ooc room

ooc room
you can talk about problems but please don’t create ooc drama and please be nice to everyone.
Rose 6 years ago
Rose 6 years ago
whats wrong jungwoo?
o n o
Dohwan 6 years ago
imma just poof o k. A y
Dohwan 6 years ago
“I hate people like you the most.”
Well. Sorry. I guess. I as well, hate people like me.
Mingyu 6 years ago
Well, I don't think you are useless, for example, you created the character Rose who actually stopped me from quitting rpr. I'm kind of thankful for that because I've learned that I just need to find the right people.

And then maybe make some online friends you can talk to? I made a friend who lives all the way in france about 3 years ago and we are as thick as thieves when it comes to secrets. I tell her all of mine and she tells me hers too and I know those secrets aren't going anywhere, even in a fight.
Rose 6 years ago
Whats the right mindset?

I used to trust someone
But now im doubting the person
Mingyu 6 years ago
I know, Rose. That's what happened to me. It still happens. Heck, it happpened from the moment I was discharged from the hospital. But Rose, You really aren't useless. No one is. Nothing is. Everything is useful, you just gotta have the right mindset.

You just need that one thing to relieve your stress or that one person to talk to, one person you can trust
Rose 6 years ago
Its hard to breathe at times cause you know no one believed me. I told my family about it how i felt stressed, the breakdowns, the constant feeling that im always useless eats me daily. Guess what they dont believe me.

I dont trust my friends either. I can only show fake smiling and fake happiness as of late
Shuhua 6 years ago
Mingyu3:46:19 PMReply
Rose, as a person who 2 weeks ago came out of the hospital for one of those things you are suggesting, all I can say is that path leads to regret. Don't do it. At the hospital, you'll feel so empty and you'll have to lay still for hours because of a needle in your arm. The doctors will tiptoe around you and not mention what happened but emply it to make sure no one else knows.. Honestly, Rose. Don't do anything like that. The feeling of rockbottom is the worst feeling ever. I was thankful to this rp and the people in it cause you guys helped me feel happy again and it's the first time I felt so happy. You just need to find the right people, Rose

I've felt this too.. Rping has been a big part of me. And this has helped me a lot these days. Babygirl, mingyu is righ. You just need the right people. I know it's hard but, there's always the cloud's silver linings.
Mingyu 6 years ago
Rose, as a person who 2 weeks ago came out of the hospital for one of those things you are suggesting, all I can say is that path leads to regret. Don't do it. At the hospital, you'll feel so empty and you'll have to lay still for hours because of a needle in your arm. The doctors will tiptoe around you and not mention what happened but emply it to make sure no one else knows.. Honestly, Rose. Don't do anything like that. The feeling of rockbottom is the worst feeling ever. I was thankful to this rp and the people in it cause you guys helped me feel happy again and it's the first time I felt so happy. You just need to find the right people, Rose
Rose 6 years ago
Im tired of the fact that i cant live my life as happy as i was.. in the past
All i want to be now is carefree but i cant
Im numb and dead on the inside already..
Shuhua 6 years ago
you're an amazing person okay
Shuhua 6 years ago
roje i-
Rose 6 years ago
Im tired.. im tired..
Shuhua 6 years ago
Rose 6 years ago
To stop breathing.. yeah i guess thats how i should be.. to stop breathing.. nothing makes me happy anymore..
Rose 6 years ago
/ish squeezed protectively/
i just felt really upset from like 1 plus in the afternoon til now..
/sighs softly/
Jungkook 6 years ago
they don't deserve it....
/squeezes you protectively
nobody should do that to their girlfriend. that's terrible. like yeah friends are important and great to have but when you do like that--
/resists urge to cuss them out rip
Rose 6 years ago
/huggles kookie/
Just a meany person who apparently hold the title of being my boyfriend T.T
Joy 6 years ago
nevermind I git everyone's walls
unless those who seemed to detailed rp seriously ;; was afraid to drop one liner
Jungkook 6 years ago
/cracks knuckles
aight rosie. who's can i kick because that's not cool.
Joy 6 years ago
who wants to talk hit my wall please
Rose 6 years ago
f this really. you had a choice...you decided to go spend it with your friends, when your girlfriend asked you out first, few weeks earlier, to f-ing book you on that day to spend time with you. your response to her? "I'll let you know again on 30th may." But your friend just ask you out today, f-ing 30th may, about that same day i 'booked' you, and you agree to them immediately? Dont f-ing tell me its' due to interviews so you dont have a choice. You f-ing have it! Do you want me to slit my wrist or overdose, and when i ask you why, do you want me to say i don't have a choice? you can't expect me to always be the one accomodating to your schedules. You don't even accomodate to mine and whenever i asked you to come down to my area to try out the food and it's only a few f-ing train stops away, you always tell me it's far for you. You don't even see me complaining about me having to travel to the area you're at every f-ing single time we meet up. And you don't even need to transfer trains to meet me while i need to, but you don't see me complaining, do you?

I thought you're better than that.. i guess i was wrong. I've had enough of this life. Let me just be gone. Should never have existed in this world. Not a f-ing way at all.
Rose 6 years ago
i should just disappear for good in everyone's lives.
Rose 6 years ago
why bother..
Rose 6 years ago
it just shows who you really prioritise
Rose 6 years ago
just to help them
Rose 6 years ago
but it hurts seeing how you can break your promise to me
Rose 6 years ago
i know you know them longer than me
Rose 6 years ago
your friends matter more than me..


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e77a4cdcc9a067ac4de7 5 years ago
Lemkie grab xu minghao
8e479f664a53f1f78864 5 years ago
im crying can i have my character back idk what happened
2fe5ede837b2e51c94a2 5 years ago
yooj dipped
mortala 5 years ago
can i snag V since he’s inactive
[comment deleted by owner]
ilikewaffles 5 years ago
can I drop dino?
Nekoma01 5 years ago
applied as wonwoo
Nekoma01 5 years ago
Can i pls have wonwoo
[comment deleted by owner]
error403 5 years ago
haechan dipped
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