x incense shop




j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@g. yutaro /hums softly and nods at you, keeping walking in the direction of the forest/
Good, you gotta be good to get everything sorted
/nods softly again before hearing you speak/
Somebody would have helped eventually. /shrugs slightly/ I'm Hyeonju, and thank you. You're sweet
g. yutaro 4 years ago
@j. hyeonju /shakes my head a little
I'm fine- thank you... by the way /flies up and hugs your neck, sitting on your shoulder
/leans against your pillow-like cheek
I couldn't have helped her without you. What's your name again? If you ever need help with anything, just let me know.
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@g. yutaro /hums softly at you and goes to your hair gently with my pinky finger
Okay... just the edge /nods, checking the next street to work out which direction was the best to go
Are you okay there? You’re not going to fall are you?
g. yutaro 4 years ago
@j. hyeonju /hangs onto your arm while you carry her in the satchel
Just the edge of the forest is fine...
/holds onto you a little tighter
I hope so... we have good healers /sniffles and hugs your arm like a pillow
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@g. yutaro /nods at you, glancing down at the faerie woman before letting the flap of the satchel hang lightly, making sure not to lock it
“The forest? Of course, any particular part? If you want to get somewhere closer I can sneak you onto a bus?” /offers looking towards you before starting to make my way down the street in the direction of the forest before whispering to you
“Is she going to be okay?”
g. yutaro 4 years ago
@j. hyeonju /wriggles through the door again and then pulls my friend through the opening by her arms
/flies up with the fairie and gently puts her in your satchel
/flies up to face you
That's okay, could you.. help me bring her to forest? I can bring her to the village from there.
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@g. yutaro /watches you dive through the small gap and sighs, letting the door relax briefly, waiting for you to return
/tried to avoid looking suspicious by looking over the shops opening times and contact information
/notices you return with another fairy and my eyes widen slightly
/uses my knee to try and push it open a bit at the bottom until it’s just wide enough
“Do you need somewhere to stay? You can stay with me if you need?” /offers, opening my satchel to offer somewhere for the two of you to hide
“I can hide you too?”
g. yutaro 4 years ago
@j. hyeonju /sob sob sniffle sniffle sob sob sniffle, gasps and cries away now sitting on your shoulder and hugging your neck
/tiny tears trickle from my cheek to your skin as I sniffle
/can't say anything because I'm busy crying and so I just watch you trying to open the door
/sees you bending the door and my eyes widen
/dives down towards the bottom end of the frame and squeezes through the tiny opening
/without looking back I fly off into the back area, and a few minutes later reemerge dragging a female fairy with me
/my wings flutter wildly as I hover in front of the door with her hugged to me
/looks at you with large, pleading eyes because I need to get out again
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@g. yutaro /listens to you and frowns lightly ruffling your hair with my index finger before standing up and walking closer to the door
“Are you certain he wouldn’t have took her somewhere else?” /looks at the door
“I’m not sure I’ll be able to get it open but I can try.” /hums lightly, moving to place you on my shoulder and looking at the door again
/tries the door handle hoping it was unlocked before grimacing as it didn’t open
/pushing my foot against the bottom of the door, hoping it was flimsy enough that it bend enough to let you in without breaking the door.
g. yutaro 4 years ago
@j. hyeonju /embarrassed cause I cried and so I avoid eye contact, determined not to cry anymore but when you ask me what I need in there I start to cry again/
He- /sobs/ my friend, she's missing a-and I think he trapped her in there- a-and I /sobs/ can't do anything! /my breathing quickens/ She must be scared! /gasping for air as I cry, my chest fluttering- I can't breathe through all the sobs/
What if- /sobs/ what if he killed her- /breaks down as I say those words, launching myself into a full-blown panic attack/
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@s. yutaro /hums softly, watching you closely as you take a seat
“See, sitting down is better, right?” /chuckles slightly
/nods at your words before looking to the door and sighing slightly
“What’s in there that you need?” /asks, looking back to you and watching you carefully
“And besides, what if you just get caught again? You might get really hurt...” /chews inside of my lip looking to the door again
g. yutaro 4 years ago
@j. hyeonju Oh? /surprised at the offer but I take it and settle down on your palm, my knees pulled up to my chest
/the distraction of sitting down somewhere has calmed me down a bit
It's ok /says whilst still crying
It was a-a big mess... /admits quietly
... /sniffles
/looks at you tentatively
Can you.. can you help me open the door? I-I need to get in! /my little hands clench into fists
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@s. yutaro /shakes my head slightly.
"I'm sorry... You can sit down you know? That can't have been good for your wings earlier... You should rest them a little..." /says calmly, gesturing to my open palm
"An accident? Some people just blow everything out of proportion..." /hums, shaking my head slightly
"Sorry, I should have stopped him earlier."
g. yutaro 4 years ago
@j. hyeonju /wipes the sleeve of my sweatshirt over my wet eyes and flutters over to you
/hovers in front of you, still sobbing and gasping but trying to control myself
/wipes over my eyes again, sniffling
I- I did make a- *sob* a mess-
but.. that was an a- *sobs* a-ccident.. I swear!!
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@s. yutaro /watches you closely before seeing you start to cry
/stands still for moment, thinking before moving closer to you
"I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have been so harsh..." /shakes head slightly and holds my hands out to you
"Come here, and stop trying to break in... What happened?" /hums softly and moves to sit cross-legged against the wall
g. yutaro 4 years ago
@j. hyeonju /visibly startles at the sudden voice
/my head jerks to the right to face you and I pale
Ah- I- I-... /looks down, blushing shamefully
I just.. I didn't lie /looks away, about to cry
I just.. didn't... uhm... say the-e *sobs* w-w-whole story /burst into tears
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@s. yutaro /winces slightly at the sound of you almost falling before grinning at the man.
"Mhmm, he said that you had some really rare stuff that smelt better than everywhere else." /grins wider, before blink in shock as he grabs you buy the wings, wincing at the thought
"Ah, you... you shouldn't do that... It might... Maybe hurt them..." /struggles to make coherent sentences, before shaking my head watching you be taken outside.
/goes back to checking the incense, listening to the shopkeepers words and frowning

/later walks back past the shop, headphones in before a loud noise catches my attention over the music
/glances around, frowning as I spot you and walks closer to you
"Did you lie to me earlier?"
g. yutaro 4 years ago
@j. hyeonju U-waah /tries to hold onto your hair in the least painful way possible for you, but you nodding almost makes me fall off/
"...did he now..." /the owner is still glaring death and daggers at me but your oblivious smile has taken him down several notches
/in the meantime I'm busy avoiding eye-contact
"He still can't be in here. Too dangerous." /with that said he pinches my two wings between his fingers and lifts my wriggling figure up
KyAH! /I let out a very unmanly shriek at the uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing hold I'm in... because my wings are precious and delicate
/gets carried to the window I opened and dropped outside
'Clack.' /the owner closes the window completely and then turns to face the confused customers
"Everyone, please don't misunderstand. I have nothing against fairies..." /he looks at the other fairie customer in the shop nervously
"... that particular fairie, however, trashed the whole store a few months back. The losses were..." /he lets out a sigh and grimaces at the bad memory/
"Anyway, I felt like I had to explain the situation. Sorry for the disturbance and enjoy browsing!" /he nods at the young woman the fairy was with and then goes to the back
... /waits till I can hear he's gone and then shows up in front of the window again, pressing my little face against it

[wanna do a time-skip to the evening, and hyeonju is walking past the shop by chance and she sees yuta in fairy from trying to break the door open?]
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@s. yutaro /hums softly, still looking at the box of incense trying to decide whether it was worth buying it
/nods slightly at your words before frowning slightly
"But if it was your friend, why are you banned?" / questions confused before hearing the sudden voice and dropping the box of incense
"Eh... I... Faerie?" /tries to feign surprise before going to pick up the packet that was dropped
/straightens up in time to see the shopkeeper grabbing for you, flinching back slightly
"Oh... Faerie... He was helping me pick what to buy. He said that your store was the best store for incense! Right?" / tries to glance towards you, before feeling you on my head before nodding and blinking happily while smiling slightly, trying to ease the atmosphere.
g. yutaro 4 years ago
@j. hyeonju /smiles when you play along and leans back to peer through your ponytail at the owner
/who is looking away and not suspicious in the least
/sits normally on your shoulder, my feet hooked together
He banned me from the shop because my friend broke his heart. /looks away and my lips that suddenly feel dry
"Hey you! Isn't that a faerie on your shoulder?!" /suddenly an angry voice erupts, bringing silence to the shop- it's the owner and he has stomped over
/my wings flutter nervously, ready to take flight
"I knew it! It's you! Get out!!" /the owner, visibly enraged, reaches to grab me but I've scrambled onto your head and narrowly escaped
/flustered and not sure what to do because he's so mad
d. angelina (H) 4 years ago
@s. johnny she leans into him even more and tilts her head to the side to kiss him properly and deeply while her hands rests on his shoulders before she moves to wrap around his head. pushing her lower region against his, she presses her hips against.
j. hyeonju 4 years ago
@s. yutaro /grins slightly at your smile before feeling your hand on my cheek
/instantly looks to the incense packet and looks over it, listening to you
Really? Why? /realises how suspicious I look and moves to touch my ear as though theirs an earpiece in there
/hums softly
g. yutaro 4 years ago
@j. hyeonju Hmm? /startles when you look at me
/flashes a bright smile
No no, don't mind me! /presses my hands into your soft cheek to turn your head back towards the incense package
I'm hiding from the owner /whispers into your ear
s. johnny H 4 years ago
@d. angelina Johnny let one hand rest on her waist to pull the two of them together while the other came up to hold onto the back of her head, leaning in to kiss Angelina deeply as their bodies pressed together from head to toe.
d. angelina (H) 4 years ago
@s. johnny " me until i can't walk..", she said in a low voice, enough for both of them to hear. having being backed up against the shelf, she couldn't help but to look up at the taller male, and subconsciously leaning in close too. she has not paid any heed to anything around her since it was just shelvings of books but little do she know...
s. johnny H 4 years ago
@d. angelina "So what do you want me to do?" Johnny's voice was low as he backed Angelina up against one of the shelves, resting a hand on the shelf above her head and leaning in close with hooded eyes. He wondered if she had realised that he was a magician, but he wasn't going to just say it.
d. angelina (H) 4 years ago
@s. johnny She parted her lips in understanding that he went by the name of Johnny and blushed again upon the sight of the toy, scurrying after him. he having snapped his fingers to switch the lights on, she wondered if it was sensor lights or something before looking back to see the door closed behind her. "I-I just want ual release... all the pent-up stress and worries...", she slowly looked into his dark gaze, gulping visibly at how really handsome he was.
s. johnny H 4 years ago
@d. angelina "Johnny." He replied with a raised eyebrow down at her as they made their way to the backroom, passing the wall of toys again. Johnny opened the backroom and snapped his fingers to turn the lights on in there, shutting the door behind them and approaching Angelina with a dark gaze. "Tell me what you want, Ange."
d. angelina (H) 4 years ago
@s. johnny she blinked blankly at how her items was swiftly hidden under the counter and looked up at him, as if to seek answers for his action only to find him missing. the warmth from the hand on the small of her back alerted her of his presence and whipped her head around to face him. "Uh.. I'm Angelina." the way he moved his hand through his hair just excited her a little and not only that, swooning too. she merely walked along the way as she followed him to the backroom.
s. johnny H 4 years ago
@d. angelina Johnny smirked slightly and tucked her items away under the counter, using one hand to flick the sign to his shop as 'Closed' before stepping out from behind the counter. He pressed a hand to the small of her back as he led her to the backroom, using his free hand to run his fingers through his hair. "What's your name, pretty?"


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henggarae 3 years ago
Skrt skrt And pokes head admin
Hwannie 4 years ago
What kind of job would you need my chara to have for the overlapping plot? I like to be usefull. c:
Unknxwn_ 4 years ago
Can I.......... have a second? :3
moonkitten 4 years ago
can i get
im nayeon as my 2nd? owo
Cutaepie 4 years ago
Would a demon be allowed?
schnuggldiwuppdich 4 years ago
v. sofia18:40:21Reply
I'm looking for children

halfer, dad is a were-beast of choice
max. 24 years old

human or any halfer
max. 31 years old
pref. an orphan who never knew he had parents
silvanna 4 years ago
could i get choi soobin please?
schnuggldiwuppdich 4 years ago
Hello, can I get Sofia Vergara as 3rd please? I have several plots for Yuta in the university, and one for Yuri in the casino.
wonholic 4 years ago
may i reserve nam joohyuk?
moonkitten 4 years ago
hihi can i reserve min yoongi?
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