× nightclub




l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun The wounded boy doesn't pick up on the other's apologies, mind already clouded with anxiety, piling up with every unnecessary second he spent there. There was only one thing left for him to do, and that was to get home before a certain someone does. It would save him som trouble, and he would have very much appreciated it if the other wasn't so focused on worrying about his old wounds. They would all heal eventually, maybe leave a scar or too, it was no big deal. But he assumed the other didn't think of it the same way.

Still, he growls at the other were when he starts to get persistent, his frustration coming through for a moment before he collects himself once more, exhaling heavily before pushing himself off from where he had been seated, determined to not delay himself from getting home with all these pointless treatments. His wounds were all the same, at least he could be glad that none of them have killed him yet. But just to ease the other, he waves his hand dismissively, already preparing to head back out. "I'll have the pack healer look into them again, so I'll be fine. I'm not dead yet, so that says something."

Not leaving any more room for counter-arguments, Yangyang made his way out first, ignoring the suddenly noticeable pain in his side, both on his bruised skin and the area around his ribs. But he couldn't go anywhere else, the hospital would only make matters worse for him if he stayed there too long. He glanced down at his phone to check the time, jaw tightening. He had half an hour to get back. "Well since you're offering and already took some time, I'd appreciate some speed." Yangyang couldn't really afford to be patient right now when he was racing the clock. "But I'll have to get to my room through the window at this point. There's no way I'm walking through my front door tonight."
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang Knowing that he was the reason behind the injuries now displayed on Yangyang’s skin, it actually made him feel a bit guilty, just a little. On the one hand, he felt bad that hindering the boy in his work led to these scars; but on the other hand, he was very sorry since he was just looking out for another person and making sure no harm had been done upon them. Still, Kun felt compelled to apologise, which he did. “Sorry. You’re now like this because of me.”

Kun frowned at Yangyang’s reluctance to show other injuries on his body, stating firmly. “They need to be treated. If you don’t get them treated right now, they’ll get infected and in turn you’ll become sick or even worse!” He shook his head as he continued, “If you’re not going to let me treat those wounds, at least go to a hospital and get them checked or something. Isn’t there anyone in your pack who can also help to treat your wounds? They can’t go unattended like this!” He didn’t understand why the other wanted to be so stubborn in getting treatment — did he have a death wish or something?

A sigh left him at Yangyang’s words, nodding though soon offering, “At least let me drive you back to wherever you live? It’s cold outside, and you’re in no condition to walk home by yourself like this. Lord knows how you even manage to come here in such a state.” Must be through sheer determination that Yangyang pulled it off. Kun quickly shook the thought away. “I am done with my shift anyway, so sparing some time to fetch you home wouldn’t make much of a difference for me and my work. If you don’t want me to get you back that’s fine too, but I’m not letting you walk there alone. Maybe call someone who’s close to you to come and pick you up?”
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun Yangyang kept his eyes closed for a few more seconds, trying to stabilize his breathing first before he dared to do anything else. He felt a bit heavy when his eyes finally fluttered open, his vision refusing to clear up properly. So he sits there, a little dazed, staring at what he could only assume was the other werebeast's figure. Foggy, but discernable.

"Mind you," he sighed, holding back the urge to let his resentment show through his voice, "This happened to me because of what you did." Yangyang's shoulders slumped even more, the exhaustion evident in the way he moved. "I told you I wouldn't hurt him. I wouldn't be coming back here to bleed to death in the cold if you would have let me do my job," Yangyang sounded bitter and frustrated, but he shook his head once more, deciding he had shared enough. Instead, he finds himself flinching away at the other male's question, hands instinctively grabbing at the material of his own jacket to pull it around himself even more.

"You don't even have to ask. I though it was obvious that I was pretty beaten up already. Whatever you see on my face, it's just a hundred times worse on the rest of my body," the wolf huffed, moving backwards as much as he could to avoid the other's hands if so decided to reach over and not listen to him anyway. Yangyang wasn't about to expose that much to a stranger no matter how injured he was. His skin was scarred and ugly, probably still bleeding under the layers of clothes he decided to wear to battle the cold. Clearly it hadn't helped, so that's why he had been so adamant on going home immediately. "It's alright, I don't need anything this time. I just want to head back home and have someone knock me out so I can sleep before 'he' comes home. I'd like to not bleed on my bed again."
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang the docility yangyang displayed surprised kun, though he wasn't about to complain since it made bringing him back to the nightclub an easy task, plus putting on the ointment and band-aids without worrying about any struggle. a hum emitted from his throat to signal that he was listening to the other talking, keeping his eyes on the bruise as he gently dabbed some salve onto it, a slight frown forming after hearing the statement. once the whole black and blue was coated with gel, he shifted his gaze to meet yangyang's, brows furrowed and lips slightly pursed as he quizzed, "you get beaten up a lot?"

kun's eyes flickered to the mark when yangyang closed his eyes, the crease on his glabella deepening as he eyed it for a long moment, intent on figuring out what kind of wound that would be and how it was inflicted. in the end, his mind only drew blanks and he gave up on his musing, continuing to apply lotion on other injuries and covering them with bandages. his movements froze momentarily at the question, slowly returning to his task as he carefully remarked, "i didn't ask. there's no need for you to explain if you don't want to." he wasn't sure if yangyang would be interested in giving him a story time, so he left the option open for the other to do as he pleased. "you don't have to talk about it if it's something you don't wish to share with strangers like me. but," commented kun as he put on a final band-aid for one last cut, cupping the other's cheek so he would look at him, making eye contact when he continued, "if you decide to share whatever happened with me, i'll be sure to listen." he may not be able to offer help, but he could lend an ear.

"that's the last of your wounds, i think," announced kun finally as he leaned back slightly, a bit mindful of how up close and personal he had been with yangyang while he was treating the wounds. "are you hurt anywhere else?" the equipment were still laid out neatly before him, in case there were any other injuries which he didn't see, or couldn't see to that matter. "do you maybe need something to drink?" he stared at the busted lip contemplatively as he thought about how best to treat it. "i could get an ice cube or something for that, if you'd like?" he was still looking at the split lip while saying that, nodding to the general direction so yangyang knew what he was talking about.
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun He should have made a run for it, he shouldn't have given the other a chance to grab onto him and drag him back. Yangyang, however, didn't react as violently as he intended, mostly because he was too exhausted and probably on the verge of getting hypothermia. So instead, he stopped struggling halfway into their journey back to the nightclub, letting the other male guide him to the staff rooms where he was promptly sat down like a child visiting the doctor. Visually, the sight was technically not very far from it.

Yangyang stayed as still as he could, unfazed and without a single flinch no matter how much the medicine stung at the wounds. He was rather used to getting them already, having them get treated like this, though, was not at all something he's experienced often. "You know," he started, sighing right after as the other examined the bruise a little higher up on his cheek. "Sometimes I wonder how many more years it would take me to finally feel numb." For all he knew, maybe it would never even happen.

He doesn't know why he's suddenly speaking such emotional gibberish to a stranger — a person he barely even knew, someone whose name he didn't even ask for. Now here he was, hearing the soft sizzle of fresh blood meeting chemical as it was pressed against his now open cuts. Yangyang's eyes were closed, revealing a slightly reddish mark from his temple to the folds of his eyelids. It was healing, but very slowly, too slowly. "I'm guessing... you're probably wondering where I got these, huh?" Yangyang soon mumbled after staying silent for a minute or two.
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang Kun noticed Yangyang shivering from the cold and frowned slightly, sighing softly as he suggested, “Why don’t we go and find somewhere warm for now? The nightclub is not that far away, though if you don’t like the brightness of that place, the cafe is not that far from here.” He nodded to his car that was parked somewhere close by. “I would suggest just camping out in my car, but I don’t think you’d like to be in such a cramp place with me.” He tilted his head as he watched how stiff Yangyang was, just trying to will away the cold. “You’ll develop a cold if we don’t find somewhere for you to stay warm right now.”

At the retort, Kun sighed as he shook his head, massaging his temple and opting to not make a comment back to it. He noticed the way Yangyang almost lifted his head but stopped himself, which caught his attention as he realised the whole time the other didn’t attempt to face him even once. He thought maybe the boy would look up at him sooner or later, though it didn’t seem the case as their conversation continued. The hurt lacing Yangyang’s tone confused him, shocked him even, brows furrowing as he sputtered, “What made you think I’m putting you?” He held onto the other’s arm as he pointed out. “Staying out in the cold like this isn’t exactly the best thing to do if you wish to keep a good health, you know?”

When Yangyang didn’t even make eye contact when bidding farewell, Kun finally had enough. That, added up with the fact Yangyang called him a kitty /again/, the weretiger had more than enough of it. “Why won’t you look at me?” Impulsively, he pushed the hood off of Yangyang and leaned down enough to gaze at the latter’s face, only to be startled as his eyes widened at the sight before him. “What the- What on earth happened to you?” He held the other’s face tentatively, cursing under his breath. “We need to get that treated. What the Hell- have you been going around with that bruised up face? Your lips are split too, oh my God-”

With another curse leaving him, he grabbed Yangyang’s wrist and pulled him to the nightclub, not even bothering the protests the other werebeast may have. He brought them to the backroom where the locker was, pushing the younger to sit on the bench before going to his locker and opening it, getting the first aid kit. When he returned, he sat beside the other and turned him to face him, instructing, “Don’t move.” After that, he got out the necessary medicinal equipments and worked on cleaning the cuts and bruises.
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun Every second he spent standing there gave the cold some time to seep through his jacket and finally reach his skin, making him shiver and get goosebumbs under the already useless material. He curls his fingers into fists inside his pocket in an attempt to save some sort of warmth from them, letting out a deep breath and causing a cloud of steam to puff out into the air. "What's the point? What you do won't change anything," Yangyang retorted, rolling his eyes even though the other probably couldn't see that when his hood was currently pulled way over his face.

At the concerned tone, he almost looked up, stopping himself halfway by tugging his hood down a little more. "Mhm, stood out here for a while," he replied, tone flat and void of any distinct emotion. "No big deal. It's not like it's going to kill me." Yangyang shied away, huffing and shaking his head. "I can hear concern in your voice. Stop it. I don't need your pity," he spat, sounding a little more hurt than expected, but he couldn't take back the tone anyway. Yangyang didn't want to be here. His job was done, he had what he needed. He just wanted to go home and turn in for the night. But this — standing with this other werebeast, was making him uncomfortable and anxious.

"Bye, I guess. I have no reason to come here anymore," Yangyang mumbled stiffly, wanting to get this exchange over with. In the entire time he spent there, he never looked up at the other, so he couldn't quite tell what expression the other had on his face at this point. Though, he supposed it didn't really matter now. "Can I go now? You have nothing to hold me back from anymore and I've already done my job. Now stop meddling with me, kitty."
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang Kun watched as the man was finally led into his car, the helper getting into the driver’s seat before pulling the vehicle out onto the main road, joining the flow that were still out and about at this hour, disappearing into the night. He was rather surprised when Yangyang didn’t follow them, though figured it was probably due to the fact they were in a car — werebeasts just weren’t as fast when in human form compared to when they’re in beast form. Either way, it was good, it meant the boy wouldn’t try anything weird to the businessman, and that also meant the target had another day to live, or so he was thinking.

Kun came out from his hiding spot and approached Yangyang, who turned around just in time, leading to both of them bumping into each other. He wasn’t particularly surprised by the growl, after all that went down the night before, as he just raised his arms to show that he wasn’t going to do anything suspicious — not yet, at least, if the other didn’t think about doing anything either. “Can’t blame a man for being worried about his customer now, can you?” He asked with a slight smirk, though there was no humour in it.

Kun shoved his hands into his pockets, the cold night air making his fingers rigid and seeking for warmth. “Where were you? You weren’t in the club,” mused the bartender as he thought back on how he didn’t see Yangyang just now in the club. But then as he thought, he realised something and asked, “Were you standing outside the whole time?” A frown etched upon his features, clear worry written over his face. “Were you freezing out here the whole night?” Even if he was trying to prevent the boy from killing his target, if that was his objective, that didn’t mean he wasn’t worried for the other.
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun The night got colder as he waited, feeling the icy air bite through the material of his jacket. He closed his eyes, letting his head lean back against the wall. But eventually, the sound of the club doors swinging open caught his attention, and from behind the dark corner he could see the businessman stumbling, relying on his lackey to stay upright and walk. Yangyang slipped out of the alley, moving a little more behind them as to not raise any unnecessary attention.

For a drunk man, they managed to quickly and successfully get him into their car, the sound of an engine starting disturbing the silence not long after. Yangyang doesn't push too far though, not knowing how long he could keep doing this before something or someone tries to stop him again. Instead, he eyes the plate number and the work stickers pasted on the rear window, discreetly taking a clear photo of the details before tucking his phone back into the confines of his pocket and zipping it up.

When the car had finally moved onto the main street and drove away, Yangyang turned back into the direction he came from, letting out a shaky sigh of relief that he at least had something to return with tonight. He pulled his hood down a little more, feeling the cold wind now biting at the cut on his lip which hadn't even fully closed yet at this point. The sting was starting to get annoying and Yangyang wanted nothing more than to just head home, hand over the evidence, and attempt to numb the pain. But he doesn't get too far before he's bumping into another body, the scent of a certain familiar feline overwhelming his senses and causing him to step away. Yangyang immediately becomes hostile, his mood souring. "Just off," he growled, refusing to look up because he already knew who it was going to be anyway.
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang The next night, Kun was relatively surprised to not see the boy in the club. Though he had no doubt the boy would still be keeping a watch on the businessman, so he made sure to keep an eye out for said target, soon spotting him at the same place he had been the day before and getting wasted as usual. The bartender would glance to the businessman from time to time as he served drinks to customers, eyeing the man like a hawk if he’s not doing anything in particular and throwing worried gazes to the person while he was doing his job.

Kun didn’t notice the person outside of the nightclub at all, more focused on the businessman to realise that there was someone standing outside and waiting for his moment. While he was having a conversation with his colleague, albeit he was very distracted while talking to said worker, he noticed the man standing up from his seat and walking on wobbly legs towards the exit. Kun waited until the man had left the club before excusing himself from his colleague, citing that he needed to end his shift earlier for the night and that he would work extra hours on weekend to make up for his absence.

Quickly changing out of his work attire, he grabbed his bag and rushed out of the club, quickly spotting the businessman not far away and following up on him. He also saw someone in a hood tailing the man and suspected the person to be Yangyang from last night, keeping his distance so that the other werebeast wouldn’t notice he was just some metres behind. He kept to the shadows as he followed the two, steps fast but light, like the feline werebeast he was — smooth, quick and silent.
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun Yangyang only hums in response to the other's words before pushing himself off of his seat, the third ringing of his phone prompting him to rush more than he intended. When the doors of the club finally close behind him and he's out in the cold once more, he comes to face one of his pack members outside waiting for him. The two don't say anything to each other but Yangyang could already feel some bad looming over him, the way back home seeming way shorter than usual. Uncomfortable and dreadful as if he were walking barefoot on broken glass.

The next night, he's given a second chance. With his hood pulled up a little more over his face to hide his bruised cheek and busted lip, the wolf was determined not to up this time. When Yangyang arrives at the club, he doesn't bother to sit inside anymore, not wanting to deal with the stupid neon lights, and especially that weretiger he previously met before. He didn't need anymore meddling or else he would probably come back here with even more battle scars. It may have been a bit risky, but the wolf chose to peek into the club just to make sure his target had returned. And sure enough, he saw him on the same table, drinking away until he would fall over from intoxication.

Sighing softly, he spared a glance at the counter, spotting a familiar face. Yangyang doesn't wait for the other to see him, determined not to leave his scent as he quickly walked out, hoping he hadn't been seen. But just in case the damn bartender decides to check outside, he retreats into the nearby alley, hiding himself in the dark and simply waiting for his cue to follow. He predicts an hour or two of waiting, not very ideal for him standing out in the cold, but he decides to just lean back against the wall and let the time go by. He would get there eventually.
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang Kun watched Yangyang — just keeping silent to observe him. At some point, he started to notice the way the latter’s fingers tapped with fervour, like a panicked mantra. He glanced briefly to the boy’s expression before leaning back, creating distance between the two as if trying to give the other space to breathe. There wasn’t anything he could’ve said anyway, at least not responses which could help calm the other. It seemed that his words came out like provocations rather than sensible speech, so he thought it would be better to cool down on his verbal onslaught.

Whatever Kun has to say and wanted to say, Yangyang had something to counter him with — he didn’t see the point in trying to help a man who didn’t want to be saved, in his opinion at least. He could continue to object Yangyang’s statement, everything he was talking about not having a choice and having to face the wrath of his pack if he were to go against his father, whatever kind of man that person may be. He /would/ have done it, but he decided his words would fall on deaf ears in the end anyway, and that they wouldn’t get through with the boy, so better save his breath.

Kun nodded grimly at Yangyang’s announcement, taking the glass of water as he mused, “Then get going. You must be one very busy man.” He drank the rest of the water which the boy didn’t consume yet, placing the glass back down on the countertop as he eyed the other. “One last advice before you go though: if you continue to believe you’re chained down, then you’ll never be free. An elephant that had been chained his whole life, even after removing the chain he won’t leave, because he believed he would never be free.” He picked up the glass again, walking backwards as he bid, “Goodnight then. Take care on your back.”
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun The vibration of Yangyang's phone goes unnoticed as he seemed to get even more preoccupied talking to the bartender. The other was practically lecturing him at this point and he didn't want to keep listening to him in fear of getting another headache. Rubbing his temples gently, Yangyang decides to ignore some of his statements, his sense of hearing suddenly becoming more selective the longer he sat there.

"I didn't exactly want this, you know," he sighed, stressing the word 'this' with a gesture to himself. "I was trained my whole life to be... whatever this is." Yangyang finds himself staring at the counter, nails tapping more fervently now as he felt himself getting a slight bit emotional. It's making him panic inside. "I know damn well what I'm getting myself into, but do you really think I want this? I'm doing this because I have no choice." He really doesn't want to go into further detail, but he would probably overlook that worry soon enough if he didn't leave.

"Not as easy as it sounds, kitty." This is why Yangyang hated people, because no one ever really understands him, though to be fair he didn't quite understand himself either. "If I went against my father, I'd have my whole pack against me. I'd rather not die like that way." Just as he finished, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket again, paying attention to it this time only to get a text from one of his packmates telling him to come home. It was too early for them to be saying that, and he feels dread wash over him immediately, flooding his lungs like water. Yangyang slams the phone face down onto the counter a little too nervously, letting out a heavy sigh and a forced smile at the other. "Nice talking to you, I guess. But I might have to go now."
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang So this boy in front of him was an assassin. Kun scoffed and rested his palms on the countertop, gripping the edge as he leaned his weight on the heel of his hands. “Honestly speaking? Yes, pup, I do expect assassins to bring around their ID. You’ll never know when they come in handy?” He tilted his head, a slight smirk on his lips. “What? Afraid you can’t get away with murder in case someone finds out who you really are? You must be terrible at your job then.”

He hummed while moving back, going to the shelf to quickly grab a bottle of whiskey before pouring himself half a glass, sipping on it as he returned. He watched the boy contemplatively before quizzing, “And what is your reason to take on such a job?” He could never seemed to fathom why anyone would subject themselves to a life like this. Being a hitman or assassin or anything similar was like holding a time bomb to yourself for the rest of your life. “If you know this job can land your I really deep , why even attempt to continue it?”

Kun’s features softened ever so slightly after hearing the statements, drumming his fingers against the whiskey bottle beside him. He bit his lower lip as he thought, downing the rest of his whiskey afterwards to refill another half a cup. Finally, he spoke, “Why even bother? Do you really think your efforts would be notice by whoever you’re trying to prove to? If they’re forever going to think of you as a disappointment, it’s best just to let them go already. There’s no use clinging on the hope that they would look your way of you do anything spectacular. You’ll lose- do something that won’t actually harm you and where you can really win.”
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun Yangyang eyes the other in disbelief. He's not at all worried though since the other can't really do anything to him regardless if he was even legal or not, but he can't exactly provide him what he needs either. "Listen, kitty," he started, ignoring the pet name that was returned to him. "I came here to spy on someone, do you really think an assassin would bring an ID with them?" he hissed, but he knew those words would only make the other suspicious. Either way, it was up to him if he wanted to trust the younger's word or not. "Believe what you want, I guess. I'm twenty years old. Young, sure, but not a minor."

Rolling his eyes at whatever conversation he was starting to get himself into, he almost considered ordering some actual alcohol just so he wouldn't have to sit through this sober. Words always left his mouth way easier if he were a bit tipsy. "I'm not asking you not to come to work. I'm only asking you to leave me alone if I ever come back," he clarified, feeling his frustration bounce back a little. "By all means, please, do your job. But at least let me keep mine. It's not the money I'm really after, I have my own reasons." Yangyang doesn't bother to say more than that, deciding that he was no better now than if he were drunk considering how much information he's already given.

"Hey, at least you didn't get called a disappointment for most of your life," he mumbled, fingers tapping absentmindedly at the counter. "I'm doing this for the sake of proving myself to someone. Getting disowned is the last thing I want right now." Yangyang's frustration seems to seep through again so he stops himself before he would actually cry in front of a stranger.
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang “Oh really now?” Kun was still not convinced by the answer, holding out his hand expectantly to the boy. “Let me see your ID.” Since this place wasn’t some high-end nightclub, they didn’t have bouncers to police who enters or exits. “Kids your age would sneak into the nightclub anyway to have booze and fun, so I don’t see why you wouldn’t come here even if you’re not of age yet.” He had seen enough irresponsible teenagers yelling and cheering after downing more than the healthy amount of vodka shots.

Kun clicked his tongue at the nickname — again with the God forsaken nickname. “Only if you want to, pup,” responded the bartender finally, putting more emphasis on the last word than intended. He only hummed noncommittally to the following comment, temporarily leaving to get some customers’ orders and giving them their drinks. When he returned, he mused, “People don’t just hire workers like you to spy and nothing more. For all I know in fact, you’re just telling me to not worry about the possibility of you killing the man because you don’t want me to hinder your business.”

Nodding in acknowledgement to the name, he opted to withhold his own introduction — there wasn’t a need to tell the boy anyway. Hearing the statement, he snorted, shaking his head. “No can do, my child. I still got to work and earn money to serve rice on my table. And,” paused Kun momentarily, stressing the word before continuing, “Not coming to work because a customer asked me to isn’t part of my work contract or services. Only boss can tell me to not come to work, or if I tell myself tat I don’t need to earn any more money.”

Kun gave a half-hearted shrug, only slightly sympathetic as he commented, “Customers, they can never be satisfied no matter how well you’ve done your job. You should probably give up, call it a day, find another client or better yet, get another job.” Just as he finished, there was a yell somewhere in the nightclub, and he sighed while rubbing his temple, turning to his colleague who gave him a look before leaving her post to check on the ruckus. “Tell me about being damned to Hell for hours when you have to sit through the whole night listening to drunk ramblings of depressed customers.”
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun "Glad you think I'm really young, but no, I'm well over legal age. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." Another lie, considering the nature of his work, regardless of his age Yangyang would go anywhere. But the other didn't need to know that.

"Something along those lines, yes. Why? Do you want me to come back for you, kitty?" Yangyang teased back, mirroring the arched brow of the bartender in front of him who also seemed to progressively get frustrated at the pet name. "It's still my job, you know. I'd appreciate it if you let me do so, I wasn't tasked to kill the man if that's what you're even worrying about." The wolf only shrugged at him, taking a few sips of water when he felt his throat getting dry.

He eyes the other suspiciously behind the rim of his cup for a few seconds, hesitating as he tried to find any signs of a person who could possibly rat him out to the cops. "Liu Yangyang," he replies, almost a mumble, but coherent enough for the other to pick up. He's unsure of whether he should say the question back, but he does it anyway. "Of course, I'll pay for the water... and for you to not bother me if I ever come back here tomorrow." Yangyang huffs softly to himself, placing his now empty glass back down. "I can't exactly back out of my job either and I really don't want to hear my client damn me to hell for hours just because I let someone get away."
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang Kun raised a brow at the boy’s statement as he poured a glass of water per requested, placing it in front of him. “You drink alcohol? You don’t look older than sixteen,” commented Kun while he was collecting tips from another customer, collecting their shot glasses onto a tray and bringing them to the sink to wash. He only returned to the boy once he had all the cups back in their original spots and that there’s no other customers who needed attending to.

Kun raised a brow at the question, looking at the boy a bit suspiciously. “Somewhat... why?” He wondered if the boy would return to the nightclub and stalk the businessman again the following day, if the businessman even comes back. “You want to see me when you come back?” He instead asked jokingly, wiping the countertop where the previous customer had been. “Or so you can avoid me when you follow your guy again?”

Tossing the cloth near the sink, he placed his hand on the surface and supported his weight on it while looking at the boy, watching him as if trying to piece something together. “What is your name?” He ended up asking instead, realising now that he still hadn’t asked for the boy’s name yet. He gestured to the glass of water and added, “You still need to pay for that.” A slight humour smile gracing his lips at his own comment.
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun Upon reentering the club, Yangyang could immediately feel his eyes start to burn again from the rays of colorful light that flash in front of him. Deciding that he might as well try to get used to the scene if he was going to keep coming back here to spy on his target, the wolf chose not to back himself up in the corner, also because he didn't want to look any more suspicious for heading back in.

Feeling a little warmer than when he was outside, Yangyang moved further into the nightclub, seating himself at the counter before fishing through his pockets for his phone. He types a message quickly and hits send, hoping his pack member would at least come accompany him home just in case he ended up leaving this place with some alcohol in his sytem. Though, he really wasn't planning on doing so.

"Just water please. Once I start I drink like an alcoholic, and I'd rather not have you see me get literally dragged out of here." It was the possibility of a sight like that one that always made him drink at home, at least he would save himself from the struggle and the embarrassment. "Same shift tomorrow night?" Yangyang asked, just so he knew what, or who, he was going to be dealing with the moment he sat himself back in the corner the next night.
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang Kun could only squint his eyes at the half-hearted answer, shaking his head in disbelief. “I’ll go with a wolf then for you,” murmured Kun with a wave of his hand, the other hand slipping into his pocket. His eyelid twitched slightly at the word ‘kitty’ again, breathing in slowly as he massaged the bridge of his nose in frustration, sighing softly. “Yeah, most probably why.”

Kun merely snorted at the other’s complaint, opting to not respond to the statement. The look on his face at the idea of needing to make it up for stopping a boy from potentially killing a customer was one of exasperation, not believing his ears by what he heard though being left with no room to protest as the boy only turned and left for the club again. Rubbing his temple, he too entered the nightclub once more, being greeted by the booming bass of the music playing right now.

Kun took his spot behind the bar counter, excusing the current bartender and taking over his shift. He watched the boy with a raised brow before waving him over to sit at the bar, not knowing why he even did that. He buried himself with serving customers their drinks before returning to the boy, asking out of obligation. “Do you need anything to drink? Water, soda, juice?”
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun Taking a deep breath and letting the icy oxygen fill his lungs, Yangyang could finally say that the businessman was already long gone, too far away for him to smell. The intoxicated, musky smell had disappeared from the air, leaving no trace of him left in the area. There's a moment of utter frustration that washes over Yangyang's senses before he's relaxing again, deciding that it wasn't worth worrying about when his target was no longer in his vicinity nor range of smell.

Instead, he finds himself listening to the stranger that stopped him from completing his job in the first place, eyeing him up and down and wondering what job this guy had that prompted him to act like some kind of peacekeeper. "Mhm, I'm one of those two. Have fun guessing which one." Yangyang shrugged, shaking his hood off from his head now that he wasn't particularly trying to hide himself anymore. "A tiger, huh? I knew I smelled a kitty." The wolf found himself getting a little playful, though he's not quite sure where he's planning to get himself with these mediocre pet names.

"God , you sound like some sort of comic book hero," Yangyang mumbled under his breath, clicking his tongue. He had considered just walking away at that moment but the other's offer had him frozen in place, mind going into hyperdrive just for a simple decision. As much as he hated those really bright neon strobe lights, he hated the cold even more, and so, deciding that he might as well make the most out of his night out, he nods at the other were, although a bit reluctantly. "Well, you already ed up my spying phase of the job. Might as well make it up to me, yeah?" Yangyang says coolly, pushing the doors of the club open and walking back in first.
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang “You don’t?” Kun raised a brow, unbelieving. “You sure about that?” Being a canine, he suspected the other to be much sharper in picking up scents. “I could barely catch a whiff of him now, but I have a feeling you can still track him better than me if it hasn’t dispersed already.” Which probably should at this point — this stalling had gone long enough for the businessman’s scent to disappear now, right?

“I know you’re a canine yes,” confirmed Kun with a nod, cringing a bit at how nonchalantly the other just threw the word ‘dog’ into the sentence while referring to himself, shaking his head. “I’m thinking a wolf or coyote, you are.” He didn’t even know why those two were the first to come to mind, or why he didn’t consider the latter to be a fox. Gut feeling, perhaps? “As for myself, you probably already know I’m a feline,” mused Kun before stating without hesitation. “I’m a tiger.”

“It matters because I can’t sit by and watch,” answered Kun simply as he crossed his arms. “You were up to no good, I needed to make sure nothing bad happened under my watch.” Noticing the other getting a bit jittery due to the chill, he frowned slightly in worry. “Do you want to go inside and keep warm first?” Observing the boy in front of him, he asked, mostly out of nothing better to say. “What was the first part of your job?”
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun "Well, I don't exactly have your sense of smell, now do I?" Yangyang retorted, sounding a little more defeated now than frustrated. He might as well give up his chase at this point and come back the following night, that is, if his client doesn't back out or judge him for letting some random stranger stop him from his job — which, now that he thought about it, had never really stopped him before. A pain in the it was definitely, but he would rather come back here than risk this other werebeast ratting him out if he did something out of line. No Liu has ever ended up behind bars no matter their crime, and he was determined not to be the first one.

"Same as you, do I really need to be specific? I figured you would have at least smelled some sort of dog on me right now," he retorted, huffing a cloud of steam into the cold air. "And again, why does it even matter to you? I don't go around telling strangers what I do for a living." Grumbling as he got even more jittery just standing there, Yangyang stepped back a little, putting some more distance between them. "I wasn't going to kill him... not yet anyway. Supposedly, if you hadn't come meddling with my business, I could have finished the first part of my job in one go."
x. dejun (H) 4 years ago
@b. joohyun “Oh yeah?” Dejun asked with a raised brow, feeling somewhat better now, his throat feeling less like it’s about to go up in flames. “What do you usually drink aside from Bloody Mary then?” He nodded his head in agreement, chuckling. “Maybe I’ll come around after a few more drinks, just not now.” Humming at the question, he answered, “You can say I’m just a normal citizen. I’m in university now, actually. How about you?”
b. joohyun 4 years ago
@x. dejun "I drink strong drinks not just Bloody Mary. Light drinks are boring to me." Joohyun hums and looks at him before patting his back a bit when he is still coughing, "You'll be fine, Dejun... You're just not getting used to it." She smiled before ordering one bottle of bourbon and drinks it. "Do you have a job or just a normal citizen?" She asked him.
x. dejun (H) 4 years ago
@b. joohyun Dejun laughed hoarsely, thumping his sternum whilst coughing up the phlegm already forming in his throat from the spiciness. “I guess it requires a certain taste. I’m just not used to it yet,” mused Dejun with a chuckle, smiling gratefully at Irene as he took the Blue Lagoon from her and drank it, sighing in relief at the coolness washing down his throat. “You drink that often whenever you’re here?”
q. kun (H) 4 years ago
@l. yangyang The deadpan expression on Kun’s face was enough of a response to the boy’s statement. “You do know I can smell him too.” He wasn’t sure how sharp the boy’s senses were and had a feeling that it would be strong enough to still pick up the scent, even as it barely lingered. Though he hadn’t caught the businessman’s scent just now, he was very familiar with the nightclub’s surrounding, and amidst the heavy smell of alcohol and bliss plus both of their own scents, there was one other smell that was distinctively foreign and very faint.

“What are you?” He decided to ask instead. No point in convincing the boy to give up on whatever mission he was on if he was determined to chase down the man no matter the situation. All he could do now was stall, and stall he did. “I’m pretty sure you already know that I’m a werebeast like yourself. So what are you? And why this job? What are you trying to gain from pursuing this line of work?” He only suspected the boy to be working along the lines of being a hitman. “Were you going to kill him?” He finally asked, the haunting predatory glint he witnessed before in the nightclub returning. “That’s why you were stalking him.”
b. joohyun 4 years ago
@x. dejun Joohyun laughed a bit at his reaction after he drink the Bloody Mary, it is true that it is strong that real human men couldn't handle it. "I like the taste. You're starting to curse on it in your first try." She smiles. Then orders a Blue Lagoon to ease the spicy mouth of Dejun before giving it to him, "Here, drink this."
x. dejun (H) 4 years ago
@b. joohyun Dejun glanced at the offered Bloody Mary with a raised brow, taking it as his gaze returned to Irene. “No, I haven’t, really,” confessed Dejun with a chuckle, tentatively sipping the drink. There was the expected bitterness and burning sensation of alcohol, though the latter seemed to be enhanced with the additional spice. He was actually surprised by the taste, unable to control his reaction from cringing a bit while coughing, “Oh, that’s really strong!” He laughed lightly as he gave Irene back the drink. “You like spicy?”
l. yangyang (H) 4 years ago
@q. kun Yangyang impatiently tapped at the ground with his foot, possibly leaving a bit of a dent into the pavement. He feels a headache settle in and god forbid that he finally snaps and puts his hands around the taller's neck. Keeping himself calm and composed only proved to get progressively difficult as he was constantly blocked from leaving, as if this man could keep his target alive for the next following days.

But what really pissed him off the most about the stranger was the fact that he was clearly unable to let this whole thing go. It wouldn't even affect him in anyway possible, and Yangyang was honestly still bewildered that he was still standing there, with the businessman probably far away from him now, and this guy still refusing to let him through. The scent was starting to disperse, slowly disappearing into the night air. Yangyang estimates that the scent would last at least fifteen more minutes before the smell of damp pavement and alcohol would dominate the surrounding air once more. He really didn't want to have to come back here the next day and sit in the corner again and be blinded by lights just for the sake of following a man who he wasn't even sure if he was going to end up killing.

"He's already far enough, I can't smell him anymore." A white lie, though it would soon become a truth if Yangyang didn't move soon. "There, are you happy now? I can't trace a man when I've already lost his scent." He sighed, putting up a pretty convincing tone in hopes that the other would fall for it and he could attempt to run away and chase whatever was left of the businessman's tracks.


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henggarae 3 years ago
Skrt skrt And pokes head admin
Hwannie 4 years ago
What kind of job would you need my chara to have for the overlapping plot? I like to be usefull. c:
Unknxwn_ 4 years ago
Can I.......... have a second? :3
moonkitten 4 years ago
can i get
im nayeon as my 2nd? owo
Cutaepie 4 years ago
Would a demon be allowed?
schnuggldiwuppdich 4 years ago
v. sofia18:40:21Reply
I'm looking for children

halfer, dad is a were-beast of choice
max. 24 years old

human or any halfer
max. 31 years old
pref. an orphan who never knew he had parents
silvanna 4 years ago
could i get choi soobin please?
schnuggldiwuppdich 4 years ago
Hello, can I get Sofia Vergara as 3rd please? I have several plots for Yuta in the university, and one for Yuri in the casino.
wonholic 4 years ago
may i reserve nam joohyuk?
moonkitten 4 years ago
hihi can i reserve min yoongi?
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