School Cafeteria

[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter [ok]
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son (Sure, I’ll message you about details)
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter [wanna time skip to saturday?]
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene smiled as the boy took her hand, then raised an eyebrow at his name. Xan was an unusual name to say the least, not a name she’d ever really heard before. “Well, nice to finally have the name. Later.” she smiled, picking up her bag and swinging it over her shoulder as she walked away from the table and started heading towards her next class.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter He was surprised to see she was finally formerly introducing herself. Her name was pretty like she was, but he'd never dare to tell her that. He took her hand and shook it. "Xan," he said, "Well, technically Diego, but people back home call me Xan." He smiled. "Later," he said.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son “I was wanting new horror movies, that’s all.” she shrugged as she spoke, then heard him mention that he hadn’t eaten yet. “Some teachers let you eat in class, so that might be worth checking? Anyway, I’d best be off.” she said, standing up before holding her hand out to the boy. “Irene.” she said introducing herself.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "Yeah," he said. He closed his backpack. He looked to her, "Then why were you gonna help me with money earlier?" he asked. He looked at the clock and sighed. "Lunch is almost over, and I haven't even eaten lunch yet."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene nodded slightly as the boy said he was taking the rabbit on Saturday, then she shrugged. “If I’m free then sure, I’m not sure whether my parents are wanting me to do anything or not.” she said calmly, then heard him ask if she was warming up to him and she chuckled. “I just like animals.” she smirked, before glancing around to see how empty to cafeteria had got. “Jeez it’s quiet now.”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter He shook his head. "Nah, I'm taking him this Saturday. You can come if you want, I mean since you like him too and all." He shrugged. "I mean, whatever." He then looked to her. "Are you warming up to me?" He asked, "Kinda seems like you are."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son “Not really, not all movies give you the feelings in your gut. Romance movies are boring, action movies don’t have enough tension. None of them bring out those string emotions.” she shrugged and then smirked at the boy. “I don’t hate anyone. And you shouldn’t have just walked into the girls locker!” she exclaimed, before leaning back slightly, listening to him speak about the rabbit. “Oh that’s good. Have you had him checked over to make sure he’s healthy?”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "That could be all movies, really," said Diego, "All movies have a story." He shrugged. "Why do you wanna help me? DOn't you hate me or whatever? Which I don't even know why you do, unless you're still salty over me seeing you in your workout clothes." He pulled some chips out of his bag and began eating. "He's doing fine, by the way," he said, "THe rabbit. I got him a neat cage and everything."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene shrugged as the boy didn’t really explain what opium was, then smirked again at his response to her comment about people cursing babies. “That’s not my families story though, ours is boring compared to that, and that’s what goes down when you live somewhere that fairies flit around.” she shrugged. She’d heard lots of other families stories which involved fairies and magic and curses though the amount she’d heard was too many to rattle off.
“Oh shame. Horror movies are the best. They make you feel like you’re experiencing something without having to take time away from other things.” she shrugged slightly again.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "Don't worry about it," he said, "It's a drug and it's bad for you. That's all you need to know." Deigo shivered when he heard that. "Oh god, what the hell? That's ed up. We didn't have people like that where I lived. Where the hell are you from?" He shivered again. "I uh...I don't have any," he said, "I'm not like super into them. Mainly just janky comedys."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene wasn’t very knowledgeable about drugs, so when the boy mentioned opium her brow furrowed. “I know what mushrooms are, but what I’d opium?” she asked, then listened to him speaking about wonderland. “We have people that curse babies here. How’d you all escape those kinds of people? And I guess.” she shrugged before hearing him speak again. “Well, I like horror movies but all the shops I can get to have really boring movies, so if you have a good horror movie in there I’ll buy it off you?” she offered.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "Yes, we have mushrooms, and don't you know the story? The caterpilliar that was talking to Alice was smoking opium." He sighed. "No one back home does anything horrible though, so why not? They just laugh and . We don't have thugs or criminals in Wonderland. Probably kills your assumptions that I'm a thug, huh?" He blinked. "Why do you wanna know what I got?"
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son As the boy responded she felt her face drop slightly as she frowned and leaned back, placing her arms on the table. And then something hit her. “Wait they’re legal where you’re from? That’s a culture shock...” she tilted her head as she locked into his backpack and frowned. “You’ve got DVDs? Any horrors?” she asked him, not wanting to rifle through his backpack as she thought that might be rude.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter He arched a brow. "What do you think I got going here?" he asked, "A drug ring operation of some ? Granted, in wonderland drugs are legal and easy to access, but I wouldn't do such a thing." He sighed and held the opened backpack out to her, revealing the contents inside. "See?"
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son “Selling your stuff...” Irene repeated back, smirking slightly. She was almost certain that she’d caught him doing something against the law and she pushed her hands into her pockets as she leant forwards. “What kind of stuff?”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter He sighed and rolled his eyes. "What's it look like, doofus? I'm selling my stuff for quick cash," he said, not understanding that it indeed sounded suspicious.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene grinned as the boy admitted she’d scared him, sticking her tongue out at him slightly. The idea of her managing to scare someone was amusing to say the least. And then he mentioned that he was trying to make some side money and she raised an eyebrow. “Well how are you trying to make some side money?” she asked, tilting her head slightly.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "It was quiet til you came. You had...well, I hate to admit it, you scared me." He sighed. "I'm not up to something. Just trying to make some side money. We all aren't rich, you know?"
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene couldn’t help but smirk more when she saw the boy jump, and it just reinforced the idea in her head that he was up to no good. It didn’t even occur to her that she’d spoken quite suddenly. “You know, jumping when someone talks to you is kinda suspicious, and nothing in particular.” she smirked slightly, taking the seat opposite him. “I saw you up to something and, well, I’m nosy and curious.” she said calmly, almost blankly.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter Diego jumped when he heard her voice. "Don't sneak up on me like that," he said, "And what do you want?" He was already annoyed with her from the last two times prior. "Now, what's your problem with me?"
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene watched and waited, the boys back was to her so she couldn’t see what was going on properly, though eventually the group surrounding him died down. Smirking slightly, she moved over to him and stood next to his table, frowning slightly. “What are you up to now?” she asked, half actually interested, and half just expecting something less than savory.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter Diego just sat there taking money for his stuff and giving the students the stuff they paid for like cds, sets of new earbuds, dvds, and even old shirts of his. He wasn't doing anything wrong nd didn't even think anyone would find him suspicious for this at all.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene noticed the crowd of students gathered around a table and for a moment she was curious and she spent some just watching until she noticed who was in the center, and she glared as she noticed the exchange of money for something, and quickly she pulled out her notebook, scrawling down messy notes as to what was going on. There were too many people there at the moment, and though she couldn’t really see what was she was certain it was something against the schools policy, or possibly even illegal.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter Diego was in the cafeteria, sitting at a table, and a few students were gathered around him. He had needed some money recently, and since getting face tattoos made it hard to get a job, he'd settle for selling old things he didn't need anymore. Kids would hand him money, and he'd pull the things out of his pink MCM leather backpack.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Half of the lunch time had already gone by the time Irene got to the cafeteria and grabbed what was left of the fruit. She’d packed herself the majority of what she would eat, but the fruit from the cafeteria was something she always got herself.
Many had already left and the place wasn’t as loud as it would have been earlier, though there were still a few people there and all the tables still had at least one person at them. Biting her cheek slightly she made her way to a mostly empty table, sitting on the end furthest from the other person.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Youngho Seo-Peter pan's brother Hearing the mans words, Irene chuckled slightly at the words, shaking his hand gently as she looked at him. "I wouldn't say that, I think that everyone has formed their own cliques and they don't like sitting with other people. So, how come you haven't managed to be dragged into a clique yet?" she asked, placing her elbow on the table and supporting her chin with her palm before she tilted her head to look at the man. "Anyway, how are you finding your classes so far? Mine have been kind of boring, so I'm looking forward to having the more practical classes. A cooking class would be good if they have one." she said, smiling as she rambled on.
Youngho Seo-Peter pan's brother [A] 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter Despite the fact that he wanted to make friends, he didn't really have any yet. So of course at lunch time, he made his way to a spot after getting food and sat down. There wasn't really much people at his table but looking around, the cafeteria definitely looked full with their own groups. So when someone came up to him and asked to sit down, he said yes straight away.
Looking out at the hand extended to him, he returns the smile and the handshake to welcome the new person sitting there with him. "Nice to meet you too Irene, I'm Johnny. I thought I was repelling people at first, seemed like no one wanted to sit here but now I'm glad someone has." He let out a soft chuckle as he looks at the new person he has met.


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TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
brian and xan left
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
May I have another 2 week hiatus for all my charries please?
LILGVCCI 5 years ago
Danielle left.
jibunrock 6 years ago
a&r thomas sangster please
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
And Brian too please? needs a hiatus I mean
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
Can Xan Diego have a Hiatus please my pc is acting up and needs to be fixed
ruotianz 6 years ago
sorry but dinghao’s gonna dip
Von--- 6 years ago
Hades' son is leaving. Sorry about that.
SquiddlyTheImp 6 years ago
Could I possibly reserve Lucky Blue Smith as a second character?
pastel-skies [A] 6 years ago
uh hello, not leaving, just wondering if i could help admin this place!

i'm trying to be more active here, and being an admin somewhere might help! plus, i could advertise and accept people if they chose to come. I really do think this place has a lot of potential!
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