☼ :ㅤevent eight

disclaimer: strictly ic. keep ooc  out. brackets are acceptable unless it starts to flood the room.

masquerade afterparty at the outdoor pool located on the first floor of the resort. get out of your formal wear and into swimwear, because we're going swimming the moment the clock strikes midnight. complete with bartenders at the poolside bar, two jacuzzis, a lazy river, and of course, one large pool. deepest end is at ten feet, shallow end at four. feel free to relax at the poolside lounges and chairs. towels provided. [click on the title for a picture]
☼ : taeeun bang。 5 years ago
@☼ : nayeon im。 boyfriend what?
⟳ : yugyeom kim。 [A] 5 years ago
@☼ : sana minatozaki。 A mere molecule of seconds have expanded into what seemed like years for the male who stood before her in unwarranted trepidation. Unwarranted, because although he had at least an ounce of confidence that she would give him the correct answer, his impatience had rendered him unsure of what's to come. One full second. The weight of the anxious breath he withheld had become burdensome to him, and at this point he is sure that his body is on the verge of explosion. All which have been released when she had responded with a simple nod of her head, before allowing him a taste of her saccharine lips. The corners of his own are pulled back into a cheeky, toothy grin, and he's pressing a couple more kisses upon those sweet couplets whilst lovingly squeezing at the hand that had fit far too perfect in his own.
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
bam: breathes
me: im putting that on my wall
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。12:24:21 AMReply
me: breathes
yein: i gonna melt

☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 "I like you being clingy. It's a different side of you - It's adorable, if I'm being honest." Yein could only laugh, teasingly your ear after her first action already caused such a reaction out of you. "I can't help it. Your reactions are priceless. And they're so cute, it's almost bringing out the inner sadist in me." She can't help but to continue teasing you, though she rests on the topic and goes back to cuddling you. "Mookie, your stuttering is so cute."
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 5 years ago
me: breathes
yein: i gonna melt
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
hhhh i think stuttering bambam is going to make me melt ;;
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 5 years ago
@☼ : yein jung。 He grunts at her tease and crosses his arms. "Lemme be clingy once in awhile." yelps as he caught off guard when you suddenly nibbled on his earlobe, shakes his head at your afterward, feigning a disappointed face. "You really took advantage on me in every chances you had, huh?" pokes your nose. "I- Do I look that soft? Are you sure??" His face instantly frowns worrriedly at the thought until you halt him with the compliment. "I- You make me into one to be honest."
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
e u e
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 5 years ago
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
me: imnoteven
me: proceeds to tease in my next long reply
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 5 years ago
u did u did
pokes your tummy
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 "You're always calling me a kitten, but who's the one enjoying this right now, hm?" Yein proceeds to tease you, leaning close to nibble at your earlobe with a small snicker. "I look like a cinnamon roll but I could actually kill, huh? You look like you're a cinnamon roll and you actually are a cinnamon roll." She only laughs at the idea. "You're too sweet, Mookie."
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 5 years ago
dont tease me wyd
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
imkidding hhhhhh
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
"he wants to feel you more"
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 5 years ago
@☼ : yein jung。 He leans more into your touches, closing his eyes along he wants to feel you more, relishing in these moment as a wider smile spreads upon his lips, letting out a satisfying sigh as he opens his eyes again, looking at you tenderly as he silently adores you. "Yeah. You know look like a cinnamon roll but could kill you." He chuckles and shakes his head in amused at the thought. "You are small just like him too."
☼ : minho song。 5 years ago
me, joining matchmaking: ppl always ask me why i'm single B) i'm not.
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
sometimes i hold my bladder until its hard to walk-
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
go pee wtf
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 she ends up shutting her eyes at how close your face gets to hers, only pouting at you when you end up kissing her on the nose.
"geez, you tease. making you hard, w h at - " her heart skips a bit at your hidden kiss upon her palm, only smiling as she continues to ruffle your hair, seeing that you really enjoyed it, caressing your ear soon after.
"snowball, i'm - " she snorts and bursts into a small fit of laughter. "i can totally see it though. cute one second, crazy the next, hm?" she's still trying to catch her breath from laughing as she nuzzles close to you.
☼ : nayeon im。 5 years ago
i gotta pee but lazy
☼ : chungha kim。 5 years ago
Sleep well
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 5 years ago
@☼ : yein jung。 he squints his eyes as he inspects your cute?? expression carefully, leaning in slowly.... only to surprise you with a kiss on your nose, grins cheekily afterwards.
"Yes. Find the ways how to make me hard is your next task. jk" loving how gentle and soft your touches are as he leans into them, making him feels at ease. steals a peck on your palm when your started carressing his face.
"a snowball from the secret life of pets." bursts into fit of laughters.
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
night jinri!
☼ : yein jung。 5 years ago
@☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 only stifles a laughter at the way you completely read through her. "n-no, not at all..."
"i think making you soft is my specialty," she hums, running a hand through the locks of your hair before caressing your face.
"what is it? what do i remind you of? is it something other than a kitten?" she perks up almost immediately, intrigued by your words.
☼ : jinri choi。 5 years ago
good night
☼ : kunpimook bhuwakul。 5 years ago
@☼ : yein jung。 squints at how you look at his hand before quickly pulling them back. "you are planning something evil, dont you?"
his lips stretched into a smile when you called him by the nickname as he feigns a sigh. "look at you. making me soft again. by the way, do you want to know what do you remind me of?" grins cheekily as he leans away only to look at your face.
☼ : jinri choi。 5 years ago
ahh as I had assumed lmao


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Luscinia 4 years ago
Kim Jonghyun left
kodachrome 4 years ago
can I cc jungchae to lee dabin uwu
[comment deleted by owner]
jwpark 4 years ago
could you reserve choi seungcheol for me? :o
molani 4 years ago
18dba1cf7aea0a23584d 4 years ago
can i reserve sam kim for my friend, kzyeya? thanks ^^
[comment deleted by owner]
Yukiko 4 years ago
63f993a785eceaf70f09 4 years ago
Hi Taeyeon and Mina left, Thanks for having me here. ♡
kodachrome 4 years ago
can I cc cheng xiao to kim hyunjung (seola)?
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