☼ :ㅤin character

disclaimer: strictly ic. keep ooc out. ooc drama is strictly prohibited. please refrain from breaking the fourth wall such as mentioning "typing" or anything that shows you're a person on a computer screen playing a character.
☼ : chungha kim。 4 years ago
i was like why im getting notifs again
✩ : lalisa manoban。 [A] 4 years ago
it has
♧ : wonho lee。ˢᵉᵐᶦʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ [A] 4 years ago
wow what it's been a year already
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago
me too
♧ : wonho lee。ˢᵉᵐᶦʰᶦᵃᵗᵘˢ [A] 4 years ago
aw i miss this place :<
☼ : yoonjee kim。 4 years ago
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 forever would be nice. she teases, pecking your chin in return as she wraps her arms around your waist.
I’m feeling a lot better now, mookie. thanks. my nose is still pretty stuffy but I don’t get a headache if I don’t do anything too strenuous. what about you, hm? she gazes up at you with fond, gentle eyes.
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 4 years ago
@☼ : yein jung。 I never heard of that but yeah. i wish we can stay for a long time too. coils my arms around you and kisses your forehead, offers u a gentle smile. hows my baby girl doing?
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago

@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 also lol me @ you
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 i remember reading something sometime in the past that said how many relationships end in three months because no one can pretend or hold up a facade longer than three months, as people usually reveal their true colors and intentions. i just want to say thank you for accepting me, and all the different sides of me. you already know my true colors and you aren't afraid of that, so thank you. and of course...just a reminder that i plan to spend way more than just three months with you. i love you always ♥
☼ : taehyung kim。 4 years ago
@☼ : yoongi min。 /i wonder just how sleepy you are when you even kiss me back, small and gentle, almost as if its not there at all but it leaves me stunned to say the least, though a smile soon replaces it
i do know this. and your natural state is the cutest thing i've ever seen. besides yeontan of course
/laughs under my breath before i lean in, pressing my face against your neck and softly kissing the flesh there, sighing in delight as i inhale your scent
because i'm enjoying this too much to take you to bed yet
/mumbles in response, lifting my head to see you glaring at me but it looks more like a pout, causing me to coo as i nuzzle my nose against yours
i'm going to die at this rate, hyung
☼ : yoongi min。 4 years ago
@☼ : taehyung kim。 /blinks slowly though my eyes are heavy lidded and normally when you kiss me i can't help but react like its the first time, yet sleep has sunk its clutches onto me and i feel as if i'm partly in a dream, though i almost always feel that way when i see you, and i just tip my head up and meet your lips briefly in the tiniest kiss/
its my natural state to just whine...you know this tae
/murmurs as i loll my head to the side, neck left exposed especially because all i have on is a flimsy tank top, the lily white skin is stark against your warm bronzed skin, i feel you shuffle about with me in your arms, grumbles half-heartedly and blearily opens my eyes to glare at you softly/
...why aren't we in bed already?
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 I look forward to it then. I also look forward to the many more dates we’ll be going on in the future.
she leans close to nuzzle her nose against yours, chuckling softly.
we do have the rest of our lives together to explore.
☼ : taehyung kim。 4 years ago
@☼ : yoongi min。 ...cute
/murmurs as you whine at me, barely seeing as you're half asleep and it makes me smile happily to myself, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of your lips, leaning back afterwards
are you going to just whine?
/chuckles softly before i waddle us around a little, not heading to my room just yet
you're so cuddly when you're sleepy. more than usual at least
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 4 years ago
@☼ : yein jung。 hums after the kiss before leaning down into the crook of her neck, plants a kiss on her neck too before he leans away, grinning. i would love to have that with you, love. i really do.
☼ : chungha kim。 4 years ago
Haven’t been here in so long
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 mhm, I’m fine with that.
she tightens her hold of you, nuzzling ever so close into your body as she places a gentle kiss on your neck.
whenever you’re ready, how about we have a movie night? we could watch I want to eat your pancreas together.
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 4 years ago
@☼ : yein jung。 chuckles after her words. i already knew that. squeezes her in his arms and nods to her request.
you're right but i want to do it when i become less busy with life so i can focus on i more. can you wait a lil bit more, baby?
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 hhhh yes, I am.
and you’re my man.
she pouts for a second before hastily stealing a kiss from your lips, arms around your waist as she buries her head in the crook of your neck.
mookie, we should have a... a date together.
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 4 years ago
@☼ : yein jung。 bcs youre my baby
smiles as he rubs her head
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 aasdahlfksjgd what do you mean b a b y materials-
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 4 years ago
@☼ : yein jung。 youre made outta baby materials
☼ : yoongi min。 4 years ago
@☼ : taehyung kim。 /your fingers in my hair only subdue me into a more dozy state, i have no fight in me to stay up i just want to drift off in your arms, but your words circle around my head as if they were just a floating little cloud/
mm...yeah i wanna go to bed /-with you- the words are right there on the tip of my tongue but i just nuzzle into your neck deeper and inhale your warm scent before sighing, when you tip my face back to make me look at you i let out a small whine, eyes barely open and look at you through lashes, cheeks warm and puffed out, lips curled into a frown and i try to hide my face back in your neck, murmuring your name sleepily/
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago

@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 https://i.imgur.com/N5yntcY.png
me lol
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 the sudden kiss catches her off guard, a shy look exposed on her face for a moment.
geez, you really like shushing me with your lips, hm?
you make me the happiest woman alive, you know that, mookie?
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 4 years ago
@☼ : yein jung。 his heart skips a beat over her compliment that he has to shut her with a brief kiss on her lips when he feels his heart is about to explode if she didnt stop herself
You're very precious, Innie.
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 I love everything about you, mookie.
your face, your lips, your voice...
did I tell you I can’t stop listening to got7’s songs because your voice is so amazing?
she holds you close, pecking the top of your head.
you’re so precious to me.
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 4 years ago
@☼ : yein jung。 chuckles as he buries his face into the crook of her neck
you did, baby
☼ : yein jung。 4 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 she wraps her arms around your waist, pecking your lips for a short moment before you pull her into your chest, chuckling softly to herself.
I love you too.
...also, did I tell you how hot it is when you swear?
[post deleted by owner]


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Luscinia 4 years ago
Kim Jonghyun left
kodachrome 4 years ago
can I cc jungchae to lee dabin uwu
[comment deleted by owner]
jwpark 4 years ago
could you reserve choi seungcheol for me? :o
molani 4 years ago
18dba1cf7aea0a23584d 4 years ago
can i reserve sam kim for my friend, kzyeya? thanks ^^
[comment deleted by owner]
Yukiko 4 years ago
63f993a785eceaf70f09 5 years ago
Hi Taeyeon and Mina left, Thanks for having me here. ♡
kodachrome 5 years ago
can I cc cheng xiao to kim hyunjung (seola)?
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