• baekyeol

baekhyun & chanyeol's
knock before entering. here live baekhyun and chanyeol.
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
He lifts his head attentively, hopefully when he walks into the room, hoping for his alpha to wait for him on the bed, sleeping peacefully. Instead, Chanyeol finds an empty spot next to the side where he sleeps. While Baekhyun was gone for the meeting, he rolled over to his side and slept there, somehow it made him feel protected. He stops and stares at the empty spot, stepping closer amid tears, and each step makes it harder for Chanyeol to hold himself back from crying and shouting for the other. Not because he was mad at him for doing his work, but because he felt lonely even though he still had the pack. He feels sick and exhausted which only lets his stress level rise even more, his head throbbing from the heat climbing up his body from his toes to the top of his head and the boy kneels on the edge of the mattress, supporting himself on his arms in order to crawl over the bed. He finally lets himself fall on Baekhyun's side of the bed, his head falling into the pillow safely and he squirms a bit to get the blanket underneath him out so he could disappear under the white sheets.

He rolls on his side and stares at the wall, eyes only hurting from suppressing the urge to cry now and as he lets the warmness of the blanket crawl under his skin, he shuts his eyes and rubs his cheek against the pillow briefly, and that was the moment when the waterwork his eyes previously held decides to release itself into the sheets; a choked, barely audible sob leaving his throat and he turns his head to bury it in the pillow completely. He clenches his teeth, chest rising uncontrollably as he begs for his one and only purpose to come and show him how to laugh again in silence. The sounds of his own stifled crying are the only thing sounding within the four walls of his room and it feels absolutely cruel to the boy who was still streaming in tears. He just wants him back, suddenly he felt like he couldn't breathe without Baekhyun guiding him to do so anymore. His usually so overconfident, lively nature shattered in that moment. He never had breakdowns like this one before and he tells himself to calm down, everything would be alright, he would come back and be there to soothe his troubled mind by those small nothings that came along with the affection he also craves. Then he asks himself; "When?", and that's where he loses control over his sobbing, crying into the pillows. Chanyeol shifts a bit to wrap his arms around it, and after some time, when he manages to calm down, he focuses on the pillow's scent. There wasn't much of the alpha's smell left on the thin fabric, but he could recognize the irresistible note of his alpha for sure. He drops all the thoughts about his worries and just focuses on feeling Baekhyun close against him by burying his nose into the pillow and inhaling his scent deeply. Soon, the omega feels calmer, and his eyes flutter shut again. His head still hurts from his crying and he sniffles briefly, reddened eyes blinking open again to peek at the side to look out of the window for a brief moment. In the end, everything was okay, but Baekhyun was missing, the boy thinks. Soon after his heavy eyelids fall shut again, he manages to fall asleep. In moments like these he just wants to sleep until his mate would be there to wake him up.
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ His clenched jaws part as he feels fingernails digging into his skin, a squeak sounding from Chanyeol's throat and he throws his head back, hands moving to claw into the sheets and he scoots back a bit, turning his head away to pull some of the pillow to his mouth, sobbing into it between pleased whimpers. "yours", he brings out reflexively as he's being called and tilts his head back, crying and panting heavily against Baekhyun when he catches his lip between his teeth, eyes fluttering shut again. He was overwhelmed. He felt sore, but at the same time, the hormones made him feel like he needed it so bad. His walls clench more around him after some time, he needs to feel him more, and more, and more. It was kind of like an instinct. Chanyeol runs his hands up to meet the skin of Baekhyun's back, and he claws into his mate's back now instead of the sheets. "Baekhyun-ah", he whimpers, his head hitting the wall as he scoots back further.
He doesn't exactly want the other to stop. What really was bothering Chanyeol was that he didn't manage to speak, to talk about how much he wanted the other, how much he loved it, loved him.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Everything just felt so pure and strong, without anything to filter their time together at all. Baekhyun thrived for the feeling. His blunt nails press into his Omega’s tanned skin, head lowering as he kicks into a hard, fast pace. The bed begins to shake, and his eyes darken considerably. This was maddening to him, a feeling he couldn’t seem to get enough of. “Chanyeol...”He sighs out, teeth nipping and tugging at the others bottom lip, seeming to lose a sliver of the control over his rut he’d previously held. “Chanyeol.. mine..”
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ His eyes remain shut as his tongue tangles with Baekhyun's, but it wasn't a fight for dominance since Baekhyun clearly was the one in control, and it would've been against his nature as an omega to do so. His heart races against the other's chest, and Chanyeol releases a silent, almost inaudible whimper at each of the s with a thin, shaky voice, muffled from the kiss, and his jaws clench a bit. The boy emits a louder breath, starting to cry out silently, but with pure pleasure. He wanted more, but he didn't dare to beg yet. His omega senses were kicking hard. He usually spoke his mind regardless of who he was talking to, but this was different. His hand shifts a bit when Baekhyun's palms roam over his body, and his back shivers, subconsciously arching it.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Baekhyun focuses on the body spread before him, his hands pushing up from the hips to slide over his mates sides and chest. He easily moved his own chest down once their lips slotted together, a deeper liplock than earlier. Heat encased his figure as their tongues clash, teeth grazing the others tongue and lip now and then. Baekhyuns hands quickly bury into the sheets, holding tightly as he begins to really make love to his Omega, having adjusted to what it felt like inside of him. He snaps his hips forwards, keeping the s at a calm pace, but quite firm. He wanted to draw more sweet sounds from Chanyeol. They were addicting
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ He inhales shakily and gasps as the other hits a deeper spot, walls only clenching around Baekhyun more and Chanyeol whimpers out delicately, gripping the sheets tightly, and just as expected, he experienced the other's presence as soothing, the action allowing the mated wolves to get to a whole new level of intimacy. Chanyeol himaelf was pretty emotional and sensitive, and he couldn't really suppress the urge to go crazy over the feeling of Baekhyun rolling his hips into him, he felt like his mind was switched off, the only thing he could focus on was the pleasant movements against him, and Chanyeol raises a hand to grab at the other's hair. He stares at Baekhyun for a little longer before he pulls his head down even more to press his lips against the other's needily, emitting a sharp breath through his nostrils, eyes falling shut.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ He growls naturally once he slides so smoothly into his mate, eyes lighting up in excitement. The hand that was used to guide himself slips away, landing on the other side of Chanyeols hips. A soft roll of pleasure trips down his back with the other’s little rolls, his fingers tightening against the Omega’s skin as he braces himself. His eyes land on Chanyeol’s face as he pulls back, giving the first solid with a low huff of air.
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ He smiles at the face that's nuzzling his hand now, the action causing Chanyeol to soften a bit at the small affectionate gesture - he moves his hand a bit to caress the other's cheek briefly, head tilting to the side briefly and his stomach tenses as Baekhyun enters him, a fragile sound slipping past the omega's lips and he grabs the other's hair briefly, tugging his head down a bit in order to be closer to his face, walls clenching around his shaft. It didn't really hurt since he as omega practiced self lubrication, yet there was a small burn that fades into a rather pleasant force against his body. When the movements stop, he rolls his hips briefly, letting a silent whine slip at the friction his movements create.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ He blinks hazily at the outstretched hand, eyes moving along each finger with a curious glint inside their black depths. Baekhyun moves his eyes to meet Chanyeols, managing eye contact even with the other male’s eyes almost closed. He understood completely just from that moment of heart racing eye contact alone, that they felt the same way about impeach other. Although the match had been sudden and jambled— it seemed like a true work of fate. One that Baekhyun would always be indebted for. He bites his bottom lip, leaning forwards and gently placing his face against Chanyeol’s hand, nuzzling him affectionately whilst still not speaking a word. The rut seemed less ruthless around his mate... it was strange. The alpha tightened his grip on his shaft, pressing his hips forwards and into his Omega’s slicked, hot .
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ If there was anything about this whole situation that bothered him, it clearly was how Baekhyun didn't answer him. He was impatient indeed, and he bites his lip a bit harder yet still gently, back arching as he feels the member against him only briefly, and his muscles flex reflexively - yet he wants the alpha so bad, all the waiting only driving him crazy and anxious. His gaze never wanders from the other's face as he looks back at him, inhales deeply, takes a break, and exhales rather shakily from his excitement, furrowing his brows lightly. "Baekhyun... please...", he whimpers again, a hand reaching for the other's face. Of course he couldn't reach it, though. His eyes were halfway shut, peeking at his mate through rather small slits, yet he could see him, and it made him feel comforted to know that Baekhyun was there, but especially that he was the one. He felt safe, and as wild and rough as Baekhyun seemed, he made Chanyeol feel protected and loved with such small things, and Chanyeol never really felt like that about anyone before. Words weren't needed, but Chanyeol was in love with the alpha.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ He made eye contact and it was like everything froze in place. This moment was beautiful to him in every way, how needy and breathless his Omega looked, how he felt beneath him... it was all perfect. Time smoothly went into what felt like double time, his hand sliding down to his own length, preparing already to enter his mate. His free hand lifts from Chanyeols skin to push his bangs from his eyes in annoyance, wanting to be able to see his Omega.
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ The friction that was created when Baekhyun basically tore at his jeans was rather unpleasant, and he squirms a bit underneath him as the fabric rips, a hand slips under the other's shirt, roaming over his stomach and he throws his head back, hands gripping the sheets briefly, fingers fumbling with the soft fabric to calm himself down a little more, a bit embarrassed at his exposed hardened length, whimpering out once again. "More, Baekhyun, more", he finally begs, rolling his hips up, giving the alpha an lmost desperate look. He made him so wild, and he really didn't know if he could last for long.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ The Alpha starts to rip and pull at Chanyeols pants, his fingers literally tearing off the clothing in order to get to the others body. The now ruined jeans disappear in the direction of the floor, his hands doing the exact same to the boxers beneath. “Chanyeol...” Normally it was his job to see to the Omega being prepped or at least producing slick— however since the other was still coming down from his heat, there was plenty of natural lubricant for them today.
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ A silent pant slips past his lips as he's being pressed down further into the mattress, and Chanyeol shuffles a bit, fingers curling around the other's wrist briefly. "More", he whimpers under his breath, knowing he wouldn't be able to handle much more teasing and he moves his own hips up against the other's, duppressing the urge to make more sounds - it would've been embarrassing to him and he didn't want to come off as too needy. Though Baekhyun probably didn't care about that in that moment.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Baekhyun presses the male into the bed, growling into their liplock. His hips grind against his Omega’s carefully, keeping friction and a steady rhythm to create as much pleasure as possible. He was going crazy inside as was already hard, the rut having completely taken over. A low groan slips from between the growls, teeth nipping at Chanyeols bottom lip.
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ When Baekhyun's teeth press more against his neck, Chanyeol parts his lips a bit more, over his suddenly way too dry lips at the eye contact, there were no words needed to express what both of them felt. Instead of starting to cry - what he would've expected himself to do - he smiles at the other, and when their lips connect, his smile only grows and he supports himself on the mattress underneath him, his heartbeat getting faster with each time Baekhyun moves against him, body heating up, and he had no choice but to trust himself into his hands.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Baekhyuns shark teeth press against the skin momentarily, eyes darkening further as his full rut begins to take over his senses. He lifted his chin and met his Omega’s eyes, his own already becoming clouded in lust and need for the other, though they held a lot of love as well. “Chan...” He murmured, leaning up and connecting their lips without any hesistance, his hips rolling up against the others body.
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Chanyeol's muscles flex as he's being pulled closer and he arches his back reflexively - the feeling of him and nipping at his neck made him shuffle forward a bit, senses overwhelmed and small waves of heat were sent through his body and he parts his lips firmly, exhaling almost shakily. "Keep me nice and warm, then...", he mumbles, gulping lightly and tilts his head up a bit, one hand clenching a bit and he lets out a soft sigh as he's trapped in Baekhyun's arms. Not that he'd mind, sitting on him. It was comfortable. And Baekhyun hat him pretty far alreaady.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ The Alpha's stare changed as his Omega goes to close the door. His lashes flutter, gaze narrowing onto the other, and then lowering down to his . He blinks a few times with a soft sigh, raising his eyes again in time to meet Chanyeol's eyes. He shifts in the bed, moving onto his knees the moment Chanyeol was on the bed with him. His arms open, pulling the other closer and burying his face in the taller's neck. "Mmm... so warm, you smell so nice Chanyeol..." His teeth graze the skin there, arms tightening their hold around him as though he were going to disappear again. Baekhyun lifts his head and along the conjuncture between the Omega's jaw and neckline, nipping the skin lightly.
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ He swallows thickly when he listens to Baekhyun's words, pulling his hand back and he gets up to close the door - and he instinctively locks the door - face turning red at the reflex, and he quickly turns the key again to unlock it- but in the end, wasn't it better anyway? The only thing that Chanyeol didn't like about this was the thing about him not knowing how much pain he could handle - he didn't want to embarrass himself just as he gets marked, and he sure as hell didn't want to cry - poor, sensitive boy. He just hoped he wouldn't go all too rough on him; especially since Chanyeol himself chose to join Baekhyun, he wasn't forced to. At least not by his mate. "Mhm", he hums out silently, turning his head back to look at the other. Chanyeol could tell that he had a hard time fighting the urge to just get what he craved so desperately; but he really appreciated the fact that he was so careful with him, it made him feel a lot safer already, and he crawls on the bed again, slowly, watching Baekhyun closely, muscles flexing and his eyes widen a bit - not daring to speak, not even to beg him to be careful, he kind of accepted his fate. He's probably going to have a rough week. And he probably won't walk this week.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Baekhyun smiles up at the wolf, finding the affections calming. He knew what was to come, yet still kept a positive outlook on the situation. He was beginning to feel telltale flashes of heat throughout his body, eyes flicking open to stare at Chanyeols handsome face. “Please close the door... I don’t want others to hear everything, or at least they can pretend they don’t.” Baekhyun forces himself to sit up, eyes beginning to lose their steel focus the more time passed and their scents mingle in the air. “Hurry.”
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Chanyeol stops right before the bed - rather less elegant than he actually wanted to, he tripped and fell, but he got up on his paws again quickly, shaking his fur briefly before he leanshis head on the mattress, nudging the other's hand briefly and his tail wags quickly between his legs; peeking up at Baek8hyun and he nips at his hand affectionately, shifting back to his human form as he jumps on the bed, sitting cross-legged next to the other - and with unexpected calmness and ease he extends his hand to caress Baekhyun's hair, fingers playing with the bright locks slowly, somehow there had to be a way to soothe him - or was he wrong? Baekhyun was there for him when his heat kicked, why shouldn't he be there for him now as well? Plus, he missed him anyway. A lot. It couldn't be so bad... now could it? The aftermath would show. Hopefully it wouldn't show; though. He'll be fine. He knows... hopes.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Baekhyun switched back to his human form and stumbled through the bedroom door. He looks around, heart aching alongside his mind as his mates scent barrages him. It was only a few seconds after he lies down on the bed that Chanyeol surprises him by running in. “...Chanyeol~?”
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ He relaxes under the alpha's touch, allowing himself to trust his body to the other and his cheeks heat up a bit when he feels the tips of Baekhyun's fingers on his waist, and when the calming sounds of his singing reach his ears, he lets his eyes fall shut, still leaning against his mate's chest; his voice and his heartbeat created a perfect harmony in the dozing boy's head, and he smiles unconsciously as he slowly dozes off on the other's chest.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ His fingers begin to softly massage Chanyeols scalp, pressing soothing circles into the skin sweetly. He closed his eyes in focus, humming for a moment while thinking over more ways to help take the others mind off heat. Baekhyuns hand at Chanyeols waist starts drawing against the hot skin there, having skipped beneath the others shirt fabric to do so. It hopefully would apply some relief due to skin on skin contact. While thinking, his lips part and he begins to sing. Baekhyun has a beautiful voice both in Wolf form and Human. He gently begun to sing a lullaby, his tone being one more suitable for soft, slow songs. When he was a wolf his moonsong was known to create a peaceful night.
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Chanyeol experienced the other's caressing as soothing, he felt at peace when the fingers were carding through his locks, peeking at the other through half-lidded eyes. He swallows lightly at his words, a low hum vibrating in his throat. "Just continue", he replies silently then, eyes fluttering shut and he buries his face in his chest, focusing on his scent, his mind getting cloudy from the sweet illusion of being safe and protected, arms tightening a bit around him.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ His lips curve slightly downwards, hands releasing Chanyeols face and returning to their orginal places, around his waist and at his head. The fingers of his second hand slip into his hair, sliding through the locks there gently and thoroughly. His eyes roam the room once as he thinks through what he wants to say, before meeting the reddened Omega’s eyes. He hesitated then, changing his entire pre-meditated words within seconds. “How can I help you Chanyeol? Tell me how... and I will do my best.”
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ A silent huff slips past his lips as Chanyeol listens to the blood pumping through the other male's chest, at least something he could do to soothe his extreme feelings - not that he expected Baekhyun to understand, he wasn't even quite sure what exactly was going on with him, but he noticed that he got sensitive, even more sensitive than he already had been before, so when he feels the other's palms on his cheeks, he falls silent, almost shocked at the other's words, feeling embarrassed about his behavior.
He sighs out softly and shifts a bit, his head still lying in your hold and after a few moments, he attempts to pull away, hesitantly and only briefly, trying to signalize he'd obey.
byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 years ago
@park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ The look he was given by Chanyeol could only be compared to a pup being told they couldn’t play any longer. His disappointment and grief was obvious in his actions as Baekhyuns chest suddenly became a pillow. This must be the effects of the heat showing up. Baekhyuns thoughts only increased towards blaming the heat once his mate began to blubber about being a good boy. He shakes his head, facing Yeol fully and placing both his hands against the others cheeks. “I won’t be going anywhere dear, please relax and let me give you attention.”
park chanyeol ᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ℋ [A] 6 years ago
@byun baekhyun ᵃˡᵖʰᵃ His whimper turns into a rather protesting one when Baekhyun lifts his chin, jaws clenching a bit as he listens to his words, eyes snapping open and he furrows his brows a bit, letting out a soft sigh. "I'm sorry", he mumbles almost incoherently, not daring to look away from the other male, yet he bites his own lip briefly and his eyes flash in a mix of disappointment and feeling guilty, tilting his head up a bit more to nudge the hand that had previously been forcing him to hold eye contact and nuzzle his head into it then, resting it on his chest again. "I'm a good boy", he blubbers into the head alpha's chest, trying hard to resist the urge and he whines out silently, arms wrapped around Baekhyun's waist. "Don't go", he adds then, pressing his nose against his chest briefly to nudge it gently, inhaling the scent deeply once again.


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1de44d247d4541cf545e 5 years ago
i miss dis rp
BigBangtheory 6 years ago
like idek i wanna apply for yifan bc this is the only exo wolf au rp that ik of but yo my comment was ignored last time so are you guys inactive or ?
-secondoption- 6 years ago
i'm so sorry but yifan has got to dip. i feel bad for hogging the chara. thanks for all the memories!
BigBangtheory 6 years ago
Is this still open ??
DoctorKimKai 6 years ago
Kim Jongin for me, maybe?
-crescendo 6 years ago
Could I be Junmyeon, please?
sideeffects [A] 6 years ago
kids we still need a suho and kai thanks
-secondoption- 6 years ago
wu yifan pls
huangzi [A] 6 years ago
kris or tao? hmm.
luminaire 6 years ago
Should I? e n e
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