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Librarian: Choi Yoonji
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lee jinsol 4 years ago
@kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ "ahh I see", she nods and sits down "Well that makes sense. and I suppose I should also start studying on metallurgy a lot more, so i can be helpful. uh any place you think I should start at?"
kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ [A] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Boa nodded, but hesitated. "I still have a bit more research to do on the properties of some metals." She begin scanning the notes she'd made so far. "Oh believe me. I'm so used to failing by now." She chuckled as Bohoja her to comfort her.
kwan yuriʰʸᵇʳⁱᵈ 4 years ago
*walks in and marvels at the infinite number of books. So many to choose from and get lost in that I don’t know where to begin. Browsing through the books and walking the whole expansion of the library I found nothing to spark my interest. So settling in the back corner with my laptop I opened it and began to research my history.... to understand my powers and purpose I had to figure out who I was and that was a task that would take all night... I sigh* No time like the present.
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ "Well if you got all the stuff, lets then head to your workshop and we can start mixing up various batches and see how it works out." nods "I believe it took like a thousand tries to make a working light bulb. so where bound to fail a bunch at first. but it's all part of the process right?"
kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ [A] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Boa shook her head. "I have all the stuff we'll need. I've been doing various tests on other metals and so far, nothing will hold up to what I need. Hopefully, this will." She shrugged knowing she'd keep trying until she found something that would work. "We can certainly find out." She grinned. It would be interesting for sure.
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ "sounds like we will need a foundry and stuff to mix in. I did find I can arc weld normal metals using my powers, be interesting to see if I could affect this stuff." she nods. probably also good to get some testing equipment. see what breaks first the testing rig or the metal." She giggles.
kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ [A] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Boa nodded. "Yes. It was a great learning experience." She smiled as she remembered how enjoyable it had been.
"Well first we have to figure out the properties of the new metal and what it can mix with." She had never had help before so this would be fun.
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ She giggles a little. "Sounds like you had a awesome time I'm so glad." the then nods
"sure i'm up for it. what you need me to do?" she grins eager to help out.
kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ [A] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Laughing, she nodded. "He was like a giant. All the kids were excited and told him about how good I am with the metals we use. They also joked about how short I was, so when he met me, it was just funny. He didn't believe them." It was a fun experience. "he really is. The crazy thing is he's still a baby too. He'll get slightly bigger, but I doubt he'll get any longer." She watched him wag his long tail as Jinsol pet him. He was so spoiled, but she wouldn't change it for anything. "At the moment, I think I'm okay unless you want to help with this experiment. I need to get it right so Oppa's armor is impenetrable and stronger than just pure vibranium. Oppa bought me some from home to use."
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ she giggles a bit as bohoja her hand. she also reaches over to pet him. "ooh wow I can see why you'd feel like that I fairly often feel short myself, but next to a really tall person whew. that's so awesome you got such a nice companion" She nods. "so anything I can do to help you with your studies? I mean i am still pretty new at all this stuff but I'm willing to put in the effort to learn, sounds like it would be a fun challenge."
kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ [A] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol She nodded. "He was really cute, but so tall. I mean he already looks tall but in person I felt like a midget." She giggled. "Sounds good to me. Hopefully they'll listen." Now knowing the headmistress was her mother, Boa had been afraid to go near her, but for weaponry she wouldn't hesitate. Bohoja looked at Jinsol and purred before her. "He really is, but he's also very protective." He always had her back.
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ "ooh wow that's so cool. it must of been amazing to meet the guy." she then nods and shrugs. "Ah well. though i'll bring it up too, figure more people ask about it the better chance it has." she then smiles at the panther. "aww he's big kitty"
kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ [A] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Boa laughed and nodded. "That's the stuff. They got the idea from our village when he visited." It had been fun and of course she'd thought the guy who was Captain America was hot. "Unfortunately we don't. I looked into it already. I'm going to suggest it to the headmistress and headmaster though. I love weaponry!" She grinned when her baby nuzzled her and pawed at her hand because she stopped scratching him.
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ "ooh that's cool. ooh hey I remembered they referenced similar stuff in the captain America movie. any connection there?" Jinsol asks curiously "anyways sounds like fun stuff to work with. I'm going to have to see if they have weapon smithing classes here now.." she says sounding more excited now.
kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ [A] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Boa nodded and d her panther's head as he cleaned his paws. "It is. I make toys and other gadgets for the kids too and send them back home to them. It's name is vibranium and it is nearly indestructible. I've found ways to make it absorb energy and redistribute it, so it can be sent back out. It's bullet proof too, so really good for armor. As for weapons, it's super durable and strong." If there was one thing she could geek out on, it was science.
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ "ooh that's cool. it does sound like fun making weapons and armors. I've never been able to do that. Oh so what do you call the element and what makes it so special might I ask?" She looks over at you curiously as you talk about it
kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ [A] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Boa nodded as she listened and even grinned a bit. "Wow! I've never made anything like that. Alchemy is something I've done a bit of, but never really studied. I have done a lot of electronics stuff though. Back in our village, my brother and I were the protectors, but since I have other powers as well, I chose to let him do the protecting while I create armor and weapons for him. I use a special element only found in Wakanda and mixing it with other metals can be challenging. I love a challenge though." She smiled. "If you need anymore help, please let me know." Bohoja growled and Boa laughed. "Yes Bo Bo you can help too."
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ Jinsol smiles at the complement. then shrugs. "Mainly do some studying, find some experiments to try. I'm actually pretty new to Alchemy. So I know I got a lot to learn, and I don't want to end up behind. My hobbies have been electronics, and anime, and video games. I've build a replica transponder snail from one piece. and it even works"
lee jinsol 4 years ago
Jinsol smiles at the complement. then shrugs. "Mainly do some studying, find some experiments to try. I'm actually pretty new to Alchemy. So I know I got a lot to learn, and I don't want to end up behind. My hobbies have been electronics, and anime, and video games. I've build a replica transponder snail from one piece. and it even works"
kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ [A] 4 years ago
@lee jinsol Boa smiled as she gently d her companion's head. He purred as she responded. "Thanks. I like your hoodie." Not only did she love hoodies, but bright colors were her jam. With a nod, she had to agree. "It is. I really like it here. And any time. It was my pleasure." It was who she was. She loved to help. Always. "Oh, um, I'm actually looking into properties of a new metal I want to infuse with vibranium. My brother brought me some from our village and I'm trying to make it even stronger." The challenge excited her big time. "What about you?"
lee jinsol 4 years ago
@kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ "Yea that's me thanks, ooh and I like your outift". She says and smiles at the panther before taking off her backpack and setting it down on an open spot before sitting down herself. "my gosh this school is amazing, and thanks for your help in class. so uh what are you working on now might I ask?" I also smile back, as I ponder things.
kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ [A] 5 years ago
@lee jinsol Normally at this time of day she would either be hanging out with her boyfriend or working with her brother. Lately, it had been a lot of the latter as she was nearly done with his armor. She'd made Bae's already as well as some for her baby, but then again, animals needed a lot less work. Today though, Youngbae was in class and Ji had gone back to their village with a gift from her to the kids. That meant she was alone. Well, not technically alone since she had her baby with her. The animal followed her everywhere and she absolutely loved him. Deciding she had time to work on her project for one of her classes, she'd thrown on some multi-colored leggings, a black crap top and her purple and black high tops. Her hair was loose, but held back with a headband that matched her leggings. Now, she was sitting at a table with the sleek, black panther spreading himself across it, she opened one of the few books she'd found on the new type of element she wanted to use. It would require figuring out how to make it work with vibranium, but as her brother said, if anyone could, it was her. She looked up as Bohoja growled and barred his teeth. "Relax baby." She then looked at the other. "Hello. Yes, I'm Boa. You're...Jinsol right? Sure. Have a seat." She smiled sweetly.
lee jinsol 5 years ago
@kwon boaᵐᵘᵗᵃⁿᵗ Her first day of school here had gone pretty well and she found the classes to be interesting, but realizes she'll need to do a bit of extra studying to get up to speed. So she decides to head to the library. And starts to browse around scoping the place out before looking for the books.she came for. she's wearing a comfy long sleeved shirt and a matching skirt under a brightly colored hoodie, and has her hair back in a high ponytail to help keep it out of the way. She also has a purple backpack with various anime patches on it, and a cloth purse with her. As she is wondering around she spots some one from her Alchemy class she recognizes at a table nearby. She is nervous about walking over and talking to someone she only met for a few mins in class, but knowing that it's either she does it or she'll never really meet anyone she takes a few breaths, sticks her hands into the pockets in her hoodie and walks over to her* Hello, uh Boa right? I'm the new student in the Alchemy class, uh do you got some time to chat?


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Kim4Shim 3 years ago
Thank you for having me. Bye bye
Xuimin & Yoohyeon.
taekitty 4 years ago
hey, can I still apply or youre closed?
Nyx_Dragneel 4 years ago
Nyx is going to need a Hiatus.
College is getting heavy this year as its my last year.
Please give me the longest hiatus you give and I will be back on that date to hopefully rp once again.
I really dont want to have to leave cause of college but ya know college comes first sadly
Also I wasnt sure which room to use or who to tag so hope posting here is ok.
Serene_jana 4 years ago
could you reserve emma watson please.
0183118be85a65a27e4d 4 years ago
can I get Mori Kiyoharu please?
-Dionysus 4 years ago
Could you add Jeon Jeongguk to the list please? Thank you.
purpleprose 4 years ago
nana komatsu please
RevengeNote2 4 years ago
Age: 23 (21)
fire manipulation and soul manipultaion
Student: Alchemy, Astronomy, Hand to hand combat
central pacific time zone
The 100
[comment deleted by owner]
chanseowoon 4 years ago
Can I reserve 2 characters?
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