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nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 4 years ago
@kim minseokᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [sʜ] Nyx chuckled "we'd be cute with a cat or two" she started to eat freezing when she heard his question. Carefully she swallowed her food and looked to her love "Almost. I.. I went looking for you and... well you remember Devon? The nightfury who tried to court me before you?" She frowned "He followed me. I was out of my mind and everyone had told me not to go but I went anyway. I landed at the spot where you and my parents were supposed to start the hunt. I was sniffing around for your scent paying no attention to my surroundings. I had no idea I was surrounded. Devon shot a plasma burst at me which made me pay attention long enough to realise the danger, camoflauge myself and get out" she frowned... "Devon didnt make it out though. They had seen him and they shot him with Dragon Root. He fell hard and fast. I remember hearing a wing break and cringing as I found a hiding spot" she sighed looking at her food "I should have been caught, but instead another nightfury was taken"
kim minseokᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [sʜ] 4 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] "we're both alive." he smiles and looks at nyx. "would have suited you" he smiles and added "you can still be a crazy cat lady. we can be a crazy cat couple" he smiles and looks at his food "nyx...?... did... did the hunters ever get you?"
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 4 years ago
@kim minseokᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [sʜ] Nyx nodded and gave Minseok a small smile "look whats important is you're here. You're alive. I never thought I would see you again." She started cutting her meat and made a small pathetic joke to lighten the mood "I was about ready to start getting a lot of cats and becoming the little old crazy cat lady" she smirked at her love and took a bite of her food. She wouldnt really have done that but then again cats were adorable.
kim minseokᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [sʜ] 4 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] Min walked with Nyx to the table he just pointed to and sits down before her. "it...it has been long" he let out a soft sigh. he still was turning his head around knowing nyx is alive. she's sitting before him breathing and well. "don't worry about it... she.. I'm sure she would understand..." he looks down at his food trying to hold back new tears. he felt sad and happy and... well just a rollercoaster of emotions because his love.
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Nyx nodded "sounds awesome. I'll catch up on where you are in Fruits Basket and then we can watch the rest together" she finished her food and looked out the window "rain will stop soon. How about we meet by the lake after dropping our bags off in our rooms? It'll be easier to travel without them." She smiled "I'll have a pouch for the ingredients though"
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] "Yea they really did do a remake. and so far it's been good, I've heard that they are sticking closer to the manga this time, but I've never read it so I don't know. but anyway if you wanta come over to my place and watch anime sometime that would be cool. we could even get a pizza or something to much on while we binge watch." she giggles a little.
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Nyx smiled listening to the list of anime, she had heard of One Piece but hadnt watched it and the rest she didnt even recognise by name. However, when Jinsol mentioned a remake of Fruits Basket Nyx felt her jaw drop "They made a remake? Seriously? I loved that anime I was devastated how it ended" she chuckled "man this is so awesome if they are remaking it. They better get further cause that Manga has such a fabulous ending."
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] (it's okay it happens every so often)
"Well I've ran into a few people who got the shirt because it was cheap and cute but didn't know what it was from." She shrugs. " I've been watching a lot of One piece. though I did stop after the arc with the mermaids. though not because of the story, but because they stopped dubbing it after that. And my Japanese isn't good enough not to need subtitles, and I'm not a fast enough reader to be able to get both the action and the dialog that way. and with that show your missing a lot if you can't get both. I've also watched My Hero Academia, can't wait for the new season. And there was Steins Gate, that was kinda trippy but so fun to watch. I've also Seen Last Exile, Martian Successor Nadesco, Joker Game and oh 91 Days. I've seen some of rurouni kenshin, and lucky star and a bunch of others." She giggles "Currently I'm watching the remake of Fruits Basket, I've seen the original all the way though. I hope they get farther along on it this go around then they did last time. The one that really drives me crazy that they stopped before it was finished was 12 kingdoms. that was the best anime ever. it's plot and character depth make Lord of the ring look like, see spot run, by comparison."
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Nyx chuckled and gestured to her tshirt "I think we can safely say yes" she smirked "what Anime do you watch?"

(Sorry so short. Went blank)
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] "yea i know. it's just hard having to wait" She nods."Anyways, while we are waiting, uh do you watch any anime?" She asks looking over at her new friend and sitting down
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol "Dont worry it will. Its what my mom always called a travelling shower we just need to wait it out then fly in the opposite direction to its path" she chuckles adding "or get wet"
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] "ooh my gosh I would of loved to see the look on the lions face when you did that." Jinsol laughs, when she hears about that. "the few times I got attacked they found it to be a rather shocking experience. and quickly moved on." she says the moves to sit. "dang rainstorm. wish it would stop raining"
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Nyx nodded slowly with a smile "thanks Jinsol. Dont worry about catching my scales, I wont feel it." She smirked "I got attacked by a mountain lion once and that couldnt even scratch my scales." She chuckled "scared it senseless when I sent a plasma blast at it" she nodded again and finished her own food while Jinsol out her tray away
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] Jinsol nods and shrugs "I figured it wouldn't be anything more then like a papercut at most. but still I know those are annoying, so figured I'd bring it up. And that sounds like a good idea. also uh if you want some help with those hunters. I can call down lighting or project some illusions. Might help to distract them, but anyways I'll follow your lead when we are up there and if you don't want me messing with what ever way you found works best then I'll leave it at that." She then goes to stand up and pick up her try that now just has empty plates and cans on it "Sounds good I'm just going to go throw out this garbage and come back" She says and does just that.
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Nyx smirks "my scales can handle a little fox claw so dont worry" she nods at the others assumption for why she may need time alone. In time perhaps Nyx would share the truth but for now she was keeping everyone new at a safe distance from her secrets and her past. "Alright so when the rain stops we can have our dry run?"
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] Jinsol nods "Alright I'll trust you. might be good to try a dry run sometime as uh I'm not sure how well I can hang on as a fox with out using my claws." she nods and shrugs "Alight, I figure your having to deal with hunters or other problems if that happens certainly something I wouldn't want to get caught up in."
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Nyx nodded "mainly while in the air hold on tight and dont move about." She then got more serious and her tone lowered "And in the mountains stay close to me. If I tell you to hide, hide. And if I need a minute alone dont ask why and just wait where I tell you too." She looked into Jinsol's eyes ensuring the other understood her "I will never leave you waiting somewhere that is unsafe so you will just have to trust me."
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] Jinsol blinks as it starts raining and shrugs "yea makes sense, I like to play around and have fun but, it's not fun getting hurt. And I'll have to admit to being a bit out of my element here for now, so I get what might be common sense to those who have experience with the area might not be for me just yet." She nods. "So what are the rules?"
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Nyx chuckled and returned to her food and in the next ten minutes it began pouring rain, the shower growing heavier by the minute. With a knowing smile she took a drink before saying "I'll enjoy going back to the mountains, but if you are coming with me I do have a few rules you need to follow." She shrugged "to keep you safe and stuff"
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] Jinsol also giggles "Well my kind is known as playful tricksters so I gotta have a few tricks up my sleeve right?"
She then nods "okay cool you'll have to show me so I know where to get them from for other potions." she then looks out the window. "ooh it's raining? doesn't really look like it to me but I'll take your word for it, no fun getting stuck out in the rain, in any of my forms. ugg wet fur is such a pain."
lee jinsol 5 years ago
Jinsol also giggles "Well my kind is known as playful tricksters so I gotta have a few tricks up my sleeve right?"
She then nods "okay cool you'll have to show me so I know where to get them from for other potions." she then looks out the window. "ooh it's raining? doesn't really look like it to me but I'll take your word for it, no fun getting stuck out in the rain, in any of my forms. ugg wet fur is such a pain."
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 5 years ago
@lee jinsol Nyx chuckled "you are full of surprises my friend" she thought for a minute "most of these things can be found in the mountains, you just need to know where to look" she glanced outside at the sky and shrugged "we can go when the rain stops" right now it was sunny outside but Nyx could tell from the look of the sky that it would rain soon.
lee jinsol 5 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] Jinsol smirks and reaches up with a empty hand and then, a bunch of sparks jump between her fingers. "It sure will be, but I don't think it'll be to hard to pull off" she smiles showing off a little, before putting her hand down again. "So Where should we go first? and when would you like to head down there?"
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 5 years ago
@lee jinsol "I know where we can get them. They're not all local so looks like we will get a couple of trips in with the project" she read on in the book and smirked "and we need to cook it using electrical currents which will be interesting"
lee jinsol 5 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] Jinsol starts typing it all in. "Some of these I recognize but most of them I don't. Foxglove sounds like something I'd wear, when i'm in my fox form" she giggles a little. "Okay, I know how to get the Aloe, the Sage, and the saffron, and I think know where we can get some Rhubarb from. but not sue about the rest."
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 5 years ago
@lee jinsol Nyx chuckled and nodded "probably a good idea."
She shrugged and took out her notes "I'll see if I have them all written down. If not we'll have to look it up" she flicked through pages, scanning each one to be sure not to miss the list. "Oh here it is" she eventually said as she flattened out the book and checked Jinsol was ready to take them down. "Ok so we need; Aloe Vera, Gentian Root, Rhubarb, Zedoary, Spanish Saffron, Peruvian Bark, Red Clover, Feverfew, Foxglove, Meadowsweet, Gotu Kola, Black Elder, Devil's Claw, Bilberry, Witch Hazel and Sage"
lee jinsol 5 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] Jinsol nods "I'm guessing the death one is one of the most potent poisons to exist. Well being that while I don't mind hard work I don't want to make something that might kill me, so lets attempt the healing potion." She nods, then goes to pull out a tablet and open up her note taking app. "Okay, so what do we need to make this? might as well start with a list so we can make sure we have everything."
nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] 5 years ago
@lee jinsol Nyx smirks "The elixir of life is a very powerful healing potion where as the elixir of death is a dangerous poison" she was curious to see if they could succeed with either one of the two most powerful elixirs on the course.
lee jinsol 5 years ago
@nyx dragneelᵈʳᵃᵍᵒⁿ [ʜ - 5/25] Jinsol blinks and looks over at her friend, as she wasn't really expecting either to be an option. "that does sound challenging, uh what exactly do they do?. I've not heard of these potions before" she says with a curios tone
lee jinsol 5 years ago
Jinsol blinks and looks over at her friend, as she wasn't really expecting either to be an option. "that does sound challenging, uh what exactly do they do?. I've not heard of these potions before" she says with a curios tone


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Kim4Shim 3 years ago
Thank you for having me. Bye bye
Xuimin & Yoohyeon.
taekitty 4 years ago
hey, can I still apply or youre closed?
Nyx_Dragneel 4 years ago
Nyx is going to need a Hiatus.
College is getting heavy this year as its my last year.
Please give me the longest hiatus you give and I will be back on that date to hopefully rp once again.
I really dont want to have to leave cause of college but ya know college comes first sadly
Also I wasnt sure which room to use or who to tag so hope posting here is ok.
Serene_jana 4 years ago
could you reserve emma watson please.
0183118be85a65a27e4d 4 years ago
can I get Mori Kiyoharu please?
-Dionysus 4 years ago
Could you add Jeon Jeongguk to the list please? Thank you.
purpleprose 4 years ago
nana komatsu please
RevengeNote2 4 years ago
Age: 23 (21)
fire manipulation and soul manipultaion
Student: Alchemy, Astronomy, Hand to hand combat
central pacific time zone
The 100
[comment deleted by owner]
chanseowoon 4 years ago
Can I reserve 2 characters?
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