— vocal practice room.



room: vocal practice

if you keep working on your enunication and pitch, one day you may have a voice as heavenly and healing as heechul's.

☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. Don't said like that
You will get debut, trust me friend
/smiles and pokes your cheek
How about i treat you later?
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. Yea, it's been a while.
If I don't debut in the group on this show...
I'll probably do something else.
*pokes my food*
It's already been a while, and I just don't think I will get a better chance if I don't make it
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. Wow you already training for a long time
/blinks while looking at you
You should be debut!
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. *stops eating to explain myself*
I have really not anything interesting about me.
I've been training for about six years now.
I joined my company when I was around fourteen and had two debut opportunities, but I never got to debut.
But I'm also in college.
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. Yeah that's right, friend
How about you?
Share me something about you
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ joohyun b. After the two ordered and paid for their drinks, they waited for a bit before receiving their beverages. “Sure, I’ll love to.” He again, opened the door and held it for the girl to pass, then sat down on the bench next to the girl.
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. Ah, I see.
At least you’re down no what you want and not their wishes.
*continues to eat*
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. Well they want me to handle their business
/nods softly and looks at you
But i really want to be a business
Then they gave their blesses to let me be what i wanna be
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. *tilts my head*
I'm the only child as well.
And why not?
You did really well on our missions
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. /looks at you and smiles
Well i'm just the only child in my family
Actu ally my parents didn't want me to be a singer
☆ joohyun b. [h] 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. Joo nodded then asked for her own iced coffee, she too preferring it iced then warm in the summer months. Once she paid for hers then received her drink, she pointed to a bench outside. "Shall we enjoy the day a bit more?"
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ joohyun b. Confronted by the strong aroma of coffee, Hwanhee felt warm in the place, bringing the usual homey feeling of sipping coffee or hot chocolate at home. He was almost in a daze when the female had asked him a question, to which he responded a few seconds later. "Since it's a little hot, I would like an Iced Macchiato. And I can pay for myself, you don't have pay for me."
☆ joohyun b. [h] 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. Joo nodded, smiling as she stepped into the cafe, lit softly with warm lights and with the hazy smell of coffee in the air. She sighed; contented by the aroma. "What kind of coffee do you want?" She asked, looking up at the menu as the pair stood before the counter.
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ joohyun b. The male glanced at the female as she talked, humming a soft tune as she spoke. "Yeah, that's what I meant. It's a unique feeling." Hwanhee smiled just a bit, seeing the cafe in the distance, making sure it was the one they were going to. Once he saw the female moving towards the entrance, he followed after her and opened the door to the building.
☆ joohyun b. [h] 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. Joo nodded, hands tucked in her pockets as they walked casually. She glanced around at the cars, at the scene before her and sighed softly. "I do, its just calming, I think. Its like being in a movie, yeah. Like for a minute I feel... Alive of sorts." She chucked softly at her words, spoting the cafe just up ahead of them.
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ joohyun b. Hwanhee looked at the street, enjoying the moment he was in. A few cars passed by as they walked down the sidewalk, which wasn't crowded with people. "You do? I don't really care much for it, but it does have a nice feeling to it. Like your in a movie or something like that?"
☆ joohyun b. [h] 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. Joo smiled seeing him laugh, even more when he agreed to the day. "Great we can break out the good paint and canvases." She chuckled, walking slowly down the puddly street glistening with rain. "Its nice to walk after rain, I love the smell." She sighed contently.
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ joohyun b. He chuckled at the idea of having a paint day, but he couldn't decline. "That would be nice, I think I would enjoy that a lot actually." Hwanhee waited for the female to get her case, the two left the building and went out the building. There were some puddles from the rain that had stopped probably minutes ago. "It is, we can walk and not run in the rain."
☆ joohyun b. [h] 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. "I could show you one day, we could have a painting day." She beamed, securing her guitar away and taking the case up on her back. Tugging her hood up over her hair she led them out of the building and to the street. "Ah, it stopped raining. That's good." She chuckled softly, hiding her hands in her pockets.
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ joohyun b. "No problem." Hwanhee felt the atmosphere getting a little quiet, but the female spoke up again. "Maybe, when I have time one day maybe." Once he heard her asked him to go out for a bit, he smiled and started packing up his guitar. "Of course, I don't mind." He made sure his instrument was secure, and clipped the case shut, standing up and putting the case on his shoulder.
☆ joohyun b. [h] 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. "Thank you, I appreciate it." Joo replied, leaning back in her chair as he moved away too. She sighed softly, wondering what to say now. "Painting isn't too difficult, I'm sure you could do it if you tried." She thought a moment then asked. "Do you want to go get some coffee or tea? I'd like a break from practice."
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ joohyun b. "Yes really, they are really beautiful." Hwanhee looked at the photo again, before looking up at the female, realizing they were a bit closer than he thought. He scooted away just a bit to make sure they weren't too close, or else it would become awkward. "I wish I could paint like you, that would be cool."
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. Same to you.
*smiles before digging into my food, eating in small amounts*
So tell me a bit about yourself, Jen.
Just some background stuff.
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. /eats my salad and looks at you
Oh it's okay
Enjoy your food, friend
☆ joohyun b. [h] 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. Irene smiled, nodding to herself as he smiled at her. She felt him move closer, for a moment she had to remember not to move away, as her rather shy instincts told her to do. She showed her paintings, gaining ahhs of approval, bringing a further look of happiness to her face. "Oh really?" She beamed. "I painted fire lilies that day, they matched the setting. They're beautiful flowers." She added, some of her inner botanist coming through in her words as she pulled her phone back and slid it in her hoodie pocket.
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ joohyun b. Seeing the other's expression made Hwanhee a bit happier, the smile on his growing. "Okay, I'll remember that. Can't wait to see it." He started to move closer to Joohyun once she showed the male photos of her artwork, making "oohs," and "ahs." Her paintings weren't that bad, in fact, they were pretty good. He liked the way they were made. "I really like that one there," pointing at one that was a sunset with plants in it. "It's very aesthetic, and the colors match."
☆ joohyun b. [h] 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. Irene did a small clap of happiness, her eye smile coming through in on her face as it lit up with excitement of a new project. "I will remember that, I'll probably finish it by the end of next week." She made a mental note to buy some more wool on her free day. "Photos? Oh yes, of course." Irene pulled out her phone, scrolling to the pictures in her gallery. "Here, see, these are mine." She showed a few pieces, her favorites that she'd done for herself and for her customers on her online shop.
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ joohyun b. If what she said was true, he might as well obliged to her pleas. "When you make it sound like that, I can't turn it down then. My favorite color is white! So if you could make it that color, that would be nice." Hwanhee bowed simply out of thanks and returned to his normal posture. "You seem like a nature kind of person. Do you have any photos of your artwork, I would love to see some of them."
★ hwanhee l. 6 years ago
@☆ jennie k. No worries
*settles in my chair and prepares to eat my salad*
No, I'm good, want to try any of my food?
☆ jennie k. 6 years ago
@★ hwanhee l. Oh thank you, Hwanhee
/smiles and sits down
Wanna have some?


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libras 6 years ago
hi friends! pls put jie, mei, and yerim on hiatus for a couple of weeks. i just need a break from rpr
yxgurt 6 years ago
hello pls reaccept me ily
chikn_nuggs 6 years ago
yongguk has to peace out
yxgurt 6 years ago
actually keep jae reserved might come back in a few days
yxgurt 6 years ago
jaehyun gtg thank you babies for le fun teehee
piixiedust 6 years ago
Please hiatus joohyun as long as possible, thanks
lovette 6 years ago
squeaks ily guys so much but jieun's gotta dip ; ; good luck with the rp! it's truly amazing ♡
melozennie 6 years ago
may i please reserve seo kangjoon?
weekday 6 years ago
do you guys accept internationals?
5HINee 6 years ago
Do you guys want Key or Onew?
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