— rap practice room.



room: rap practice

you'll never be able to rap as well as heechul if you keep picking your nose in front of the mirror.

★ ziyi w. [sh] 6 years ago
/momentarily takes a break to sip from my water bottle whilst the chorus was still playing, naturally continues on practicing once the first note of the verse played/
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ felix l. /giggles softly
I can see that
Actually i'm a fan of GD sunbaenim
/smiles and nods
★ felix l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. Yeah I live twice sunbaenim.
*waves at the camera*
Saranghae Twiiccee!!!
*bows at the camera*
*winces in pain again*
We are doing Big Bang sunbaenims song F X X K It. Whatever that means!
*shrugs and bows*
Saranghae Big Bang subaenim!!!
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ felix l. Yes i am, Felix
/chuckles softly while watching you do the dance
You really know the dance
★ felix l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. Oh then you are performing Likey right?
*breaks out into full dance*
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ felix l. B-but.. you are hurt, Felix
We need to know either it is bad or not
/feels a bit worried of you
Well yes i am. Thank you and you too
★ felix l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. No I can't!
*looks at you and shakes my head violently*
Im supposed to have GD-sunbaenim's part in the song..
*tilts my head away*
Are you performing too? Cause if you are then good luck to you and your team.
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ felix l. Oh i think you need to go to the clinic
Let me bring you there if you okay with that
/looks at you and bows back
Nice to meet you too, Felix
★ felix l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. My ankle just hurts...
I think I twisted it..
*frowns at you*
It is nice to meet you Jennie Kimmie~
*bows at you and slides up to the couch*
I am okay for now, I just don't think I can perform.
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ felix l. /heards that you speak in english and answer it
Oh I'm Jennie Kim, I'm lived in New Zealand before
/looks at yoh and noticed that you are injured
Are you okay? Do you need some help?
★ felix l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. *looks over at you after coming back from hurting my ankle*
Oh uh... hi.. I am uh Felix Lee, from America..
*winces in pain and sits down and goes over my lines*
It is nice to meet you.
*talks in my deep voice and in english*
Where are you from?
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ felix l. /looks around and saw you
Oh there is someone here..
/walks towards you and smiles
Hey there, i'm a new trainee
★ felix l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. *is already in here spitting fire in the booth and stops to relax a bit*
*huffs and puffs and has sweat coming from my hair and it drips down as I am practicing dancing while rapping in this small space to get used to tight space choreography*
Huh.... hmph....
*sits down and drinks a ton of water*
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
Hmmm i should sit here theb
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. Jimin hummed in agreement, a lilting tone, as he regarded the space. He had practiced in smaller places than a real dance studio before, but that was before he had developed his dancing style. His teacher had told him that since his stature was small, his form and actions had to be big. And while Yoongi had been very nice to him up to now, he was sure the man wouldn't appreciate having his expensive equipment knocked over. The younger blinked up at Yoongi as he stood before unfurling from his seated position, smoothing down his shirt. At some point he had shucked off his big jacket, so he draped it over his arm as he followed Yoongi to the door. The elder seemed genuinely nice and caring, even if he masked it behind a gruff and sarcastic exterior. It was kind've quite actually, he was like the tsundere trope. Jimin grinned at Yoongi as he clung to the others arm, looping his arms around it loosely, without question; he had always been rather tactile. "You have to teach well then hyung, you can't try and end lessons early so you can come see me." He teased lightheartedly, laughing.
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. “I’ll go to your practice rooms, so just prepare for that, mhm? This ... Isn’t the ideal place to be dancing in.” No wooden floors, mirrors, sure the sound’s great, but everything else lacks for a dancer. Yoongi stands, slipping off his red jacket and letting it fall onto his seat. “C’mon,” Jimin is quite possibly one of the sweetest beings he’s ever met, he muses to himself as he walks over to the door. He opens it, holding his arm out for Jimin. Such a sweet boy, showing true to the bubblegum color of his hair, and his lovely smile. He wants him to succeed so, so much. To be at the top. He wouldn’t need snything from him, no personal gain to see Park Jimin rise.
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. The younger gives an affronted huff before cracking a little laugh, wrapping his arms around his legs loosely as he regarded Yoongi. "Still not much better but fine. You should take water breaks though. Even I do." He added. Jimin glanced at the clock, had that much time really passed? He shifted slightly, considering. He did want to stay but. "I have to go practice." He admitted reluctantly. "But I can come back after, maybe catch the end of the lesson? Plus I'll have time to show you some dancing if you want."
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. He pauses as Jimin reprimands him, feeling something warm in his chest. His features nearly betray him, a smile anticipated at the corners of his lips. They rise in a slight grin, and he has to look away. “I have real food, trust me. I just consume more starbucks than water.” He shrugs, reaching out to take the bag from Jimin, listening to the distressed crinkle as he pulls it from the other’s grasp. “But .. My class should be starting soon. If you wanna stay, you’re more than welcome to,” He pauses, elbows resting on his knees, “I know you have a lot of potential.”
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. Jimin glanced at the liter than was organized in a system that made it appear as decal, almost like trinkets that were part of the atmosphere of the room. The younger pursed his lips disapprovingly, now it was his turn to take a reproachful tone. "Hyung." He clicked his tongue, picking up the bag to look through it before shaking his head at the other's description of his sleeping habits. "That's no good hyung! You need more sleep than that. And real food instead of energy drinks." He lectured, managing to place his hands at his hips even while sitting, making for a not very intimidating picture.
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. Yoongi relents, letting go of his neck in favor of leaning back in his chair, and folding his hands over his middle. “You see all these starbucks energy shots around here?” He gestures to the recycling bin full of crushed cans, and his bag from the gas station at his feet. “This is my life blood. I take naps at lunch and dinner, and eat while working, and then I sleep for a couple of hours. It works out.” You get used to it, is what he means. He’s never had a proper night of sleep, always interrupted by something, like his subconscious coming to smack him awake and remind him he has to be up in the next two hours.
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. The younger immediately snapped to attention at the sudden sharp tone, ducking his head a little to glance up at Yoongi as he quite literally tried to shake some sense into him, his cheeks flushing slightly at the touch and the vehemence in the others tone. He always waved off praise or compliments with a diffident smile and "i'll work harder," though it seemed Yoongi was intent on convincing him otherwise. Objectively it made sense, he did have to pass auditions to join the competition. But still...well, he would always strive to improve and what his critical eye saw as faults. It was a little nice to have someone fiercely challenge his self-effacing practices, made him a little more inclined to believe that Yoongi meant his words. The younger nodded with a soft noise, rubbing at his cheek. "Mm, I can, if you want. But that sounds like a long time hyung, when do you rest?" he questioned.
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. "Jimin-ah," His tone comes off as harsh as the other practically downgrades himself, completely disregarding his hard work thus far. Yoongi reaches over to clap his hand against the back of the other's neck, gently squeezing, and pulling him back. Like a cat, almost, rattling the other in his chair. "You are no where near lacking if you came to this competition for dance. We don't just let amateurs in here." Unless you're Min Yoongi who's literally bringing an amateur singer, beginner, even, into a composition class and demanding his attention before class hours. But that doesn't count. Nope. Not today. "You still need to show me sometime, so when you're free, stop by. I'm usually in this studio, or in this section, from early, till .. Nine at night? That sounds about right. Minus food times. Then I'm in the lunch room." Cafeteria, whatever. Face in cereal, oatmeal, anything that was easy to eat and quick to make.
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. Jimin hummed lightly at the answer, having forgone actually playing the keys for lightly trailing his fingers along the smooth surface, listening. He wasn't surprised Yoongi had started so young, but he was a little caught off guard that it'd be comparatively recent that he had returned to the instrument. With the way the the elder seemed to understand music at it's base, it had to have been something innate, even if it went unpracticed for a while. Yoongi hadn't mentioned a teacher, so Jimin could only assume that meant the man was self taught.The younger pursed his lips a little in thought as he counted back the years, dimly noting that it had indeed been a long time. Since about...8? At least formally, with lessons 'n stuff." He really had dedicated his life to dance, he marveled to himself. A small part of him cynically chimed in a subsequent 'for what?', but he quickly stamped that down, shaking his head a little before smiling brightly at the older man. "Quite a long time to still be lacking, I know. But I'm practicing everyday to improve. Hopefully people will be able to see that during this competition."
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. Yoongi watches with amusement as Jimin fumbles with the keys, actually enjoying and adoring the way he stutters from note to note. He's trying, though, in his time of rest, he's still practicing and it shows such perseverance in him that Yoongi had lacked once upon a time. If only he'd had that sooner. "Hm?" He takes a second to register the question - where did he learn the piano? He sits back after a moment, spinning in slight crescents as he stares up at the ceiling. "I started when I was really young, but stopped around the age of 9. Got back into it when I was 15, and then from there, I just kept goin', and goin'." Having to endure choir was the worst, but it was something that was essential. "When did you start to dance?"
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. Jimin tried to commit the placement of each note to memory, but it was a bit futile, trying to take in that much information without a formal class in the subject. He did feel like he understood the structure of music a lot more now though. He related it to the way he choreographed moves, the way Yoongi was building melodies. The younger tried to match every pitch given from the scales, succeeding at some, and shaky with others. Through the session they both discovered his vocal range could go rather high, though considering his natural tone of voice that wasn't entirely a surprise. However it was a bit rusty, and his stability wavered the higher he went. After a certain point they called rest, though Jimin still messed around with the keys. He didn't have the pianist fingers that Yoongi did though, so it almost looked like a child's hand trying to play the keyboard. The younger didn't notice though, so he cheerfully went about his stilted 'playing', which was really just pressing of keys in hope of sounding a melody. "Hyung where did you learn to play piano?" he inquired after a discordant note, wrinkling his noise at his own playing capabilities-- or rather lack thereof.
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. “What you’re pressing are f, g, and a flat.” He murmurs, watching as Jimin presses each key. He shifts over, taking his hands and bringing them towards the middle, starting off with ‘C’. “This is the C note, kind of like the middle of everything. You look at most scales? C note in the middle. Try and match your pitch, ok?” Yoongi hums along to the note, because he’s not a great singer, but at least he can hold a key. He continues like this with Jimin for what feels like ages, but only thirty minutes pass at the moment they’re in. He sits back after a while, resting his hands on his belly and merely watching as Jimin’s tiny fingers press to each of the notes. It’s adorable, really. So tiny. He glances at his own hand, long, slender fingers. Hm. The differences in statures that are so similiar.
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. The younger hummed lightly in understanding, nodding slightly to himself. He supposed it made sense, though having visual examples helped to sink the information in. Jimin plopped into a rolling chair, having to scoot forward a bit to gain enough traction to pull the chair closer to the desk. Even though the dancer hadn't considered studying music so extensively, assuming he'd maybe sing 1-2 lines, his natural curiosity made him eager to keep learning until he understood. It helped that the information was interesting enough, and he could apply it to what he knew already from dancing. Letting out an appreciative hum at the expansive keyboard, the younger reached out to press a few keys himself.
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. “Essentially, yeah.” Yoongi shugs, and waves him over, “C’mere, grab a chair and pull it up by me.” He intends to show him chord placements, the keys on the keyboard, the significance of each note. Even if he doesn’t become a singer, a rapper, or anything to do with the pitch of his voice, Yoongi hopes to bring a new light to him. One that brings an understanding and appreciation to the music he dances to, a flow that would come after practice. If not for song, then for dance. He sure as hell doesn’t sing, but it doesn’t stop him from producing songs. He doesn’t tell him this, because he wants him to thrive in the talent of his voice, but it was one hell of a backup plan.
★ jimin p. 6 years ago
@♛ yoongi m. The younger laced his fingers under his chin, resting his head atop his knees as he listened. He nodded at a few points, attempting to follow along with the mini music lecture. It wasn't that Yoongi was a bad teacher, or explained things badly, but for the inexperienced dancer it was a good amount of information to take in at once. It didn't seem explicitly complicated though, so after the visual demonstration Jimin felt like he understood it a bit more. The younger scooted forward on the couch a bit to watch the way Yoongi pressed the keys, cocking his head to the side a little as he listened to the chords the elder was playing. "So I'm supposed to match one of the notes, and that note harmonizes with the rest of the notes being played?" he summarized, drumming his fingers along his thigh lightly.
♛ yoongi m. 6 years ago
@★ jimin p. Yoongi looks up at Jimin’s question, and sits back, legs crossing over one another. “The difference is that scales are a series of one note at a time, going up and down the octaves of the notes. CDEFGAB, and repeated, for a C-scale, that is. There’s major, and minor, but we’ll get into that later. Chords are a group of usually 3-notes together, like the base of a harmony. I’d play the three notes, and you’d have to sound one of them, like a harmony. These are chords.” He leans towards the keyboard, and starts to play a few chords in succession, “See how my fingers are pressing more keys?”


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libras 6 years ago
hi friends! pls put jie, mei, and yerim on hiatus for a couple of weeks. i just need a break from rpr
yxgurt 6 years ago
hello pls reaccept me ily
chikn_nuggs 6 years ago
yongguk has to peace out
yxgurt 6 years ago
actually keep jae reserved might come back in a few days
yxgurt 6 years ago
jaehyun gtg thank you babies for le fun teehee
piixiedust 6 years ago
Please hiatus joohyun as long as possible, thanks
lovette 6 years ago
squeaks ily guys so much but jieun's gotta dip ; ; good luck with the rp! it's truly amazing ♡
melozennie 6 years ago
may i please reserve seo kangjoon?
weekday 6 years ago
do you guys accept internationals?
5HINee 6 years ago
Do you guys want Key or Onew?
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