DWMA Brochure!

So what exactly do we need here at the dwma? we make death scythes, of course. but what is a death scythe?

death scythes are demon weapons who have consumed 99 evil human souls and one witch souls, thereby unlocking their full power to be used against the forces of darkness!

well, then what's a demon weapon?

i'm glad you asked!Β  a demon weapon is a person who has the ability to take on the form of a traditional weapon or, rarely other objects to fight with. the form of the weapon a person takes is deep within their soul and newer demon weapons sometimes find it difficult to reach full transformation if they are out of sync with either themselves or their wielders, meisters.

so uh, if the demon weapons can do all that then what does anyone need a meister for?

meisters are skilled humans with great combat abilities that help and guide demon weapons to unlocking their full potential. the partnership between meister and demon weapon allows the two to combine their energies and become nearly unstoppable in battle. that is, of course, of the two can work together in harmony.

if a weapon needs a meister and vice-versa, how are the pairs decided upon?

well, there are a number of ways in which weapon and meister pairs can happen. weapons and meisters can meet each other and choose to pair up by submitting their names together to the staff. if they can't meet naturally then the staff pair them together using a questionnaire filled out by both weapons and meisters coupled with personal observations; using their experience to gauge who they think would make a good team. staff pairings last for one mission and are announced every monday, giving the pairs enough time to find and get to know one another.

how do the missions work and what is the point to doing them?

Missions will be assigned to weapon and meister pairs on a bi-weekly schedule. on the second and forth friday of every month, the pairs can check the mission board for their assignment which will detail the pair, the location, and the enemy they will need to defeat. each mission will last for two weeks unless the pair inform the staff that they need an extension. once the mission is complete, they need to call the dwma ((tag the admins)) and inform them of the status. for each completed mission, the weapon and meister are that much closer to creating death scythes and graduation. victories will be announced in the newsletter so that other students and staff can congratulate the successful pairs.

are the missions difficult?

at first, no. most missions will only have one decently powerful enemy and several minions for the pairing to take on unless the pairing requests something more advanced from the headmaster. of course they will take the team's accomplishments into consideration when doling out the more difficult missions to those who request them. the requests must be made to the headmaster the wednesday before the missions are given out. once a pair has 99 evil souls, they may then request to go on a mission for a witch's soul to complete their death scythe ((a pair may essentially purchase the right to more difficult missions. normal missions only reward one evil soul so to get more souls each partner will need to pay an extra hundred points per soul. meaning that each mission worth two souls requires both partners to pay 200 points each up to a total of five souls or 500 points each per mission. witches souls are 750 points from each member of the pair.))


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159e4ee1b4d2f9fcf913 5 years ago
Finally get to apply for Shannon ;;
Can I ask for a kind favor from one of the admins? ;;
BubblegumWitch 5 years ago
Lily Macapinlac please. Sorry I didn't apply earlier something popped up.
3f0fc5fa22ec127b22bc 5 years ago
Could I get Jennie?
ascend 5 years ago
can i reserve two people? :’)
SHInfinite_93 5 years ago
Is Jungkook from BTS available??
oceani 5 years ago
my wonpili :c
PureWildness 5 years ago
hi, I reserved meixin.. could she be added, thanks..
katsuki 5 years ago
baby-groot 5 years ago
Kim Dongyoung please
BambiiBlossoms 5 years ago
rolls in here
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