amanda's apartment

amanda's apartment。
knock before entering。
(h) amanda alice 6 years ago
@frank iero With a soft smile upon my face, noticing your glance over my inferior I can't help but smile at how lucky I was to have reunited with someone so fun again. Taking an apron from the cupboard I loop the strap over my neck and begin to tie the black and purple bat print apron around my waist before revealing another for you to wear. I hope this isn't too girly for you, Darling. I chuckle softly, offering the black and red apron. I suppose you wouldn't have had much time to bake, given your profession. Smiles brightly at the enthusiasm in your voice, pulling an equally as bright smile to my own lips as I take the mixing bowl and dry goods from the cupboards above me, standing up on my toes to reach them. Should we make the classic sugar cookies or shall we experiment with the coco powder?
frank iero [A] 6 years ago
@amanda alice takes a blithe stroll to your apartment and for the whole duration of the trip do our joined hands not separate from their secure lace made from each others fingers until after i'm lead into the building and brought towards the kitchenette where I pause to study the interior; finding the choice of color pleasing to my eye as it displays a light and positive feeling within, stops my mind from drifting however once my ears perk up on your voice and I bring my attention back over to you, blinking a few times at your question. Hmm? I might've baked once or twice, but considering how I don't do it often makes it tough to remember. Though I know i'm in for some wholesome fun once we start. rubs my palms together, wearing a smile hinted with anticipation.
(h) amanda alice 6 years ago
@frank iero Smiles gently as I pull back, tucking my hair behind my ear as I take your hand, lacing my black manicured fingers with yours to lead back to my apartment. Pushing open the glossy black door, I lead you inside, setting my keys on the table before heading to the kitchenette painted a purple hue with silvery appliances.
Have you ever baked before, love? I have another apron in the cupboard. Hehe


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vanillachaii [A] 5 years ago
ilostmynametag 5 years ago
ilostmynametag 5 years ago
Also I am new to doing so please take it easy on me <3
ilostmynametag 5 years ago
A&R Kim taehyung
DemonEater 5 years ago
hmm who to be?
_Euphoria 5 years ago
Can I cc emma watson to taylor selfridge?
kakorrhaphiophobia 6 years ago
Seo eunkwang please
glizzy_mcguire 6 years ago
You already know who I'm back for
xicewolf 6 years ago
So uh hey guys ^^"
Long time no see-ish
Can one of you guys add and reserve Mary Cake for me please?
piixiedust 6 years ago
Dropping dove and taylor
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