after all, I think I can get used to hang out with angels'' Hyunseunng said nodding, looking up at Donghoon
Angel Donghoon 11 years ago
@Vampire Hyunseung Donghoon nodded slowly and smiled. "Yeah you are, unless you don't want to be of course." He mumbled quietly and lowered his head, suddenly feeling a bit hurt.
Vampire Hyunseung 11 years ago
@Angel Donghoon Hyunseung laughed softly and shook his head "I don't se the point, everyone knows that your 'innocence' is just looks" he said and rised a brow over at the Angel "am I?" he asked
Angel Donghoon 11 years ago
@Vampire Hyunseung Donghoon hummed in appreciation of the other's words and nodded. "It's true though, lot's of angels aren't really that pure, it's just that we represent the idea of it." He explained with a smile and laughed. "Well you're kinda like my friend too now, aren't you?"
Vampire Hyunseung 11 years ago
"Because I know another angel thqt doesnt look innocent either. At least for me, I dont know about others" Hyunseung said with a chuckle "oh" he mumbled at the mentioning of Hoya
Angel Donghoon 11 years ago
@Vampire Hyunseung Donghoon raised an eyebrow and smiled in amusement. "Well you are the first to tell me that I don't look innocent and Hoya is a friend of mine." He responded with a chuckle.
Vampire Hyunseung 11 years ago
''supposed to, you said it, it doesn't mean that you guys actually do. You don't look not even a bit of innocent'' Hyunseunng explained with a nod ''Hoya?'' he asked rising his brow
Angel Donghoon 11 years ago
@Vampire Hyunseung Donghoon huffed and rolled his eyes. "I never said I was a saint, but angels are supposed to represent innocence, you know?" He reminded the vampire and sat down on the couch grinning. "I get along very well with Hoya, he's really nice."
Angel Donghoon 11 years ago
@Vampire Hyunseung Donghoon huffed and rolled his eyes. "I never said I was a saint, but angels are supposed to represent innocence, you know?" He reminded the vampire and sat down on the couch grinning. "I get along very well with Hoya, he's really nice."
Vampire Hyunseung 11 years ago
''see?'' Hyunseung said with a slight smirk ''then don't try to play innocent, it doesn't suits you. I know angels aren't saints'' he said and winked at him. He looked over to his side and noticed the light of the sun ''yeah, don't worry'' he said
Angel Donghoon 11 years ago
@Vampire Hyunseung Donghoon chuckled and nodded. "Well taking in account most of the expriences I can't disagree." The angel sated and leaned against the wall. "Watch it, you're too near the light." He warned Hyunseung.
Vampire Hyunseung 11 years ago
''no it's not'' Hyunseung said with a soft chuckle ''lust and are nice, great'' he said as he walked to sit again on a couch, careful of not getting too close to the light
Angel Donghoon 11 years ago
@Vampire Hyunseung Donghoon frowned and shook his head. "I know that, but it's still kinda embarrassing to crumble under lust so easily." He stated laughing and shrugged. "But h well that's life."
Vampire Hyunseung 11 years ago
Hyunseung chhuckled and crrossed his arms, mumbling an 'oh God' and rolling his eyes ''come on, anyone in here is a saint and you know it. That's why you're here'' he said, looking over at the angel
Angel Donghoon 11 years ago
@Vampire Hyunseung Donghoon widened his eyes at the vampire's daring statement and pressed his lips into a tight line. "Lust, that's a deadly sin, one I have commited as well." He admitted with a groand and pinched his nose bridge.
Vampire Hyunseung 11 years ago
''yeah, maybe it is, but I'm rather antisocial unless it's about '' Hyunseung said nodding, taking his face a bit away from the poking finger
Angel Donghoon 11 years ago
@Vampire Hyunseung Donghoon tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "Why do you say that? Being with other's is nice." He stated with a confident voice and poked te vampire's cheeks.
Vampire Hyunseung 11 years ago
"Well I dont think the same, actually" Hyunseung replied, chuckling slightly at the cheering of the angels. Where angels this cheerfull all the time?
Angel Donghoon 11 years ago
@Vampire Hyunseung Donghoon blinked a bit surprised at the older's statement, but quickly smiled and nodded. "Oh that's great! Interacting with others if great!" The angel chirped joyfully.
Vampire Hyunseung 11 years ago
"Its ok. I can get used to it" said the vampire with that same gentle smile. He ruffled the other's hair slightly


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Cocopuff [A] 2 years ago
wow it's been 5 years since I logged on here. I miss this place~
LuCaiXi 5 years ago
may i please have donghae as a fallen angel?
KanonAndou 9 years ago
Can I ask for Zelo hybrid (demon-vampire)? Thank you.
brittini 9 years ago
applied as sulli
-minions 9 years ago
Sehun has left due to personal issues
DreamGirl 9 years ago
Applied as Hyuna
Camzsy 9 years ago
Applied as Jessica
NotSoGwiyomi 9 years ago
Applied as Taemin
-rhapsodic 9 years ago
I was wondering if ulzzang Jung MinHee could be added to the masterlist.

Thank you.~
-taeliscious 9 years ago
Applied as MeiXin
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