School Classroom

Woo Jiho-Ursula's Son 5 years ago
@Zhong Chenle-Thumbelina’s Son (Lol okay.)
Zhong Chenle-Thumbelina’s Son [A] 5 years ago
@Woo Jiho-Ursula's Son (fndksos it's fine;; i'll probably reply a little later - i.e after school)
Woo Jiho-Ursula's Son 5 years ago
@Zhong Chenle-Thumbelina’s Son (sorry I made him kinda mean. T-T)
Woo Jiho-Ursula's Son 5 years ago
@Zhong Chenle-Thumbelina’s Son "You know, you're not the only one that had only recently found out about magic and they put a lot more effort into it." He teased leaning against the wall nearest the other. Tilting his head to a side as he continued, "That's a bold statement for someone who is failling at their own magic to say. IT shouldn't be that hard for you. If you had paid any attention you would've at least gotten a 'C'."

"Your magic is second nature, you just have to feel for it." Jiho had to keep his tongue in check, knowing full well he would say something to the other. He didn't like this royal at all. He already had the stuck up attitude and brains for them, but lacked their talents and efforts. And yet, the little fairy had the nerve to claim he tried. He had seen more effort from the seaweeds in his tank.

"That is the mind of all royals. You don't know how to handle things alone." Giving him a small look of disgust, not liking the 'pity' the other was giving him. He didn't need others' help like royals did, sure he was suppose to have two minions, but he didn't care for it. He liked working alone. Less distractions and less annoyances. "What would you do if the rat decided he didn't want to marry you? Or that he didn't want anything to do with your story?"

Quickly, the sea-witch changed the subject back to the other's failed magic score, not wanting to lose the motivation on that. "Well, maybe you don't need to worry about your score then. If your mother didn't use magic to escape, if memory serves me well, she didn't even learn her magic until after she was returned to the kingdom. You could swing by on that."

"Maybe if you tell the teacher that, you could just be passed from the class without having to bother," giving a small smirk as he said it. Pushing himself off the wall he began heading towards the door, "don't forget to stall the rat before the wedding to give you prince a grander entrance."
[post deleted by owner]
Zhong Chenle-Thumbelina’s Son [A] 5 years ago
@Woo Jiho-Ursula's Son (oof i forgot to tag you;;)
Zhong Chenle-Thumbelina’s Son [A] 5 years ago
"Hey! I studied. Or atleast I tried to study." He says, muttering the last parts. His studying quickly turned to admiring the colours of his pencil case or doddling on excess sheets of paper, basically anything but academic self-improvement.

"A lot, really. I didn't even know magic existed 'till my first day here. Plus teachers tend to fly past what they think the basics are and that makes it hard to keep up with anything." He complains with a huff.

"And it's not very nice to say that about all royals! Some of us have to try really hard, maybe even harder than some rebels!" Chenle defends, not even realizing he had refered to the royals as 'us'.

"Is magic really that big of a deal? I mean, my story doesn't have me using too much of it. I just get tossed from one unlikely situation to the next." He admits, though he doubts the other really cares.

"It must be terrible to have to rely on no one but yourself," Chenle murmurs, slightly pitying the rebel who had just insulted him and other royals. Thanks to his gullible nature, Chenle didn't believe that the other had just been exagerating.

"I'm not -" He says, about to deny the claims of being a damsel-in-distress, but he couldn't. He was literally in a class for it. "Well sorta, I guess. But I kinda need help now, and my prince doesn't come save me 'til I almost marry a rat."
Woo Jiho-Ursula's Son 5 years ago
@Zhong Chenle-Thumbelina’s Son Humming softly in disbelief, not sure if he would even consider that the grade of someone that took notes. Leaning against a nearby desk he continued to tease the other, "well, then maybe you didn't study very well. Studying hard actually makes you forget things."

"What's not to get?" He folded his arms across his chest, a small shrug coming from him as he pretended to think. "You know all of that his basic and most royals don't bother learning, any how. Most that I know, rely on their destiny to work everything out for them. It's not like they won't have advisors doing all of that for them anyhow."

"But," he smirked a bit as he thought about how he could lure the other into a bargain, "this is your magic is it not? Something you may actually use. Not for much, of course, other then a few festivals to show off. Magic is a big deal."

Pushing himself off of the desk before slowly pacing around the room. Making it seem like a much larger deal than it possibly was, "I mean, I do have to rely on my own magic. It's not like I will have anyone around to defend me. I'm not the damsel in distress."

"But you are," he pointed out to the shorter male. Jiho gave a shrug and sarcastic smile, "maybe you really don't really need it. You can always rely on whom ever it is that's supposed to save you."
Zhong Chenle-Thumbelina’s Son [A] 6 years ago
@Woo Jiho-Ursula's Son Chenle could only huff to himself. None of this was making any sense to him. He's never seen anything back in his regular school. There they taught math, here they teach damsel-in-distress 101 or whatever that blasted class was called - and Chenle didn't appreciate he was one of the few boys attending the class either. Plus the whole destined to be the next Thumbelina thing was giving him a lot to think about. New school, new subjects and the fact that was his destiny was already written - literally - was too much for the ususally chipper boy. He finds himself pouting and, gentely, slamming his chin down to his desk. It was times like these he wished he was back to his old prep school, and that was something he never thought he would say.

He hated looking at the big, almost mockingly red letter written on top of his recently returned paper. Sure he didn't get the best marks at his old school, but this was the first time he's ever completely failed a test. As tears almost threatened to fall from his eyes, he quickly shook his head and began chanting a few of his favourite things. It always worked. Once he begins chanting something about cute puppies, he notices that someone else had entered the room.

Looking up to see the other - who he had assumed to be a rebel, judging by the choice of fashion and the tone of his speech. "I took notes, believe me," Chenle mutters with a borderline pathetic pout, taking a thin stack of neatly couler-coded notes from his bag. He liked the aesthtic of the notes, not the actual studying of the matter on them. "It's that I just don't get any of this stuff. Ehy can't we do math like in normal school!" He whines.
Woo Jiho-Ursula's Son 6 years ago
@Zhong Chenle-Thumbelina’s Son Jiho sighed heavily as he wondered the halls, glad to be done with classes for the day. It didn't mind studying, he just didn't want to be around some many people that assumed he would fall in line with destiny. He didn't mind his powers, he just didn't like having to be made out as the bad person when they couldn't follow through with the deal they wanted to make. It was irritating really. Acting as though it was his fault they couldn't complete a simple task; he'd make them almost impossible to fail and yet there they were now sitting in a fish tank in his room. It was ridicules, really. Sometimes he felt like he was being punished for it, since he had to take care of them afterwards.

Frowning to himself as he passed an open classroom; glancing inside he noticed someone still inside. Curiosity getting the better of him as he he decided to investigate. Taking a quick note that the other seemed visibly upset as he approached him.

"Is something the matter?" He asked peeking over the shorter male's shoulder and at the paper in his hands. Holding in his amusement at the red letter on the top of the page. Tsking a bit before continuing, "well, I see your problem now. What happened, did you forget to take notes? Or were you too busy fantasizing about your future?"
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter He rolled his eyes and stood up. "I don't need your crap," he said, and stormed off and went home.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son Irene rolled her eyes again, thinking of what to say. “Nobody know anything about anyone really, and besides I didn’t have to insult you, you didn’t have to walk into the girls locker room. It’s pretty even now.” she said, putting the pieces of trash that she’d gathered into the can. “Just keep the volume down will you. People stay behind after school because it’s quiet.”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "I don't care what you're trying to do," said Diego, throwing the trash away, "You didn't need to insult me earlier, you know. Speaking of what you do know, I'll tell you what you don't know. You don't know anything about me. Not at all."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son At the sound of crashing and clattering, Irene exhaled loudly, standing up and causing the chair to squeak along the floor before she made her way into the hallway and stood with her arms crossed as she leant against the wall. “Could you please keep the noise down! Some of us are trying to focus!” she snapped, before walking over to gingerly help pick up the trash
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter Diego had been so pissed that he kicked over a trash can in frustration in the hallway. It made a really loud sound, and knowing that if that girl came around and saw it, it'd only prove her messed up point. He sighed and put the can back upright and knelt and began gathering the trash off the floor.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son At the boys outburst Irene looked up again, frowning at him before looking back down. At his last few words she shrugged and mumbled to herself after he’d gone. “Only upset because it’s true.” she thought, putting her pen to paper as she tried to complete her homework.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter "I'm none of those things," he said, "You think I am because of how I look? Piss off." He began walking out and then stopped. "Sorry if we can't all be pretty and perfect like you," he spat, before storming off and leaving.
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son At the tone of his voice Irene looked up, tilting her head, tutting slightly. “You know, troublemakers and the like. Agitators, provocateurs. The type of person that a lot of us are warned about since we were young.” she said, her voice monotone before she looked back down at her work, picking up her pen. “Now if you don’t mind, I have a lot of homework to get on with and it won’t do itself.”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter That was it. That pushed it. He froze. "What the hell does that mean?" he spoke through gritted teeth, "What do you mean my kind?"
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son She rolled her eyes at the boy, glaring at him as he grabbed the jacket from the chair before opening to speak, not really thinking of what she was saying. “Who knows what your kind get up to.” she mumbled, before looking back down at her work.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter He blinked, shocked. "Huh?" he asked, "I didn't sneak in. I walked in normally. And I came here for something." He went to his chair and grabbed his jacket. "This, as a matter of fact," he said. "What did you think I was going to do?"
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son She glared at the boy as he spoke, before clasping her hands on the desk and leaning forwards slightly. “What’s wrong, missed out on the prime time to sneak into the classrooms while nobody is there anymore?” she said, a hint of annoyance in her voice. “God knows what you get up to!”
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter Diego had just innocently re-entered the class room to get his jacket, and of course, the girl from the other day was there. He grumbled. "Hello, Princess," he said in an annoyed tone, "Nice to see you, too."
Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter 6 years ago
@Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son As the bell rang, Irene didn’t prepare to leave for the day. She had too much homework for that, and the teacher had agreed to let her stay behind in the classroom to catch up. So she sat in the room, pulling her books out of her bag along with her notepad and pens, before she exhaled loudly. As she was about to start she heard somebody come in and she looked up and frowned.
“Oh lord! Not you again!” she exclaimed loudly, eyes cautiously watching the boy to make sure he wasn’t going to try anything.
[H] Xan Diego-Mad Hatters Son 6 years ago
@Irene-The Dirty Shepherdess's daughter Class was so boring that Diego had fallen asleep. Soon, the bell rang, though, and he awoke with a start, nearly jumping out of his seat and his skin. He got up and grabbed his school bag and left. After stopping by his locker, he began walking down the hall, ready to go away from this place. Then he remembered something. Oh , his Jacket! He left it. He quickly turned around and headed back to the classroom.
[post deleted by owner]


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TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
brian and xan left
TokidokiHelloKitty 5 years ago
May I have another 2 week hiatus for all my charries please?
LILGVCCI 5 years ago
Danielle left.
jibunrock 6 years ago
a&r thomas sangster please
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
And Brian too please? needs a hiatus I mean
TokidokiHelloKitty 6 years ago
Can Xan Diego have a Hiatus please my pc is acting up and needs to be fixed
ruotianz 6 years ago
sorry but dinghao’s gonna dip
Von--- 6 years ago
Hades' son is leaving. Sorry about that.
SquiddlyTheImp 6 years ago
Could I possibly reserve Lucky Blue Smith as a second character?
pastel-skies [A] 6 years ago
uh hello, not leaving, just wondering if i could help admin this place!

i'm trying to be more active here, and being an admin somewhere might help! plus, i could advertise and accept people if they chose to come. I really do think this place has a lot of potential!
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