The Wild Boar Inn

"Need a place to stay while traveling? Sleep, Refresh or just enjoy some pleasurable company; come to have a stay at the Inn,"


Manager/Owner -  Joy

Maid- ♅ Felix ¥




♆ Joy 1 year ago
@† Sun Soons ¥✔ Joy knew this was his intention all along, she let her lips made in contact into his before her hands removed his cloak. Feeling his cold lips trailed from her lips to her ear, then to her collarbone. She moved her head up a bit for him to access more to her skin, slowly her hands the went to his both shoulders, moving much much more closer. She lets out a soft and quiet moan as she let him enjoy touching her skin.
† Sun Soons ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Joy His head tilts with grave curiosity, silently observing your action. The vampire nobleman's quiet expression seamlessly says, 'Touch all you'd like.' Sun was unsure who moved first or if it was both simultaneously, but the next thing he knew, he found himself angling his head toward you. His lips met yours. It was soft at first, controlled with every intent of bringing you desirable pleasure. Aware of the complicated position and the predicated responsibilities each of us serves, Sun disregards all the divides them at that moment. He liked the scary scale they balanced on, to be honest, and refused to allow fear to obscure his blessings of romantic pleasure. His hand reaches behind you, palming the small of your back to push you against the wall. His large form presses into you, trailing light kisses along your neck. Full tempting lips start below your earlobe and travel down to your collarbone.
♆ Joy 1 year ago
@† Sun Soons ¥✔ Looking at the vampire, her upsetting feeling quickly died down as the vampire still has that lustful gaze on her despite being refused at her proposal. She sniffed the scent of his perfume and she already knew what he had been using, Joy has collections of perfumes hidden inside her personal treasury. "Just say it already, as if I know all about your kind." She responded with a growing smirk on her face, her hand them slowly went to his cloak. "You know, my brother, Lust. He told me, that to attract a man is to make sure your eyes locked into the others," She gazes at his eyes before her other hand slowly slides under his cloak, "Gently touch the chest and..." Then she leaned closer to his face, "Inching closer to his face." she smirked. "Wouldn't you agree, Sun?"
† Sun Soons ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Joy Sun didn't miss the downcasted expression surfacing on your face, but he was far too polite to comment on it. He watches you prep the beverage for him; his visage softens when the proposition is no longer further imposed. The smell of fresh plasma filters his senses. The fresh aromas of spiced oak, flesh, and one unidentifiable fragrance tickle his senses that vampire he could only describe as a sweetness. He approaches you, his step methodically, all the while maintaining eye contact with you. "I thank you for your hospitality, princess." The vampire swipes a look to the glass you offer, then back to your neck, collarbone, and . His lips twist in amusement upon returning his attention to you. "Although my life is not yours to give," He began towards you, his eyes on you every step of the way. He only stopped when he found himself an inch away from you. Close enough that you could inhale the alluring scent of his cologne. "I suppose I'm compromising, diplomatic man." He murmured, reaching up and stroking your hair. A sheen of seduction holding in his stare. "Tell me, princess, do you know how vampires express intimacy?"
♆ Joy 1 year ago
@† Sun Soons ¥✔ Her lips slowly frowned at the other's response, "What a shame." Joy's eyes became an utter disappointment before she turned away from him. "Noblemen like you are hard to tempt." She muttered before walking to the marbled round table, she gets an empty glass before cutting her wrist, her blood poured on the glass, filling it up as it levels the content of a normal blood wine. "Maybe I was too hasty to jump to conclusion." She told him before her cut slowly healed and showed him the blood she offered, Sooyoung's body had never been touched ever since Joy inhabit her body, abd she did offer the vampire her blood. "Here, the blood I offered as promised." She told before adding, "There's no other intention about drinking it, since you denied the deal, and I offered you this." With a bluntness of her tone as she is very upset by the vampire's 'honorable' refusal.
† Sun Soons ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Joy "Mmmh, pity." He slowly removes his lips from your ear and then straightens his posture. The proposal from the demon came as no surprise to the vampire. It was a demon, after all. Their nature is deceitful and self-serving, for demons will have 100 motives for their actions, and only 5% of them are benevolent. His footsteps creak on the floorboards as he stands before you once more. His gaze is darker, but his expression remains diplomatic. "You will be grieved to know the terms of your manifesto are not only bleak and, to be rather frank, 100% unrealistically in vain." He places his hands behind his back, assuming a politician's demeanor with an underlying layer of something unidentifiable sinister. "For there are three primary reasons the terms of that contract would only end in disappointment and void before completion. One," He held up his hand, showcasing one finger. "I am legally and morally obligated to my Master Prince Hendrix. Two," He continues as he lifts another finger. "My loyalty will forever preside with my people in my homeland Lioncourt De Sovereign. My duty and my allegiance is, first and foremost, to forever and always serve my country. And finally," Sun takes another bold step forward, looking down at the demon princess with an unwavering steel blood-red poignant stare. "My heart, my life, and love are to whoever I determine is worthy of it, as I am a polygamous man. I belong to no one princess but myself. I'm sorry, but I must disincline your request."
♆ Joy 1 year ago
@† Sun Soons ¥✔ Looking at his erse gaze, Joy knows what he wanted. Her. His hand slowly touching her neck as he whispered into her ear, he asked those words which made the princess of hell grinned at him. "An unbreakable deal," To Joy, everything around her always comes with a contract, "You will be mine, alone. In return, I can offer you my blood. An insatiable, demon blood, more precious than any blood you drank for centuries." She offered. Then her hand slowly touched his cold cheek as her thumb grazes to his lips. "Demon blood is more tastier than blood, is it not?" Then she bites her own lip to make a small wound with a little of her blood in it.
† Sun Soons ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Joy He steps through the portal, taking in all the room offers. The vampire's attention snagged back to the primary source of his interest. The pulsating throbbing pump of blood flowing through your vein whisper in his ear while his eyes drink in all the cleavage you had to offer. Sun doesn't even try to hide his lecherous gaze admiring the soft porcelain skin of the top of your . Respectful, prohibition steels in his gaze as he cracks a smile. This smile was far less human than his eyes, as if something primal inside him was exercising extraordinary discipline. "Really? All for me?" The vampire slowly stalks around you, enjoying stretching out the game of coy cat and eager mouse. A hand glides against your neck, and lips rasp near your ear. "And to what does a nobleman like me owe you this great honor, princess?"
♆ Joy 1 year ago
@† Sun Soons ¥✔ Joy smirked at his response before beckoning him, "Come, I'll show you where the dinner is." Then she turned to look at the staff in charge for the night and gave him a reassuring look as he have to make sure no one would disturb her. Then she starts walking upstairs, expecting the other to follow. "I started to read the books you borrowed for me, it is quite interesting."

Joy then stops in front of an empty wall before looking back at the vampire, she holds his cold hand before walking through the wall with him. Only Joy and Sooyoung can access their room, sooyoung is very protective and secretive when it comes to her personal belongings, consists of jewelries, ancient artifacts and money. Sun is the only person whom the demon of Greed had let in, "Welcome to my room." She told before she snaps her finger, the candles its flames to illuminate the red velvety walls of her room, "About the exquisite blood I offered, you're the only one who can taste it." She went closer to him as her face slowly getting close to his.
† Sun Soons ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Joy "Mister?" The diplomate answered, lifting a brow at the demon princess when addressing her more formally. It was only a brief moment that he'd wondered if something had recently changed within their dynamic, but the thought was immediately halted within his eyes, and he became distracted by your exposed legs. The filter tone of the promise of dinner and the way your waist swung and perhaps swayed an elegant dessert. The corner of his lips turned upward, most intrigued, but what the night at the wild boar inn would intel. He came to his feet, offering a gentle bow, then ran his hand down his formal robe, freeing them of wrinkles. "Mylady did you think I would so casually toss aside your invitation? It be a fools missed opportunity, and tonight," He pauses, placing his hand on his abdomen, and flickers his gaze solely on you. "And one noblemen's honor. Please do show me around."
♆ Joy 1 year ago

@† Sun Soons ¥✔ Working in the usual time, Sooyoung took care of all the work while Joy was waiting for the vampire to come in her establishment. When Sooyoung was about to go down the stairs with her business outfit, she felt the familiar presence down there before peeking through the platform. It was Sun, ordering his usual drink with blood. 'It's time, now go get an early sleep and I'll handle things from here.' The Greed Demon whispered to Sooyoung before she walked up to her office and drank a strong and potent sleeping pills and quickly dropped on the floor, slowly Joy could take over and not wanting Sooyoung to know what will happen next. Joy wakes up from the floor before dressing up an expenssive outfit then she goes down to meet with the vampire. "You came, Mr. Sun." She grins at him before walking closer to him. "Just in time for the dinner, I'm offering."

† Sun Soons ¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Joy The wild boar Inn, Central Square, midnight, on the far side of the awning Sun the vampire stands under the industrial building shielded from the pouring rain. He peers outs through the darkness cloaked in black, then takes his first step to approach and enter the establishment. To his left, he sees three men gambling, concentration planted on their game, merely giving small glimpses at him. A waitress in a corpse veiling her full plush cleavage and skirt brushes by him, giving him an invitingly tempting wink. Sun, the politician, dismisses her gaze and then sits in a corner surveying the Inn. On a night like this, when the nights are darkest and the rain falls, there is no shortage of ale and wine to be served, and he decides to order his usual blood wine awaiting his hostess.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
♦ Kim Taeyeon 1 year ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae {H} she looked up at the sky and sighs before rubbing her nape a bit, "i think you're right, i'm kinda want to sleep too." then yerim went back to her bed before she drifted back to sleep. the next day, she woke up and yawned before noticing that the other already got off from his bed before jumping off from her own bed. after that, she walked down and noticed there are already a lot of customers and looks around to find taeyang.
☾ Dong Youngbae {H} 1 year ago
@♦ Kim Yerim Youngbae blinked taken aback by the girl's enthusiasm. A grin formed on his lips and gently pat the girl's head. "That's good then. How about we go sleep? I need my rest, too." The man yawned and looked at the darkened sky.
❦ Jeremy Xu 1 year ago
@† Lee Soohyuk [x] it's fine XD more point for me

/still in the arms of his lover as he was taken toward the bed, face burn more as he was laid on the not-so-soft-and-comfortable material that the inn provided before his husband hovered over him and leading him into a kiss which he respond back with passionate and desperation that he himself doesn't realize/
† Lee Soohyuk 1 year ago
@❦ Jeremy Xu []asdfghjkl bear with me lol

/he walks over to the bed in lays the man in his arms down on the bed. he crawls onto the bed where the other lies now hovering over him to lead into a kiss/
❦ Jeremy Xu 1 year ago
@† Lee Soohyuk [x] sub plot everywhere XD

/gasp softly and found himself at an inn with his long-time-not-been-together lover, eyeing the other man with a questioning gaze but the flush on his cheeks already said he has an idea/
† Lee Soohyuk 1 year ago
@❦ Jeremy Xu /teleports us here/ perhaps here is a better place for us
♦ Kim Taeyeon 1 year ago
@☾ Dong Youngbae {H} she blinked at his question about her how to read, she lets out a laugh before shaking her head. "are you kidding? of course, i know how to read! if there's a library then, we should look there on who should i approach to train me in controlling my power!" yerim smiles widely at youngbae before standing up.
☾ Dong Youngbae {H} 1 year ago
@♦ Kim Yerim “Are sure?” Youngbae scrunched his face in doubt that the woman is not entirely aware of her own abilities. In the back of his mind, there’s possibly a good explanation to it. And then the question hit him. He let out a laugh, but his smile is wide and uncomfortable. The exaggerated expession slid off his face, as he massages his nape. “There was a queen.” He sighed but was quick to pick up his mood and brigtened a little. “Do you happen to know how to read? There’s a library in town. Maybe we can find some answers there.”
♅ Felix ¥ [A] 1 year ago
{open to any and all}

Just been about a month and he felt like he got a handle of things around here. Strip the bed, clean the sheets, mop, sweep, dust. It had became a routine that Felix was quick to adapt to. The angel was making his arounds going to vacant room to vacant room, resetting the atmosphere in making it feel like home to each species that should stop by. Minus a few that thought Felix's services went beyond normal maid duties. Felix would simply decline and reject those who were pushing themselves onto the sweet Angel. Placing the clean sheets on the bed and soon the blanket and comforter, Felix headed down the stairs for his break. It was almost time to go and leave for his other job.
⚜ ♕ Emily Mei  [A] 1 year ago
@♆ Joy @♅ Felix ¥ <you have been paid for the month of Jan. Sorry that it took so long. Thank you for being active in your job and paying citizen tax. ~love, Emily>
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Ten Do you not? /raises a brow/I know I'm gay hell but I'm not blind. She’s pretty cute and had that long beautiful hair you just wanna wrap your fist around and -/she clears ./ You get what I'm saying, she's gorgeous okay and I don't wanna step on her toes. The last thing I wanna do is rub her the wrong way and up your job. /her cheeks bloom a crimson shade and lightly touch the spot you last planted as a peck./
So what's the plan tonight Master? /she exaggerated the word master as it felt so foreign to her./
♆ Ten [SH] [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ Who, Bambi? I mean I'm not in constant fear of her or anything, but she doesn't exactly seem like someone who should be ed with, either. /catches your smile, and squints at you, appraisingly/ oh my god, do you have the hots for her?? When did this happen?? You better spill the tea, i need this while it's fresh!

Mayyyybe. /laughs at the nickname/ all in a days work, really. But you're welcome bestie. /gives you a peck on the cheek/
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Ten But, is that Vampire the owner. She seems, nice but still a bit scary.
/lowers one brow,/ I'd hate for her to tear me and new . /then lifts it at another thought and smiles./
Then again, ./prompts herself up on her elbows and follows you/
What the bloody hell? /looks at the gold./
You must really been popping bussy for this Tennifer? Thank you.
♆ Ten [SH] [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ Yes i do /nods/
Honestly, some of the clientle are quite wealthy - the kind of wealthy where they never notice some extra loose coin missing from their pockets. /chuckles and shrugs my shoulders/ so I'm not too concerned.

Oh! That reminds me- /rolls off the bed to rummage through a bag stashed in the bedside table/ ah there it is! Here- /tosses a small pouch filled with gold coins next to you/
Check it out. You should be able to eat pretty well the next few days off that.
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Ten Don't you like work at a Brothel or something? /lift brow/
Wouldn't that get you in trouble?
♆ Ten [SH] [A] 1 year ago
@☾ Sora Choi¥✔ You sure you don't wanna join me at work? You'd make a killing in the stolen items department~ /waggles my eyebrows/
☾ Sora Choi¥✔ 1 year ago
@♆ Ten /She kicks off her boots and throws her coat on the nearest hanger before flopping on the bed beside the demon./
You're telling me. You know how hard is get people to trust a thief that's a slaves?
Just a lot of discrimination and lack of trust if you ask me. /sighs/


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Midnight_Muse 1 month ago
this rp still exists XD
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4c3716b565ea1078e468 6 months ago
kim jongin (kai) as a kitsune please?
enchantedrixue 6 months ago
hewo, for my last character - could i possibly get wi hajun as a hybrid?
Keepyouwarm 6 months ago
If it is possible to return, can i please have kim myungsoo as vampire
vronvron 11 months ago
Hello~ I'm so sorry for going inactive and disappearing last time ;;
May I please join again? as Park Seonghwa as a Dragon
[comment deleted by owner]
[comment deleted by owner]
Keepyouwarm 1 year ago
missing this place already.
Daddysbabygirl 1 year ago
Hi may I join this rolelplay???
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