A city newly built in the mid-year of 2028 but began to launch and accepting residents to move in around the early year of 2029. A large human settlement. An extensive systems for housing, transportation, sanitation, utilities, land use and communication among each other. We are now approaching the year 2039 where everything has been upgraded and adjusted under their sleeves. No longer awkward to greet their neighbors and send foods for the strayed dogs. Even the government reformed their facilities and lend a hand for those unfortunate lives.

Of course this group consisted of the ordinary human beings doing ordinary tasks on everyday life. Nothing special about them except for they had talents of making their best efforts to flaunt it on the people around them. They have no powers at all, maybe just relying on the difficulties to survive if they got stuck with economics. Some are rich, some are poor. Average lifestyle is as well encouraged. None of them had any clue about the mention of abnormals, excluding the government workers.

A group of the most hidden people with identity crisis. They were the missing children back in the past 10 years ago and was kidnapped to be placed inside the government facility as well as becoming the lab rats for their long-time experiment on these innocent juveniles to be turned into a lot magnificent creation. They possessed similar abilities which mostly include telekinesis and strength manipulation.

If adding bonus, they would have telepathy and more kinetic abilities depending on the individuals. They were made to assassinate intruders or other country's spies, crime prevention, eliminate the law-breakers, and battle out the rivals from different cities. Some of these people can be brutal and bloody vicious, some of these people tend to be gentle too. They can live through the daytime like normals as well.

Just careful because abnormals usually has an absolute immortality to which they won't die from a mass shooting, stabbing and so on. They are immune to all harm and natural causes. Their suffers will be immediately healed unless if you target on their head/brain.

A robber or outlaw belonging to a gang and typically operating in an isolated or lawless area. They often found to be harmful with their smartest firearms usage. The crimes they committed may come off from steal wallet from senior citizen, robbing bank, to an attempt killing the high ranked people from Auburn Height. Some spying in the city for digging in the secrets.



♞ Jung Wooseok [A] 5 years ago
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