
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter [sorry, I was gone for over a week]

"Alright," he said, nodding, "And I'll do that, too. I didn't even know rabbits even ate a special kind of food. Like, where I'm from the rabbits all talk and walk and everything, and they eat crumpets and tea and everything like people can. But, I know rabbits here are different. I figured they ate lettuce and carrots, but I wasn't sure what else. So, I guess what's best to do now is find a...I guess a place that sells stuff for animals?" he asked it like a question, unsure. After all "pet stores" weren't a thing in Wonderland.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son “So we’ll need to head somewhere that sells brushes. We’ll find that!” for a moment she looked at the rabbit and smiled. “Well, obviously rabbit food itself is needed, and it might be best to give him extra for a while. Then some treats could help him, and then some veggies and plants could be good treats to fatten him up!” Irene suggested before thinking again. “I can have a look online later to see if I can find anything else out?”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "i need to buy the fur brush for him," said Xan, "What should I do about feeding him. Is there anything that'll help him gain a little weight? He must've been so hungry living in the wild on his own to be so skinny."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Once Shadow had been seen to, Irene smiled at Xan. “Do you have everything you need or shall we go get some stuff for the lil cutie first?” she asked, tilting her head as she looked at him.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "Yeah," he said, nodding, smiling. Soon, they were called. Xan gave the rabbit to the doctor and paitiently waited to see what'd happen. "I hope he's doing okay." The doctor told him that it'd be benneficial to brush the rabbits hair everyday with a special brush. He also said that Shadow was a bit too skinny and needed to be fed more.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son The words weren’t anything she was expecting but she couldn’t stop a grin spreading across her face. “Sure!” she said almost instantly. ”I mean I’d like that.” she said, staring at him as she spoke. “Maybe we could stop by the cafe too? Get something to drink or eat?’
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "Hey," he asked all of a sudden, " you wanna something after Shadow gets seen? Like, I dunno. We could go to the park or something."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son His thanks to her made her smile more and she looked at him then to the rabbit on his lap. “We’ll get this cute little Shadow seen to, won’t we?” she said, her words directed to the rabbit before she looked back up at Xan. “No need to thank me Xan, I just want to help you.”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter Xan was glad this woman was nice. He went with Irene to the seats. He sat down, leaving Shadow's cage on his lap. He smiled to her. "Thanks, Irene," he said softly.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene couldn’t help but smirk slightly, and as they made their way back into the vets she felt an anger starting to build, until she noticed that it was someone different behind the counter. She pulled Xan to the counter and leant forwards smiling at the new woman. “Excuse me, you do checkups for rabbits don’t you? We have a pet that needs checking over to make sure he’s healthy.” she said calmly, seeing the woman turn her eyes to the rabbit in the cage.
“Of course, there’s a ten minute waitlist so if you’ll just take a seat?” The woman responded, writing something down and then typing something out, before Irene pulled Xan to the seats that littered the perimeter of the room.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter Xan chuckled. "Come on, don't call her a cow," he said, "That's unnecessary. Calling her a , though, that's fine." He grinned. "Okay, let's go." He took Irene's hand and led her inside the vet again.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son As Xan agreed, Irene smiled slightly, and then heard his question about whether he should go back and she nodded. “You should go back in. You don’t even have to talk if you don’t want to, I can do all the talking, you just need to at least be in there. Show that cow that she can’t stop you!” she said with a smile.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter He smiled and nodded. "Okay, three weeks, no more," he agreed. He smiled. "So...should I go back in there or no?" he asked, "I feel too embrrassed now."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene wasn’t expecting him to take her hands, and for a few moments she was just confused. And then she heard his words and looked down to the ground for a bit. Half of her wanted to agree to it, while the other half was scared. “You can’t run from you’re troubles, they’ll just keep catching up to you.” she said calmly, looking back up from the ground to look at him again. “How about this, three weeks and if you still feel the same way we’ll run?”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter Diego felt so oddly comfortable in her arms. He took a step and took her hands in his. 'Hey, you should run with me," he said, being stupid and not listening to what she said. "It'll be great. We could both find a place where we belonged."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son She felt him jerk his arm away, and she made no effort to grab his arm again, instead just listening. Sighing slightly she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around her, attempting to comfort him slightly. “She was one of the lucky few. Everyone else has it hard. I barely moved away to get here and I’ve still not managed to fit in properly.” she sighed, before letting go of him. “If you want to go and get yourself lost, then go ahead. It’s not going to help though,”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter He jerked his arm away. "Nothing," he sighed, "I don't know. It's just...I...well, Alice's did it, why not me?"
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene listened to him and stood, holding his arm as he spoke. “You can’t just look for somewhere you belong! You make it somewhere you belong!” she exhaled loudly for a minute. “Everybody has troubles, everybody starts off not belonging but they make it work until they do belong. What makes you think you get to skip all that work?” she said, her eyes staring at him as her hand still gripped his arm tightly, not letting him go anywhere yet.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter He was surprised when she caught him. "Oh yeah, well maybe that's what I want," he said, "Maybe that's what I've been wanting all along. Ever since I got here, ever since I lived in Wonderland. I just want to find a place where I truly belong, a place that's mine. I want to get lost and find my destiny. Not the one that's lied in front of me."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son “Xan, please just stop for a minute!” she called after him, quickening her pace to try and catch up to him before she broke into a run. When she caught up to him, she grabbed his arm and pulled gently, trying to make him stop. “You’re going to get lost if you keep going like that!”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter He just acted like he couldn't hear her. He quickened his pace and went deeper and deeper into the woods. He was so pissed and upset. He was just so tired of being judged like this.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son As Xan hissed and stormed off, Irene caught a slightly victorious look on the receptionist face, and quiet Irene hissed at the woman herself. “You’re quite a piece of work, aren’t you?” she said before turning to follow Xan, trying to keep up with him. “Xan where are you going?” she asked, a few steps behind him as she dodged fallen branches, patches of flowers, and small animals that darted across the path in front of her.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter But, ti didn't matter that Irene took up for him. He was already too upset to care. He snatched Shadow up and hissed a "Don't even bother." before storming out of the vet's office. He didn't even know where he was going. He was just so mad he started walking randomly...right into the deep dark woods.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene smiled more as Xan chose the name for his rabbit. She had never thought that she’d ever end up helping someone name their rabbit Shadow, but it seemed that there were a lot of things she wouldn’t have expected that were likely to happen now. She followed Xan and smiled at him as he held the door, then watched horrified at the receptionists reaction to Xan. Almost instantly she made her way over to the counter and stood next to Xan, glaring at the receptionist. “Excuse me but this is the place that checks over all of my mothers sheep, isn’t it?” she asked and the woman nodded. “Well then, my mother may have to take her sheep elsewhere unless you apologise to this young man. He has the money after all, and only wants someone to make sure that little Shadow is okay? It’s a bit unfair the way you reacted, don’t you think?” she tilted her head as she leant forwards to the woman, hoping that the woman would just apologise, otherwise she’d have a lot of explaining to do to her mother.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "No, Shadow is perfect," he said, "It's so cool. Come on, Shadow, we're gonna go to the doctor's now to get you a check up." He went in and held the door for her. He went to the front counter and put the cage down. "Hi, I was here to give my rabbit a check up." The lady receptionist looked at him in disgust for his appearance. "Get out of here you punk, we don't need anyone starting trouble!" she yelled. "BUt I was just..." Xan began before she yelled at him again.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son “Glad to hear it.” she smiled, before trying to think of a name that might fit the rabbit. “What about something like Smokey, or Buck? Shadow might work for him but that ones probably a little too cliche too?” she suggested, looking up from the rabbit to Xan and smiling slightly.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "I'm doing good, everything's chill," he said to answer her question. He chuckled. "I think it'd be cute if he had a tough name, even though he's so not a badass. Just not 'crusher' okay, because that's too cliche."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene had spent most of the day so far working on homework, though as the time came she’d managed to pull herself away from the work and managed to slip some shoes on before making her way to the vets in time to see Xan there with his rabbit. “Good, how about you?” she asked before she heard him ask if she wanted to help him name the rabbit and she ducked down to peer into its cage. “Names are hard to choose, though bunny isn’t the best name.” she chuckled slightly, waving at the rabbit. “What sort of name were you wanting for him. Cutesy like him, or something a bit tougher?”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter It was Saturday, and Xan had arrived to the vet's office, which was a little hut that sat right at the edge of the woods. It was an odd place for a vet, but it had good Yelp reviews, so he figured it was okay. He stood there with the bunny in his cage, waiting for Irene to show. "Hey," he said, "How've you been? Oh, by the way, you wanna help me name him? I've been calling him 'bunny' this whole time."
Mark Tuan-Snow white's son-Student principal [A] 6 years ago
@Na Jaemin-Big Bad Wolf's son "Red riding hood? A royal? I forgot you were one sorry" I whispered and smiled. "Can i hide too?".


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TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
brian and xan left
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
May I have another 2 week hiatus for all my charries please?
LILGVCCI 5 years ago
Danielle left.
jibunrock 6 years ago
a&r thomas sangster please
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
And Brian too please? needs a hiatus I mean
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
Can Xan Diego have a Hiatus please my pc is acting up and needs to be fixed
ruotianz 6 years ago
sorry but dinghao’s gonna dip
Von--- 6 years ago
Hades' son is leaving. Sorry about that.
SquiddlyTheImp 6 years ago
Could I possibly reserve Lucky Blue Smith as a second character?
pastel-skies [A] 6 years ago
uh hello, not leaving, just wondering if i could help admin this place!

i'm trying to be more active here, and being an admin somewhere might help! plus, i could advertise and accept people if they chose to come. I really do think this place has a lot of potential!
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