- Bathroom 002



jongin [man of house] 11 years ago
@daehyun [slave] "Mm that's my name." A petty smirk drifted onto his features when his penname had been said by the other man, liking how it slid off of the man's tongue. His eyes drifted shut momentarily when he felt his dark hair twirl in between Daehyun's fingers, the sensation bringing a light sense of gentle pleasure to his scalp.

With eyes soon open once again, they bore holes that darkly pleaded for the other man to do something, make something exciting happen. Jongin needed excitement at this point. He was currently dwelling in a dull state, and even just a small spark of something new would help him bring him back to his old ways. A careless groan fell from Jongin's lips into the slave's mouth, where it got lost amidst the action. The rolls and codominace of their hips was a step in the right direction. Jongin turned his head just a slight ways, hinging open his mouth so that Daehyun could do whatever he pleased.

As their bodies continued to flow in motion, Jongin left only one hand on an cheek of the other to keep him supported on his lap, while the other left in search of something better. It drifted through the water, moving and grabbing around blindly until his fingers had wrapped around what he was looking for. Jongin's fingers slid down to the base of Daehyun's shaft, giving it a few Testing pumps before going straight to business. His hand moved fluidly with ease, as if he were a machine that had been programed to do this sort of thing.
daehyun 11 years ago
@jongin (( it's fine /technically brain dead/ orz ;u; ))

Daehyun hummed in satisfaction, his eyes gleaming with a hint of pride and lust. He was a bit taken aback at the name, Kai huh? He repeated the short string of letters in his mind, smirking in the slightest as he saw what the latter's attention was on. "Kai," he whispered softly, testing the name as it slipped from his lips. He quite liked how it sounded, it rolled off his tongue smoothly. He could get used to this, he thought. He leaned in and nibbled on the shell of the now acquainted male's ear. His fingers played with the ends of his hairs gently, curling them around his thin fingers.

He back arched subtly, a barely audible moan escaping his lips as he felt nail dig into his pliant flesh. In reaction, his hips started to roll against the other male's loving the friction caused and which brought more pleasure. Once their lips connected, he let loose of his control. But he knew full well he wouldn't be able to keep it anyways, since he was the submissive one. Not that he minded, he loved being in total submission to anyone, it brought him to an unbelievable high and a love for kinks. He pressed his lips back in a rough manner, his teeth gently nipping at his bottom lip as he asked, begged for entrance.
jongin [man of house] 11 years ago
@daehyun [slave] (it's fine~ ^w^)

Daehyun. Jongin rolled the name back and forth within his mind. He was quite satisfied that he finally had a name to the stranger's face. "It's Kai. But call me whatever you'd like, babe." Jongin's eyes followed the other's own downward, except his own attention had snagged onto Daehyun's nether regions. Although it was slightly distorted by the movements in the water, Jongin knew he wanted to do something with his sometime during their little "meeting" with each other.

Now that Daehyun was seated on his lap, the latter's arms carefully let go of the hold, making sure that his movements were fluid and clean enough so that the other man wouldn't slip off. His hands traveled down the man's backside, until they molded around the two round cheeks. Jongin squeezed and d at the voluptuous objects in his hands, his nails digging slightly into the soft, plush skin. His lips curled into a small grin, before they soon connected with the Daehyun's soft ones, the kiss was now his first one shared with this certain man, and would most certainly not be the last.

(Ahh, I too should apologize for the length, as well as my lack of creativity in this OTL)
daehyun 11 years ago
@jongin Daehyun couldn't help a small laugh as the other purred back to him. He sat on his knees, waiting for the attractive man to make the first move. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long as he saw the predatory glance in the dark orbs. He bit his lip as the male graced through the water, and with movements that flowed along with the water, he concluded that this male was probably a master, or someone with a high title in this mansion. His eyes never left the other's, eyes trained on each other as his hands were placed on his lap.

The male had gotten close enough in his opinion and he felt a pair of arms snake around his waist. His hands slowly roamed up the male's chest and stopped when they reached his shoulders, arms wrapping themselves around the other's neck. "Hmm, Daehyun," he spoke softly, eyes still holding contact as he slowly twirled the ends of hair with his fingers. "And yours is?" he asked, finally breaking the eye contact as his eyes wandered down, shifting himself on the male's lap once again. He rested their foreheads together gently, a small smile gracing his features as they were both caught now in this game, no one backing away so far. "Or do you want me to call you something else, master perhaps?" he whispered as his smile turned into that of a seductive smirk.

(( I'm sorry it's short ;; ))
jongin [man of house] 11 years ago
@daehyun [slave] Jongin allowed the other person to move freely about, to tumble, touch, do whatever to him as they pleased, knowing that granting them such openness would give them a small sense of knowing that he was quite okay with those things. His eyes finally lost contact with the back wall, and reverted down to the man who was now currently in his lap. His // lap, I might add.

Jongin's arms were wrapped loosely around the the waist of the man, just in case he had any desires of moving away from the close contact. A soft hum of delight reverberated in the back of his throat as the person had seemed to catch onto his drift fairly well. His arms dropped when the stranger pushed away, figuring that this were to come.

"I think you know very well what I want." he purred back, letting some emotion seep through, though it was only sensual feelings that he had allowed to interact and respond to things instead of any other kinds of feelings. The stranger was playing hard to get, that part had become quite clear already, and if he wanted to play a little game of cat and mouse, then Jongin was all for it.

With movements marked in high elegance, Jongin glided his way through the water over to where the other person was, his dark eyes targeting and locking onto the ones that belonged to the other, letting them know that they were the desired prey. When he was close enough, Jongin's arms gently wrapped around the person's lower back, loose enough that it wouldn't feel like he was constricting them, yet still tight enough that a slight struggle would have to be made if they desired to get out of the hold. "Before we start things, tell me stranger, what's your name?"
daehyun 11 years ago
@jongin Daehyun ignored the movement of water under him, thinking that it was completely normal for the latter to move. Of course he didn't think that the stranger would make a move, his eyes were still focused on the wall. He leaned in a bit closer, their chests barely touching as his fingers brushed against the smooth surfaced the bottle. However, he did not expect to feel a hand darting across his thighs, a jolt running through his body at the pleasurable feeling. The sudden touch had him losing his balance and collapsing on top of the male and he bit his lip in to keep in the mewl that was threatening to spill out.

He found himself settle on the man's lap now, knowing the "whoops" that escaped his lips was not one of apology. That's when it all clicked, the stranger was doing this on purpose. He expected something and Daehyun, being the one to please, shuffled a bit closer on his lap, their bodies now pressed together as he leaned in closer, nibbling on the shell of his ear almost in a teasing manner. "What do you want?" he purred quietly before pulling away once he grabbed the bottle that he needed. He showed off a playful smirk, moving to shift off the male's lap and back into the water once again.

He placed the necessities on his side, swaying his hips around a bit in the water as he ruffled his hair afterwards. He wanted the other male to make another move, just to show him that he wanted him. He wasn't going to give in easily, he wasn't like that at all.
jongin [man of house] 11 years ago
@daehyun [slave] Through his peripherals, Jongin silently watched the other person strip down, noting that he seemed to perform the process at a rather sluggish pace, making it seem as if the man were hesitant to do things. Hesitance coming from the stranger really didn't surprise him one bit, in fact, Jongin knew that it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for anyone to be tentative when they were in his presence. It was completely normal.

His eyes fluttered shut for a few mere seconds when he felt the person enter the tub, the tiny waves that disturbed the peaceful waters rocking his body ever so slightly. When things had seemed to settled down, Jongin's eyes opened once again to see the person moving closer to him. Obviously things hadn't settled down, and the man needed something to assist his bathing experience, which was most certainly the necessities.

As the mental gears began to turn, Jongin's mind started scheming up a simple plan that he hoped would make his goals and intentions towards the stranger successful. With a blank, innocent gaze, still staring off towards the wall, Jongin's hand moved towards the person's body. With delicate movements, his hand swiped across the inner thigh of the other, dangerously close to the man's package, and if he hadn't grazed closer, then the hand would've come in contact with the goods. But, Jongin intended it for it to be at such a close, yet far distance from the person's , knowing that the area he had touched was a sensitive one, and would bring some sort of stimulation to their body. A soft "whoops" that really wasn't too sincere slipped from his lips as he brought his hand away to let it float and drift through the water. The starting move had been made.
daehyun 11 years ago
@jongin Daehyun's eyes narrowed slightly at the suspicious statement. Not that there was anything wrong with it, he was probably just conscious though he shouldn't be. Tons of guys had seen his body already, and he had been working out secretly. Feeling like the other was hidin dirty intentions, ones that would probably make his limp worse, he decided that maybe it would be best to stay on the counter and waiting for the male to finish rather than just joining the stranger that he had barely met. Yet, one part was whispering at him to join the latter, nagging him to the point where it would drive anyone insane. He but his lip, keeping his resolve strong until the other had locked eyes with him.

. He was captivated by the brown orbs, quickly understanding the message with his lips pursed out. He heaved a heavy sigh, jumping off the counter and staying put for a few moments. He slowly then started to slip off his pants, ping them in a tedious pace and slipping them off just the same. Once he had his jeans pooled at his ankles, he stepped out of the carefully, feet once again touching the cold tile. Heat quickly hit his chest, causing him to shiver at the sudden temperature change as he made his way to the tub. Just when he reached the edge, he spared a glance on the man to notice the flash of a small smile.

He was screwed, wasn't he?

He decided to ignore it, finding that it was probably a figment of his imagination. He slipped inside the tub, on the far side of the mysterious male as he bowed his head slightly in appreciation. He realized that all the soap, shampoo and conditioner as well as body wash, was located next to the male. Pursing out his lips, he carefully leaned in, body almost touching the latter's as he reached for the bottles that would clean his body. He was not even the slightest bit uncomfortable with the close distance, being used to it already.
jongin [man of house] 11 years ago
"You might as well just join." Jongin shrugged with his suggestion as the robotic feeling began to creep back into him. With the feeling of his "normal" moving back into him, Jongin felt a small sense of relief. At least he didn't have to try to hold down any unwanted emotions, for he could sense his inner barriers strengthening and reassuring him that everything would be alright today.

Going off of what all that happened to him within the time spent in the bathroom, Jongin thought that maybe the bath /was/ the answer to help his inner self revert back to normal, and if that was to be true, then he had to take a hell of a lot more baths if his core were to slip up again. After gliding over in the tub to make some sort of fairly welcoming room for the other man, Jongin's eyes locked with his, reading off a silent message that let the person know that it was fine for his presence to be added to the bathtub.

His gaze drifted to the back wall after the eye message had been read off. Jongin really felt no need to peruse the body of the other being, for he knew what a man looked like. He knew what one looked like with different skin tones, body shape, even size. Nothing was new to him, and being a man of the house and all, he didn't really ever need to know what a body was like when the mapping of the human anatomy was pretty much tattooed in the back of his mind. As a slight pick-me-up, Jongin told himself that if he was good, and kept everything in check, then he'd allow himself to make attempts to take advantage, or at least have some kind of with the other, since those two things really were what he did best. A small smile appeared and disappeared within seconds at the making of his mental deal. He was going to make this fun.
daehyun 11 years ago
@jongin Daehyun was so close to escaping, leaning not only the heat of the room but the man in the tub as well. His feet tapped on the tiles, silky skin sliding on the smooth surface. He had shuffled his way towards the door, hand already on the polish knob, ready to open it wider for his planned exit.

But of course, nothing went the way he wanted it to go.

He heard the feeble plea, resounding across the room as he slowly turned around. His eyes stared at the male's, trying to make eye contact to see exactly why this male would even want him around. This was the first and although it did not show, a small spark of happiness jumped inside his stomach, causing it to flip around in painful ways. He wouldn't admit it, never. He would not have his cover up being taken down just because the words sounded a bit needy. And he finds himself repeating the same phrase in his mind, one that he knows too well because he has been the culprit and victim of it.

Don't trust anyone.

He heaved a sigh, hands slowly gliding off the surface of the handle as he took small steps back inside the bathroom. He made his way to the counter, placing himself on it as he sat upright and swung his legs. Deciding that it would save time, he slipped off his shirt and placed it next to him after folding it carefully. "Thanks. I need to take a bath after you," he stated in his monotonous voice, eyes dropping tiredly before opening with a speed maybe even after then lightening. He had totally forgotten that he was alone in a restroom with a male, much less a very attractive one. He blamed the heat once again for seeping into his mind, cursing it with all the profanities he could conjure. Of course, he didn't say it aloud, that would be far too stupid for him to do.
jongin [man of house] 11 years ago
@jongin Jongin was in the midst of swirling his feet around in the water, lifting them up before dropping them soon after to create small splashes that usually left his upper legs dotted with water droplets. He was relaxed and slightly amused by the way the water moved and worked with everything that disturbed it. No matter how many times he glided his feet through the surface, or splashed them just a bit, the water would ripple for a few seconds or so, before dispersing back into a calm, lifeless flow. He felt like the water. If anything screwed up within him, or something because out of the ordinary, Jongin would soon correct himself back into a monotonous flow, when in reality, there were much deeper things within.

His body flinched at the sudden interruption of silence mixed with the steady stream of water, now almost to the point where it was filling up dangerously close to the rim. Before he were to interact with the other, if he decided to do so of course, Jongin leaned over and shut off the water, in fear that it'd overflow, which would break the soothing flow that circulated within the room.

After shutting off the water, the man lowered himself inside of the tub, mainly due to the fact that the open door had let in some rather chilly airflow, leaving his body tainted even more with goosebumps than desired. A quiet moan of pleasure came from Jongin as the warmth wrapped him in a full embrace, consoling his sore muscles, and even settling his mind for just a little bit.

He would've completely forgotten about the other man in the room, if it weren't for his heightened senses, and the burning gaze that he felt being set upon himself. The other seemed as if he had never seem a man before, but nonetheless, Jongin allowed himself to pass it off as lustful curiosity. If the person was getting his loins in a twist while looking at him, then so be it. His eyes watched as the man headed towards the door, already leaving too soon. Leaving too soon. Jongin mentally chastised himself for even desiring the actually company of someone at a moment like this. It was supposed to be sweet alone time for himself, but... it couldn't hurt? could it?

"W-wait.. You can.. Stay if you want." Jongin soon regretted his words, his mind backhanding him in the face due to the mistake he had just made. He told himself that at least he didn't seem too needy with his words. In fact, there was no trace of neediness at all. It was just.. Guilt? Did he feel guilty for having the man feel like he needed to depart? No no no. He felt nothing, and he told himself just that. Jongin reminded himself that there was nothing to feel about the other person, and the only one who he should be concerned about, and /only/ be concerned about was himself.
daehyun 11 years ago
@jongin Daehyun just finished one of his sessions, a heavy sigh forcing it's way to escape from his lips. He trudged along the hallways, feeling a bit dizzy as he had just recently experienced a high with someone he don't even know that well. At the end of each of his "jobs," he always felt dirty, gross. He was like a rag doll that was begging to placed in the basement, rotting away. He wasn't even on the standard of those glass dolls for he was already disgusting at birth. He despised himself in every way, he was a waste of space anyhow. His emotions were long gone, leaving an empty shell known as Jung Daehyun. That's what he was and he didn't plan to change it.

He didn't hear the water filling up in the tub, and if he did, he didn't really give it a second thought. He was still dazed, there was a huge possibitly that he was imagining sounds and sights, they weren't really there. He opened the door without any hesitation, the warm steam of air wrapping around him with the first step he took inside the room. Of course, they didn't stay for long, no one did with Daehyun. The air quickly slipped out of the door and into the free, fresh air. It was free, but he was not. He rubbed his eyes gently, goosebumps littering his skin at the sudden change of warmth to cold.

His eyes wandered around the bathroom, eyes finally landing on a figure that was showering. His eyes widened, no doubt that the male was surprisingly attractive, even to his standards and Daehyun was very picky with his ideal type, not that he had any at all. The defined abs that basically screamed for attention, causing him to his lips in the delightful sight. It was horrible of him to stare but he couldn't tear his eyes away from the gorgeous male. He had to sooner or later and he decided that of he didn't want to embarrass himself, he should turn and look the other way starting now. And that's what he did.

He cleared his throat, making his presence known. Being in this business for quite a while, he had learned to "keep it in his pants." What a silly expression. He still had moments where he felt guilty, and one was now. He'd knew how he would have despised it if someone randomly walked in and ruined his bath. He bowed exactly ninety degrees, a sign of respect, and he spoke quietly, "Sorry for disturbing. I will take my leave." With that said, he turned around, making his way towards the door again.
jongin [man of house] 11 years ago
@daehyun [slave] Jongin felt cold and dirty, and he didn't like it one bit. Even if he was actually /feeling/ something deep within his core for once, the feeling that he did perceive made him want to rip himself apart from the inside out. Maybe things were finally catching up to him, and the "control panel" of his machine-like body and mind was malfunctioning and allowing the strong barriers that held his emotions in to crack and breakdown. Maybe in the long run, feeling "human" for once would be nice, and not so lonely or depressing, but for now, Jongin had considered the dismal solitude to be his home.

He had no cares in the world about if whether or not the door to the bathroom he would be occupying was unlocked and would remain that way for the time being. The man just wanted to soak in a tub of clean, hot water, and lose his thoughts in the silence that would fill the room once the tub had filled up and the tap was turned off. It would be a complete miracle if the bath would shrivel up any feelings of disgust that he had for himself, and as a person who exerted quite the cocky nature, there was actually a hearty amount of self-loathing to get rid of.

Jongin took off his shirt, pants, and boxers in silence, tossing them haphazardly on the ground. He shivered as a slight breeze from an unknown origin swept past him, causing his arms to wrap up in a tight hold in attempts to prevent the heat that remained within him from being taken away by a following draft. When none came, the man ambled over to the tub, and hastily the faucet, wanting the water to fill up as fast as possible so he could submerge within the depths of the bath water.

Another draft had somehow seeped through the walls, and hit Jongin, causing him to scowl as goosebumps erupted all throughout the expanse of his skin. "They should really fix the damn insulation.." he muttered to himself, on the brink of going to someone to file a complaint if one more breeze dared to blow by him. Tired of standing and waiting out in the cold, Jongin pushed himself up on the counter top that held the tub and swung his legs around the rest in the warm water that was filling up rather quickly. A soft sigh of relief tumbled out of his lips when the warmth tickled his feet and surged up through his body, already giving him some extra protection against the cold interior of the bathroom.


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WellyBob 10 years ago
Yuri is leaving Dx sorry for being inactive
EricaChuz 10 years ago
EricaChuz 10 years ago
hybrid 10 years ago
i give up waiting for a response. ;;
kyungsoo is leaving.
dragonite 10 years ago
Sorry, Kris is leaving.
-shira 10 years ago
Yilin is leaving, not active and too many characters *^*
WeAreBAP 10 years ago
I'm sorry but Zelo is leaving due to personal reasons :(
But it was fun!
-ster 11 years ago
lulu is leaving. orz
sorry bb
_lotus 11 years ago
Sorry Jin Mei Xin is leaving, Not active enough.
GIZIBAE 11 years ago
stephanie is leaving, not active here :(
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