♕ imperian history.

the land of imperia.
the imperian history, as written by francois ducane.
claudian  era
year 603 pce.
claude the conquerer.
In the ancient times, the land of Imperia was a desolate and treacherous place, filled with monstrous creatures and plagued by chaos. The people who inhabited this barren land were divided into three factions, each isolated and distrustful of the others. They struggled to survive amidst constant battles and conflicts, unable to unite against their common enemies.

However, everything changed when a great warrior named Claude emerged from the midst of the chaos. Claude possessed unparalleled strength, intelligence, and charisma, earning him the title of Claude the Conqueror. He was determined to bring an end to the suffering of his people and unite the fragmented factions.

With his strategic brilliance and unmatched combat skills, Claude led a campaign against the menacing monsters that roamed the land. He rallied warriors from all three factions, urging them to set aside their differences and fight together. Slowly but steadily, they pushed back the creatures and reclaimed territory that had long been lost.

During this tumultuous time, Claude encountered a young woman named Catherina, who possessed an extraordinary gift. She was a Saintess, blessed with visions of the future. Catherina foresaw a devastating war that would tear the land apart if the factions remained divided. Recognizing the importance of her vision, Claude formed a deep bond with Catherina, relying on her insights and guidance to shape the destiny of Imperia.

In order to prevent the impending war and secure a future of peace, Claude made a difficult decision. He bore two sons with his wife, ensuring the division of power within Imperia. The elder son, Eli, would govern the western region known as Abadon, while the younger son, Cayden, would rule the eastern territory called Ythagoria. Both sons inherited their father's strength and leadership qualities.

To honor the Saintess and maintain balance between the two kingdoms, Claude granted Catherina a region of her own, a neutral ground situated between Abadon and Ythagoria. This land became known as BEAUWALD, named after the beloved Saintess.

However, rumors began to circulate about a complicated love triangle involving Eli, Cayden, and CATHERINA's predecessor, the preceding Saintess. The details of the alleged affair between the two brothers and the Saintess were shrouded in mystery, but the whispers fueled a growing rift between Eli and Cayden. They grew wary of each other, and their relationship became strained as they both sought to protect their own territories and assert their authority.

Eli, known as Eli the Great, ruled over Abadon with a firm hand, implementing wise policies and fostering prosperity for his people. His rule was marked by order and progress, earning him the respect of his subjects.

Cayden, on the other hand, became known as Cayden the Wise due to his military prowess and his command over the vast ocean surrounding Ythagoria. He built a formidable navy and established trade routes, ensuring the economic growth of his kingdom.

Despite their successes, the lingering resentment between Eli and Cayden threatened the fragile peace that Claude had worked so hard to establish. The people of Imperia held their breath, fearing that the long-standing feud between the two brothers would eventually erupt into a full-scale conflict, tearing the land apart.

As time went on, the fate of Imperia remained uncertain. The land stood on a precipice, balancing between the achievements of its founders and the potential for destruction. The future would depend on the choices made by Eli, Cayden, and the forces that shaped their lives, as the legacy of Claude the Conqueror and the enigmatic Saintess Catherina continued to reverberate throughout the land.
david and the rebellion.
In the kingdom of Abadon, a young and sheltered ruler named David ascended to the throne after his father's passing. Shielded from the world by his mother, the Dowager Queen, David relied heavily on the counsel of his trusted advisor. Unbeknownst to him, this advisor harbored hidden ambitions and a cunning nature.

Manipulated by his advisor, David became convinced that it was his destiny to reunite the fragmented land of Imperia, following in the footsteps of his great ancestor, Claude the Conqueror. The advisor painted a tempting picture of a united Imperia, free from long-standing conflicts and flourishing with prosperity.

Initially hesitant, David's sheltered upbringing left him vulnerable to manipulation. Over time, his longing for adventure and a desire to correct what he believed was Claude's mistake fueled his ambition. Succumbing to the advisor's persuasion, David embraced the idea of taking over Abadon and eventually Ythagoria to unite Imperia.
Motivated by greed, the advisor and the Dowager Queen devised a treacherous plan. They manipulated events to portray David as deranged and unstable, justifying their aggressive actions. Their ultimate goal was to consolidate power and control Imperia through a takeover of Abadon and Ythagoria.

However, their scheme did not go unnoticed. Loyal members of the court grew suspicious of David's sudden change and began to question the true motives behind his actions. A few brave individuals resolved to protect their kingdom and their rightful ruler.

As the advisor's plan to wage war against Ythagoria unraveled, David confronted the truth behind the manipulations. Realizing the depth of the betrayal, he swiftly took action to protect his kingdom and restore justice. The advisor and the Dowager Queen were apprehended and imprisoned in the formidable Aeredon Tower, reserved for traitors and criminals.

After the treacherous plot was exposed, David, determined to govern Abadon with wisdom, worked tirelessly to rebuild trust among his loyal subjects and mend diplomatic relations with Ythagoria. Scarred by the experience, he gained invaluable insights into the nature of power, the importance of discernment, and the true essence of leadership.

However, as the people of Abadon and Ythagoria looked ahead, another faction emerged from the remnants of the shattered alliance. This faction, known as the Rebellion, formed in response to David's breaking of the pact with Ythagoria. Led by a charismatic leader named Le Primo, they sought to overthrow the existing monarchies in Imperia and establish a republic.

Le Primo and the Rebellion believed that ruling Imperia through a republic would eradicate the inherent flaws of monarchies and provide a more equitable and just society. They saw the betrayal of the pact as a symbol of the corrupt nature of monarchy and vowed to bring an end to it.

While David was committed to rebuilding and restoring the unity of Imperia, he now faced a new challenge in the form of the Rebellion. The people of Abadon and Ythagoria found themselves torn between loyalty to their ruler and the allure of the Rebellion's vision for a republic.
the notable names in history.
claude  imperio
claude the conquerer
eli  the  great
the first king of abadon
cayden  the  wise
the first king of ythagoria
the great saintess of imperia
david  the  mad
the current king of abadon
the cast.
claude imperiokim seonho
eli imperio lee jaewook
cayden imperiorowon
catharina beauwaldBae suzy
henri de noman kim joohun
est. 2017
coded by yxgurt


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-macabre- 1 year ago
may i reserve minnie yontararak from gidle pls?
MissDaliah 1 year ago
I would love to face-claim though not sure when I would get back to it as this weekend is gonna be hectic for me as I will not have access to a computer. All I got is my phone to work with ; u ;

are there any requirements/limitations for face claims based on possible country of origin? or any suggestions to narrow down or bring up possibilities? might also help figure out roles for them too
saorsa 1 year ago
Don’t count this as a reservation because I’m gonna sus out over the weekend if I can add this to my many rps already :skull: BUT

If I did:

Male muses: Freddy Carter, Henry Cavill, Jeon Jeongguk(if not taken), Kim Taehyung, Aaron Taylor Johnson, or Bang Chan (lowkey thoughts on actual royalty faceclaims?)

Female muses: Mimi Keene, Minnie Yontararak, Simone Ashley, Lee Sunmi, Charithra Chandran, Amita Suman, Danielle Galligan or Jennie Kim

No role in mind yet but I have kingdoms in mind for most of these muses
cthuwu 1 year ago
Could I reserve Fukutomi Tsuki as my face claim?
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