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refuge bay
home to the largest population of water witches, refuge bay is the strip of land south of the obsidian trench wherein the aurylean water witches stay for the longest time of the year. refuge bay also houses the water witch tower, and is the homeland of their ruling matron。
☸ elkie auryleis. ʷ 4 years ago
@⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ it was one of those rare days when she was tingyan, and not..well, not elkie-- tingyan was the soft, kind side of herself who honestly wouldn't hurt a fly while elkie was the more cruel, coldhearted side of her who wouldn't mind manipulating or hurting a person as long as she got what she wanted. that's right, the girl had split personality but tingyan was the real her, not elkie. she was sitting on top of a huge rock after a long day of practice to meditate when felt a presence causing her to open her eyes, a surprised look crossing her face but she remained wordless even when the girl held water up to her forehead, feeling far more refreshed after her action. at the girl's smile, tingyan found a smile creeping up her face as she smiled back. "tingyan, aurylean wi-." she paused as a flash of realisation crossed her mind causing her to gently hop off her rock, landing lightly on her feet as she took a more polite stance in front of the other girl. "the aurylean wing leader, your grace."
✤ rose auryleis. ʷ 5 years ago
@⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ rose wasn't really buying into the matron's story of her personal history, but given that she didn't want yuqi to dig into her past, she'd be hypocritical to further question her. upon the matron's last statement, rose looked towards the horizon and smiled, one that was almost downcast, as if she were thinking of something sad. "well, we all know there's only one way for this war to end - at least i do." she glanced back at the matron, giving her a knowing look. "though, i suppose we all are tired of it as well. but the thing with people is that they won't stop until they feel justified." war was truly a pain, not just emotionally given all the loss, but physically. it was tiring. some days rose wondered if it were even possible to stop, because someone would always need to be right - to come out on top. and to that, there seemed no end. "but don't thank me." rose turned back and faced yuqi, meeting her eyes, expressionless. "i have my own reasons to be apart of this war." she thought back to the streams, her village, her people - her parents. "life by the streams was peaceful, and i wouldn't have left if i didn't have to." looking down, rose plucked a nearby dandelion. "as you can probably guess, it's gone now." her tone wasn't one of remorse, for that was an emotion overused now, but it was one that was nostalgic. a moment passed, her words lingering. she leaned in and blew away the puff on the dandelion, watching the seeds fly away, before holding a finger to the green stem - draining away the water from within it, and simultaneously the flower's life. she dropped the dead stem to the ground.
✣ hayi auryleis. ʷ 5 years ago
@⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ /Hayi was overwhelmed by the sights and sounds that were present in the busy bay, her wide eyes darting around to take in everything that surrounded her. Her eyes widened as the matron walked up to her, a feeling of nervousness coming over her before feeling calmer and more energized after the other female muttered a spell/
Thank you. And I hope so too--everything is so new too me, it's quite overwhelming.
I'm Hayi, a witchling.
⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ [A] 5 years ago
@✤ rose auryleis. ʷ yuqi had to admit that she hadn't really expected rose to address her informally so quickly. the sound of her name immediately brought a smile to her lips, the matron pleased that she'd managed to close the distance between them, if only by a little. that was enough for her, really. she couldn't help but be even more pleased as the other witch made space for her on the log she was seated on, yuqi immediately taking her spot next to the new witch recruit. "anything, i suppose," she mused. "i just find it quite pleasing to hear about everyone, no matter who they may be." of course, not everyone had pleasing stories, but yuqi supposed that this couldn't be helped. they were in the midst of a war, after all - and there weren't many people that lived a life full of sunshine and flowers. some would tell her straight away of the painful history that had occurred with them, but others - others like rose, it seemed - would rather keep to themselves. yuqi could respect that, of course. she herself was not so willing to divulge the secrets of her past so easily. "that must have been nice, living by the streams. peaceful." if only it could be as peaceful for the rest of the world. "a noble sacrifice, though. you could have continued to travel, to keep away from the harsh realities of war - but instead, you chose to extend your support to us. from the bottom of my heart, i thank you. not many would be so willing to risk their lives," yuqi hummed, bowing her head slightly to show her gratitude for rose. the sudden question caught her off guard, however - not many wanted to know about her. "me?" she asked, eyes wide. "well... there isn't much to say, really. i'm just here to serve my people - to serve everyone that may require my help," she stayed silent for a moment, lost in thought, before showing rose a tight smile, unsure of how to proceed with the sudden limelight. "i just want this war to end - like most of us do."
⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ [A] 5 years ago
@✣ hayi auryleis. ʷ it wasn't a particularly busy day for the aurylean matron – inventory check here, overseeing training there – nothing particularly out of the ordinary for yuqi. she made it a habit to check on her fellow auryleans rather religiously, often greeting new recruits and unfamiliar faces should they choose to approach the water matron. at the sight of yet another unfamiliar face, seemingly weary and exhausted (like everyone else during these wretched times), yuqi quickly made her way over to what was seemingly yet another water-blessed witch, humming softly. "tired?" she questioned, quickly kneeling to take some water from the bay and holding it up to the newcomer's forehead. immediately, she shut her eyes for the briefest moment, imbibing the liquid with a little pick me up spell, certain to give the newcomer a little more energy. "unsurprising, considering where we are. i hope you'll find yourself a little more relaxed here with us." another hum, and she pulled her hand away, smiling gently at the newest addition to the water-blessed witches. "would you mind stating your name and rank for me? just for formality's sake, of course."
✤ rose auryleis. ʷ 5 years ago
@⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ rose took notice of how the matron's voice seemed to linger on her last thought, but made no heed of it. the matron -- yuqi -- was curious to rose. rose had only known stories of matrons who were dignified so much so, that witches rarely conversed with them. the fact that yuqi was even speaking to her, a new recruit, seemed odd to rose. but she welcomed the opportunity to talk as herself, rather than a witch of the war. "yuqi..." rose nodded, letting the name slip from her lips, just to gauge the matron's reaction. upon seeing that it was truly fine, she continued. "pleased to make your acquaintance as well." patting the spot next to her and scooting over, rose invited yuqi to sit down. "uh...well, what would you like to know? i guess the basics are that i come from a village closer to the streams, but i haven't been home in a long while." as she spoke, her thoughts carried her to places that she often visited, memories that felt like a lifetime ago. but she kept herself even, her tone unwavering with a smile on her face. "i traveled the coven as i got older and i eventually heard of the aurylean forces trying to recruit more strength to counter the vlatkans...so i'm here to offer what i can." of course, this wasn't the full story, but the matron didn't need to know that. rose wasn't one to disclose her past to just anyone, as it was almost like a defense mechanism for her. the more someone knows about a person, the more they can take advantage. eager to stop talking about herself, rose pushed the spotlight onto the matron. "what about you? i mean, of course, you are the matron but i'm sure that gets tiring more often than not."
⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ [A] 5 years ago
@✤ rose auryleis. ʷ yuqi could immediately tell that the witch was not accustomed to the her presence, which was understandable, she supposed. the matrons before her had always seemed so unreachable to other witches, so set on their ideas of power and how they implemented it upon the coven. but of course, yuqi wanted to change all that. what was the point of ruling a coven if you couldn't connect with every member, after all? the matron made sure to keep a gentle smile on her face as the new recruit bowed in her direction. "i must agree with you," she hummed, nodding firmly. "our work is difficult and requires constant sacrifice, but at the end of the day, it is all for the sake of the nation. maybe the world, even." her voice took on a soft, thoughtful tone as she listened to the witch introduce herself, chuckling softly at the title. yuqi didn't care for titles much, herself - they only served to remind her of the distance between a matron, a supposed leader of auryleis, and the very people that she was supposed to serve. "please, there's no need to be so formal. just yuqi is fine," she urged. despite her constant efforts to connect with her people, they always seemed to be hesitant and cautious around her - it was something that she didn't really appreciate. "i'm pleased to make your acquaintance, rose. it's always nice to see a fresh face around here." she paused for a moment, before smiling playfully, curious to know more about the other witch. "tell me about yourself, why don't you?"
✤ rose auryleis. ʷ 5 years ago
@⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ rose huffed as she planted herself on a log, taking a break from the exhaustive training. it's only been a short while since she had joined the ranks of the aurylean forces against vlatka, and it was turning out to be much more strenuous than she had initially imagined. in her own right, rose was gifted with magical talent -- or so she thought until she met other auryleans whose abilities made her doubt her own. but she wasn't here to lose to her comrades, because how would she be able to fight vlatkans if she weren't even able to overcome her training? lost in thought, rose didn't take notice of a figure approaching her, and the voice broke her out of her reverie so she glanced up, only to meet eyes with the matron. her eyes grow slightly wider, in shock for a moment to even be in the presence of the aurylean leader. of course, rose knew of yuqi as her reputation precedes her as the aurylean matron of water, even back on the other side of the coven closer to the streams where people told stories of a girl wielding a scythe -- the angel of death. finding her voice to speak, "oh, thank you." rose bowed her head slightly in thanks to the matron. "it is quite hard work out here, but it'll pay off in the end, i suppose." she mirrored yuqi's smile, swallowing a nervous lump in . she never quite felt comfortable around authority, as the power distance made it harder to speak more casually. "i'm rose, a newly recruited witch, your grace."
⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ [A] 5 years ago
@✤ rose auryleis. ʷ it wasn't a particularly busy day for the aurylean matron – inventory check here, overseeing training there – nothing particularly out of the ordinary for yuqi. she made it a habit to check on her fellow auryleans rather religiously, often greeting new recruits and unfamiliar faces should they choose to approach the water matron. at the sight of yet another unfamiliar face, seemingly weary and exhausted (like everyone else during these wretched times), yuqi quickly made her way over to what was seemingly yet another water-blessed witch, humming softly. "tired?" she questioned, quickly kneeling to take some water from the bay and holding it up to the newcomer's forehead. immediately, she shut her eyes for the briefest moment, imbibing the liquid with a little pick me up spell, certain to give the newcomer a little more energy. "unsurprising, considering where we are. i hope you'll find yourself a little more relaxed here with us." another hum, and she pulled her hand away, smiling gently at the newest addition to the water-blessed witches. "would you mind stating your name and rank for me? just for formality's sake, of course."
[post deleted by owner]
⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ [A] 5 years ago
@❊ jisoo auryleis. ʷ it wasn't a particularly busy day for the aurylean matron – inventory check here, overseeing training there – nothing particularly out of the ordinary for yuqi. she made it a habit to check on her fellow auryleans rather religiously, often greeting new recruits and unfamiliar faces should they choose to approach the water matron. at the sight of yet another unfamiliar face, seemingly weary and exhausted (like everyone else during these wretched times), yuqi quickly made her way over to what was seemingly yet another water-blessed witch, humming softly. "tired?" she questioned, quickly kneeling to take some water from the bay and holding it up to the newcomer's forehead. immediately, she shut her eyes for the briefest moment, imbibing the liquid with a little pick me up spell, certain to give the newcomer a little more energy. "unsurprising, considering where we are. i hope you'll find yourself a little more relaxed here with us." another hum, and she pulled her hand away, smiling gently at the newest addition to the water-blessed witches. "would you mind stating your name and rank for me? just for formality's sake, of course."
⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ [A] 5 years ago
@✣ hyunjin auryleis. ʷ it wasn't a particularly busy day for the aurylean matron – inventory check here, overseeing training there – nothing particularly out of the ordinary for yuqi. she made it a habit to check on her fellow auryleans rather religiously, often greeting new recruits and unfamiliar faces should they choose to approach the water matron. at the sight of yet another unfamiliar face, seemingly weary and exhausted (like everyone else during these wretched times), yuqi quickly made her way over to what was seemingly yet another water-blessed witch, humming softly. "tired?" she questioned, quickly kneeling to take some water from the bay and holding it up to the newcomer's forehead. immediately, she shut her eyes for the briefest moment, imbibing the liquid with a little pick me up spell, certain to give the newcomer a little more energy. "unsurprising, considering where we are. i hope you'll find yourself a little more relaxed here with us." another hum, and she pulled her hand away, smiling gently at the newest addition to the water-blessed witches. "would you mind stating your name and rank for me? just for formality's sake, of course."
⚜ yuqi auryleis. ʷ [A] 5 years ago
@☸ elkie auryleis. ʷ it wasn't a particularly busy day for the aurylean matron – inventory check here, overseeing training there – nothing particularly out of the ordinary for yuqi. she made it a habit to check on her fellow auryleans rather religiously, often greeting new recruits and unfamiliar faces should they choose to approach the water matron. at the sight of yet another unfamiliar face, seemingly weary and exhausted (like everyone else during these wretched times), yuqi quickly made her way over to what was seemingly yet another water-blessed witch, humming softly. "tired?" she questioned, quickly kneeling to take some water from the bay and holding it up to the newcomer's forehead. immediately, she shut her eyes for the briefest moment, imbibing the liquid with a little pick me up spell, certain to give the newcomer a little more energy. "unsurprising, considering where we are. i hope you'll find yourself a little more relaxed here with us." another hum, and she pulled her hand away, smiling gently at the newest addition to the water-blessed witches. "would you mind stating your name and rank for me? just for formality's sake, of course."


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yxgurt 4 years ago
wait why is the base code of my layout changed and i wasnt credited :/
TaeKook 5 years ago
Can I getJung Jaehyun as a witchling please
pixels 5 years ago
will aim for applying tonight though dnfnfj sorry for the hold up
shinyechan 5 years ago
aaa can i get actually get song hyeongjun instead of shihyun? sorry otl ;w;
mamita 5 years ago
hellooo can i reserve lee hayi, witchling, water please?
yxgurt 5 years ago
anemoia 5 years ago
hi! can i get rose/park chaeyoung, witch, water pls?
angeIic 5 years ago
How long do prereserves last bb?
9483309dbb01ea91e2f9 [A] 5 years ago
don't forget to really read the rules and certain specifics before applying, lovelies! ♡ there will be some instances wherein you have to read between the lines when it comes to formulating your character, but we'll be happy to answer questions whenever necessary! uwu
artisan 5 years ago
park jinyoung, water / priest please! :-D
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